The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1222: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (12)

Coming out of the small station in this county seat, what catches the eye is the vast loneliness everywhere, and the renting out of work can be seen everywhere in later generations, and there is nowhere to be found in this county seat.

But if you want to enter the mountain where Gu Zhengzhai lives, there are still dozens of kilometers of simple footwork.

Even if he climbed into the deep mountains along the cliffs, he was afraid that he would have to reach the mountain of their Tujia first.

"Suck it..."

A donkey roar rang at the door of this small station.

A vicissitudes of life holding a long pipe pot in his mouth showed his head from a donkey cart full of straw, some eager to try and some ashamed to look around at Gu Zheng, his lips trembled. ... but it can't be opened.

I took a look at this, but I wanted to pull people to make some money, but because of face or fear, I couldn't talk about it.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry. After seeing that no one came out of the station anymore, he approached the uncle's car and started chatting as if he was catching fire with the other party.

"Old man, can you borrow a fire?"

The local dialect was used, and the relationship between the two people was brought closer.

After the uncle saw clearly the clothes Gu Zheng was wearing, and heard the words in his mouth, the expression on his face relaxed.

After feeling that it was not easy for a girl to go out alone, she took out a vegetable nest from her dry food pocket with some distress, intending to fill her stomach with this hungry and cold family.

Gu Zheng, who didn't pick it up, just pushed his pockets with a smile. Instead, he pointed to the animal skin water bag hanging around the uncle's waist and said: "No, please ask Grandpa for a sip of water."

"The water in the country is sweet."

There is no smell of sanitizing water from tap water.

Hearing this, the old man was overjoyed, and he untied the water bag without hesitation at all, intending to give the sweetheart to this lovable young man.

When the two were handed over, Gu Zheng followed him and handed the big front door, which he had pulled out a long time ago, to the uncle's hand. There were as many as five or six roots. Under the uncle's surprised eyes, he said it casually. Close words.

"Grandpa, try my cigarette, it's no worse than dry cigarettes, it's the same rush!"

After the old man froze for a while, two cigarettes were placed on his burning pipe, one was taken by Gu Zheng, and the other... was stuffed into himself. In the gap between his fingers.

Come on, follow the good, the old and the old have not tasted the taste of cigarettes.

Mr. Tian, ​​who had smoked a pot and a pipe for his entire life, smoked a cigarette passed by his nobleman on the first night of private work.

And two men getting together to smoke cigarettes is the first step to pull into each other's relationship.

These two people who were bored in the middle of the night finally came to the topic starting with tobacco.

"Grandpa, you see how miserable I am, I will have to drive dozens of miles of night road in a while."

"Our long-distance bus from Anning County does not depart at 8:30 in the evening."

"If there is a car that can pull me to the edge of the Shili Mountain, let alone fifty cents, I will give it all for one dollar."

"One piece?" After hearing the super high price, Uncle Tian shook his hand holding the cigarette, almost scalding a piece of his old rough hand.

"A dollar is it? Maizi, you get in the car, and the master will pull you over. For such a kind-hearted person, this dollar will definitely earn you."

It's really my father, so sincere, there are no friends.

But this was the final result that Gu Zheng wanted.

Using a cigarette, he persuaded the old man to take the first step in privatization, and turned a poor and low-income middle peasant who was Miao Honggenzheng into a backward person who was speculating but earning money.

Not only that, but after the journey of tens of miles was pulled down, Mr. Tian's net worth was even more talked about by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng used his powerful flicker ability to bring the first leader of the transportation team for the people in their Mengshan village.

This uncle who lives in Anning County, the first step to make a fortune is to get a high amount of private work.

When he returned home with this particularly warm note, his mind was still as messy as a pot of freshly stirred paste.

How did he dig his heart out with Gu Zheng, and how did he agree to this young man?

Except for seeing him at the gate of Anning County Railway Station three days later, he has almost forgotten everything else.

Gu Zheng in the car seemed to understand everything, and it seemed that he had never said anything.

It's really awesome, and it's awesome.

But such a powerful offspring is a member of their Tujia family.

After Uncle Tian was worried for a while, only deep pride was left.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with listening to the arrangement of the later life.

As for this young man who was considered by Uncle Tian to be a talented person, what are you doing now?

I'm climbing a mountain.

From the foot of Shili Mountain to Gu’s cottage, you need to cross a trestle bridge, a cableway, climb half a cliff, and wading across a stream. can get there.

The journey is not far at all, really, according to Gu Zheng's footsteps, in two hours, no matter what.

At this time, it probably has a great relationship with Gu Zheng's body.

Those rugged places, when Gu Zheng surpassed, there was no sense of fear at all, as if he had passed through thousands of times in the general indifferent.

But when he touched the black to get to the door of the camp, he was lying at the door of the village, and the black guard who guarded the home fell to the ground.

