The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1213: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (2)

All the people around him are busy welcoming this vibrant new society, only he can't find the way forward with his head buried.

He can only do more and more, save and save.

By the time he looked up again, five years had passed.

And around him, the people have already taken off their Jiefang shoes, army green pants and tunic suits, put on jeans, T-shirts, and leather shoes, and greeted the best future with passion.

He is the only one, still standing in place, like a lonely person left behind by time, standing in this city where the tall buildings are gradually rising, singing and dancing are about to fill...

At a loss.

If these are tolerable to the client, the heavy hammer that knocked him down will always be something that is closely related to that village.

When he took all the gains in five years, the envelope he thought was rich enough, and when he set foot on the train to return home for the first time, he returned to the mountains with a huge sum of 20,000 yuan that everyone in the village thought was a huge sum of money. When the yuan was sent to the county to be approved for road construction, it was discovered that this amount of money had never reached the starting price for a construction team to excavate.

If you want to open a road that can be walked by people from their small village, you will need at least a few hundred thousand yuan.

Without him, just because of hardship and remoteness.

After learning the news, Gu Zheng, who looked around, saw the faces of the people in Quanzhai who were at a loss.

The strong labor force of the entire village is dispatched, and I am afraid that they will not be able to make so much money.

The silence of a stockade is like the most silent duty to Gu Zheng.

He knew that these simple villagers had absolutely no intention of blaming him, but the more so, Gu Zheng crossed the hurdle in his heart.

If you do more by yourself, if you can save a little...

Gu Zheng, who was going to try again, resolutely walked out again.

This time, he took away a few juniors from the village and took them to Nancheng where he was used to doing casual labor.

However, although he successfully continued his hope of going out, he never realized his desire to open a way for the villagers in his lifetime...

Because prices are soaring, because young people who can't see hope are gradually moving away, and even more because his overworked body can't stand the scourge of time.

He just closed his eyes unwillingly.

When he opened it again, it was Gu Zheng who replaced him, standing on the edge of the Nancheng Railway Station where he had walked out of the mountain for the first time.

That's great, this is really the real world.

In the crash just now... Gu Zheng had already discovered the suppression of his existing abilities in this reality chapter.

This is an ordinary mountain citizen, who needs to use ordinary human abilities that the other party can continue to achieve success.

In the process of success, no matter what Gu Zheng did, there was only one result.

That is to make a road to the county seat for his fellow villagers in five years.

As long as this can be accomplished, in the future, whether to go or stay depends entirely on Gu Zheng's own wishes.

It doesn't sound difficult, does it?

But the system didn't respond... I was confined to reality again, which was a bit embarrassing.

Who makes it a reality?

Just bear it.

The world of reluctance...has been slowly unfolding.

But now, the first thing he needs to do is to find a place to stay on the first day of coming to Nancheng, a job that can accumulate original funds, and then he can make a lot of money for the follow-up and become a household with 10,000 yuan. My dream, I'm in a hurry.

What's more, he took his luggage with him, and the only five bucks and eighteen cents left in his pocket... It was a bit unrealistic to find a place to stay.

He'd better go and implement the work first.

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, weighed the big bag on his shoulders again, accelerated the pace of his pace, and headed straight for the impression of Nancheng Labor Market.

When he passed through the two alleys and came to this market full of fireworks, he was taken aback by the hot scene in front of him.

Unlike the sporadic desertion that Gu Zheng imagined, in today's labor market, it seems that there are so many people who come to recruit workers.

The unreasonable demand for ordinary workers...The phenomenon of recruiting one person and asking around seven or eight has not happened today.

What is going on here?

It is very simple.

Wang Fengdao of the last life was riding a bicycle and bumped Gu Zheng who had just walked out of the train station...

When he broke with the unreasonable local snake clearly and packed his luggage before going to the labor market, the employers who came to recruit during this time period...have successfully recruited suitable temporary workers, and Withdrawn from the labor market.

When the original owner rushes past, naturally there will be no suitable work waiting for him.

Which is like now, just right... so that Gu Zheng caught up with the last train of ordinary labor?

Time doesn’t matter, let’s go and see what's the trick, right?

With his superhuman perseverance, Gu Zheng successfully squeezed into the crowd on the inner and outer third floors, and came to the innermost part of the recruitment scene.

At first sight is the simplest recruitment notice, standing in the center of the Nancheng Labor Market Square.

Black and white on the big sign, the writing is clear.

Recruitment: temporary workers,

Duration of trial period: one month.

One month later, look at work performance and consider whether to renew the regular employment contract.

Recruitment position: Port porter.

The salary standard during the probation period is as follows: Hourly piece rate system.

The daily basic salary is 0.70 yuan/day. (The basic handling standards need to be completed, and the specific standards are calculated according to the number of pieces or kilograms of the corresponding goods)

Extra rewards that exceed the basic standard value.

