The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1207: Replay of Naihe Town (End)

"Bah, it's terribly disgusting!"

"These lunatics are ashamed to say that we are sick! Sooner or later, my aunt will blow their heads!"

Pan Xiaomeng, the most hypocritical, was the first to spit out the pill. After seeing the huge pill that was almost covered with sugar, she was a bit disgusted... and gave it to her with her feet. Twisted between the soil of a cluster of rose bushes.

As for Ye Qing'an, she calmed down a lot. She just stepped on two shallow pits on the ground in front of her with the cloth shoes on her feet, burying her own pills in one of the pits.

As for who the other one is for, it goes without saying.

When the client who took over his body again and threw his own medicine in, Ye Qing'an showed a shameful but contented smile.

Pan Xiaomeng was very disgusted to see this. She rubbed her arms to express her dissatisfaction, but it was taken now that Gu Zheng has no friendship with her, and she dared not express too obvious.

Yes, since that accident ended, Pan Xiaomeng has discovered that everything has become very different.

After waking up from the hospital, she only remembered that they had been involved in a particularly serious car accident, but the memory beside them was like a piece of blank space.

But by the way... since the accident, the two people who survived with her... have quietly undergone many different changes.

What kind of feeling is that?

Pan Xiaomeng couldn't tell.

They became so natural, as if they had spent many difficult years together, so tacit understanding, so close.

Subconsciously, Pan Xiaomeng lowered her eyes, and her gaze was placed on the little fingers of Ye Qingan and Gu Zheng behind their backs, but they were actually secretly hooked together.

Look, this is the little secret of the two of them, and will not tell her Pan Xiaomeng.

However, can people's minds change so much just by crashing into a car?

The quiet Gu Zheng, who is like a child with autism, would just follow behind her, looking greedily at the good face she occasionally showed to him?

How did this change happen?

Pan Xiaomeng didn't want to think about it, she just wanted to finish her business...

"So, we've been waiting for many days, right?"

"When will you escape from here?"

"You know, I will be sixteen in a few months!"

"If I can't rush home and get back the share I deserve, my good brother will take away everything that originally belonged to me!"

Under Pan Xiaomeng's slightly excited questioning, Gu Zheng, who had never spoken, said calmly, "If you want to run away, you can run away. I won't participate."

"I decided with Ye Qing'an to cooperate well with the hospital's treatment and strive to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Two people live a plain life."

"Furthermore, we were really ill. Now that we have such an opportunity to get better, Qing'an and I don't plan to toss anymore."

Pan Xiaomeng was shocked when she heard this. She pointed to Gu Zheng, and then pointed her finger at Ye Qingan's place. She yelled rather sternly: "Say, did you **** make him like this? Said?"

"Didn't we say it? You want to help me escape from here!"

"Why are you so regretful now?"

Gu Zheng, who was standing opposite Pan Xiaomeng, was still very calm. He slowly pressed down the other's outstretched fingers, but was still working hard to persuade this little partner who returned with him.

"Don't you realize that since the accident, we have been affected in some way?"

"The doctors who checked us said that perhaps due to the impact of the brain, our personality has also undergone a corresponding twist. The condition and physical performance that we could not control in the past are now gradually disappearing."

"For this, I am really happy."

"I want to be a normal person and long to live a normal life. What's wrong with this?"

"I don't want to affect my future life because of my crazy past or words."

"The things I promised when I was a mentally ill person, the words I said, and even the people I liked, are completely uncountable for me who is becoming a normal person!"

"I don't want to help a mentally ill person who still thinks I am a patient and is going to do a crazy thing!"

"You know, if we flee for the second time... what will happen afterwards."

"At that time, we were caught back again, and we didn't have such good luck this time, because not every time we met the opportunity to make us a normal person."

"What's more, we are still being closely monitored. If we do something extraordinary in this situation, let alone pass a mental and psychological test, we just want to live a simple life as a mildly ill patient. It's all impossible."

"Pan Xiaomeng, don't think that the world will revolve around you alone."

"If you want to run, run by yourself, don't pull the two of us up again."

"Last time, three people died. Are you willing to let us all die?"

After speaking, Gu Zheng took a deep look at Pan Xiaomeng, hooked his finger, and pulled Ye Qing'an, who was hesitant to talk, to leave the hidden rose bush.

If you want to be crazy, go crazy yourself.

They don't plan to accompany them.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng, who became an ordinary person again, didn't pay attention to Pan Xiaomeng's expression after they left.

If he saw that hideous and terrifying look, he would definitely wake up at that time.

Because at this time, Pan Xiaomeng, the look on his face is like that of the monsters in the town, his eyes are red, his smile is weird, and his straight eyes are staring in the direction of Ye Qingan's departure, which has not been for a long time. Disperse.

