The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1214: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (4)

So, after Qin Bayi turned his head and talked to Gu Zheng about what the bell means, he asked the child one more sentence: "I guess this ship needs ten people."

"In our No. 1 workshop, you and me are the ones who are free in the afternoon, how about? Would you like to try it?"

The amount is small and the wages are fixed, but I don't know if Gu Zheng can do it.

Like this cargo ship that does not count the number of pieces and only divides the bonus according to the number of participants.

8 yuan for small boats, 10-12 yuan for medium-sized ships, 15-30 yuan for large ships, depending on the weight of the cargo in the warehouse.

If Gu Zheng is a poor worker, then next time there is this kind of cargo ship that works according to the head, the old foreman who leads the team will never arrange for this person to follow the team again.

Then the porters who have lost the recommendation of the foreman can only work with the loading and unloading team of the public house on the dock.

If you are unlucky, you may not get a good job in a day.

For hard-working people like them, all they make are hard money. If they don't even have a job, they won't even be able to get a basic salary of 7-9 cents a day.

I am afraid that within two days, the worker will not be able to stay.

The reason why Qin Bayi was willing to take Gu Zheng with him was because he felt that the aura on this kid was peaceful, and he looked quite kind and pleasing to the eye.

If he doesn't have a few catties or liang, which adds to the trouble of carrying this time, then if there will be such a good thing in the future, I am afraid that Qin Bayi will not bring him on again.

However, he understood the other party's intentions in an instant. When Gu Zheng replied, he felt more confident: "Uncle Qin, don't worry, Gu Zheng will not embarrass you."

"Our mountain people have no other abilities, but they never lose the chain when they work."

It's just a sentence with you.

Qin Bayi's face turned into a pile of pleats with a smile. He patted the outfit Gu Zheng is now wearing, and he rarely praised it: "If you are willing to work hard, it will be done. Uncle Qin will not let you suffer. "

"Also, you are well dressed, you look like working."

Long after Gu Zheng had packed his luggage, he changed the outfit he had when he first arrived.

The gown that the clan took out during the festivals on weekdays was carefully folded by Gu Zhengzi and locked in the center of the tin cabinet.

Now he is wearing an indigo coarse cloth gown with shorter wide-cut shorts, which is equally clean and tidy.

It's just that these jacket pants are piled up with patches, seventeen or eight, and it's not a loss to wear these for work.

Originally, Gu Zheng still thought that he had a little more patches.

When he joined Qin Bayi and other workers at work, he discovered that everyone's clothes were basically the same.

Nowadays, supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores have some high-priced cloths that can be purchased without fabrics.

But those things are precious.

Basically, everyone came out to try to make a living when they just let go. Where are there a few wealthy people?

Gu Zheng, who was mixed inside, was inconspicuous.

Of course, this was when he was following a large army. When Gu Zheng followed Qin Bayi and the other eight people to diverge, the only new face in his team attracted the attention of others.

"Old Qin? Is this the person you brought?"

The one who spoke was Jin Caishui, the boss in the No. 2 shed. Apart from Qin Bayi and Gu Zheng, all the people in this team are under his hands.

This dark and tall man, with a lot of strength, can be the leader of the team.

In this sort of head-to-head work, he hadn't brought any scampi under his hand.

Therefore, when he saw Qin Bayi, who had been stuffed with the trust relationship, and Gu Zheng who was standing behind him, the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

"I said, Lao Qin, you know my Jin Caishui guidelines for doing things."

"Our friendship returns to friendship, and work returns to work. After all, everything we get from going out is money, and what we sell is strength."

"If it's a sneaker, don't blame me for not giving face to my old brother."

These words made Qin Bayi's face a moment of embarrassment.

He boasts that he has the oldest qualifications among the workers, and he is the first batch of old workers to follow the wind to carry their jobs here.

But he couldn't stand Jin Caishui. This kid is a melon product that the six relatives don't recognize. He doesn't talk about human favors and face, but only recognizes money.

This is his old Qin planted today, I just hope that Gu Zheng can support him a little bit of air.

He glanced at Gu Zheng's Qin Bayi again and winked at the other party.

The two people seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, they fell at the end of the line and came to the unloading area of ​​the dock without humming.

The shelves on the freighter have been set up. The section of the road from the next floor of the ship’s cargo warehouse to the No. 11 warehouse in the docking port is all carried by the human hands of the unloading workers.

Because this medium-sized cargo ship has applied for a one-day and one-night stop and return time limit in Nancheng Harbor, naturally there are no special requirements when unloading the cargo.

As long as the clearance and storage of the goods are completed within the time specified by the terminal management department, they will be able to complete their mission to go to sea.

Therefore, after the loading and unloading workers are in place, except for a left-behind crew member who is responsible for the inventory and the last step of warehousing, there are not many people on the entire ship to guard during the period.

Suddenly the command of the ship's cargo was handed over to Jin Caishui, which also made Gu Zheng very glorious to get the first cargo of the entire ship, the first unloading task.

Regarding this arrangement, Gu Zheng didn't say anything. He rubbed his trouser legs under everyone's gaze, and got out of the cabin.

