The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1223: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (14)

These established groups are the relatively wealthy group among ordinary people.

In this era when everything is scarce, it has become an embarrassing situation where there is no money to spend.

The emergence of Gu Zheng's underground market immediately made up for the awkward relationship between supply and demand.

Let this group of people...the desire for a more comfortable living environment, more fashionable clothing and more advanced technological life, finally has a place.

As a result, a 14 or 18 black and white, color TV set was sold out of Gu Zheng's hands.

Boxes of high-priced tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea that didn't require a ticket were sold out.

There are also customizations for people who have special happy events at home.

Single bedspreads made of chemical fiber fabrics for weddings, Zhongshan uniforms made of big red woolen cloth, Nancheng and even Gangcheng’s most fashionable clothes, shoes, watches, and belts have all entered the market in Anning County, in the middle of Sichuan Province. As a hub to and fro, the node flows into various cities in the province.

At the end of the day, the people who have formed the outer city will stop for a while when they pass through this little-known county seat, and deliberately go to Gu's courtyard to take a look.

The turbulence of this hiding place was suppressed by the unified supply and marketing on the surface.

But it still can't stop people's yearning for a better life.

Therefore, as the word of mouth gradually opened up, more and more people became aware of the existence of Gu Zheng Anji.

When he felt the prevailing wind, Gu Zheng simply relied on the recommendation of a buyer to get the privilege of turning one eye and closing one eye in the courtyard of the Ping An County Party Committee.

The act of reselling in a low-key manner.

However, when there are supply and demand requirements in Ping'an County, it is necessary to supply the goods according to the requirements of the county.

For Gu Zheng, this is nothing short of desire.

How to turn an illegal activity that can only be done in the dark into a lawful act that is carried out brazenly under the sun is probably a crucial section of it.

After Gu Zheng got in touch with the leaders of Ping'an County, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. As the next biggest goal, he was afraid that he would get in touch with the factories related to the construction of the road.

Cement plants, sand and gravel plants, construction units and building surveys all require Gu Zheng to run the relationship.

In this era when a cart of cement needs the approval letter from the factory committee, even Gu Zheng has to groping forward.

Things went on like this, and after Gu Zheng felt that everything was done properly, the second group of people from Gujiazhai also came out.

One is because the reselling business in Anning County has achieved a certain scale, and nowadays monthly income can no longer be measured by ten thousand yuan.

But in the same way, the various expenditures and the exchange of favors are several times more than when Gu Zheng entered the world alone.

After the income and expenditure have approached a stable state, there are actually tens of thousands of yuan in income every month.

At this speed of raising money, I am afraid that after Gu Zheng has contacted the road construction team and obtained the building materials approved by the state, they can break ground for their independent construction of Gujiazhai.

But just as Gu Zheng handed some simple things to Gu Defa's hands, and when he took the letter of introduction issued in the county and started to run the approval process, Gujiazhai, who lives in Anning County, faced a deal. The impact of the hurricane.

The cause is very simple.

Just because of jealousy.

The reason for the jealousy is even more rude.

The Shejiazhai, who is facing Gujiazhai in the distant mountains... is the enemy of the world with them.

The reason for the enmity was too long, and even the most respected clan elders in the stockade couldn't tell what it was for.

But in the past years when no one was restrained, there have been countless conflicts between the people in the two stockades.

The most serious several times were contaminated with the blood of people in the other side's village.

This kind of hatred, like a snowball, grew bigger and bigger, and in the end it became this irreconcilable state.

Out of the vigilance of the enemy, whenever there is something going on in Gu’s village, the people in She’s village will be more vigilant and guard against the enemy. They will find out the other party’s intentions, and then try to figure it out. What's the matter, it's true that it makes the other party unhappy.

The whole village was dispatched by Gujiazhai this time, and the behavior of building roads and bridges naturally spread to Shejiazhai's ears.

This is no secret in these ten miles and eight townships, large and small ethnic group camps.

Unlike other Baijiazhai, Heijiazhai, and other camps that have no major disputes, they accept the behavior from the bottom of their hearts. For Shejiazhai, as long as she can find some trouble for Gu’s family, build roads, and build roads. It doesn't matter if you don't build a bridge.

What kind of dolls don’t have to climb mountains if they have a bridge?

How can it make Gu's family so happy?

Therefore, in the She family’s village, for this matter, someone specially sent someone to follow the Gu family’s villagers out of the mountain. Through the inquiries with the Baijiaying village, they knew that Gu Zheng started in Anning County. Industry.

In order to confirm the true extent of the disappearance, the people in the She’s stockade also sent a most clever young man. After watching the scene outside this mysterious compound for nearly a month, he confirmed what Gu Zheng was doing. Buying and selling.

And when the people from She’s family spread the news to their camp, the clan’s old door sitting in the meeting room of the village squeezed the beard on his chin, and put his head in a little excitement. Together.

