The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1215: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (5)

When Gu Zheng put the last ten boxes on his back and planned to leave a few boxes for the rest of the workers to carry, so as not to make a trip in vain...

'Bang Dang'

A loud noise rang from the container he had just left.

what happened?

Gu Zheng, who turned his head subconsciously, saw that the two wooden boxes that were originally neatly placed behind him, absolutely impossible to cause any problems, were broken to pieces.

Those wooden boxes that were unable to collide with cracks after a long journey and the wind and waves on the sea were lifted off even the upper lid at this time.

Placed in the padding mixed with straw and plastic foam, are black electronic watches one after another.

The dial is so large that it can be used as a timer hanging around the neck if it is tied with a rope.

But this kind of watch is the most popular style in the world today.

It is a hot item that will be sold out as soon as it appears in a department store.

And this kind of plastic watch with a worker's half-month's salary is now like garbage that no one cares about, scattered in the corner of the container, so that Gu Zheng who sees here can't help but slow down at his feet. What a score.


A voice rang from the side of the box.

It is the crew on the voyage vessel that is responsible for inventorying the cargo ship's items and the docking personnel at the port.

Both of them had the same expression on their faces, a strange and false worry.

But their eyes flashed with excitement and greed.

In the exaggerated conversation, Gu Zheng immediately understood how the two boxes of goods fell.

"Transportation wear and tear, two boxes of electronic watches."

"The degree of loss, total loss, reason for loss, collision to 60% loss, 40% water ingress in the middle"


"These two boxes of electronic watches, I'm afraid they are too much!"

Under the tacit understanding of the two people, the two boxes are equivalent to brand new and intact electronic watches, and they are included in the pockets of these two people.

Gu Zheng didn’t know how many levels were divided among them, but from the fact he discovered today, he can conclude that there must be a concentrated and dissipated collection of these dark goods in this huge port. place.

The two of them did not shy away from the reason for these insignificant porters. It must be because these workers also knew the existence of this place and recognized this unspoken rule in the port. Maybe, it was the ultimate result of this phenomenon. Beneficiaries.

Therefore, what he has to do now is not to put down the goods on hand, condemn the actions of these two people righteously, and throw away the job he has finally found with a pebble.

But to find a way to find a way to make a fortune from this obscure phenomenon.

Quiet Gu Zheng, like a most qualified worker, turned his head back, and left the place of the incident without looking back.

In order to remind the other workers not to touch this minefield again, he would kindly remind the workers in shed No. 1 not to go to the container on the way back.

It may be because of Gu Zheng's knowledge.

After he put the last ten boxes in the warehouse, the two little heads who had already processed the scene and started to seal the containers showed a knowing smile in the direction of Gu Zheng.

Not long after, Lao Xing, who had been specially instructed, ran out of the control point on the side with a copy of his hand, and brought back a particularly good news to the big guy with a little excitement.

"Hey! Underground port city, open tonight, right next to the abandoned container No. 117."

"If you have anything you need to buy, just tell me and I will bring it to you. If you want to have a long experience, I can make an exception and take a look."

When he said this, Lao Xing's eyes kept looking at Gu Zheng.

This made Gu Zheng, who had experienced the scene just now, immediately understood the meaning of Lao Xing's words.

This is how the boss of Workshop No. 1 showed his favor, and it was the reward of the two little leaders just now for his acquaintance.

It seems that his original thoughts have finally been confirmed.

He must visit this special market tonight.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who had broken the face of Lao Xing, didn't wait for Qin Bayi to help him, he smiled honestly: "Uncle Xing, can you bring the newcomer?"

"Although I don't have a lot of money on my body, I made pretty good today."

"I just arrived in the big city today, and I didn't have everything in place."

"I just thought, let's take a look at the good things first, and say I can't bring some good things to the folks in the mountains, and I have to use them back."

Hearing Gu Zheng say this, Lao Xing was quite satisfied.

His dark eyes smiled into a slit, and he said hello to Gu Zheng.

After trying his best to say a few words, he ran to the control room that gave him the news again.

As for Qin Bayi, not long after the Lao Xing people ran away, he approached Gu Zheng, and with a little excitement, he popularized the so-called underground port market.

This is due to the internal exchange and purchase market extended by the cargo throughput of the port.

Because of the transportation of freight, people like them can get closer to the cargo in these ships.

As a result, the half-worn and defective products on certain freighters have a chance to flow into the hands of certain people.

For the sake of safety and the rules of the entire port, they will first take out these goods for internal digestion, and then sell them to the black market through certain channels for profit after they cannot be digested in the port.

This phenomenon began from the very beginning, starting from a single product that could not be sold domestically, and developed into an internal market with abundant goods and mature supply and marketing.