Reward by piece: Except for the number of standard pieces, the bonus will automatically increase by one point for each additional shipment.

Reward based on kilograms: Except for the standard metered kilograms, the bonus will automatically increase by one point for every additional 100 kilograms.

Special note: board and lodging are included.

Well, no need to look down, that's it.

The basic salary is set very high, the highest salary for a female textile worker in the Shangnancheng Textile Factory.

There is more... there are bonuses.

This is simply a tailor-made job for Gu Zheng.

Don't rob him, whoever robs him and who is anxious!

Gu Zheng decisively controlled his body, and blocked the other people behind him who were trying hard to squeeze him away...all behind him, by the way, he also applied for the first two who were standing in the pit without shit. The failed personnel gave a somersault.

"Hey! What are you doing like this, why are you squeezing? Do you think you can pass the test of the recruiting unit if you squeeze twice?"

"It's strange that you can pass!"

The little man in front doesn't look like a migrant worker.

Annoyed into anger, he showed a bit of Nancheng's local accent in the process of greeting.

It seems that this one is really popular.

As for testing?

Following the words and sight of the little man, Gu Zheng saw the huge wooden box on the side of the recruitment registration office.

The weight of the box is painted with red paint on the top.


This is the basic value for testing a port hauler.

Don't underestimate the weight of 200 jins, which is enough to shut out candidates who are incapable of the job or who have the idea of ​​messing around.

Otherwise, the little guy in front wouldn't use words to sway him, a man who is over-sized but lacking in integrity... and went up and tried.

It is estimated that 80% of the boy was ugly when he went up to the experiment. Now he is eager to find a bottom person to divert other people's attention.

To say, this person is wrong.

My family knows about my family affairs.

The master of Gu Zheng's body is really good now.

Don't look at the appearance is lean and lean, but the strength is really not small.

The reason why this figure grows like this is due to the terrain that the local people climb against the cliffs.

To talk about the real strength of the host, it can be the leisurely one-armed ape Tarzan.

It is really not a matter of two steps to carry these 200 kilograms of goods.

Therefore, in response to the small man’s aggressive approach, Gu Zheng took a generous step forward, squeezing the small man who failed the attempt to the back, and turned to stand in front of the person in charge of the recruitment site and said: "Comrade, I heard that there are recruitments here? I want to give it a try too."

However, the person in charge of registration treated them equally, pointed to the wooden box on the side, and stated their requirements for hiring people.

"The standard parts full of 200 kg, walk from here to the position of the red mark, 30 meters away, don't drop the goods, don't stop halfway, even if you pass."

"Oh, by the way, there is an old porter on the side who will teach you how to resist these goods. If you understand it, you can still save a lot of effort."

Also, the movers in real-life moving companies have gained experience in resisting bulky items.

If you can master the power point, even a small person... can easily carry a double bed.

Hearing what the other party said, Gu Zheng nodded very honestly, and walked directly to the wooden box.

Watching the old worker squat down, holding the sides of the box with his hands, and tilting the maximum load-bearing area of ​​the entire cargo toward his back cover, just as the cargo slowly falls, the opponent’s spine is fully attached. With the strength of his waist, he lifted the 200-jin box steadily.

"Have you seen it? I can only teach you once, you see behind you, a group of people watched it together."

When the veteran worker said this, Gu Zheng turned his head subconsciously and saw that the person in charge had already put dozens of people under test.

As long as there are five great things to do in this wave, and this recruitment today, they will be officially completed.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng no longer thought about it. Instead, he imitated the action of the old worker, and took the box with his hand. Under the eyes of everyone, without a sense of effort, he went straight to the benchmark.

‘Swish swish’

Everyone seemed to feel the wind, but everyone knew that this was just an illusion.

Because it is surrounded by three and three outer layers, it is absolutely impossible for any breeze to blow on your face.

That's because Gu Zheng ran too fast, and it was so fast that people had an illusion. This box, which should have been slowly moving, was turned into a trot by this thin and tall man.

"Good! Good! Naturally supernatural!"

After Gu Zheng ran to the benchmark and put down the box without blushing and breathing, the person in charge of registration had already waved the small flag at the second person who was in charge of receiving him.

Don't think about it, pass.

The person standing at the reception point opposite was even more surprised. The number of recruits on his side was a full 50 people. After recruiting all morning, more than forty people in front of Gu Zheng passed.

This year... there are not many people with big waists, but there are also solid and heavy people.

But people like Gu Zheng who lift heavy weights like boxes and schoolbags are the only ones.

Such talents, the people from the West Division of the Nancheng Wharf Freight Station, must be overwhelmed.

When I made up my mind to recruit workers, it was particularly quick to register.

He first took a look at the paper account book that Gu Zheng took out of his arms, which was a little smaller than 64K.

The hukou was originally a gray cover with large black letters with the three words hukou book printed on it.

