Even if there is too much passenger flow in the Fragrant Mountain, the monks in the temple have formulated a ticket-winning policy in order to reduce the disturbance of tourists, but there is still no blocking, the eager heart of the believers.

That's it, it's it!

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate at all, he just picked up the phone and sent a message to Leng Shuang.

Gu Zheng: Make time for tomorrow morning, and my brother will take you to climb the mountain.

Lengshuang: What mountain?

Gu Zheng: Xiangshan.

Leng Shuang: Are you stupid? Xiangshan Hongye, don't you know when is the best place to go to Xiangshan?

Gu Zheng: I went there because I knew it, no one is everywhere, dense forests are lush, hehehe, my brother will take you to meet a big baby.

These few words...

Lengshuang's face, which had just finished a minor operation...was blush.

She looked around at no one, and hurriedly returned a shy little smiley face to her inconspicuous boyfriend, and then added one more sentence.

‘Then I’m going to eat ‘that feast’, I’m going to eat royal government food, you pay the bill, it’s a bit more vigorous, if you agree, let’s go, and if you don’t agree, you’ll just take a shot. ’

Yes, this is his big girl, the master who can break up for one meal.

What else can Gu Zheng do?

Naturally promised her.

So Gu Zheng replied with a big heart-shaped pattern as his final vow with Leng Shuang.

But when he sent it out, I was shocked that it was not good.

How did Shen Yuesheng die in the last world?

Isn't it just like a heart-to-heart?

It seems that tomorrow morning, Leng Shuang and his trip to Fragrant Mountain is imperative.

The next day, at dawn, the girl Leng was so sleepy, she was put on her shoulders by Gu Zheng. In the midst of a tumultuous leap, the two of them went straight to the Xiangshan Mountain.

The Fragrant Mountain that rises in the morning is shrouded in a mist of water that hasn't dissipated, and it is not real to see it.

But Gu Zheng knows from the coldness in the parking lot that this is neither a holiday nor a weekend at the end of April. There are not too many tourists to grab the attention of Gu Zheng and Lengshuang.

Those who can come here early to climb the mountain must be the old men and old ladies living nearby.

Relying on the convenience of the elderly concession card, they not only can enjoy the free ticket treatment, but also can easily pull off the benefits of spring in this blooming mountain.

However, no matter how beautiful Fragrant Mountain is, Gu Zheng's attention is not here.

After getting out of the car, he took Lengshuang's hand and went straight to the destination of the trip.

After entering the north gate of Xiangshan Park, turn along the road to the west and not far away, you will see the gate of Biyun Temple.

There is no one selling tickets at the door, and when you need to walk to the fence in the doorway, a sleepy staff member is here to pay the fee.

Gu Zheng generously took out an entrance fee of 20 yuan, and took Lengshuang to get the entrance ticket to the temple.

After entering the temple, I realized the ingenuity of the layout of the temple, and I had to admire the extraordinary and wonderful architectural culture of the ancients.

This temple was built in accordance with the trend of the hillside on the west side of Xiangshan Mountain.

Relying on the mountains and falling, but not taking its elegance, such a huge temple structure, but perfectly integrated with the mountains, trees, plants and trees.

It is the same color as the mountains and forests from a distance, with green trees surrounding the temples, green pines and cypresses, and lush greenery.

Just like what the ancient poem says: Wanfeng encircles the palace, the blue color is as pure as the cloud. "There are three hundred temples on the west mountain one path, only Biyun is said to be slender." "

It's so beautiful.

Leng Shuang, who had been so sleepy, couldn't help but a jealous spirit, standing at the gate of the mountain and sucking the air in the temple fiercely.

It's really cold and refreshing, and it makes people's minds clear.

Gu Zheng and Lengshuang, who also glanced at each other, felt inexplicably smooth, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hello, are we Bibi?"

"Compared to what?"

"Better than who ran to the gate of the temple faster than one?"

When Leng Shuang heard this suggestion, the look in Gu Zheng's eyes was not right.

You are a world marathon champion, a good seed for a regional triathlon race. Are you competing with a weak female stream?

You are so shameless, you are not afraid that your girlfriend will run away in anger?

But Gu Zheng, who made this suggestion, didn't feel ashamed. While running towards the gate, he turned his head towards Leng Shuang...Jiejiejiejiejie laughed triumphantly.

"I don't ask you, the weak in action, to keep up with me. To be fair, let's use my performance as the standard."

"If you arrive at the mountain gate within one minute after I arrive at the mountain gate, I will invite you to eat all the signature dishes in that feast at noon."

"Every more than one minute, reduce one dish, what do you think of this proposal?"

What? ? ?

"Then what if all the signature dishes are deducted? You are also tired with me, so you won't have lunch together?"

Hearing the cold frost coming from here, she yelled at the back of Gu Zheng's departure.

Whoever came up with it, the shameless guy turned his head again, and threw down a more annoying answer: "How can I, I am the winner, I eat, you see, if I am in a good mood, I can still I’ll buy you a cup of cold and boiled boil, and you can eat it with the taste of the food!"

The same answer as a livestock!

What a cool sentence, Gu Zheng, you wait for me! !