Not to mention the convenience for people in the port, it also created a lot of wealth.

This is such a market that Lao Xing came to inform specially tonight.

And he wanted to bring Gu Zheng's behavior, which fully explained that after today's move, he officially regarded Gu Zheng as his own.

This is a good thing.

"I will tell Lao Xing in a while, and I will go with you in the evening."

"I bought a tin pencil case for my eldest girl. It is said that dolls in big cities are all interested in this."

"Well about you, just follow me, tell me what you like, and I'll make an inquiry for you."


Gu Zheng's answer was very straightforward. Someone took it and someone helped to set it off. Why not do it?

However, what he needs most is the accumulation of basic funds.

Because, even if his salary is settled daily, his total assets so far are only 30.88 in total.

This start-up capital really couldn't let Gu Zheng show his talents.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, really worked hard.

Because of the particularity of the second-packed cotton and linen products, the cargo in this freighter container needs to be counted in kilograms.

Gu Zheng looked at the bundles of cotton wrapped in the mountain-like sacks in front of him, and expressed a deep understanding of this.

Since the weight is calculated?

Wouldn't it take advantage of it?

So, in the next work, everyone saw...a mountain is moving.

Because of the size, the average person's resistance to a cotton roll is already the limit, but Gu Zheng can use his powerful balance ability, like a juggler on a plate, put one more on his head, plus left and right. The two rolls held on his shoulders acted like a moving cotton pile, not to mention catching people's attention.

"This guy, really did the right trick!"

"It seems that for this urgent job, there is no need to add extra hours in the middle of the night today."

The people on the cargo ship are really grateful for the great work of shed 1.

The way they reward them is also very simple and rude, and assigning more and better anti-packing activities to the workers in the No. 1 shed is the best reward for these workers.

The cotton products on the ship again, although they seem to be much more bulky than electronic products.

But in fact, they just looked at the expansion, the number of real pieces was not as many as imagined.

Gu Zheng only managed to achieve three times the number of other workers, and the bonus he received was only a pitiful 35 cents.

However, just taking out one of his achievements and throwing it on the workers beside him is unimaginable.

In just one afternoon, with two jobs, Gu Zheng's reputation reverberated throughout the unloading workers of Nancheng Port.

He not only broke the record for the highest daily bonus for porters, but also set the record for the largest amount of a single job.

It suddenly became a legend among porters.

After tossing about this very time-consuming and huge number of orders, in a blink of an eye it was time to break up dinner.

But when Gu Zheng was sweating and rushed to the cafeteria with the same smelly group of people, he realized that the workers in this shed treated him a bit more enthusiastically.

For those who are capable, they are welcome no matter where they go.

And these seemingly simple workers also have their own careful thoughts.

In this turbulent wave, there are only boats that can't run, can't move goods, can't finish work, but I haven't heard of the work that has been robbed.

If they were able to take advantage of the extraordinary labor like Gu Zheng, they would not be aside, just talk about the kind of small jobs that were carried according to the human head, they would be able to take a lot of advantage.

What's more, this silent worker seems to be someone who desperately needs money.

As long as he finds a suitable job, he will certainly not care whether the people with him do more or less.

As for foremen who have already formed their own forces, such as Lao Xing or Jin Ge, it is even more necessary to make two points with Gu Zheng. This year, I want to let my work team hang a few more profitable. Work, there are no two brushes, can not make an urgent list, those in charge of the ships are not so easy to buy.

These conditions are combined together, and it becomes what it is now.


When a bottle of sorghum liquor with extremely rough printing was put in front of Gu Zheng, Lao Xing and Jin Caishui sat on the opposite side of the table where he was eating. The expressions on the faces of the two foremen who belonged to the No. 1 and No. 2 sheds were not very good, and they were barely able to maintain a sense of face when their interests were entangled.

But nowadays, it is about the rise of their careers. At this moment, the meager friendship can be ignored.

Therefore, when the bottle of high sorghum wine bought by Lao Xing was opened and the bulk peanuts specially purchased by Jin Caishui from outside the port were spread out, Gu Zheng had to face an extremely difficult choice. .

"So, Gu Zheng, what do you think, is it to be with me Lao Xing or to transfer to booth No. 2?"

The two foremen immediately set out the conditions with a horizontal knife, but who thought it would see the embarrassed look on Gu Zheng's face.

This man seemed to be inferior to everyone, and he should have never seen anything before, but he said bold words that surprised both foremen.

Gu Zheng said this: "Uncle Xing, Brother Jin, in fact, I only plan to be a porter for a short period of time."

"My family's situation is a bit special. It's not fake that I came out to make money, but it's not like everyone else. It's enough to make dozens of dollars a month."

"I, I want to make more money in the shortest time, and the more the amount, the better."