"I'm going! Something is going to happen! Gu Zheng, turn your head and look! You didn't know Pan Xiaomeng the first day. This woman is dainty and brutal, and also a patient with self-centered anxiety. "

"If you don't follow her, she will cause trouble sooner or later!"

Gu Zheng, who was holding the screen of his mobile phone, was anxious for a while.

From their conversation just now, it is not difficult to analyze that only Pan Xiaomeng of the three has lost all the memories of Naihe Town.

But Gu Zheng and Ye Qingan did not forget.

They may know Pan Xiaomeng's situation... and they may not know.

But Gu Zheng, who had returned to the real world, knew whether there was that memory... it had a lot to do with the improvement of his condition.

Yes, Gu Zheng and Ye Qing'an's illnesses gradually improved because of the town, but Pan Xiaomeng, who had lost their memory, still stayed on the same spot.

Gu Zheng and Ye Qing'an are preconceived... they automatically put Pan Xiaomeng into the category of their normal people...

If a sick person follows them without taking drugs, what will happen in the end, don’t you have any points?


Just when Gu Zheng was worried...

The picture frozen before the end of Pan Xiaomeng’s grinning smile...

Suddenly it became a thorny red.

Large swaths of blood spattered on the screen of the phone held by Gu Zheng.


Female dormitory room 302,

The medical staff in white overalls came and went in a hurry. After they took out pots of blood and made simple treatments again and again...

Just lifted a girl with blood on her face out of this room.

There is a small stainless steel spoon in the socket of the girl's right eye.

The handle of the spoon used for ordinary desserts was inserted in the middle, and shook tremblingly with the stretcher.

After the stretcher was lifted out, Pan Xiaomeng, who was still struggling desperately after his head was held down by the security personnel, was dragged out violently at Yijiaoqiao.

She was like a madman, laughing hahaha, while shouting the most vicious curse.

"Now, you little **** can't stop Gu Zheng from escaping with me!"

"No one can stop me! No one can stop me, I am the eldest lady of the Pan family, I am the one who is sought after!!"

On the way Pan Xiaomeng was dragged out madly, Gu Zheng, who rushed over after hearing the news, was standing in the corridor at the other end, staring coldly at the out-of-control woman, listening to her cruel words. Watching her crazy performance...

Expressionless, a little too calm.

Just one look...

Just let Pan Xiaomeng, who was making a lot of noise a second before, shuddered and stopped struggling instantly.

"Will you go with me?"

This is the last word Pan Xiaomeng said to Gu Zheng.

At the other end of the corridor, Gu Zheng moved his lips, using silent lips... as the last response between them.

"Of will leave soon..."

"Leave completely..."

Seeing Pan Xiaomeng like this, she showed a shy and happy smile. Even if the security staff who dragged her to the special supervision ward were too rude and pulled her hair hurt, she didn't care about it. .

Look, it was as she imagined. Without Ye Qingan's bitch, Gu Zheng would have become her alone again.

In no hurry, didn't you see that Gu Zheng started gesturing for her again?

When she came out of the confinement room, it was the day when she and Gu Zheng successfully escaped here.

No hurry, no hurry...

She Pan Xiaomeng can still afford to wait.


All obstacles disappeared at this time, and even the smell of disinfectant in this hospital began to smell good.

Pan Xiaomeng feels...this is not her illusion.

Because since she was moved to a separate and airtight room, the medicines and injections she usually took were not as unbearable as usual.

She attributed all this to Ye Qing'an's complete disappearance, and today is the last day she was released from the confinement room.

This day is so beautiful.

At breakfast...

She enjoyed her favorite Western-style combination of toast with jam and milk.

After meal...

The hospital also responded to her request and played a song "Death Song" for her.

When she was about to step out of the door of the room she didn't like, Pan Xiaomeng swallowed the newly distributed red pill for the last time.

And then……

She seemed to see everything she imagined.



According to the original agreement, Gu Zheng successfully reunited with her in the garden at night.

This time he wasn't as unreliable as the idiot Shen Yuesheng.

Gu Zheng picked a particularly safe road.

She, Pan Xiaomeng finally successfully appeared in front of everyone at the moment when the Pan family announced their inheritance rights.

The grandfather who had been lying in bed for a long time saw her return, tears in his eyes, and he took out the will specially prepared for her on the spot.

And she, became the ultimate winner of the Pan family, and finally aspired to the throne of business queen.


Have a good time, have a good time.

Pan Xiaomeng seemed to have seen her obstructive half-brother living on her snort, and eventually became a mere bug.

She seemed to see her and Gu Zheng's future, eh?


Why is there no Gu Zheng? In her future life, there will never be another person like Gu Zheng.


Is this?

Pan Xiaomeng, who noticed something strange, only felt that his eyelids were heavy...however, he couldn't lift it anymore.

