The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1221: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (11)

And because he always stares at the port, he can't always go out of the port.

What happened once and twice became, Ye Baoguo turned out to be a free warehouse for this group of people.

Because he didn't dare to sell with fanfare, he could only get some hard money.

At the end, the goods fell in his hands once, but returned to the hands of the cargo people on their respective ships.

I don't know how many times, he can only watch the others make a big head.

He is depressed, and if this continues, his liver hurts.

Now, Gu Zheng's words suddenly opened up a small gap in his way forward.

Let him see the dawn of independent sales.

So now Ye Baoguo is able to connect with intelligence and lowered his voice by three points: "Then how much do you say?"

"How many do you want? I don't have many TV sets, but there are others..."

Take a washing machine, for example, a refrigerator that you have never seen in the city.

Hearing this, Gu Zheng knew there was a door.

He tentatively said: "300? Can't it? Lead you to give you a sincere price..."

After Gu Zheng saw Ye Baoguo's quotation, his cheeks kept twitching, and he knew that his quotation might have hit the other party's lung tube.

Gu Zheng really didn't have to say that this was a guess. The price he quoted was five yuan short of the low price given to Ye Baoguo by the seller who was consigned by others.

The other party’s offer price was 305. If you really said that Ye Baoguo might as well earn a safekeeping fee.

So after listening to the quotation, Ye Baoguo responded with a bit of shame: "No! The minimum is three hundred and five! Do you want love!!"

This is his limit, fifty yuan, the basic monthly salary of a formal port worker, if it is lower than this, he won't bother to make it.

Who would have thought, Gu Zheng, who was opposite to the anti-package, didn't even think about it. He nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay! Three hundred and five is three hundred and five. I will go to the leader to get the goods at 7:30 in the evening."

"Should I go to the market or wherever the leader pointed?"

Should it be so fast?

What about bargaining? How do I feel like you are making a big bargain.

Can you not earn it? A TV set made Gu Zheng from the port to the labor market, earning twice the price.

Oh, that’s not right, but also deduct a dime for the round-trip bus.

Everyone is happy to put it on anyone.

Now that the price has been negotiated, Gu Zheng intends to make persistent efforts. Before leaving, he directly ordered all the good goods in Ye Baoguo's hands.

"There are only three TV sets, okay, I want them all tomorrow."

"Six washing machines, can this be cheaper? 260 is good. Refrigerators are too strange, I'm going to ask..."

"Yes, leader, you don't have to worry about money for me."

Anyway, I still have more than 400 yuan, and when I get it, I will start with 800 yuan bills.

Gu Zheng is full of energy.

In one afternoon, he not only completed his basic seven cents, but also did two urgent jobs with Lao Xing.

The extra money got a bonus of two yuan.

This made Qin Bayi, who was rarely able to get a bonus, his happy eyes were red.

Two yuan a day, sixty a month, plus a minimum salary of nearly 30 yuan, his current income can catch up with the monthly income of engineers and high-tech talents.

Such a porter, he can do it for a lifetime.

These ecstatic workers didn't even know that the money Gu Zheng made in a day was the sum of their annual income.

The night came quickly, and it seemed to be anxious about the deal tonight, pushing the axis of time and struggling forward.

According to the agreement, Gu Zheng was still on the corner of the container and got the TV he was thinking of.

In Ye Baoguo's words, what he couldn't do was too obvious, it would not be good to attract the attention of others.

What kind of business we do in private, we still need to be fair on the face of it.

Gu Zheng agreed with this. Anyway, Ye Baoguo really did what he did in the past this time.

When Gu Zheng hadn't opened the packaging, and Ye Baoguo personally packed the box behind him, the market inside the container hadn't officially started yet.

At this time when everyone was flocking to the cafeteria, Gu Zheng quietly slipped into the station beside the road along the path at the side entrance of the port.

It is still the familiar 22 road, the only difference is that the gender of the conductor has changed from a middle-aged aunt to a young man.

During this exhausting homecoming time, the people full of cars made them unable to distinguish their eyes...come to this small countryman.

It also allowed Gu Zheng to get off the station quietly, and under the cover of the dark night, he came to the place he had agreed with Wang Maddao in advance.

On the right side of the main entrance of the labor market, in a half-dead alley.


Gu Zheng did not rush into the hutong. When he was standing at the entrance, he knocked a few times on the side wall that had just been painted.

After these few knocks, a familiar head poked out from the entrance.

Crazy Wang with a happy face waved to Gu Zheng silently, indicating that there was absolutely no situation around him, and then Gu Zheng dared to move towards the alley.

"I go!"

As soon as he stepped in with his front foot, there was a shiver on his back, and he jumped out again.

It's not that Gu Zheng is timid.

Inside that not-so-big alley, it looks like canned sardines now...the stuff is full.

