The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1223: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (13)

Xiaoduo, the youngest, is the smartest of the three brothers.

Don't look at his small size yet not as tall as a pot.

But he knew that the scum on the baking tray was all meat.

The second and third brothers who were in charge of serving the pancakes ran very fast, and the scorched and oily residue could all enter his stomach.

"Huhuhu...It's so fragrant."

The scalded trembling Xiaoduo, but he was reluctant to spit out the meat residue and diced bacon that he had eaten in his mouth. In order to cool the food in his mouth quickly, the meat of the cheeks he threw trembling along with it. Get up, that little look is indescribably funny.

Let Miao Meili, who was cleaning the kitchen, see... He burst into laughter, and quickly handed the boiled sugarcane maojian water to the youngest son's mouth.

"Hey, A-niang, it's so sweet."

"I'll give it to Grandpa..."

Seeing this clever look who is reluctant but knows how to share, Miao Meili, who is quite pleased, rubbed the soft head of her little son.

"Go, go back to the house quickly, and never go back, I'm afraid that the pancakes will be robbed by your other two brothers."

Only when I was reminded by A-niang, did I realize the seriousness of the problem, that is, with her little short legs upside down, holding a big wooden bowl, she went straight to the inner room.

He knew that the eldest brother in the family loved him, but those two brothers who were not much older than him were not!

Sure enough, when he finally got over the door frame, over the bench, and climbed to the small rattan table used to eat at home, there was even no scum left in the basket with cakes.

If you see someone who is more authentic, you will definitely wonder, isn't it a scumbag?

No one seems to have eaten this thing before. Isn't it all scum after a bite?

That's you. I don't feel distressed when I lose the grain. Now when the two little ones are eating pancakes, they eat with the basket. After eating, they are now licking the dregs in the basket with their tongues.

Seeing such a situation, the youngest brother Xiaoduo cried out as soon as he was wow. The one who was particularly aggrieved looked at where Gu Defa was, and hoped that the father, who loves his little son the most in the family, could help him out. NS.

But at this time, Gu Defa, his father, actually subconsciously took the last bite of pie in his hand...Ouu and filled his mouth. When he realized what he was doing, he didn't. So I can buckle out the drooling pancake again.


Yes, this is really my father.

Gu Xiaoduo cried a little bit more fiercely after seeing Daddy's reaction.

The crying Gu Zheng's heart trembled, and he glanced at the half-sheet of the pancake he had eaten, but he couldn't make his mouth anymore.

Poor, this is the only fine grain the family has saved for so long.

He knew what the host had eaten before, that was wrapped in sweet potato leaves, wild vegetable roots, and black bran throat, and just like that, he couldn't let go of his belly and eat it energetically.

Would the whole family be able to cut the bacon that had been hung in the first half of Liang if it wasn't for his return? Can the whole family eat the lard for months?

can not.

Gu Zheng sighed when he thought of this, and stuffed the rest of the pancakes directly into Xiaoduo's mouth, who was screaming.

When Xiaoduo closed his mouth, he felt the strong aroma of meat and oil and the taste of barley coke.

All of a sudden, he didn't care about crying.

On the contrary, he was holding his elbow toward the heroic Hulu under his nostril, and then he held the pie with his hand and clicked.

"This kid... knows how to eat."

Gu Defa's tone was imperceptible with shame. Isn't it that he is incapable of being a father?

However, Gu Zheng, who knew that all the people in the village were in this situation, did not want his father to fall into self-blame. Instead, he used the next business matter to bring back the other party's thoughts.

"I think I asked these children to follow you at the beginning..." Instead, they continued to discuss business matters.

Serious people always feel that time flies too fast.

After they confirmed a rough list, the thin, sluggish rooster in the stockade finally cried out for a day... the only loud sound.


Woke up the morning Chenhui.

Gu Defa, whose eyes were full of bloodshot spirit but resounding, patted his aching knees, straightened up from the small stool, and straightened out.

"It's almost time. Let's strike while the iron is hot and let the old village master know that on the first day you came back, you started to run for this village."

"Put out some of the money you earn. After all, the travel expenses you get out are collected by each family."

"We can't lack our conscience, so let's hand it to the village owner and let him see and buy something for the big guy."

"As for the people in the stockade going out to do business with you, then naturally they will eat you and use you, do you have no opinion?"

Hearing Gu Zheng here, he smiled and supported Gu Defa’s arm, and when he took his father to go out together, he didn’t forget to promise: “I remember, I’m the recruiter and buy a horse. , So why let them follow me to do it steadily."

"The job I'm going to do is not like doing odd jobs outside, it's a mess."

"We from Gujiazhai, we should be hugged together, wherever we go, we won't be bullied by others."