"Oh...Da Hei..."

"What do you not sleep in the yard..."

This **** dog, which was raised in the Gu family, was lying on Gu Zheng's body, licking Gu Zheng's cheek passionately, expressing his enthusiasm in this way.

The screams in Dahei awakened the three or two families closest to the stockade.

Among them, there are Gu Zheng's father and mother.

"His father, did you hire a thief?"

"This woman, what's your brain? Who steals things from Gu's house without opening her eyes."

Yes, the richest people in the village... Poorer than the thief, and the rice jar at home is cleaner than the baby's scorpion.

"But Da Hei is so happy, let's go and take a look."

Miao Meili, who is still a little worried, sent Gu De to push and get out of bed.

Let her unconscious old man secretly take a look at the door, could it be that a wild boar with short eyes broke into the stockade?

The man in charge of this family is his father. After the eldest son is gone, the family feels like a lack of mastery. If it weren't for the three small ones in the house, she would be too lazy to take care of so many.

"You auntie, you are just timid."

Although Gu Defa complained in his mouth, he still lit the tung oil torch with the fire sickle, and looked out along the air leakage gap at the door of the house.

"It's the girl!"


"Hurry up, mother-in-law!"

With just a glance, Gu Defa opened the door excitedly and faced Gu Zheng who was groping vigorously with a **** dog in his arms.

"Why are you back? Why don't you notify the family first, your mother-in-law is not prepared for anything."

The family lacked even a bite to eat. If they knew that Gu Zheng had come back overnight, he would be able to go up the mountain at noon and sneak some wild products back.

But isn't this child Gu Zheng just leaving the stockade?

How many days have it been, why did you come back again?

However, Gu Defa, who was happy for a moment, immediately fell into worry. He was a little nervous, and accompanied by some hesitation, he greeted Gu Zheng, trying to see the current state of his eldest son with the weak torch in his hand.

"Daddy, I'm fine... let's go in and say."

Looking at this period of effort, noises were heard from the two close houses around his house. Gu Zheng hurriedly helped his father, put down the black dog, took the torch, and pushed people forward. Inside the house.

When the barking of the dogs in the courtyard subsided, Gu Zheng turned around and inserted the door... and saw two worried old faces sitting on the rattan bed in the main room.

"Daddy, mother, I'm back!"

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing."

"My son has nothing to do. Look at my face, have you gotten fat in the past few days."

This is a bit counterintuitive. Although Gu Zheng has never treated himself badly in eating when he has money, he still has little time to get out of the stockade, so how can he get fat so quickly.

He is not a bun.

And Gu Zheng's father and mother are not fools. The well-known savvy couples in Gu's village only believe what they see in their own eyes.

Therefore, Miao Meili now touched Gu Zheng's thin black cheeks and she shed sad tears.

"You baby, you are just talking nonsense."

"Where is fat, thin?"

In order to prevent his family from staged a tragic drama in which the whole family was crying, when the situation was about to be out of control, Gu Zheng immediately turned his attention to the other side.

In order to show that he had a really good life, Gu Zheng did something particularly awesome.

He took off his indigo blue cotton gown in front of Auntie.

Inside the patch-packed gown, there was a white linen vest.

A bundle of money is **** in a circle.

The turquoise bill glowed with a copper smell, blinding the small eyes of the old man who had never seen money as large as one hundred yuan.

"My God! My baby!"

"Are you going out to grab a credit union?"

Otherwise, how can you make so much money?

To say that this Gu family is amazing, even after seeing such a shocking scene, Miao Meili and Gu Defa did not yell in surprise.

Instead, they suppressed the sound even lower. I'm afraid that I have fold in my most capable eldest son.

However, Gu Zheng, who was standing on the opposite side, did not panic as they imagined. On the contrary, he laughed out loud. While unlocking the paper money on the shirt, he pulled Ada and Aniang to share the money carefully. The origin.

"I am coming back this time because I want to take the big guy to make a fortune..."

"Doing this for me, it's just a small fortune for a while. I can't trust anyone when I go out. I only trust the people in our stockade."

"People always say that the township party and the township party, our village has fewer people, because it is the road to the camp and the future of the children..."

"No one will sell the people because of this little money..."

After a detailed explanation and Gu Zheng's appeal to return home this time, Gu Defa nodded repeatedly.

He very much agrees with what Gu Zheng said, because what his son is doing now is too dangerous.

There are many joints that require the cooperation of their own people.

What's more, this is an opportunity for most of the strong men in the camp to get out of the mountain without having to travel too far.

At that time, the few fields in the stockade were taken care of, the elders of the old people were taken care of, and the young people in the camp had some money and some insights.

It's simply a good thing to do multiple things in one fell swoop.