In the darkness, countless pairs of lush green eyes, like searchlights, gleamed curiously and eagerly towards him.

This Wang mad said that he was looking for someone to suppress the scene. How many people did he find?

The people in the alley are all heads.

"You TM go a little bit back, pinch my crotch, and my feet are entangled..."

Seeing Gu Zheng retreating again, Wang Maddao in the crowd squeezed out after a tumult.

He got to the side of Gu Zheng, who had put down the TV set against the wall, squatting on the side of this box, looking at something rare and precious.

"This is the TV, hey, rare, the house in our alley hasn't built this thing in one household yet."

Just as he stabbed left and right, Gu Zheng calmed down but lowered his voice and asked the reason in the alley.

"Brother Wang, what's going on there, why are there so many people?"

You call such a group of people, can you handle it when you divide the money afterwards?

Gu Zheng and Wang Maddao had agreed that the money for suppressing the market was not calculated on the basis of headcount.

Twenty yuan is a lot of money for one game.

But Wang Maddao didn't care, he raised his eyebrows proudly, pointed at the heads of the hutong entrance, and proudly boasted.

"You said this? Hey, they all worship my little brother."

"They have to follow along to gain insights, and follow without money."

"I just thought, you really need people to support the place, don't you? Our Nancheng is rich in land and resources, how can we be overwhelmed by the people of Wucheng."

"Brother, don't worry about the errands, you must be beautiful."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng glanced at the group of people in the alley with suspicion and gleaming eyes like a group of dogs, and suppressed the uncertainty in his heart.

Forget it, there are more people, as long as you can be stable, the transaction will not go wrong.

At 8:20 in the evening, ten minutes before the agreed meeting time, the sound of a not-so-small engine rang from the other end of this quiet labor market.

A small Lada car, spraying white smoke, hit the agreed place earlier.

After stopping completely, four big men in neat rows came down from it.

According to the physiques of these people, the only vacant space left in this car, at most one more dog can be packed, or a sausage.

Didn't you see that the poor Lada cart bounced up ten centimeters like a seesaw after the four of them walked down?

Among these four people, the leader is Jiangnan.

Probably because of a long trip, he dressed up tonight very neatly.

A pair of comfortable old cloth shoes are made of cotton and linen, a bit like the clothes of an old man who engages in traditional martial arts, but in the whole middle-aged person, it adds a bit of unique style.

It was still black, a color that was supposed to be very hidden, but it was pierced by Jiangnan with a glowing effect.


With a low greeting, Jiang Nan, who turned his head, smiled at Gu Zheng.

"Brother, are you on time?"

This sentence made Wang Maddao gasp.

My mother, the character who came from nowhere is a bit bigger than the style of the director of the street office he has been dealing with.

Are they going to deal with such a person in a while?

Why is he so embarrassed in his heart?

Thinking of Wang Maddao here, he turned his head and looked at Gu Zheng again, looking at the patched vamp of the other party, and the courage in his heart surged again.

No, little brother Gu is still waiting for him to hold the ground. He Wang Maddao is also a character anyway, how can he be overwhelmed by outsiders.

Thinking of Wang Maddao here, he made a gesture toward the entrance of the alley. Those neighbors and brothers who grew up with him as children began to scribble... toward the gate of the labor market.

As soon as this group of people appeared!

Okay, Jiang Nan and the others, who were still walking in the direction of Gu Zheng, stopped immediately and waited for the other party's performance in surprise and suspicion.

Seeing one after another coming out of the not-so-big alley, they were like they had been cursed, and they even counted the number of people for each other.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine..."

Hey, how do these people get in?

However, after a while, smashing... the organization of the three classes appeared in front of everyone.

As for Gu Zheng who was caught off guard by Wang Maddao's behavior?

Followed is a face.

What can he do?

He is also desperate!

Now, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he quickly picked up the box containing the TV set and headed straight towards the south of the Yangtze River.

That's it, Gu Zheng didn't forget to remind Wang crazy: "You, Brother Wang, just stand there and don't move. Come back when I call you."

If you cheer over, this business might not be done.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jiang Nan, who was standing opposite, was taken aback, and then burst into laughter.

Interesting, interesting, Gu Zheng is really an interesting person.

Regardless of the purpose of the group of people on the opposite side, he knew Gu Zheng's ability anyway.

Be cautious, but courageous.

It's a material for big things.

When the other party opened the 14-inch TV for inspection, Jiang Nan was even more satisfied.

Without a word, he handed eight turquoise hundred-yuan bills to Gu Zheng, and after holding the opponent's hand tightly together, he leaned over to obtain the time and place of the next transaction.

"Tomorrow, will you? There are three more, or this time and this place, but you may need to change a car..."

