The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1219: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (11)

So, when Gu Zheng came out of the station and walked towards the steaming booth, the lady boss who was busy among the small tables in the crowd saw his presence at a glance.

The passenger flow of this train station is not small, but there are not many people like Gu Zheng...

The customer who had promised to come to her sneaky snack shop to eat a bowl of noodles really went and returned at this time.

Thinking of the lady boss here, the smile on her face grew a little bit more, she took up a tattered piece of cloth that could not be patched on her hand, wiped a few vacant desktops, and walked towards her. Gu Zheng got up.

"Big brother, are you taking care of the business again?"

"What to eat at noon, some noodles and pancakes."

Smelling the aroma coming from the big bucket of soup on the side, Gu Zheng just opened his mouth when he was about to order, and he turned a bend or two.

"Here is a bowl of Yangchun noodles, no, it's vegetable meat noodles."

I just made so much money, which is equivalent to a worker's wages for more than a year.

It's time to eat some good ones.

Hearing Gu Zheng's choice, the lady proprietress was happy on her face. She was afraid that Gu Zheng would change her mind again, she rushed to the chopping board of the stall very numbly, picked up the kitchen knife... Dangdang cut up the noodles.

At this time, wherever there are any machines to press the noodles, they are all real hand-rolled noodles.

The dough that came out in the early morning was chewy and firm. Because the flour was slightly yellow, the dough that was taken out and cut into thin noodles had its own golden halo, and it seemed to pop out under the noon sun. The fragrance of wheat.

A pot of boiled water sitting on a coal stove, as the noodles under the pot and the vents underneath opened, it rolled out the bubbles of hard work, rolling out the noodles with the scent of noodles, and the ups and downs of the drum. Volt.

A burst of pasta's unique aroma followed the heat wave and rushed to the face.

While the noodles were being cooked, the large iron pan on the other stove was smeared with a thin layer of lard.

They should be cooked with the sizzling oil bubbles, a handful of chopped green onion spinach, and Huang Cancan oily tofu.

Under the fierce stir-frying of the fire, a mature color was revealed.

smell good!

When they were nine minutes cooked and fragrant, the noodles in the boiling pot were also put in the fence by the lady’s skillful hands, and the noodles were covered with a wide mouth by flipping and clasping them with her hands. Inside the big flat bowl.


A bowl of warm milky white chicken soup was poured on the noodles as a topping, and a handful of charred, crispy and fragrant dishes were also sprinkled on the top of the noodle bowl along with the soup, but with one touch, it smeared the most. The beautiful oil ring, with the ups and downs of the soup, scattered into little beads, adding a sharp weapon to this delicious noodle.

"Come on, big brother, eat slowly, it's not enough, add two cents, and I'll add noodles to you."

"Hey! I want it, the craftsmanship of the lady boss wants it. I knew it was so delicious when I saw it."

Gu Zheng was not welcome. When the proprietress brought the noodle bowl, he took it in his hand, took the chopsticks picked out of the bamboo basket, inserted it into it, and sucked.

The smooth noodles are wrapped in the fragrant soup, which is incredibly delicious.

With only a couple of mouthfuls, Gu Zheng pulled a large bowl of noodles upright.

When he was going to give himself another bowl of white noodles, he heard a loud noise from the laneway that was connected to the deepest part of the noodle stall.

"Sister, I'm hungry! If you have anything to eat, make me a little bit. I have to go to Lao Zhang to start work in the afternoon. Hurry up."

As this particularly undue beating sound fell, the yelling person revealed his true face.

Lifting his eyelids, Gu Zheng took a look, and realized that he was still an acquaintance.

It was the first person he met when he had just arrived in this world and got off the train station.

Wang was crazy.

Today's Wang Maddao still adheres to an indescribable aesthetic and a big back that can squeeze out two or two oils.

The same bat shirt, the same bell bottoms, the only difference is that the last time it was red and green, this time it was red and purple.

It's nothing more than the difference between **** and death.

However, the yelling Wang Maddao had a chance to feel for a while, but he sat down opposite Gu Zheng.

As the two of them met, the smile on the face of the man opposite gradually cracked.

"You... stinky hillbilly...?"


‘Kang Dangdang...’

The sound of the chair table turning over at this moment rang.

Don't get me wrong, this is not what Wang Maddao brought up after seeing Gu Zheng excitedly.

This is something worse than Wang Chuangdao's madness.

When everyone did not react, a team of urban crackdown workers who suddenly appeared, with red armbands, directly lifted the boss’s stall.

Not only did they lift the tables and benches, but when they freed their hands, they also stretched out two tricks... rushed straight in the direction of the boss’s wife, intending to catch them on the spot, and then send them to the relevant departments to give them severe punishment. Punishment.

"Wang crazy donkey! Brother, save me!"

A sharp sound that could tear Cangxiong came out from the lady boss's mouth, making Wang Maddao, who was still staring at Gu Zheng angrily...a Ji Ling woke up.