When his figure completely disappeared into the narrow and gloomy boat hole, Jin Caishui actually led everyone to surround Qin Bayi in the middle.

"Old Qin, if you want to take advantage of someone in the future, you have to see who the leader is."

"The two of us have a good relationship. I'm willing to take you, but who is that newcomer? You can't eat and bring a soup drinker."

The words were so straightforward that there was no light on Lao Qin's face.

Naturally, his kind of labor force can't resist Jin Caishui and the others who are tall and magnificent workers, but he is not a vague person, Qin Bayi?

It's just that there is a gap between them and these brawny men.

Shouldn't it be so serious?

Qin Bayi now hopes that Gu Zheng's ability will be a little bit stronger, not too much, and equal to his Qin Bayi's level, when he will have something to say in front of Jin Caishui.

It's a pity that everyone might have misunderstood Gu Zheng.

However, within only a minute or two, there was a noise in the direction of the ship's cargo unloading port.

"What's wrong!"

"Old Qin, the person you're looking for won't even be able to carry a piece of merchandise, so come out to find a helper by yourself?"

When Qin Bayi's face turned green into a green giant...

‘Trash Dim Sum’ Gu Zheng...

Carrying a suitcase as high as a person, he stuck his head out of the hatch.

"Brother Jin, Uncle Qin, you are all here."

"Yes, the inside is too narrow. I originally planned to carry the two bags together, but found that after stacking them, I couldn't get out of the hatch."

"So I'll put the second one by the door, Uncle Qin, come and fight, you don't even need the cabin."

I go! !

What efficiency is this!

Jin Caishui blinked. He and the people behind him, as if they had met the most mysterious thing they've seen in this life, looked at Gu Zheng who had moved out of the ship door with the big box on his back, and turned his head. To go, he dragged the box he couldn't carry out with one hand from the door.

Carrying the upper rope is like carrying a bundle of autumn spinach... Lifting the box up.

It was just three or two steps. He came to Qin Bayi with one hand and the other, staring at Jin Caishui's arm on Uncle Qin's shoulder, until Jin Caishui held his hand winkingly. After opening it, he just'poofed'... he pressed this huge box onto Qin Bayi's shoulder.


Qin Bayi, who was caught off guard, followed him, if it hadn't been for Gu Zheng to help him up, he would almost fall on the ground by the box.

This weight is not light!

When the ship arrived, the control seemed to murmur, saying that it was all porcelain, right?

This is not a light thing anymore.

But then look at the Gu Zheng who had already landed him a full ten meters at this time. Qin Bayi knew that he was very talented and looked away.

This Gu Zheng's strength is not comparable to Jin Caishui.

No, when Gu Zheng trot all the way back to the door of the cabin, before the group of Jin Caishui came out, Gu Zheng thought of a new idea.

Gu Zheng didn't rush to move the new box. After waiting for the big guy to come out together, he began to tow the two in the cabin like a hamster... and put the boxes at the door of the cabin first.

After Uncle Qin returned, Gu Zheng, who was standing at the hatch, asked Qin Bayi to do him a favor.

Gu Zheng was standing on the shelf between the ship and the land, squatting halfway, and asked Qin Bayi... box after box to carry the goods he had transported to the door on his back.

"Papa Papa"

Four boxes went back and forth twice, and three of them were on Gu Zheng's back.

A single box weighed more than 160 kilograms, three stacked together, and nearly half a ton of cargo, just like this, Gu Zheng wailed and carried it on his back.

If it hadn't been for the two-ton standard for the load-bearing capacity of the board, Gu Zheng would still not dare to risk moving back and forth on the board.

"I'll drop a brother!"

"Where did Qin Bayi find such a good boy!"

"This is a treasure. Whoever asks him to be a teammate is a big advantage."

Before they could finish their words, they saw that weird kid rushed out of the warehouse again, running while still muttering words that they didn't understand at all.

"The cargo on this ship is 60 or 70 pieces. It takes less than an hour to complete this trip."

"There are ships coming into the port until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. I can resist more and I can complete a day's basic piece counting in half a day."

"The guaranteed minimum salary is 7 cents, plus the bonus commission for each vessel..."


With these few words finished, Gu Zheng ran a little faster.

Like a gust of wind, it blew past the side of Jin Caishui and his party.


"Ha ha ha... what is this kid talking about?"


Jin Caishui rubbed his shocked and somewhat dumb face, and calmly returned: "He said, he is going to round up the rest of the boat..."

This port, from now on, will not be peaceful.

A robbing battle surrounding Gu Zheng is about to begin.

Of course, the so-called robbing is also the job of a team like them.

You ask Gu Zheng to go to the piece-counting department to try it. I guess you've been there once, and no one wants to be stimulated with him again, right?

However, what Gu Zheng did not expect was.

After they finished the job in half of their usual time, Qin Bayi, who made persistent efforts, actually took Gu Zheng to a piece-rate team and went to work with others.

Jin Caishui would never understand that there will never be a shortage of work on this pier that is gradually renewed and vigorous.

Otherwise, the recruitment office on the wharf will not always replenish labor sources among them.

