The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1208: Go and worship Bodhisattva...

If it still doesn't work, he can only go to Laoshan, Maoshan... to find the kind of old Taoist priest in the middle reaches of the ethereal, and do a magic rite of exorcising ghosts.

If the world in the future will be the same as in the spiritual story, returning to the real world is still delayed, then Gu Zheng will have to think carefully about whether he really wants to continue the task.

So now!

The sun is great, it's time to go to the unit to sell fake reports.

To say that the colleagues of the Fengtai branch really get along well.

Most of the comrades who can apply for this position and who have successfully become regulars are local residents who were born and raised in this area.

Because of the special nature of urban management work, it also carries a little bit of a snake.

Naturally, they have an inexplicable affection for Gu Zheng, the heirs of the younger generation who belong to the same group.

Besides, who is Gu Zheng?

The spokesperson for the people in their old capital.

Don't think that they don't know how the envious and hateful North drifters describe their group.

Lazy and greedy, relying on a Beijing registered permanent residence, not seeking to make progress.

All day long, I only know how to drink and fish for meat, and I don't have any pursuits in my life.

But the problem came again.

You said that in life, what does it mean to pursue those excessive external objects?

Luxury house?

Comparable to a small and comfortable courtyard?

Can they have shady trees, friendly neighbourhoods, the scent of cooking in every household, or brand friends that you can see when you go out at night?

Not at all?

That gorgeous and luxurious clothes?

Angled high-heeled shoes...the soft-soled nab shoes that have passed the match?

Synthetic high-tech fabrics are as cool as the pure natural Rui Fuxiang's silk hanging shirts?

How can it be?

Not to mention those imported cosmetics that don't know how many synthetic chemical raw materials are added. In contrast to the addition of ginseng and astragalus in each of Dabao's products, they are directly turned into slag.

So, since life is so good, why do you let yourself live so hard?

Not to mention that those young people with ideals and aspirations can't figure out what they are doing. Their local old Beijing is tired looking at this group of people.

Therefore, among their group of sloths, who didn't even move, there appeared a lovely golden monkey.

Hey, that's a confession as a baby.

Look, no, when Gu Zheng entered Director Li's office, it was a little tricky.

The other side was so friendly and Yan Yueshen not only eliminated his vacation, but also gave Gu Zheng a general explanation of the work situation of the team he led during the month he was away.

"Probably it is like this. When you are away, Comrade Fu Sheng will basically help you concurrently."

"If there is anything else you don't understand, just ask your old captain."

"The young man is not bad. Because of your outstanding performance in the Olympics, the superiors are planning to give us a collective commendation from the Fengtai branch."

"The verbal reward is small, but thanks to your blessing, the whole branch has a 50,000 yuan award from top to bottom."

"Send to the hands of every official worker, there is a full 500 yuan bonus."

"Is there an old saying? You eat meat and come to me for soup. Thanks to Comrade Gu Zheng for the joint effect, so that all of us in the branch can drink the soup."

Why are you so embarrassed about this?

If this is the case, most people would have been humble.

But for Gu Zheng, what can 500 yuan be.

He is now successfully regaining his status as a millionaire.

As a result, Gu Zheng was actually a habit, and gave a standard military salute to Director Li in front of him: "Fortunately, I will not shame my life! Director, I will work harder and strive for more meritorious service!"

"Let our branch have soup every day!!"

Oh, good, ambitious, good idea, I see your performance.

After Gu Zheng successfully filled his eyes with the moved tears of Director Li, he walked down to the second floor and headed straight to the door of the field office.

This is the first day of his official return, and he has to do a good job.

Moreover, he has to take advantage of his position to take a look at whether there are any effective temples in his jurisdiction.

So, when he once again sincerely invited Fu Sheng to take a stroll in the area, this old uncle who had been with him for a long time and knew him in particular realized that there was something wrong with Gu Zheng.

"Hey, Gu Zheng, why are you absent-minded?"

"Jing searched the corner of the corner, what are you looking for?"

Naturally, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to hide from Fu Sheng, he still wants this old resident who can walk the streets and alleys better than him.

Therefore, after searching again and again to no avail, Gu Zheng steadfastly stated his thoughts.

"I recently had a nightmare, and I always feel that my heart is not at ease. I want to find a place to worship, as well as temples and Taoist temples. As long as it is efficacious and can suppress the nightmare fierce ghosts, and the mind and soul can be suppressed. "

This requirement can be high.

Fu Sheng had to think about it seriously.

Don't tell me, after he thought about it, he really came up with a few.

"There are many effective temples, but you need to think about it if you get this."

"Not to mention the Lama Temple, where the incense is most vigorous, it is one of the representative temples of Tibetan Buddhism."

"Most businessmen who seek fortune find it efficacious."

"The nearest Fayuan Temple to us? That's the efficaciousness of seeking children."

"As for Guangji Temple, it is seeking marriage, Guanghua Temple, that is a capable person who is a dojo for the dead."

"Tongjiao Temple? The only nun temple where women care after their deaths... it doesn't seem appropriate either."

"Temple of the Reclining Buddha, for OFFER... these efficacious temples in the city... are all closely related to the people's livelihood and society..."

There is no such thing as a big name for eliminating bad luck.

I heard that Gu Zheng's eyelids were twitching. It may be because he used to be the presiding officer of Huangjue Temple. After returning to the real world, he rarely went to the relevant temples to worship and incense.

But now the fantasy past in that world, he has to think about it.

At the moment when Gu Zheng was thinking about it, he really thought of a temple.

He slapped his head, pointed to the far north, and said Gu Zheng's name.

"Xiangshan Biyun Temple!"

After Fu Sheng said, Gu Zheng understood which temple he was referring to.

There is a Vajra Throne Pagoda in this Xiangshan Biyun Temple.

It is quite precious and rare.

How little is it?

Among the many large and small temples in China, all together, there are only ten in total.

Coupled with the long history of Biyun Temple that has been built and completed since the early Yuan Dynasty, this ancient temple has added a bit of power.

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