But for this matter, he needs to touch his son more.

After meeting the patriarch tomorrow, the election meeting in the stockade will be held.

It is bound to win the initial candidates.

The first group of people brought out must be reliable, so that his son's hard work will not be washed away.

Seeing the speculation between the father and son of the Gu family, Miao Meili yawned and ran straight to the shed behind the house and touched it.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the father and son, I'm afraid I won't sleep this night.

She might as well search the surplus food at home and make a good meal for the eldest son who has just returned home.

Just now, her son stuffed her with a small amount of 10,000 yuan.

If it weren't for her to say that a man should keep some money in his hands, the fool is afraid that he would send the bundle to her mother's hands.

Thinking of this, Miao Meili glanced at the beam of the shed, took off the only one finger-wide bacon, and cut off the fattest section with three fingers from the top.

These need to be cut into diced meat, heated in a wok, and set aside for later use.

After finding the most valuable thing in the entire kitchen, Miao Meili picked up a small basin in a cool and ventilated corner.

There was a piece of old noodles made of fine grains, and a small potion was pulled out of it and kept for use. The rest is to bite the teeth and knead all the dregs that can be made into flour cakes for making noodles.

When the various grain doughs were softened together, the brisk Miao Meili was rolled into book-sized...sheets of dough.

After arranging these cakes in rolls, use a brush to brush the sliced ​​bacon and the fat and thin oil on the cake surface, and the stove is heated, "Papa Papa" Yes... it's pasted on a special scones plate.

The fire was raging, but after a while, the cake was mixed with the smell of meat, and it floated out.

That's right, this is the simple version of the **** biscuits. If it is more troublesome, you also need to wrap a lot of meat in the pie, spread it out like a pie, and then brush with the meat sauce on the outside.

But where does so much oil and water come from at home nowadays?

These meaty meats are still the meat oil that is always available at home, and they are directly made into the meat on the skin.

But this dregs sesame seed cake was the most rare delicacy of that era.

Even the father and son of the Gu family, who had already discussed the key link, couldn't help but stop talking because of the smell of meat.


The two did the same action...

Take a big breath to make the nose feel more scented.

After doing this action, the two men laughed face to face.

"Daddy, how do I smell the scum cake? Isn't it a dream?"

Because of this scent, the mature three young children who had slept in the side room scrambled their eyes and got up.

This is to wake up hungry.

Meals without oil and water make people feel empty in their hearts and stomachs.

When the three dolls first opened their eyes, they thought they were dreaming.

"Ah! Brother! Brother is back!"

After the three little ones broke into the room of Auntie and Auntie, they rubbed their eyes even harder.

This must be a dream, how could their favorite elder brother appear at home?

"Yes, brother is back, come and hug..."

But just about Gu Zheng's words, the three little ones yelled out, and one after another, they rushed into Gu Zheng's arms.

It's not a dream, it's really elder brother.

These few have been separated from Gu Zheng by a full ten years, but only one or two years old from each other. In order to **** the ownership of the eldest brother's arms, they went forward and succeeded, pushing left and right, lest they be left behind.

With that excitement, I had forgotten about the pancake thing a long time ago.

"Brother, why are you back? Grandpa said you went out to make a lot of money."

"Yeah, brother, what's it like outside? Is it fun?"

Holding these three small carrot heads impartially in his arms, Gu Zheng gave them a detailed explanation of the outside scene without being impatient at all.

In order not to disappoint the three dolls, Gu Zheng, who had returned empty-handed, also explained in detail the reasons why the money he earned was temporarily unable to move.

"So, Big Brother promises, it only takes half a year, no, five months. Our Xiaoman, Xiaofu, Xiaoman will have something to eat and play with."

"Not only that, I want you to go to school in the county seat, the best school, until you are admitted to the university."

"Also let Gujiazhai fly out of the real golden phoenix."

Listening to Brother's description under the torch, the eyes of the three dolls were gleaming.

They did not envy the delicious and fun things Gu Zheng said, but they did know that studying was too important to them.

In the stockade, only the elder brother walked out of this mountain and spent middle school in the county. No one else knew what the children outside were learning.

They also hope that they can go out and see, go to the school outside, just like Brother, be the most knowledgeable and capable person in the village.

The three ‘Fu Manduo’ brothers, who were dazzled by Gu Zheng’s beautiful vision, were about to pull the older brother to talk more, but A-niang’s voice rang from the shed in the back room.

"The three little girls are all awake? Come over and get the pancakes. Your elder brother has been tired for a day. You can help him get it."

The **** pancake is cooked!

Suddenly, A-niang's food immediately diverted Xiaofu's attention. The three-and-a-half-year-old child jumped out of Gu Zheng's arms and rushed towards the back room.

"Aniang, come on!"

"I'll get it!"

"I clean up the scum!"

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