"This is a great opportunity. I remember that the country does not allow speculation!"

"Yes, the documents once sent by the county above are still with me, reporting on the buying and selling, and cracking down on all cunning businessmen who dig the corner of socialism."

"I think that Gu Zheng is the biggest profiteer in our Anning County."

"For such a person, as long as we report it up, it will be a quasi-accused report. It doesn't need any real material. It only needs an anonymous letter to do it."

When this group of elders were discussing in full swing, the village master sitting on the top frowned and shook his head slowly.

I've seen more things than others, and I've been able to reach a higher level of She Zhaizhu, but more than they thought.

He interrupted the excitement of everyone, and only said a word, which made everyone lose their energy.

"You know, this Gu Zheng of the Gu family can settle down in Anning County, and still do so well, how many pairs of eyes haven't looked at their family's business?"

"Until now, it is still booming. If you say it has nothing to do with the county, do you believe it?"

"If this is the case, if you write the report letter to the county, it may not have the desired effect at all. On the contrary, it will be a rush to make the Gu family prepare early."

"The people in the county committee have turned one eye and closed one eye. You said that the public security department in charge of daily security, can they not know?"

"If you rashly report to the police, I am afraid that the day after the letter is delivered, our Shejiazhai will meet the investigators."

"When the time comes, the complaint will not be successful, but will become a false accusation. If you want to stumble Gu Zheng again, I am afraid it will be even more difficult."

Hearing the people here, there was no idea for a while, one or two all turned their eyes to the location of the old village master, waiting for his follow-up method.

After the conversion of these few words, the old village master has actually figured out a way.

After everyone was quiet, he pointed his finger in the direction of the east.

"The kid from the Gu family is indeed a talent, but he suffers when he suffers. The time he has done for this is still small."

"If he has been working for a year and a half for a year and a half, so that he can gain a firm foothold, we are afraid that we will not do anything to retaliate against the crime."

"But now he has been working for a few months? Even if his hands and eyes are open to the sky, I am afraid that he has stabilized in this county just now."

"Then this matter is simple. I heard that the kid is now going to the cement factory in the provincial capital to run the approval slip. He has just left Anning County not long ago."

"We can just take advantage of this effort to quickly handle this matter quickly."

"Let's not go to Ping'an County, we are in charge of the Zicheng Economic Picket Office in Ping'an County."

"If they still don't care, let's go straight to Chengcheng!"

"I don't believe it anymore, Gu Zheng, a doll with no foundation, can he reach a provincial level leader with his hands and eyes all the way to the sky?"

Hearing the people in She's family village here, they all nodded and said yes.

Once I had a foundation in my mind, the plan that was discussed together would develop rapidly.


This day was a very ordinary day, and the economic management office in Zicheng still opened its doors as usual.

Who would have thought that when Uncle Qian, who was in charge of opening the door, wandered out of his house, passed through an alley, and arrived at the gate of the office that was transformed from the old commune, he found that they were in this weekday. At the door of the department where the cat does not listen to the dog, there are a few sturdy-faced elderly people who are wearing very traditional national costumes.

Seeing this look, I'm afraid I'm here to do something.

It's not a trivial matter.

For such a person, Mr. Xie would avoid it.

Now he didn't even want to open the door. Instead, he was smearing oil under his feet, hiding in a small alley not far from the unit, and staring at the passing pedestrians carefully.


Really timely.

The office is the most active in doing things, and Lengtouqing, who is always the first one in the task, comes to work at this time.

This made Uncle Qian overjoyed, and he stopped the opponent with one stride.


Immediately afterwards, a bunch of keys were handed to Xiaoye.

Ye Qing wondered for a while while receiving the key, and asked strangely: "Uncle Qian, what are you doing? Why don't you open the door at this point?"

What can I do if it affects their economic pickets to go out on time to combat speculation?

Uncle Qian wasn't ashamed at all, but instead he clutched his stomach and pointed to a small hut in the alley.

"Inner urgency... silly, oh, Comrade Ye, can't wait, your uncle Qian is not forgiving, your spleen and stomach are very cold..."

After that, no matter how Ye Qing thought about it, he turned his head and ran towards the entrance of the cottage in the alley.

He didn't plan to take a trip to the muddy water.

Who knows what those people are doing here.

Just looking at that outfit?

Humph, living in Zicheng is equivalent to a multi-ethnic cohabitation and self-governing city. Uncle Qian understands how difficult it is for the people in the villages underneath.

Uncle Qian, who Mingzhe protected his life, slipped away smoothly.

The confused Ye Qing was naturally caught by the people from Shejiazhai.

"Comrade, the clerk of the Economic Picket Office?"

Ye Qing, who was standing at the door of his unit with the key in hand, didn't dare to take a step further.

