The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1213: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (3)

His big back, which was specially waxed and combed back, turned into a chicken coop.

His emerald green shirt with flowers piping just now... has turned into a crumpled rag ball.

As for his flared jeans that can wrap his **** to show off his pants... ultra-thin stretch denim flared pants?

It has become the most fashionable beggar outfit decades later.

Without Wang Maddao's personal polishing, a frosted texture and natural holes are formed.

It's really gratifying.

"It's hemp!! T hemp!!!"

Wang Maddao, who had survived the rest of his life, looked at the distant back, trembling and cursing.

He traveled to the northern district of Nancheng, punching the squat of the eight lanes, and he was defeated by a hillbilly.

It's really intolerable.

That man who doesn't know which nationality it is, you succeeded in attracting Wang Maddao's attention.

Next time, my brothers and sisters, I will come to you again for advice.

Of course, the psychological activities that follow are no longer important to Gu Zheng, who has already rushed to a new job.

Because now he has arrived at the port station in Nancheng, and following the foreman's guidance, he went to the workers' dormitory where he temporarily lived to pack his luggage.

As one of the ports opened one by one in the south, the throughput of Nancheng Port is sufficient to accommodate the in and out of large cargo cruise ships.

Therefore, it naturally also bears the burden of follow-up logistics for nearly dozens of small and medium-sized cities along the route.

The in and out of ships in the entire port can be described as busy and tight.

And the people who work here are mostly temporary porters like them.

No matter how large the interior of the port is, the accommodation area allocated to the workers seems a bit crowded.

Because buildings higher than three stories are not allowed in Nancheng Port, the houses assigned to the workers' district are naturally small bungalows with clear water.

No need to think about living in a single room or even a quadruple room.

Here, in order to save construction costs and reduce the waste of space in the port, all the dormitories are mixed with large rooms.

It is equivalent to the number of people who combine seven to eight student dormitories, but only half of the area that can accommodate these people is given.

Those who have to work out can not bring much luggage. In addition, although the space in the dormitory is small, but one person and one iron locker with a lock can be prepared for everyone, so there will be no one. Regarding the hardship of this environment, what objection is being raised.

As a temporary worker recruited later, Gu Zheng would naturally be disbanded... inserted into the dormitory where the old worker lived.

I don't know if it was because Gu Zheng was too dazzling in the process of recruiting. The person in charge who was very optimistic about him also assigned him to the No. 1 shed very eccentrically.

There are all veteran workers who have accumulated years of work. When the port was first opened, those people were basically working inside.

As for the ships entering the port and the unloading of goods, that is Men Qinger.

If Gu Zheng ate and slept with them, he wouldn't suffer.

Who doesn't know this group of old oilers, but they don't pick up the fat boats, and there are sensible people who don't show their private lives?

Let this big brother, who is particularly difficult at first glance, learn more about it.

Don't tell me, Gu Zheng, who was particularly disadvantaged outside, became the best amulet for him to integrate into everyone when he entered the No. 1 shed.

Because the workers who work as porters at this pier are also from all over the world, and they are all people who can work hard in their hometowns.

Everyone also has one characteristic in common, that is... poverty.

They are all from remote villages, and they don't have the problems of people in the city.

If Gu Zheng dresses like everyone else, maybe there are not many people who are as enthusiastic as they are now.

Just because Gu Zheng's clothes were too scarce, it was almost a welcome trend.

"Brother! The clothes look pretty! Where did they come from?"

"It is estimated that they are the national brothers of Yungui, and it is not easy for the people over there."

"This blue coarse cloth must have been woven and dyed by ourselves. Look at that special indigo blue and this embroidery, it looks so beautiful."

The few old workers who did not go to work immediately surrounded Gu Zheng as soon as Gu Zheng opened the door.

Among the sheds without any entertainment facilities, the arrival of new workers is the greatest entertainment.

And this little brother who was supposed to see a lot of people and nervous, but he was generous and generous. After he showed everyone his neat white teeth, he opened his mouth with his unique short, short voice.

"Big brother, uncle, don't worry, I will find the bed first, and I will chat with you slowly while making up."

"If there is anything I want to ask, I will say."

Hey, it's a good temper.

Several old workers with wrinkles all over their faces immediately showed some satisfaction.

Those of them who are accustomed to living in shed No. 1 don't mind if newcomers get stuck in it.

But if this newcomer is too difficult to do, and there are so many things, and then let him even out the skill, they still have the old dough sticks.

Now it seems that this newcomer, except that he is poorer than them, and has a sparser ethnicity, there is nothing wrong with him.

Then they, shed No. 1, which is relatively less mobile than other sheds, just reluctantly accept it.

However, no matter how slippery the elderly and respectful people are, under the influence of Gu Zheng's powerful charm, they can only be defeated.

