The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1217: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (7)

But the boss lady on the opposite side showed a particularly contented smile.

"It can drive until five o'clock in the evening."

"The keeper of the train station loves my noodles."

"Comrade, if you are done with things, you must come to my house to have a taste. My house is not only expensive vegetable noodles, there are also eight-cent Yangchun noodles."


Just for the enthusiasm of the boss lady and the confident look in her eyes, Gu Zheng knew that if he could return smoothly, he would definitely try it.

It's just that now, time doesn't wait for me, Gu Zheng, who was holding a hot pie, followed the sporadic flow of people, and got on the latest car bound for Wucheng.

This green leather car passing by, chuckles, I don't know how long it has been.

When the baffle of the carriage was lowered, Gu Zheng could still smell a violent smell no less than that in the work shed.

Want to find a seat in this kind of carriage?

That is daydreaming.

But it did not prevent Gu Zheng from not even entering the car, and standing in the smoking corridor, looking at the dilapidated scenery outside the car, the station far away, and the unknown future.

In his hand is a large green soft pack of cigarettes at the front door.

This is one of the most expensive tobaccos he can afford now.

He doesn't have the money to buy Double Happiness, and he doesn't like the cheaper production brand cigarettes.

Among the Albanian cigarettes or the Warriors cigarettes with almost the same price, the reason why he chose Daqianmen is because the people in this world, like many other worlds he has been to, have a feeling of the motherland.

‘Dang, bang...’

The slowly moving carriage pulled Gu Zheng's thoughts away, allowing him to return from his own world, and also giving him a chance to see clearly where he is now.

Because of the special geographical location of Nancheng, there are more convenient opportunities to contact the world than nearby cities.

Therefore, this city is equivalent to the vane of fashion and fashion throughout the country.

Many people from all over the world like to buy some Nancheng items when they return home.

Not to mention affordable, stylish and beautiful, unique is their favorite.

Of course, if this kind of thing is a normal purchase in the family, naturally no one will say anything.

But what if it is a purposeful purchase and sale?

But it happened to hit the gunpoint of the police.

That would be bad luck.

There is a certain amount of jail time. It depends on the amount of money involved. It starts in half a year, and there is no ceiling.

And now Gu Zheng is about to encounter his first hurdle on the road to making money, because his eyes on Liulu have already spotted two police officers wearing white public security uniforms, driving in one car and one car. Advance investigation before proceeding.

No, this is not the policeman on the train.

This is a criminal police officer who comes to the car to conduct random checks on national fugitives and economic cases.

Why is it so unlucky for me that I met such a character on the first day of reselling?

No, I have to figure out a way, but Gu Zheng's mind flashed in his mind, who had already touched his hand in the cloth pocket...

He hid his face in the corner of the smoking aisle, and dragged out a bunch of watches in his pocket.

Why use a bunch of quantifiers?

That means Gu Zheng's cautious habit.

In order to fear that the electronic watch would be lost due to its small size, he used a thin plastic rope to tie the watch's buckle into a whole.

It's like a bunch of peppers, neat and tidy like a grasshopper.

And just because of this kind of treatment, it made Gu Zheng anxious to think of a way. He put his large national costume on his belly like this, and put this string of watches like a bag of explosives. Wrapped on his naked chest muscles.

With the white hemp vest covered in it, and the non-fitting national costumes, Gu Zheng appeared in front of everyone in the most ordinary image as if nothing was hidden.

Because the speed under his hands is not slow, the eyes of the people in the carriage are all attracted by the two policemen.

Therefore, when he finished all the work of hiding, no one discovered his abnormality.

When Gu Zheng turned around calmly, he had already tucked the cloth pocket of the watch twice into his equally fat trouser pocket.

"What are you doing!!"

"Ah!!! It hurts!"

A sharp cry rang along with the sound of inquiry.

During the time when Gu Zheng raised his head, the two police comrades seemed to have discovered something special, and rushed in the direction of a man with a greasy face and a greasy face.

One of the shorter police officers twisted the man’s elbow back, while the other tall, thin man was a large pocket that was stuffed out of the window to destroy the criminal’s body. ... and dragged it back into the carriage.

"What did you throw! Say! Why do you feel nervous when you see us?!!!"

After the package was rescued back, the two police officers, who were not too old, began to inspect this rather suspicious package with vigilant faces.

But when they opened the package, they discovered that there is always everything here.

The girl’s gauze skirt, fashionable leather shoes, the most popular tape recorder, and bundles of flared trousers all stuffed a sack full.