Gu Defa felt that this should be the case. He nodded in satisfaction. When climbing to the Laozhai elder's house, he was afraid that people who rose in the morning would see him being supported by his own baby and lose face. He walked and pushed. Just hold Gu Zheng and let him follow behind.

Gu Zheng, who was watching, was holding back and dared not laugh.

This head of the family is really interesting.

When Gu Defa, who was interesting, took the unreliable Gu Zheng and walked to the house in the deepest part of the stockade, the two non-formal father and son immediately changed their appearances.

In this old house with the oldest age in Gujiazhai, only one old man, the owner of Gu, lived in the house.

But it was this gray-haired old man who truly admired the people in a village.

He led everyone through the most difficult three years, and no one in the village starved to death in that year.

He resisted the pressure from above, took advantage of the deep mountains and looked forward-looking... defying unreasonable orders one after another, allowing the entire village to pass the famine smoothly.

This bold personality and long-term vision are beyond the reach of ordinary old people.

Therefore, the old village master has no children, but he is not alone, because the more than one hundred people in the Gu family village are all his children.

At this time, his most promising grandson, Gu Zheng, returned after going out for more than half a month.

The old village master sitting in the courtyard and washing quietly, even when he saw his return, he just showed a calm and kind smile.

"I'm back, come in, talk to Grandpa, what have you seen and heard? What have you learned?"

He didn't seem to worry about Gu Zheng's life after he went out. He just cared about what the most hopeful people in their stockade had realized.

The current Gu Zheng has not lived up to his expectations at all. When he took over the rattan maza and a bowl of sweet potato and wild vegetables that were handed over by the old village master, he was so vivid and vivid that he had been here for so many days. What I saw and wanted to talk to the old village master in detail.

"Well, what you said is feasible."

After Gu Zheng finished describing all the details, the wise old village master carefully studied it, and after that, he felt that it could be done according to the plan of taking care of Zheng.

It's just that you can't spread too much for the first time, just take the right people with you according to the plan of taking care of Zheng.

The meeting between the three men was no better than the night when Gu Zheng came back.

When the owner of the travel list is finally determined, it will be midday.

The more people eat at noon, the more complete they are.

Searching for chewing in the deep mountains, all the hard work of reclamation and digging came back.

It’s also time to gather everyone to announce this exciting good news.


The early warning bell when the beast came down in the mountain, the notification bell when the current situation was the most tense, and even the enemy bell when the foreigners attacked the mountain were all inherited from a small open space behind the big house where the master of the old village lived. For generations, since Gujiazhai has been standing here, its big clock has been sent out.

After hearing the bell sound, these tired and harvested men rushed towards Laozhai.

Another big deal is about to happen.

But why is there no sign of this?

Afraid it's not a catastrophe?

But when the dark guys flocked to the small field behind the main house of the old village with the old man at home, they only saw Gu Zheng with a smile on his face.

"Oh! Dog head! Why are you back!"

"Wow, it's a dog head!"

Several young people who had fun with Gu Zheng directly yelled out in the crowd.

Gu Zheng had a toothache.

The dog's head or something is definitely the client's pot, and he resisted very grievances.

But what can he do?

Under the ardent gaze, he grinned his mouth hard, and turned back to the group of people opposite: "Oh! My dog's head is back!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng, who broke the jar, gave the performance venue to the old village master.

And when the village owner confided Gu Zheng's intentions this time, the huge venue was like drops of water splashing into the oil pan, and it exploded.

"Really! I can get out of the mountain!"

"Damn! Me! I want to go out!"

"You can't do it! You have a strong labor in your house! The village master will not send you out!"

"Brother Gootou, don't you bring a female doll? We can serve tea, pour water, sweep the floor and cook!"

All of a sudden, the chaos became a mess, and the old village master who was very strict with the rules frowned immediately.

He took the mountain stick in his hand,'Dangdang' banged on the weather-beaten big clock, and the bell...puff fell off the scum, and successfully smashed this group of scumbags. The words of the people in the village of the tongue were knocked out.

Seeing that everyone in the field looked towards where he was, the old village master nodded in satisfaction.

In an indisputable tone, word by word... the list of the first group of people who came out of the mountain was told.

"We Gujiazhai, we can't come out of the mountain, and you won't be allowed to think about it."

"Do you know what to do? After knowing what to do, do you know what to do?"

"You don't know!"

"All you have to do is to listen to Gu Zheng's instructions. You will do whatever he tells you to do, and what he tells you to do, you must do it!"

"Do you understand? Going out is not necessarily smooth, and going out is not a blessing!"

"If you want to go out and let the sheep go, I urge everyone to stop their minds quickly."

"So, after comprehensive consideration in the stockade and some of Gu Gootou's requirements, I have drawn up a list here."

"These people were the first to follow Gu Zheng out of the mountain... Miao Dawei is a donkey egg, Huang Risheng is a dog left..."