No, when the large troops who were off work in the morning returned to their sheds to get their lunch boxes, they saw a happy scene.

I don't know who started it first. Those who stayed behind and never went to work actually danced in a slightly funny but very full dance in the not-so-wide empty field in the work shed.

The type of dance is undoubtedly the dance of Gu Zheng's hometown people to welcome the best guests and friends.

A few clumsy men, holding hands, arm in arm, kicking at the simplest node, but no one laughed at their strangeness, they were actually infected by the thick joy of this dance.

Many people just watched for a while, and they were actually seduced by Gu Zheng's drum beat on the window railing.

Even if he was wearing a stinky sweat, his arms were sour and unbearable, he couldn't stop the magic of knocking under his feet, and couldn't resist the opening of the corners of his mouth.

Happiness is the most irresistible emotion in the world, which makes everyone in No.1 happy.

Gu Zheng didn't know why, but he started to like this environment.

To be honest, this is really not a comfortable place to live, but it is very rare... it perfectly preserves the rare goodness among the gregarious people.

People in this world are very simple, Gu Zheng likes him very much.

Although he may not stay here long, but since he is here, it is fate, so let's get on well.

Gu Zheng infected everyone with his charm, and successfully ate the first meal at no cost.

In order to express their welcome to his arrival, the workers also specially organized a temporary welcome lunch for him.

As for the preparation of meals?

That is even simpler.

Because of what the workers do in the cafeteria, they follow what they eat.

For porters who provide food and accommodation, the lunch meal at noon is full of dry goods, and it is the most important meal for workers who rely on physical strength to supplement their nutrition and energy.

In their view, this is already a big meal for Gu Zheng, who has just arrived.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng finished sorting out the luggage he brought out, took the distinctive brown bowl in his home and walked with the workers into the workers’ canteen, which was similar to their shed, and saw the so-called in the mouths of these workers Great meal.

For people in this world today, it's pretty good.

In this small canteen, everything is arranged in a simple and rude manner.

This is not the first operating space of the canteen, it is just a temporary place for food sharing.

All the workers, after opening the door of this canteen, will automatically walk in from the front door. At the entrance, there is a burst of steaming heat from the food, rushing in.

The entrance of this gate is where the staple food is distributed. There is only a long bench beside the door. In front of the bench is a large bamboo woven basket. The upper part is covered with moon-white gauze until someone comes, that The man sitting on the long bench lifted the gauze on one of the baskets, revealing the true face of today's staple food.

Today I ate steamed buns, but Gu Zheng confirmed it at a glance.

It's not pure white noodles, it is mixed with corn noodles and sorghum noodles. Because of the noodles, too much alkali is added, which makes the whole steamed buns feel like turbidity. The appearance is very unattractive.

But this kind of buns seems to be loved by the workers.

To put it bluntly, it is still full.

In the entire southern cities, people who should have been rice as their staple food have fallen in love with this northern staple food because of the nature of their work.

‘Dang Dang, Dang Dang’

While Gu Zheng was stunned by the size and appearance of the steamed buns here, two steamed buns that were one size bigger than the fist of an adult man...threw them into the bowl Gu Zheng was holding.

Passing the end of his hand, these two steamed buns add up to half a catty.

As for whether a worker can get enough for a meal?

What should people do if they can’t eat enough?

Gu Zheng planned that he would still ask questions after walking around with the old people.

‘Ding Dong...’

In the huge canteen, it was particularly quiet, only the sound of pots and bowls colliding, and the occasional sound of swallowing in the throat, sounded in it.

The process of the team is also very fast. The teams lined up in two columns, but within a minute or two, they advanced to the middle and late part of the canteen.

There, today's dishes also reveal their true meaning.

It is completely different from the hard dish Gu Zheng imagined.

A whole pot of clean water boiled cabbage with a few more pieces of tofu inside.

The reason why it is not included in the ranks of Chinese cabbage stewed tofu is because even the quantity of tofu is extremely scarce.

In order to show that the tofu was actually put, the whole tofu was crushed into **** and floated in the huge iron bucket, making the color of the soup really not beautiful.


With a dull expression on Gu Zheng, he saw another spoonful of cabbage in his large pottery bowl.

No more, no less, only a spoonful.

The soup was matched with the dishes and instantly filled the not-so-small container in his hand.

This amount is really full for an adult man.

But this is what the old workers call the hard dish!

Do they have any misunderstandings about hard dishes?

Hard dishes, shouldn't they be the kind of dishes with meat?

I think that when he was in the three rooms, the kind of roast chicken, roasted lizard, roasted field mouse, that was the hard dish.

It is said that the braised pork in Nancheng is famous all over the country, so let everyone taste it in a whole bucket?

Just when Gu Zheng was puzzled, Qin Bayi saw Gu Zheng's doubts while sleeping beside the old worker in his bunk.