Looking along the direction of the original storage of the sacks, there are actually three sacks that have not had time to be thrown out side by side with this extremely similar sacks.

It seems that this is all the luggage of this man on this train trip.

"Okay! It really isn't a good thing!"

"A speculative trader! You are exploiting the simple working people, using the inconvenient communication conditions to squeeze the hard gains of the toiling people!"

"You dare to take so many goods at once! You simply don't take our public security officers and the laws and regulations of the country to heart!"

"This comrade! Now officially inform you that from now on, you have been arrested!"

After finishing speaking, the thin and tall guy tied the mouth of the sack, the ‘ding-dong’... he unfastened a dazzling handcuff from his waist, and handcuffed the greasy man’s hands together.

As soon as this lightning-fast action was finished, the man who was subdued struggled fiercely.

He was like a sleepy beast that had lost all hope, crying and roaring, as if he didn't understand why, he just surreptitiously transported goods a few times, earning a little bit of hard money.

The people who were oppressed and exploited by the police, when they saw his arrival, the expressions that appeared on their faces were not the pain they described.

The greasy men knew that their hearts were actually delighted.

But in the same way, the joy in the eyes of others is insignificant in the eyes of these police officers.

Because to them, he was nothing more than a speculative criminal.

Thinking of this man, he finally started crying with his throat.

The people on the side felt unbearable, but no one stepped forward to dissuade the two police officers from their law enforcement actions.

Because, in this simple world, no one thinks what the two police officers said is wrong.

"Is there anyone who made the same mistake as the criminal?"

"Frankly be lenient and resist strict! If we take the initiative to stand up and self-confess, we will be given a commutation penalty when we declare the sentence to the top!"

The words were not very loud, but they spread throughout the entire carriage.

Either standing or sitting, the crowded carriage, at this moment, it is quiet like a library.

When the two police officers confiscated all the human traffickers and the dirt, and planned to move towards the rest car of the train staff, the whole car still maintained such a solemn state.

"You, open the sack under your feet, let us see..."

When they saw that no one had cooperated, the eyes of the two men were like radars. They opened their own eyes. Anyone who saw that the package was larger would be subject to a temporary random inspection.

Because of the natural fear of public security, none of these people will resist or be unhappy. Instead, with three points of trembling and caution, they unfold their luggage packages one by one and let them inspect them.

With the cooperation of this group of people, the two policemen escorting the criminals walked quickly. After squeezing out the carriage, they passed by Gu Zheng's side naturally.

"and many more……"

The two parties had already passed by, but because of this tall and thin sentence, they stopped each other's footsteps.

"My fellow, where are you going by train?"

And after Gu Zheng smiled shyly, he replied: "Grumbling..."

A large number of dialects are mixed with occasional one or two Mandarin, which makes people stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the two police officers laughed.

"You said that this is a nuisance, and it's all over."

"Where does our national brother come from so many twists and turns."

"Is this going to Wucheng?"

The thin and tall guy smiled more openly after seeing the ticket that Gu Zheng handed over immediately.

"Wuhu is a good place, and it is most suitable for folk artists like you."

"There are beautiful mountains and rivers, and it's a city worth visiting."

"Well, brothers, if there is any inconvenience during the trip, we must tell the police in our car!"

"We are a family of ethnic brothers, so we can help wherever we are."

After listening to these words, Gu Zheng showed the simplest smile. Using their unique way of treating friends, he patted his chest, shook it again, and faced the two uniformed policemen. Pretending to take two pats on the chest, fully expressing his gratitude.

I don't know if it was because of Gu Zheng's special calmness and enthusiasm that the mood of the two public security comrades was inexplicably cleared.

They were originally in a very unhappy mood because of the various complicated cases on the train and the slick criminals, but they got better because of the approved eyes and approval of the people.

Their profession really needs recognition.

And that simple national brother is really a sincere person.

So, after waiting for two hours, when the ethnic brother who could be seen in the crowd got off the passing car, he also received a very valuable gift from the policeman on the car. .

A map of the urban area of ​​Wuhu.

Unfortunately, their kindness may really be in vain.

Because now Gu Zheng doesn't need a city tour route map at all, but a survey report on the most prosperous commercial street in Wuhu.

As an out-of-towner who doesn't understand Wucheng at all, and the return ticket takes less than an hour, he only needs to find the right store or even the person he wants to find.

But Gu Zheng's plan is very simple and rude.

He relied on the small railway station in Wucheng, along the largest street in the city, and began to press shop.

In this world where you can't sell things blatantly, there are always clues that can lead to the store that Gu Zheng wants to find.