"I want to earn enough start-up capital in a short period of time, and then quickly switch careers to do the most profitable job today."

"So, Uncle Xing, Brother Jin, can you two help me? I want to live more and earn as much start-up capital as possible in this month."

"Five hundred is not too little, and one thousand is not too much."

"I can resist multiple tasks, and I can take any urgent tasks. Therefore, two brothers, it is indeed not worthwhile for you to turn your faces for someone who has done a short time."

"You two, it's better to treat me as an honest person who is desperately crushed, and take advantage of this month's effort to take more expensive jobs."

"Bringing the reputation of your team is the most advantageous choice."

After hearing these words, Lao Xing and Jin Caishui looked at each other.

They had never thought that a person in a ravine would have such great ambitions.

In this age when a black market still needs to be sneaky, people like them who have come out are already quite bold.

At this time, among them, a group of quite bold people, there appeared a bold character.

How not to shock them.

But the words have been said for this purpose, no matter whether it is true or not, it is not easy to fight anymore.

For Jin Caishui, he absolutely couldn't dig this person away, but for Lao Xing, it was a great thing.

No matter how Gu Zheng stays or stays, he will never leave No. 1 shed.

So the satisfied Old Xing head grinned and patted Gu Zheng's shoulder with great effort. After sending a triumphant look at Jin Caishui, he said his promise to let Gu Zheng come down.

"Brother Gu, don't worry, we can't be united the most!"

"Usually those urgent tasks, few people are willing to do! Brother, if you can follow, we can't ask for it."

"Come here, don't say much, let's have a drink, and there is still business to be done in the evening."

After speaking, Lao Xing didn't care about Jin Caishui's full face of resentment, but instead sipped a sip of wine and stuffed the spicy sorghum into his mouth.

The soft liquor is expensive and tasteless, and only this kind of spicy liquor that people can’t open their eyes is really delicious.


Cong Shanruu Gu Zheng followed and took a sip. After he was full of food and drink, he followed behind Qin Bayi, who looked worried, and came to Xiagang, which made him curious and mysterious. The scene of the city.

This is a hidden and dark corner transformed from an abandoned container.

Those discarded or old containers or equipment will be placed in the most extreme corners of the port before they have been removed for disposal.

Because of the remote location, there is not much effective lighting nearby, and there is a closed dead road ahead, so few people will walk to this place.

Just because of this topographical feature, a particularly strange market has emerged.

This market where the people who sell things secretly, and the people who buy things secretly, just quietly...opened.

With the still bright moonlight tonight and the shining of lights tens of meters away, the stall owners of the nearly seven or eight stalls placed the goods they wanted to get rid of.

When the crowd gradually gathered in this small space, and the smell in the air was a bit sour and smelly, the sneaky people in the venue seemed to have negotiated well. The... he opened the tightest package he had hidden.

With the help of the dim light around, the same goods that are very tight on the market are exposed to everyone.

There are the most popular Braji trousers and skirts, shirts with silk ruffles, sunglasses that began in Nancheng, and leather belts full of materials.

They are all the tightest clothing accessories nowadays.

Electronic watches, radios, and just-need mechanical watches that you must buy when you get married can also be seen in this few stalls.

The most rare thing is that Gu Zheng actually saw a 14-inch black-and-white TV set at the end of the market.

This rare thing that can only be bought in big shopping malls with foreign exchange vouchers, can it be eaten by these people in the port?

Old Qin on the side seemed to know where the confusion in Gu Zheng's eyes came from, and he didn't dare to laugh. Instead, he lowered his voice and gave Gu Zheng a simple reminder.

"Have you seen anyone over there?"

Gu Zheng looked in the direction of the man's hand and saw a grayish blue figure.

This is a small leader in the port, that's how it is.

It's no wonder that some people dare to put such precious things on sale in such an inconspicuous market.

Gu Zheng, who was determined in his heart, stopped talking.

He looked around vigilantly, and went straight to the stall he had been staring at as soon as he entered the To say that the seller at that stall was still his acquaintance.

It was the second job he fought today, the crew member who smashed the box by mistake.

The real black digital watch was revealed in the bulging package in front of him.

Although only a sample was placed in front of him, Gu Zheng knew that the 30-odd ocean he had just acquired today, he was afraid that he would soon be confessing to this person's hands.

But he has already taken a fancy to everything, depending on the prices in the market.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he tugged at Qin Bayi's cuff next to him, and squeezed towards the stall in the middle section, and squeezed towards here.


ps: Recommend a book to a friend, written by Pang Dafu. I recommend his "Xiangjiang Dynasty" in "Three Thousand Years of Life". I recommend him. After he finished the book, he was blocked, so it is definitely not my pot! ! If you are interested, go and take a look.

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