And all the scenes she saw just now collapsed at the moment when she was suspicious.


An unpleasant roar came out of Pan Xiaomeng's throat. With this last-minute struggle, she finally managed to open her eyes to get rid of the illusion and return to reality.

Still that familiar room...

She held the door frame that was about to leave and looked at the other end of the distant corridor, standing with a figure that made her very familiar.

"Gu Zheng... are you here to pick me up?"

The blurred vision, the pungent smell of blood gradually flowing from the corners of her mouth, and Gu Zheng standing at the forefront...

The coldest smile she showed at her made Pan Xiaomeng get the final answer she wanted at the last moment of death.

"You want me to die?"


From the protection at the beginning to the ruthless destruction at the end, how can the human heart be so complicated and fickle?

Gu Zheng is really clever. In what way did he kill her?

Pan Xiaomeng had long been unable to ask these questions, because she had completely closed her eyes.

Ah, you ask her if she regrets it?

No, I do not regret it.

She has no chance to regret.


The playback footage fell silent again. When Gu Zheng sat in the same place and meditated, the phone of Xiaodou 5 stabbed and jumped a few times on the screen.

An extremely unclear candid shot appeared in front of Gu Zheng. When he was surprised to ask Laugh and Forget the book, he stopped temporarily because of the looks of the people in the shot and the words they said. Stepped out of inquiry.


This is a weird room, and the outside of its room seems to be connected to the sea of ​​stars.

And its internal structure is like an ongoing round table conference.

More than a dozen strange-looking creatures, at first glance, are non-human humanoids, and they are discussing enthusiastically around the multi-dimensional screen suspended in the conference table.

A wrinkled and wrinkled body, like the annual rings of a tree... Layers of white and tender insects are piled up, and they are igniting a certain video clip on the screen. The creatures in a circle explain it.

"Look at this dream, and then turn on the P222 code of "Human Psychology in the Universal Age"."

"Today, we analyze the frequency of brainwaves in humans with fantasies, irritability, and multiple personality mixtures... after the onset of illness."

"And just now, the fragments of thoughts we saw that were as realistic as reality were all taken from the voluntary provision of the experimental individual Human (999)."

"This human being is female, 16 years old, born in poverty, and suffering from multiple overlapping mental illnesses."

"This is our best choice for studying the daily behavioral norms of other species and corresponding mental illnesses."

"Next, let's analyze frame by frame, the scene in the shot..."

Along with this replay of this sizzling lala, it is this screen that scrolls up again...the scene where they first fled the mental hospital to find the RV...

This was the beginning of Pan Xiaomeng's dream and the beginning of a series of nightmares that Gu Zheng had experienced.

"I actually did a mission in a dream?"

"Have they found a way to build space and the world?"

"Who is so great?"

And following Gu Zheng's question, the screen that originally looked like a candid photo suddenly shattered after a crisp sound of glass.




The abrupt voice made the calm Gu Zheng tremble. When he looked at the phone screen again, he seemed to see a few blood-stained characters...

"I know you are... watching..."

When Gu Zheng almost squeezed this small bean 5 into metal fragments, the entire screen suddenly lit up, as if the previous short segment had never been played... normal.

Let me stare at the screen and wait for Gu Zheng to follow up. I waited for ten minutes.

After a long time, even the laughing and forgetting book on the other side of the screen couldn't help but ask more: "Gu Ye, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing Xiao Wangshu's abrupt question, Gu Zheng said with some confusion: "What's wrong? Didn't you see the thing just now?"

"The pirated version that went to the cinema ten years ago was more clearly replayed than this last paragraph, and the last sentence of blood red..."

"You haven't seen these?"

Hearing these inexplicable words, Liao Wangshu was really confused. In order to show his innocence, it dragged the little army sister who was watching the movie to testify for itself.

"Master Gu, there is really no such video. My broadcast ended completely in the mental hospital."

"I don't even know what cosmic space, what **** characters."

"If I hadn't watched you staring at the screen for fifteen or six minutes without moving, I wouldn't dare to disturb you at all."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng was, he remembered the time of the last video, which happened to be controlled within about five minutes.

Could it be that he really encountered a ghost and failed?

What kind of posture does he exist in that world?

Gu Zheng, who had never encountered such a thing before, became more and more confused, and in the end, he simply threw it aside.

Anyway, he returned to reality and achieved the life span and results he wanted, which was enough.

If you want the last peace of mind?

That's not easy?

In the capital city, hidden dragons and crouching tigers are suppressed by air transport to dispel the evil spirits.

Big deal, tomorrow I will go to the most famous temples in the city to worship.

Lama Temple, Fayuan Temple, Tantuo Temple, plus a Reclining Buddha Temple, and the four great vajra guardians, no matter what demons and sprites are all in a dilemma.

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