No, when he was standing on the side of the street, he saw a sneaky local for the third time slipping into an inconspicuous half-opened courtyard, and after a while, he sneaked out again. There were pockets of different sizes in his hands. Gu Zheng knew that he had already found the right place.

This is a trading point on the black market under the half-open door.

Looking at this blatant appearance, I am afraid that it was driven by a character like a snake in Wucheng.

They use their own means to win over a batch of products that are difficult to obtain on the market, and then use their own sales outlets to distribute these items.

At the same time, it also uses the convenience of this branch to purchase some rare objects scattered among the people's homes. If you meet people in urgent need, you can make a fortune.

And this kind of place is where Gu Zheng wanted to sell.

After repeatedly confirming that no one would come in a short time, he knocked on the half-covered door with three-point vigilance.



A low and vigilant voice sounded inside.

"I, I heard from the people in the same village that the good goods are collected here?"

Gu Zheng's voice was similarly not high, and with a rare hesitation and worry, he suddenly dispelled the vigilance of the inner courtyard people, and at the same time developed some interest in Gu Zheng.

"What is it? How good is it? I have to read it. How many of you are here? Where did you know this?"

With so many questions, Gu Zheng was picky to answer. He succeeded in blurring his origin, but he was tickling the people who said what was in his hands.


The concealed door finally opened a crack. After seeing Gu Zheng's appearance and confirming that he was alone, the courtyard finally opened the aisle for Gu Zheng that could only allow half a person to pass through.

"Come in, hurry up, don't let anyone see it..."

In just a moment, Gu Zheng successfully dodged through the door.

When he entered the courtyard gate, he discovered that there was not only the one guarding the gate in this courtyard.

This is a courtyard that has been deliberately cleaned up. The courtyard that was originally quite empty was actually separated by a corridor artificially. According to Gu Zheng's idea, the back of the two walls of this corridor, I am afraid that they have been made into partitions. A warehouse has come to use.

And this entrance door is the innermost side of the alley on the corridor wall, and there is a small door that can only pass through one person.

There was a chair standing outside the door, and a man sat with a crossed sword on it, with Erlang's legs crossed, just like the old thugs who came out to give everyone a thug when they worshipped the dock.

The Lianjiazi with the highest non-strength value cannot afford this position.

It seems that this person sitting here serves as a deterrent and also serves as a security guard for the courtyard.

Gu Zheng, who passed by here, couldn't help but look at it a few more times. It was unexpected that when he retracted his gaze, the other party's gaze followed him.


Gu Zheng's silly smile responded very quickly, causing the fierce man with a scar on the corner of his eye to smoke his face, then continue to close his eyes and rest his mind.

This must be his own illusion, he was awakened by an astonishing look while he was still resting.

But in this yard, apart from this strange countryman, there are no others.

I was afraid that I was still dreaming just now.

The man who shook his head gently suppressed the strange feeling in an instant.

However, the farmer Gu Zheng, who was marked by him as being non-threatening, entered this narrow gate under the leadership of the guide.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Zheng was startled by the goods inside.

The layout here is actually the same as the old supply and marketing cooperatives.

All the goods are categorized and placed on top of a wooden container.

Of course, it's just a sample, enough to collect the entire number of needles and brains for a family.

If you want a large amount of supplies, I'm afraid I will have to talk to a man in black with a purple sand at the back of this container.

It seems that the man who only gives everyone a back view and leisurely drinks tea is afraid that he is the real owner of this black market.

Standing still, Gu Zheng didn't feel anxious to find the man to find out what he was doing. On the contrary, he steadfastly looked at the stalls of these products.

This dazzling array of goods piled up in a pile is much richer than the two or three kinds of deserted goods in the supply and marketing agency ~

After confirming that the other party really didn't have any thoughts about his dozens of watches, Gu Zheng steadily rubbed behind the man in black, and inquired out his own with a not-so-loud voice. Require.

"Do you accept anything here?"

Hearing this question, the leisurely drinking tea turned around, and after a slightly surprised look at Gu Zheng, he showed a particularly delighted smile.

"Come! Why not?"

"Dendrobium officinale, Ganoderma lucidum, Honeysuckle, cheap and expensive Chinese medicine, we all accept!"

"Tobacco leaves, tea leaves, I concocted them by myself, I have to taste them before..."

This is taking Gu Zheng as a medicinal picker in the mountains.

And when Gu Zheng untied his jacket particularly calmly, and lined up the black electronic watches like dynamite bags in a row in front of the man in black, the owner holding the purple sand pot Ah, that's the eyes are almost staring out.

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