I don't know why, when he speaks again, his upper and lower teeth stumbling.

"You, you... are all around the government office, what are you going to do?"

Don't look at Ye Qing's usual aura to those farmers and men who bought and sold privately, but he was not as stupid and meaningless as he appeared on the surface.

These strangers standing in front of him are not characters that he can easily handle by himself.

At this time, a clan elder who was in charge of leading the team at Shejiazhai came forward.

He expressed his intentions in the most honest and honest tone of Ling Ran.

"Comrades, we are here to report a major economic crime..."

With just this sentence, Ye Qing's face immediately became serious.

He looked around quickly and found that because it was still early, he didn't notice much of the comrades in this group of nations, he lowered his voice, and rushed to the door of the unit, and opened it with a key. The lock hanging above: "Quickly, let's go into the unit." All of a sudden, the small group of three or four people behind him was let into the office of the Economic Affairs Office.

This concession is one morning.

When the uncle Qian, whose stomach was finally ‘comfortable’, yawned boredly holding the tea mug, the group of talented people left the office gate of the Economic Affairs Office with a smile on their faces.

While making Uncle Qian amazed at the same time, I am afraid that he also understands that the things this group of people rushed over to do, I am afraid that it has already been implemented.

Yes, after Ye Qing heard clearly who the people in Shejiazhai wanted to report, he was eager to try.

This is simply their largest economic crime case in Sichuan this year.

And the identity of the main criminal of the other party was as easy to handle as a well-ripe persimmon.

The people in Shejiazhai didn't even bother to conceal their identities, so they blatantly picked everything in the open.

This is good. If they encounter some serious troubles in the process of handling the case, can they immediately push it to the internal conflicts of the ethnic group?

After confirming the location of Gu Zheng's market and mastering the relevant first-hand information, the leaders of the City Economic Office have attached great importance to Ye Qing's report.

The comrades of the entire economic office, united as one, immediately launched a series of actions against Gu Zheng, the underlying market.

Before the people in Gujiazhai could react, Gu Defa was blocked by Ye Qing, who was specially killed by the city.

It was still in the innermost donkey egg cleverness of the courtyard. After he heard the sound of a particularly loud dispute in the front yard, he immediately put the safe in the courtyard where the transaction cash was stored, put a bundle on his back, and threw a claw. , Cengceng overcame this several-meter outer wall, and escaped dangerously and dangerously during the process of arresting comrades from the Economic Office.

The donkey egg who successfully escaped was nothing else. First, he took a phone call to the brothers in Nancheng, and asked them to immediately contact the people in the villages scattered on various road sections, and then went straight to Gujiazhai. Leaving the village.

Now, it is necessary to spread the news to everyone in the stockade in the shortest possible time, so that they can quickly send someone to stop Gu Zheng, who is returning, so that he can come up with a feasible idea.

But who came to think, they were still thinking about it here, Gu Zheng came back overnight after hearing the news.

This is a coincidence. If Ye Qing comes back later, I am afraid that Gu Zheng will be blocked directly.

"Then talk about it now, what should I do?"

When it was really their turn to deal with the people from the city, everyone was at a loss.

Who would have thought that after returning, Gu Zheng, who was still wiping his face, smiled while holding a towel.

"Old uncle, the village owner, don't worry."

"When I get over this breath, I will go to surrender to the city and surrender."


What about the Pili Operation that promised to kill the Quartet and rescue Old Gu from the enemy?

How can you be so persuaded?

Seeing the anger of the tribe, Gu Zheng shrugged his shoulders very freely and gave his own explanation.

"I heard people in the county tell me about this matter vaguely."

"It's the people from the municipal economic office who came down and arrested them directly."

"They got the exact report information before they overturned our underground market with the momentum of thunder."

"They got definite evidence, and even directly witnessed our small courtyard. No matter how they can get rid of this crime."

"In recent years, are there few cases where people can be convicted after hearing the news?"

"The more you resist, the opposite effect will be achieved."

"What's more, my surrender was a deliberate decision."

"Because at the beginning this incident was directed at me, and the person mentioned by the whistleblower was only my name Gu Zheng from beginning to end."

"In the process of reviewing and verifying, I have a way to extract all the tails of my dad."

"Even the remaining dogs helping in the courtyard will not have the slightest trouble."

"If I were in the past, I would just fold in and I will be alone, but if I don't go and let me escape from the stockade, I am afraid that everyone in the stockade will not end well."

Besides, if he confesses leniently, it will be more beneficial to him in terms of sentencing and subsequent handling of matters.

Even if he resisted this grievance.

It's just that She Jiazhai, who did this disgusting thing, couldn't let it go.

Gu Zheng's eyes sharpened when he thought of this.

He leaned his head towards the location of Lao Zhai Chief, and whispered a disgusting idea.

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