The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1218: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (8)

"Oh! I didn't see it! My fault, my fault!"

"Looking at me, I didn't expect the little brother to have such fashionable goods in his hands."

"Do you want to get rid of it? Or do you want me to quote a price?"

After seeing Gu Zheng nod his head, this man in black, wearing a Tang suit with a cross-breasted Tang suit, and a big shopkeeper in the old robe and jacket, showed a shrewd smile.

"Then, little brother, I'm talking, you listen."

"If we are satisfied, we will shake hands. If we can't agree, you will mark the price you want, and we will discuss it again."

"This electronic watch is a new style made by the Guangcheng Watch Factory itself, and it mimics the appearance of the Nanyang side."

"Because the price is less than half of the imported goods, the sales are quite hot."

"Of course, this has caused an extremely short supply, and it has become more popular."

"But no matter how popular it is, its price is not too high."

"Now the market price is fifteen yuan a piece, but if you put so many together, you can't sell it together."

"The reason why you found my place is probably because you wanted to sell it together."

"You also know that what I earn here is the money that I changed hands for the second time. Naturally, the price I gave could not be as high as the market price."

"But I won't cheat you. If you are all sold with me, I will give you this price."

After speaking, the black silk-clothed man compared one one, one two, and prepared to take the order at the price of twelve yuan.

And this price is not much different from the lowest price Gu Zheng originally planned.

Gu Zheng, who was already doing errands simply, planned to win another one or two for himself. He took a five after the other's gesture.

It means that if you have to add a half, we can continue to talk about this matter.

After a moment of stunned, the man in black who Cheng Xiang's opposite squinted his eyes and laughed.

"Hey, it's interesting, fellow, you're afraid it's not the roundworm in my stomach, the price you gave is really the highest price I can call the shots."

"In this way, let's make friends. If you have any rare objects in your hands, come here to find me."

"My surname is Jiang, and my name is Jiangnan."

"It looks like I am a few years older than you. If you don't dislike you, call me Nan Ge."

"The two of us have been friends since this deal. What do you think?"

It's okay. With the extra fifty cents, a total of ten and fifty cents worth of friends like Gu Zheng, you are considered to be making a lot of money.

And Gu Zheng was not hypocritical, and directly stretched out the palm of his right hand towards the other party. The two people who understood... ‘pop’, they squeezed both hands together.

Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

Jiangnan harvested thirty-five pieces of the most fashionable electronic watch from Guangcheng, while Gu Zheng exchanged his life's first real wealth, totaling 437.5 yuan.

The two groups of people are contented.

Because he was in a hurry to rush back, Gu Zheng's feet, which was about to step out of the hospital, took them back when he remembered something.


He pointed to this room full of merchandise with some confusion, and said his doubts more.

"Why don't you see a big item like a washing machine, refrigerator, TV?"

Hearing this, Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows and then smacked his mouth.

"That thing is not easy."

"Even if you are struggling to get one, you can't make much difference in the middle."

"You know, those who have access to these things, they are not bad for money."

Hearing Jiang Nan's words like this, Gu Zheng hesitated for a while.

He immediately thought of the ‘scrapped’ TV set in the port.

The price is really not expensive. The honest price in the early 300s is because the customers who went to the market that night were not bold enough and did not find their real buyers.

But Gu Zheng recognized the man selling the TV.

It was the little person in charge who recruited him in the labor market.

Judging by his current position, he is afraid that he is just a salesperson.

The nature of his work is related to his long-term stationing in the port.

Putting the goods in his hands is equivalent to a very safe warehouse.

Gu Zheng who thought of this place hesitated and spoke again: "If I can find you a TV that is cheaper than the market...Can you take care of the transportation?"

Hearing Jiangnan here, the teapot mouth in his mouth was almost bit off by him.

Can't be excited, calm...

Jiang Nan, who took a deep breath, asked a little shiveringly: "Brother, where is the place you said?"

It can't be too far, it's just a joke if it's a pole to a foreign country.

"South City."

After listening to this answer, the smile on Jiangnan's face became more and more open.

Nancheng is good, how close is Nancheng.

Half a day is enough.

This is simply a surprise.