He ran in the direction of his eldest sister in a hurry, but in his heart he hated Lao Xu at the train station.

This is unreliable, and he is responsible for whistleblowing.

All the picket officers ran to the door of the house, and there was no figure of Old Xu.

Usually there are food and drink entertaining, and rice and noodles are also given on New Year's and holidays. Is it filled with dissatisfaction that the gully is difficult to fill?

Wait, Lao Xu, if my eldest sister is caught in, Lao Tzu will kill you! !

Crazy Wang thought while trying to save his relatives.

He lowered his voice with a little bewilderment, and when he rushed over, he said to one of the red armbands: "Comrade, if you have something to discuss, how much will you release?"

And the red cuff hoop that looks quite savvy, who thought it was a mallet inside.

He only felt deeply insulted after he heard Wang Maddao's words of bribery.

His noble personality was tarnished, and his very meaningful work was despised.

These have become the source of his anger and stimulated his full potential.

This man, who was not Wang Maddao’s opponent at all, was actually grabbing Wang Maddao’s elbow at this time, and with unprecedented strength, this man who did not seem to be annoying The pull was pushed away.

"Get out of the way! Stopping the picket office is equivalent to obstructing official duties, and you will be arrested!"

"Come here! There is another accomplice here!"

When he heard the yelling of this person toasting and not eating, and seeing the four or five teammates coming from behind this person, Wang Maddao finally cursed his usual words: "Fuck! You guys! This group of cripples, you wait for Grandpa!!!"

The current situation drove Wang crazy...Even his eldest sister couldn't care about it, she just wanted to turn her head and run away.

At the stall where the table was lifted, the number of guests who were not too many had already ran away scattered, providing Wang Crazy Dao with a particularly perfect escape environment.

But who came to mind, when he turned around and just ran out two steps... Behind him came the exclamation of the picket officer, mixed with the slightly surprised screams of his elder sister.


"Asshole! Who are you! Do you know what you are doing!!"

"Help me!"

When Wang Fengdao turned his head subconsciously, he found that the stinky redneck who made him fall off the bicycle was carrying a metal bucket of old soup in one hand and carrying it in the other. The eldest sister of his Wang family, spoiled for joy... rushed towards where he was.

Gu Zheng, who was hiding in the stall, drank the only bowl of noodle soup left in his bowl calmly, and took advantage of the chaos, and directly came to a hero to save the noodle soup.

Want to save the beauty?

Wang Crazy said he didn't believe it himself.

Although Gu Zheng is darker, thinner, taller, but that face is mixed with unique temperament, and it is really not ugly.

Let's take another look at the eldest sister of the Wang family. The saggy face and the drooping chest are not even close to the beauty.

Well, it's a bit strange for Gu Zheng to extend a helping hand.

Just when Wang Chuang was astonished and forgot to continue running away, Gu Zheng who caught up with him yelled at him: "Are you stupid! Are you not a local snake! Hurry up and lead the way and keep running!"

If caught this time, I am afraid that the three of them... will be locked in for a long time.

Gu Zheng's robbery made a more serious mistake.

He couldn't let this group of pickets be caught.

After Gu Zheng finished roaring, Wang Maddao finally came to his senses.

In the alleys of Nancheng, there is no such thing as his crazy Wang Dao.

The alleys with ropes and diapers hung on top of them are like a group of spiders, dazzling and unrecognizable.

Even the natives living in Nancheng, if they are not living in the alleys here for a long time, are afraid that they will lose their basic direction in this kind of residential structure that the fork road and the side street want to echo.

Therefore, Wang Maddao, who was quite confident in himself, finally revealed the pride that a local snake should have.

"Keep up! Don't fall behind!"

After speaking this confidently full of words, Wang Maddao's soles moved again.

The three of them rushed straight to the entrance of the alley that followed the stall, and when they turned the eighteenth turn, they finally succeeded in dumping the entire group of people behind them who were ashamed and angry...

No way, this is exactly the time for each family to have their meals. Someone who washes vegetables and washes rice will naturally burn and cook rice.

Coupled with the help of pouring the urinal, chatting gossip, and the old alleys who are showing off their meals, plus the random guidance for fear of not being chaotic, even if there are more than double the number of people, it will be true if you can’t catch up. Can't catch up with them.

In order to ensure sufficient safety, Wang Maddao directly turned into a recessed blind spot, and their team of escaped troops had the time to really take a breath.


"Thank you brother, you can put me down!"

Sister Wang was still being resisted on his shoulders like a pig. When saying these few words, Wang Maddao actually heard a bit of embarrassment. This made him know his eldest sister very well, so he couldn’t help but fight. There was a chill.

This woman who has never lost a quarrel with others is not as good as she is now showing.

But the savior of Wang's savior, the black and thin country bumpkin Gu Zheng, looked like a okay person, with a simple smile, instead turning his gaze to Wang Maddao's body.