Because of this Lada, Gu Zheng was anxious for them on the return journey.

The trunk is equivalent to Wu's buttless shape. If you want to pull this small TV back together with the box, I am afraid that you need to follow Jiang Nan to take charge of the formation of the two big guys in their arms and return.

"There may be other things, but you need to wait for me for half an hour. After all, your family has a big business, and I am afraid that some of my money is not available."

After hearing that Gu Zheng was able to provide other big items, Jiang Nan pointed out another two thousand yuan without hesitation.

He patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder, and said to him indifferently: "As much as you can take, these are my brother's deposits."

But Gu Zheng, who got the money, was very surprised. He smiled and asked Jiangnan, "Are you not afraid that I will run away with the money?"

As for Jiang Nan, he looked at Gu Zheng's eyes with great certainty, and responded very sincerely: "You can't, little brother, you are not a one-off trader."

"You are a smart person, and you won't lose more opportunities to make money just because of this small profit..."

Jiang Nan didn't say much about the rest. The dialogue between smart people is about not saying a word...

They looked at each other with just the right smiles.

Time passed by, and in the eyes of others, it was only a few minutes, and Gu Zheng showed his usual simple smile again.

He put the stack of money in his arms, and agreed with the rest in one bite.

"Yes, then it's settled, and the cooperation is happy."

"Happy cooperation!"

At this level of smoothness, there was no room for Wang to be crazy.

The group of people on the opposite side carried tonight’s gains and ‘suddenly’ started the car and left, leaving behind a satisfied Gu Zheng and Wang Maddao who hadn’t reacted yet.

"No...No, Gu Zheng, is this over?"


Isn't it over?

Gu Zheng, who turned his head, nodded, followed by two steps, and stuffed the two pieces of great unity into Wang Maddao's pocket.

"Brothers' hard work, Brother Wang, tomorrow will still be at this point, still in this place, will you continue to guard for me?"

Just don't ask so many people to watch.

But Wang Crazy on the opposite side said that he hadn't reacted yet.

"Huh? Is this done?"

That's it? Just give twenty yuan?

"No, no, I can't ask for this money."

I didn't give the other party a scoop, nor did I protect you from the disaster, so I took Gu Zheng twenty. The money I took was a little guilty.

But Gu Zheng didn't think so. Sometimes, the existence of people like Wang Maddao was a shock in itself.

This is equivalent to the signal that Gu Zheng is in Nancheng.

In the confrontation between you and me, you can elevate yourself to the equivalent position of the other party, not just a supply line under Jiangnan, or the most unbearable horse.

His existence is the composition of Gu Zheng's retreat and confidence.

Let him make his quick money without thinking too much.

Gu Zheng, who couldn't allow Wang to refuse insane ways, explained the reasons in detail. After the other party recognized his price and role, this kind of obscure contact between you and me was maintained.

However, within half a month, Gu Zheng sold out the inventory in Ye Baoguo's hands, and even the entire port's other suppliers knew of Gu Zheng's existence.

His straightforward buying process and his extraordinary ability to quickly sell even large quantities of goods have brought him a good reputation.

At the end of the day, those people who got the rare things or reported damages...will take the initiative to find Gu Zheng's head.

At this time, Gu Zheng knew that his porter job could be officially put down.

It's time to find a more convenient identity for yourself.

For example, a temporary worker in the Port Logistics Purchasing and Distribution Department can do many things with this status.

Gu ‘Outbreak’ Zheng, who had already changed shotguns for a long time and had a fortune of 10,000 yuan, knocked on the door of Ye Baoguo’s office with two bottles of Wuliangye carrying two bottles of Wuliangye with a double happiness.

After some secret talks, Gu Zheng got a thin piece of official document when he came out again.

This is a position for temporary workers who are not in the establishment in Hong Kong, but who can open letters of introduction to the outside world.

It is convenient for regular employees to do errands, and they can be regarded as an important part of the relationship between logistics and procurement.

With this paper voucher, Gu Zheng did not need to conceal the goods from the port.

He can contact the transport team that runs the private order, and he can issue a series of letters of Naturally, he can also engage in his private supply and marketing group across provinces, and he is no longer a trivial single gang.

After Gu Zheng got the paper guarantee, the first thing he did was to rush to the train station and buy himself a ticket to Anning County overnight.

He wants to go into the mountain, he wants to go home.

He wants to bring more brothers out, and he wants to build his own team.

Big things can be expected!


‘Dang, bang...’

The train carrying hope goes to the province full of mountains and rivers.

More than half a month ago, Gu Zheng managed to collect enough travel expenses from that place to get out of the mountain, but now he is carrying a huge bundle of money and returning full.

The small station ushered in the last train in the evening, and a man who had been standing on the train for a whole day and night finally set foot on the land of his hometown.

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