He pointed to the only black spot in the bowl of white flowers as the main theme, and proudly shared with Gu Zheng: "Look, meat scraps!"

Okay, there is a layer of oily water in the soup. It turned out to be because of the oiliness.

Now I understand, the pork is not enough to use oil, there is nothing wrong with it.

The scent of lard oil is a taste that modern people like us who advocate a healthy life and want to use zero-fat oil for cooking and cooking cannot appreciate.

As for another dish?

Gu Zheng, who stretched out the bowl, was not treated like a dish.

The spoon for this dish is very small, and the scooped amount is only about half of that of Chinese cabbage.

But after Gu Zheng saw the red and yellow color in the rice bowl, he understood why it was so fine.

This is a rare and nutritious home-cooked dish.

Scrambled eggs with carrots.

This usually appears on the dinner table of ordinary families, and it is considered a good dish for people nowadays, and it should be given meticulously.

After seeing this dish, Gu Zheng really realized that the treatment inside the port was really good.

In an environment where meals are basically not included, the loading and unloading workers in the port still have this kind of treatment, which is quite generous.

It's no wonder that as soon as it emerged in the labor market, the lack of labor was instantly filled.

My luck is really good.

Because a dish was full of emotion, Gu Zheng was about to leave with the team along the back door, and he was dragged by his side again.

It is Qin Bayi Daye.

This black-and-red downright man, with his greasy face, pulled him back to the main entrance side of the cafeteria. There were several workers who were in the same situation as they were waiting in the basket. The basket disappeared very quickly in front of the basket.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Zheng was very curious.

On the side, Qin Bayi was very experienced and popularized with Gu Zheng: "Wait for everyone to finish receiving it, there must be more left in this basket."

"A young man like you can eat more than an old man like us."

"Remember, don't talk for a while. The foreman of the canteen will not take the rest of the buns back."

"Hide the rice bowl, pretend that you have just come to make a meal, and then walk around the wall, and you will be able to get back two steamed buns."

"But..." Gu Zheng replied with gratitude but a little embarrassment: "I can't eat so much at a time, isn't it a waste?"

Hearing that Gu Zheng was really a new worker with little experience, Qin Bayi was even more sure of his approach.

He hated iron and patted Gu Zheng on the back, and said to the other party: "You are a young man, you are stupid."

"You young people can eat too much. Even if you are full at noon, wait until the start of work in the afternoon, within two hours, and keep the hungry heart close to you, and you will not be able to resist the time of dinner."

"You have two buns in your pocket, you must be right."

Do you really have such a big appetite?

Gu Zheng was not sure.

But he has one advantage, that is, he can listen and persuade him.

Since he didn't need money, he went to get two chants in good faith.

If he couldn't eat, he wouldn't believe it. Among the nearly fifty workers in a shed, there would be no one who couldn't eat enough.

So, Gu Zheng, a good young man who was particularly obedient, followed the back of the team of young and middle-aged couples and went to the handmade basket to get two more steamed buns.

When he and Qin Bayi returned to Workshop No. 1 towards their rice bowls, they immediately felt the strong dining atmosphere like eating in a big canteen.

All the workers focused on the bowl of rice in front of them, so focused that there was no time to raise their heads and communicate.


"Hammer, hammer"

The taste of a room's food, coupled with this unique sound, actually played an appetizing effect.

Gu Zheng originally thought that he would adapt badly, but he found that the body's ability to withstand it was much stronger than he had imagined.

Those foods that didn't seem very delicious were constantly stimulating his taste buds, making him subconsciously pick up a chopsticks of cabbage, wheezing, and stuffing it into his mouth.


It's really salty!

But there is a taste of happiness.

Because of poverty and unfavorable trade, the salt in the village is purchased in limited quantities.

What everyone eats is watery and tasteless. God knows how touching this salty and turbulent feeling is.

A bite of crude three-faced steamed buns and a bite of heavy oil and heavy salt stew are an unimaginable life for Gu Zheng now.

What kind of life did this body have before?

Gu Zheng, who was inexplicably sad, became even more eager to make money.



When he had just eaten two steamed buns and only felt that he was only seven minutes full, a unique bell rang in the entire workshop area.

"The harbour enters the ship, and the cargo has disembarked!"

"Customs security checks and spot checks are over. This is a reminder that the cargo needs to be unloaded."

"I took a look... It was the Anyuan, a domestic cargo ship, a medium-sized cargo ship."

"The way the bonus is distributed is to put it in the head."

With the ups and downs of the bell, Qin Bayi, who was sitting on the side, looked at the tattered comparison table pasted at the entrance of the work shed.

There are some weird symbols drawn on it, which are internal information related to the cargo ship that the old workers can only understand.

The people in their shed, as long as they listened more, would mark the news with familiar symbols on the entire paper.

The timetable that was once an abandoned ship entering and leaving the port is now being used as waste by their workers.

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