Then I turned to the single page of the household registration location and the name of the head of the household recorded inside, and registered meticulously while asking.

Because the inside of this book is purely handwritten, Gu Zheng's writing is a little scribble, and the recruiter deliberately asked one more question.

After knowing that he had actually gone to junior high school, he showed extremely surprised eyes, and even the people who were doing hard work on the side could not help but admire him a little when he heard the registrant's complaint.

Stepping out of such a mountain that you have never heard of before, it is really amazing that children of the ethnic minorities of the Tu nationality can still go to junior high school.

Under the admiration of the registrant, Gu Zheng was extremely calm.

He just smiled shyly, and stood quietly behind the team, waiting for the arrangement of the person in charge without humming.

It's as if it wasn't him who praised him.

With this attitude alone, it has won the favor of relevant personnel.

The person who registered was also thinking that if the freighter he dispatched drew ashore in the future, he would have to pick a ship with lots of oil and water for Gu Zheng.

As for the little guy who ran on Gu Zheng before?

After everyone exclaimed for a while, they slid along the seam and went straight away.

"Stab it"

He had just stepped out with his front foot, but the collar of his back foot was picked up from behind.

The person who was holding on to him was Wang Crazy, who turned around again after putting the bicycle home.

According to his own feelings, he found the labor market after searching. Not only did he see a good show for free, but also incidentally... caught the little mouse who had offended him just two days ago.

It made him feel very good, so good that he wanted to let Gu Zheng go.

It's a pity that the people in the entire northern district of Nancheng know that no one can offend him crazy.

The crazy word in his name is not for nothing.

When registering the household registration, the registrant in the police station made a convulsive move, but he fulfilled his prestige.

After all, these days, no one can provoke a lunatic, right?

Just because of fear, it was just two rubs, the little man named Xiaozizi told him all the nastyness between him and Gu Zheng.

After listening to the whole process, Wang Maddao... and then narrowed his eyes.

"You really shame the Nancheng people, you don't even have the ability to bully a hillbilly."

"It's okay, since my brother has taken advantage of you, he will naturally take care of it for you."

"You, just go home and wait for my good news?"

After speaking, Wang Maddao loosened his palm, sorted out his oily noodles, and began to walk into the crowd.

It was a surprise to let the little mouse who was suddenly let go.

What is the benefit of receiving me?

I didn't give you any benefit?

Meaningful, the little mouse put his hand into his jacket pocket.

There, there is a dollar that his old mother stuffed in this morning.

That's the extra money for his cigarettes for a week.

But when he touched it like this, he only touched an empty space, where is the trace of that dollar.

This Wang Crazy Dao started too fast and cruel!

It is said that Wang Crazy Road in the North District is a unique skill on the road. It is obvious that he can play hard, but he still needs to practice first-hand technical work.

Wherever you go, you can walk on the big road, on the small road, and the sheep’s intestines can still walk.

It’s just that, don’t offend him, this person has no other problems, just...

Chicken belly, bad mouth, arrogant, stinky...

Still extremely grudges.

No, that hapless hillbilly is about to be beaten up.

"Hey! You, that's you! Come here!"

Taoist Wang mad squeezed in, and the turtle named Gu Zheng was also...recruited to a side corner.

The little mouse slid around, hiding in a dark corner, secretly watching these two people who are not good birds.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a scene that made him extremely frightening.

The invincible, invincible attack, holding a brick and smashing people...that Wang Maddao, who has never failed before, only took one and a half tricks in the opponent’s hand, and was sacked back by the hillbilly. It was pressed on the ground.

The little mouse saw it, and Wang Mad said that the leg under the sack that the red bell-bottoms were in full bloom.

If it's just being held down by the sack, it's fine.

With Wang Maddao's ability, it is okay to get up and fight again.

The horror lies in... the follow-up actions of the hillbilly.

In order to make a street-sweeping master who happened to pass by here by accident not be suspicious, this person actually pulled two samples from the sack bag on the side...and one after the other... The body is red and green, covering all the exposed key parts.

When the villagers finished covering up, he actually had a butt... sitting on If it weren't for a pair of black leather shoes on the corner of the sack bag and shivering...

The little mouse really thought Wang Maddao went to see Marx and his old man like this.

Come on, quickly slip away, this person is much more terrifying than Wang Maddao.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the nature of the little people. When the little mouse strayed out of the labor market, the recruiting team at the seaport successfully collected fifty temporary workers.

Until the person in charge of the team leader shouted to the workers in the field with a loudspeaker to inform all the staff to leave with the car...

The compassionate Gu Zheng removed his dignified buttocks from the sack.

Carrying his own luggage wraps, Gu Zheng followed the end of the line calmly, but after a while, he climbed onto the back of the big truck and drove away from the crowded labor service with a car. market.

When the car exhaust completely dissipated, Wang Crazed, who dared not move rashly, then...reluctantly crawled out from under the sackcloth.

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