"Then the price?"

If you talk about a market price, I will almost agree.

These days there is a price but no market. Where is this rare thing used to sell, it is clearly a big killer left to unblock the relationship.

For people with good family conditions, all kinds of clothes and snacks have been seen.

But the TV?

To be honest, even in the family of the cadre's children, it is a rare thing.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng thought about it and reported a 550 yuan, Jiang Nan was about to kneel to Gu Zheng.

He also didn't ask how this extremely simple man across the street could get a TV.

But since Gu Zheng entered his room just now, he had made careful observations.

There was no little cramping between words and behavior. When he saw these commodities that he thought was rare, it was as sparse and ordinary as seeing wild vegetables in the ground.

No, maybe it's not just sparseness. Jiang Nan clearly felt Gu Zheng's disregard for the supplies here and even a slight dislike.

It is a combination of all these things, so that Jiang Nan was already a brother before Gu Zheng even mentioned the TV.

Now, it's up to Gu Zheng to make arrangements.

As the saying goes, business also has the right way. He won't ask more about where Gu Zheng got the TV channel.

Seeing that Jiang Nan just accepted it, and didn't ask many details in the follow-up, Gu Zheng felt more positive about this man who seemed slick and shrewd, but actually peculiarly measured.

After carefully pondering the transportation process, he came up with his own arrangements.

"In this way, you'll be late... Just at half past eight in the evening, wait for me at the side entrance of the Nancheng Labor Market."

"When the time comes, we will pay for the goods and deliver the goods."

"Also, you give me a quasi-letter, we don't sell out, you are planning to ask for a few."

"Or what else is needed. You have to know that the people I know are more complicated, and many things are rarely seen on the market."

After hearing this, Jiang Nan had already started to laugh and cry, his expression distorted with excitement.

"I...I will take whatever I have, big brother, you believe me, I still have the financial resources, not to mention this is not just my family's property..."

Just a word, someone from the brothers has taken a stake.

Gu Zheng, who understood in one sentence, patted Jiang Nan on the shoulder. As a future partner, he also announced his name sincerely.

"Call me Gu Zheng, since that's the case, let's not always be the big brother, the big brother's call."

"At half past eight tonight, I'll take a look at what I can bring to you."

"From now on, there will be more places to rely on Jiangnan Brother."

This is to finalize the matter thoroughly.

The two parties let out a sigh of relief. Jiangnan also sent people to politely send Gu Zheng to the gate of the train station in Wuhu.

When the figure in the indigo national costume disappeared completely into the crowd, the kid who was in charge of the door was worried about the boss.

"Brother Nan, is this kid okay? I can't tell him that he has such a relationship."

"What if we rush to Nancheng excitedly but can't see anyone?"

The money spent back and forth is still a trivial matter, and the energy involved in tossing back and forth is a major matter.

But Jiang Nan, who should most doubt Gu Zheng, shook his head nonchalantly, preventing his little brother from talking next.

"Don't be afraid, just treat it as a tourist."

"You haven't dealt with him face-to-face. If you have talked with him and felt the temperament in him, you won't have such doubts."

Jiangnan now seriously suspects that this kid is a typical example of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The costume with national characteristics on his body is probably just a distracting look.

If you say that Gu Zheng is in a high position or who is a military and political Jiangnan is a believer.

Even if the commander of the officer who always came to their house to shop for something in their black market, he didn't have Gu Zheng's calm attitude.

He believes in his own feelings and vision, and he can be regarded as a capable person who has read countless people in Jiangnan. This Gu Zheng is not simple.

As for that Gu Zheng, who was confirmed by Jiangnan with a not-so-simple identity, he was stuck in time on the green train returning to Nancheng, and he stomped back on the land of Nancheng at the very beginning of the afternoon. .

The first thing Gu Zheng did when he returned to Nancheng was not to rush towards the port's work place, but to go straight to the south square of the train station with a little eagerness.

There was also a bowl of Yangchun noodles that he was thinking of in his heart, waiting for him.

The scent that made him dream of, for the present, when the material is extremely scarce, it is equivalent to the rare treasure as a beacon.

The business has been done, and no one can stop him from moving towards the food.

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