The old village chief said the names of more than a dozen people in one breath. In the process, all of them had their ears pierced, lest they might have missed their names.

Although the old village owner said that he would have to endure hardships when he went out, but which of the guys in Gujiazhai didn't work hard?

When they go out, they can see the scenery that others can't see. What's more, the person they want to follow is Gu Zheng!

Gu Zheng, who is that?

The most able to study in the whole village.

He was also a remarkable figure in the junior high school in the county.

It's a pity that the high school expenses just for books, tuition and miscellaneous expenses in high school is the high consumption that Old Gu's family can't afford.

Brother Gu Zheng was delayed and went on farming and hunting with them.

But now it's finally better, and all the hardships are coming.

I didn't look at the big money that the old village master brought out, they had never seen it before, thinking about what to do in the village?

Unfortunately, as Gu Zheng said, the money is far from enough to make the stockade richer.

He needs more people to help him, make more money, and build the beautiful Gujiazhai.

Let the other camps around look at it. Their village is no longer the backward village where the poor cannot even marry their wives because of the remote location.

But it doesn't matter.

The young people named in the village glanced at each other.

They were all the smartest and toughest young men in the stockade, and they followed Gu Zheng out. As long as they were united, there was nothing that could not be done.

The young people of Gujiazhai who had taken over the arduous task of the owner of the village, when they saw Gu Zheng again, it was when he showed up with a dozen yellow-orange-orange train tickets.

Their family has already packed the packages for them.

The crowds of people... Standing in the middle of the village is like sending away Gu Zheng away, once again sending away the second batch of young people who came out of the mountain.

It's just that, unlike the first uneasiness, the people in the stockade this time have a bit of confidence.

They felt that the third and fourth batch of people in this stockade were not far away.

It's just that before going out, the luggage on his back was streamlined and streamlined several times by Gu Zheng.

In the living environment he has determined, those unnecessary things can't be put down at all.

I haven't seen anyone who went to Nancheng and brought his own bow and arrow and a full moon scimitar.

If it weren't for the trust in Gu Zheng, these young people really couldn't let go of the guys who ate themselves.

From their point of view, when they exchanged things with the neighboring villagers, if they didn't agree with each other, whoever had the harder fist had the right to speak. This iron general rule doesn't apply to outsiders?

Then let's listen to Gu Zheng's words first.

Who told the old village master to be obedient?


Thanks to the unity of Gujiazhai.

When they were standing in this Nancheng, which was clearly backward in Gu Zheng's eyes, their eyes were staring.

The four wheeled cars, two wheeled bicycles, the cotton shoes of the big girl and the little wife, twist braids, and the houses and streets completely different from those in the mountains all made them curious.

This is the outside world, a world where everything needs money.

These people are indeed the hope of Gujiazhai. Because they are young, they accept it faster, and because they are young, they change more.

After Gu Zheng took this group of people out of the mountain for three months, they were completely settled down.

According to the original plan to take care of Zheng, the people in the stockade were divided into three groups.

The two most clever ones stayed in the Nancheng Freight Port, replacing Gu Zheng's original part-time job position and becoming part of the supply and marketing route for the tightly-sold goods he planned.

Ten people, the second group with the largest number of people, are all strong guys with strong heights and some skills under their hands.

They are responsible for the transportation of the good things that were bought on the Nancheng and Wucheng Jiangnan line.

As for the last group of people, who are also the three temporarily led by Gu Zheng, they are in charge of their sales outlets in the shopping malls in Ping'an County.

This is the last part of Gu Zheng's buying and selling, and it's also a stepping stone for them to get rich.

The choice of this place is not only related to the possibility of other people in the mountain coming out of the mountain one after another, but also a point of renewal and development, road construction and bridge construction in the future.

Therefore, Gu Zheng put more effort here.

By the time the young man he sent out summoned Gu Defa from the mountains to help Gu Zheng, the underlying mall had already begun to take shape.

The place chosen by Gu Zheng is very is in the very center of Ping'an County.

It is located in an open-eyed area, but when you turn over two walls, it is where the county supply and marketing cooperatives and grain, oil and food stores are located.

Coupled with this courtyard chosen by Gu Zheng, it can be regarded as the ordinary existence of the current commercial building, and the residential area with smoke and fire is quite far away from here.

People living in the county town can't go to the wrong place. Only those who are thoughtful and well-informed can know what kind of business is going on in the compound that was originally used as a warehouse.

Gu Zheng inherited the Jiangnan set in Wuhu perfectly, but combined with their characteristics, and instilled some of his later business ideas into it.

Being engaged in this way by Gu Zheng is really going to be a rush into Kyushu.

However, after more than a month, some people in Zicheng near Ping'an County, and even the provincial capital of Sichuan Province, learned of the existence of this supply and marketing point.

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