Seeing Wang Maddao inexplicably guilty: "What do you look at?"

"Didn't I just scold you a little bit of a hillbilly? I said I want to clean up you. Isn't this still not done yet?"

Wang Maddao just snapped out a few words here, and while thanking the big sister Wang who took the big iron bucket from Gu Zheng's hand, she suddenly hit this with a slap in the face. On the back of his brother.

"Huh? You want to attack our savior, and you are embarrassed to scold someone else's hillbilly?"

"I looked at the hillbilly who was also older than you, the little thorn!"

"Look at what your dress is, the greasy noodles don't seem like a good person at all!"

"Do you still dare to beat people? Have you developed your skills? Look at today, Sister, I won't beat you up anyway!"

After that, the eldest sister Wang actually planned to give Wang Crazy a love of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

Gu Zheng still couldn't stand it, and he quickly spoke to stop these two seemingly unreliable siblings. He still has something to discuss with Wang Maddao. Their appearance is simply to give Gu Zheng pillows.

Therefore, Gu Zheng on the side waved his hands repeatedly: "Sister, don't fight anymore. Brother Wang is right. I am a native of the country."

"What's more fashionable than the people in the big cities? What is the name of Brother Wang? Fashion..."

"Actually, you guys don't want to thank me specifically, we are also brothers who are in distress, and there is one more thing to say that you don't know each other?"

"This shows that I have a fate with Brother Wang."

"Furthermore, if Brother Wang and Sister Wang really feel sorry, I happen to have a small matter here that comes to Brother Wang."

"I wonder if Brother Wang can listen to me talking?"

Wang Crazy likes to listen to these words, if one of these words is the most correct, it is the one that he said is fashionable.

Wang Crazy, who was completely comforted by Gu Zheng, said that he slapped his chest.

I accepted it in one bite.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Tell me about something difficult to do with my brother. I am not bragging. I know all the people on the ground in Nancheng."

"Who are you trying to destroy or trouble you, just tell me, brother, I will keep it for you and post it properly."

This is not dare.

The dumbfounded Gu Zheng quickly took the stubborn words over: "No, no, brother, you think too much, I just need you... this way... this way..."

After a passage, Gu Zheng gave a rough idea of ​​the deal between him and Wucheng Jiangnan.

Among them, the transactions involved and the specific details Gu Zheng did not elaborate.

However, Wang Maddao, who was not a foolish man, heard different business opportunities from this.

He hugged the hillbilly whom he had never looked down upon at all, a little flattering and a little flattering and brought his big face together like this.

"I said, brother, you have such a way, why don't you pull it, pull it, brother, me!"

"Then what Jiangnan must have eaten are all the big goods that are in short supply, but you can't let go of those small and odd goods!"

"If you are like this, the needle is still a needle, you can take it out and give it to me!"

"Although you don't make as much money as you sell far away by yourself, it's safer to win!"

"I don't have the ability to be beside the crazy road, but there are people!"

"Give me those inconspicuous bits and pieces. I can sell them all to you in less than a day."

Well, this is a way. Even if Wang Maddao didn't mention it himself, Gu Zheng would find a way to fool this person into his thief ship.

According to the original plan to care for Zheng, after he found a fixed supplier in Nancheng, he must return to the mountains of Sichuan Province.

Alone, he is very aware of the capabilities of the township party.

In that remote mountain village, a person's wealth cannot do anything to improve the environment of the village.

What Gu Zheng has to do now is to use this business chain as an opportunity to bring out all the members of the most united family in the mountains.

He wants to lead the villagers to make a fortune and make the closed mountain village into a stream of flowing water.

This is beyond his ability alone.

What's more, the business he is doing now requires a large number of people, and earning is quick money with a time difference.

At this time, the appearance of the mad way of the land snake king can be said to be too timely.

If he could fill up the gap in the purchase channel of Shangnan City, Gu Zheng would be able to return to the village's most recent and largest Wan'an county town and set up a black market like Jiangnan.

In this way, he can control a county, with the sales lifeline of most of the cities around him.

The road that was built from their village to the first bordering village will probably end in a very long time.

Gu Zheng believed that, in accordance with the sturdy spirit of the villagers in their mountains, as long as they were given a chance, they would surely turn a carp into a dragon and make a remarkable career.

Therefore, after the boy in front of him has turned the enemy into a friend, he must have a good relationship.

If possible, Gu Zheng intends to use the charm of his personality and the money offensive of the spring weather to pull Wang Maddao onto his chariot, and envelop the ground snake and move forward with the villagers in the mountains.

It's just that now, use the work of a TV set to test the reliability of this person first, and then decide whether it is a deep cooperation after considering it.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, made Wang Maddao a confidant after a few rounds. When he was going to return to the port to complete his daily basic anti-packaging, this brother with many friends almost came close. Going to carry the big bag with Gu Zheng.

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