The crazy Lengshuang was aroused infinite anger. She rolled up the sleeves of her black sweatshirt, screamed and rushed towards the mountain gate.

Gu Zheng, who was already nearly a hundred meters ahead of his opponent, couldn't help but look back.

"I'll go! So fast! Isn't Dr. Leng the famous weak chicken representative in the hospital?"

After Gu Zheng was astonished for no more than three seconds, the girl who yelled so badly and kept talking, at this moment was holding a stone lion only fifty meters away from the entrance of the mountain... I took a rest for the first time in the exercise.

"Puff, hahaha, Lengshuang, hahaha..."

He Gu Zheng He De He Neng, found such an interesting big baby.

Gu Zheng, who couldn't help but laughed, had already forgotten what it means to be happy and sad.

He patronized and turned his head to laugh at his girlfriend, but forgot to look at the path under his feet.

Although the mountain road after Biyun Temple entered the temple is flat, all the uphill slopes are made of stone steps.

But Gu Zheng, who had never been here before, didn't know that there was a very steep white marble bridge on the way to the mountain gate.

At both ends of the stone bridge, there are large ditches with a depth of ten meters, making visitors passing by the bridge feel dizzy when they look down.

No, when Gu Zheng laughed out of breath, he slipped inexplicably under his feet, and he slid towards the side of the white jade bridge.

"Ah! I'm going! Uncle's!"

He wore light running shoes specially designed for him by a big brand. How could it be possible to slip on such mountain roads?

Gu Zheng, who was shocked in his heart, didn't show up on his face. Suddenly he wanted to try the power of the angry King Kong and the Five Hundred Arhats in Biyun Temple.

So, at this moment, a curse automatically appeared in Gu Zheng's heart, the one who is facing the battle... Ah, that's not right! It's Amitabha! !

Just this sentence slowed down the speed of his feet sliding, and Gu Zheng grabbed the railing of Baiyu Bridge in a dangerous and dangerous way.


I raised my head and saw the cold frost that Gu Zheng had just stumbled. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by Gu Zheng, and ran toward him at a super high speed.

"How are you!"

However, within a short period of time, Leng Shuang sprinted over the nearly 100-meter hillside.

"It's okay, I don't know which wicked thing has sprinkled oil on this bridge!"

Gu Zheng, who was feeling lingering, patted Leng Shuang's head while leaning on the railing. As comfort, he moved his legs and feet to show that he was safe and sound.

Looking in the direction pointed by Gu Zheng's finger, Leng Shuang couldn't help but cursed.

It's really lacking in virtue.

I don't know who it was, I dropped the unfinished leek box on the edge of the bridge, where the dripping oil and water filled most of the bridge surface.

This time period, just when the cleaning monk had just finished the daily value, I was afraid that the back foot would be ruined if the front foot was swept away.

Gu Zheng, who most saw the loss of the city's appearance, immediately began to dig out, took out a pack of paper towels that were separated from each other, squatted on the bridge, and started a simple cleanup.

"I still have..."

Following Leng Shuang hurriedly found more tissues, the two of them completely forgot what they were doing here, and devoted themselves to cleaning up the Baiyu Bridge of Biyun Temple.

These oily traces with the smell of leeks, after their concerted efforts to eradicate, finally allowed the later people to cross the bridge safely.

This also allowed the few elderly tourists this morning to see the scene that moved them the most.

As the most fashionable group among the elderly, the members of the Haidian Senior Yangge Team also spontaneously took out their mobile phones, recorded this warm and touching moment, and forwarded it to their circle of friends very calmly.

There is a sharp-eyed aunt from Chaoyang District who takes the responsibility of catching thieves and bad guys as her own responsibility. She discovered Gu Zheng's true identity in this warm moment.

"Ah! Gu Zheng!!"

"China's strongest urban management!"

Yes, when has he been upgraded from the strongest in the branch to the strongest in the country by three consecutive jumps?

When Gu Zheng raised his head in surprise, what he faced was the small group of seven or eight people who were stranded behind the bridge because of the cleaning of the bridge.

"This, what's wrong?"

He was not recognized when he walked on the street in the downtown area. Instead, he met his fans in this secluded temple?

When Gu Zheng blinked in surprise, he was met with overwhelming praise.

"Good boy, thank you for cleaning up the bridge!"

"However, as expected, I did a job in urban management, and what I did was clean."

"Good job, continue to carry forward the noble sentiment of the people in our capital that are not afraid of hardship or tiredness. I am optimistic about you, child."

Such praise...

I don't need it at all!

When Gu Zheng was standing on the bridge and thinking about the ideals of life and the composition of the universe, Leng Shuang was out of breath with a smile on the side.

"Hey, Gu Zheng, I really didn't find out, your affinity is good enough."

"You just got a little bit of luck, a group of older fans brought warmth."

"If you are in bad luck? Wouldn't the people all over the world blow up their nests?"

This really should have been the intention of the speaker and the listener. When Leng Shuang reminded him of this, Gu Zheng suddenly thought of Xiao Wangshu's gloomy longevity feedback.

Could it be said that what increases his merit is his affinity?