At this pier, there are jobs that are not considered anxious, such as those received by Jin Caishui, so naturally there will be jobs that Qin Bayi rushed to with Gu Zheng to add money and rush.

This trip is a process of unloading and reloading a cargo ship that has finished refueling in this harbor.

What was unloaded were electronic products and the cotton and linen products that were loaded.

After going back and forth, the people at the dispatch station gave the freighter only half a day.

If you don’t leave the post by that time, you will be driven out of the port if you can’t even pull the cargo, and wait for the next cargo ship to dock and unload and leave before returning to reload.

However, after this one comes back and forth, the freighter's delivery time is afraid that it will be delayed for two or three days.

The clever Qin Bayi brought Gu Zheng to the side of such a freighter.

Without needing to say a few more words, the old man in shed one waved directly at them.

There is a shortage of manpower, a huge cargo ship, and electronic products have to be handled with care.

The box is not sinking, but there are too many types, and one person has a backbone.

The workers under his hands were exhausted and became dogs, but only half of the ship's cargo had just been unloaded.

Everyone has reached the basic piece rate of 50 today, but there is no energy to earn the bonus of 3-5 cents for each additional piece.

It's really a mistake. If the work is not completed within the stipulated time, I am afraid that the workers in their No. 1 shed will have to eat and hang out together.

The completion rate is too low, and people on the cargo ship don’t like to call them this team anymore.

The sighing old man pointed at the door of the warehouse weakly and said to Qin Bayi, "You are all done? Then go and help."

"Maybe this matter, it will be delayed until midnight for processing!"

There is the personnel piece-rate registration office. After Qin Bayi and Gu Zheng have signed their names, they can unload the goods back and forth.

There is a piece-rate sign on each piece of goods. After the goods arrive in Warehouse No. 9, that sign can be left in the hands of the porter.

After all the cargo has been unloaded, you can go to register and collect the money with the license.

After understanding the method of piece counting, the smile on Gu Zheng's face didn't fall.

He likes to move goods the most. Really, it is impossible not to move goods. He feels uncomfortable if he does not move goods for a day.

He got a dollar bonus for that boat just now, and now he can get more for this boat.

With a big grin, Gu Zheng couldn't even take care of Qin Bayi. It was Sa Yazi who ran wildly.

Let the old man who saw it here shook his head.

"Why is this kid in a hurry? Is it possible to do a job like moving goods in a hurry?"

While the old man was shaking his head in the gap, Qin Bayi walked to his side with his hands behind his back.

He said in a particularly inscrutable tone: "Lao Xing, you don't understand, you just need to watch it."

"Today's order, I just hope that the big guys don't think that they have taken less money."

"Bah, haha!"

Hearing this, Head Xing breathed out with his nostrils. He pointed to the huge hull and said to Qin Bayi: "Let him move. I will never stop anyone who has the ability."

"If this list is going well because of him, I will be happy if you let me provide it to him in the future."

Just after the words fell...As if to cooperate with Lao Xing's determination, the eager figure peeked out from the cabin door again.

Behind him, there is also a very strange long-shaped pagoda.

And with a declining situation of four, three and two, one by one, to avoid the problem of unstable bottom plate and easy to fall when stacking boxes.

This Gu Zheng, who carried ten small boxes in one breath, let those workers who only carried one or two boxes but walked cautiously learned what is meant by...lifting lightly, what is meant by...walking on the ground.

His upper body remained motionless, but his feet seemed to be stepping on a hot wheel, pushing it flat, and then pushing it again.

The head of Lao Xing, who had let out a big talk a second, was so scared that a drop of crystal saliva ticked out from the corner of his mouth, and he entered the ranks of Alzheimer's patients early.

"Gu Zheng, ten boxes..."

"Gu Zheng, ten boxes..."

When the crew in charge of counting had already become a mechanical and dull repeater, the loading and unloading workers discovered that the warehouse, which could not be moved in any way, was being deleted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Whenever they went back and forth, the pile of boxes that had been piled up into a mountain would always be missing a small corner.

It is like a mountain range where ants carry fruits and vegetables. One day it will be hollowed out.

Before they realized it, one cabin after another was cleared by Gu Zheng.

It was originally expected that it would take three hours of work, but with his assistance it turned out to be nearly an hour earlier.

Now, only the last container is left waiting to be unpacked. After moving these, they can carry the cotton and linen products in the four-door warehouse on the freighter.

At this stage of resistance, Gu Zheng's face began to have a full smile.

Because this boat he has to make 1.5 more trips on average than an ordinary worker, and the number of boxes shipped each time is five times that of the other party.

After deducting the base weight of the fifty boxes that he originally lacked, he over-completed a total of two hundred and fifty boxes.

The cargo is equivalent to five small containers.

Calculated based on a box of five cents bonus, he made a net profit of 25.7 yuan after this trip.

This is one month's salary for a worker apprentice.

He made it in just one day.

It's just that I'm afraid that God can't understand Gu Zheng's smooth wind.

At the last moment, this lucky guy will add a little trouble.


ps: Devil King... Brief introduction... Reiki recovery... Yinsi cholera, in fact... There are really ghosts in this world.

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