Is this affinity only for people or is it useful for all living things?

Let's wait until we have finished worshiping the Bodhisattva, and then slowly study.

This is the end of the matter, and the two-person game can only stop there.

With a little regret, Gu Zheng took Lengshuang's little hand, greasy and crooked, and came to the gate of Biyun Temple.

Entering the gate of Deshan, it doesn't look like a monastery that has been abducted and deceived.

There is not even a fake monk to lead you to the merit box, but a plaque inscribed in the four ethnic languages ​​of Han, Man, Mongolia, and Tibetan in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and the Xumi seat in the middle of the Ming Dynasty on the left and right sides to greet you.

Between the ancient temples, I only feel a sense of heavyness, so that young men and women who have long been accustomed to the sense of modernity are immersed in this indescribable beauty for a long time, and they will not forget it for a long time.

Of course, Gu Zheng is a special case. He took Leng Shuang who wanted to take a closer look and walked directly into the mountain gate, heading straight to the first palace they met to welcome guests.

The first hall of the Biyun Temple has the effect of deterring demons. The King Kong Warriors, with the second general Humha as the town hall, are located on both sides of the main hall and are in a glaring form. I felt the mighty posture that this lifelike statue wanted to show.

Don’t tell me, the King Kong in this town hall really works. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. When Gu Zheng walked through this hall to the second Maitreya hall, the obscure depression in his heart was instantaneous. The disappearance of the whole person seems to be light enough to be as relaxed as two or two flesh.


Gu Zheng, who was overwhelmed with joy in his heart, jumped twice as soon as he touched the ground. He who knew it was happy and unbearable, but he who didn't know thought he had fleas on his upper body.

Leng Shuang, who was standing by his side as his girlfriend, was very faceless.

Because the devout believers in the temple of Xumi did not go far at all, when they turned their heads, they also discovered that they were still a group of old acquaintances, the backbone of the Yangko team in Haidian District.

Come on, it seems that the forwarding in this circle of friends is about to come again.

The first second was a good city manager who was concerned about his work, and the next second was a tease sent by the monkey.

How can this drama let the cold cream set by the elites follow along?

At this moment, Leng Shuang suddenly remembered her grandfather's provocation, oh no, it was a reminder.

After analyzing Gu Zheng's past in detail, Grandpa Leng came to a very strange conclusion.

He said that if a pair of men and women who are attracted to each other get along for a long time, they will also influence each other.

If you are a calm, self-sufficient person and someone who does not play cards according to common sense, within half a year, your judgment and habit of handling affairs will be biased by the other party.

Then the final result brought to Leng Shuang is that she will also become a funny...

Okay, now that the face is all gone, just let yourself go completely!

Regardless of Leng Shuang, when Gu Zheng wanted to jump up for the tenth time, he wrapped his neck around the opponent's neck, planning to use brute force to drag him out of the Maitreya Hall and go straight to the Daxiong Hall.

Who would have thought, Leng Shuang really overestimated her own strength, she completely forgot her boyfriend's superior military value.

After she finished this action, she imagined that she would drag Gu Zheng away chicly, showing how courageous she was. The scene did not happen at all. Now she is like a poor thin monkey. , Hung on Gu Zheng's neck, following his tenth jump and dancing together.


The cold frost that was thrown up felt the smell of flying freely...

When she was falling, because of the huge inertia, her not too vigorous arms couldn't encircle Gu Zheng's neck, and she instantly took off and flew out. ...The next second is the human tragedy of landing on the bottom.

Of course, this situation is a tragedy compared to other people's girlfriends.

With a boyfriend like Gu Zheng, can he still watch Lengshuang lose his ugliness?

I can't.

Gu Zheng, whose body is always faster than his brain, grabbed one of Leng Shuang's hands with his hands holding the tripod. When he discovered that even if he tried to hold it, the opponent would immediately fall out flat. Very witty did a tossing in the hammer throw.

It's just that the others used a vigorous spin to throw the ball out, and Gu Zheng used the buffer of the spin to drop the ball safely.

For specific postures, see Figure skating throwing and returning to the transfer person landing.

The continuity of the action is almost as beautiful as the clouds and flowing water.

If Leng Shuang in mid-air did not scream seven or eight times during this action, the action and video recording would be even more perfect.

Yes~www.readwn.com~ The enthusiastic Haidian Yangge team members once again took out their mobile phones and stretched them in the direction of Gu Zheng's amazing deeds.

During this process, the characteristic style of the people in the capital was fully carried forward. You can comment on anything and say twice about everything.

"Hey, this one-armed maneuver does a good job?"

"Hey? Old Shen, isn't the one-armed swing a male gymnast's personal event?"

"Hey, it's almost there. You look more like the stack of Arhats in the Chen family under the overpass. I haven't been there for some days. I still miss it."

"Then you said, don't we need to throw two money to give a reward?"

Just when the two old men were stinking and poor, the old lady who was specially recruited in Chaoyang District next to Ding Dong threw out the only one-dollar steel in her hand.

After throwing it out, the old lady looked at all the team members who were paying attention to her blankly, and said slightly aggrieved: "Didn't you tell me to give me the money?"

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