The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1225: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (15)

Let the old village master, who is also not a good person, his eyes become brighter and brighter, and in the end, it shines like the brightest star.

After all the words were finished, this old man who must not suffer a loss was a thigh shot. It was very rare that he hung up his clothes and called the dozens of villages around them only when they were only concerned with the survival of the camp. The token rafts used by the leaders of the camp... were drawn out.

Dispatch the kids with the fastest legs in the camps, and send these rafts to the hands of the heads of the villages who are the masters of the villages.

The rest is to wait for the night to come, those who are invited to the meeting, the rare meeting of the village chiefs.


The night in the deep mountains is a little bit cool, but because of the huge torches in the square, it adds a bit of warmth.

However, the faces of the people around the bonfire were insignificantly happy, and their expressions were serious, even with undetectable melancholy.

"You said it was a nuisance, how did it become the way it is now?"

"It's not because of some people, they only remember those trivial things, they don't have a long-term vision, they only know how to fight fiercely, and how can they want the future and hope of others!"

This is the hot-tempered owner of the Hei family village. He himself is close to Gu Zheng's village. The two families are separated by a big river. The completion of a bridge will become the building of the two villages of Huize.

But now, it has been ruined by the people of Shejiazhai.

Can his heart be relieved?

Heizhai's long story was very aggressive, and he didn't leave half of his face, but no one jumped out at this time to help the She family's village live and muddy.

Since everyone can get together at this time, naturally they are all camps for living in these ten-mile mountains.

A smooth road to the outside world is so important to the nearby camps.

But how come some people just don’t care?

They don't want to have a good time, but we do.

It's good now, but is it dragged down by this unconscious person?

It's really unlucky to say that no one is willing to be next to such a neighbor.

If in the future someone's stockade comes up with something that is beneficial to everyone, if the people in this She's stockade are not pleasing to the eye, and then run to the top to mess around, then it will be convenient for everyone to take two shots. .

Thinking of the village masters here, they moved their buttocks away from the master of She’s Village very consciously, and then looked towards the old village master of Gu’s Village, who had drawn them out.

"Brother Gu, let's not talk about it, what's the matter with you calling us here in a hurry?"

The old village master who was asked was not in a hurry, but instead waved to Gu Zheng, who had been the background board behind him, and motioned him to come and talk to the uncles.

This Gu Zheng is not stage fright, standing quietly beside the bonfire, and explaining his original plan and the future that he once looked forward to.

When you all sighed and were quite regretful, Gu Zheng's words changed, and he uttered the theme of the meeting.

"Don't hide it from your uncles, this time in order to get my dad out, I have to go this trip."

"I will naturally follow the heart of some people, surrender and confess my mistakes frankly, and try not to be an example."

"But let's close the door and say something intimate, thinking about how many branches of our Tu ethnic group have been separated from the establishment of the clan to the present, I'm afraid we don't know ourselves."

"But I will always remember the rule of solving my own affairs by myself."

"It doesn't matter how we fight in our nests, it is our Tu people who are the most united when going out."

"But now, there are people who eat inside and out and betray their people. I'm afraid this is not the case."

"I know that some people will say, now it is a new society, where is there such an unadvanced idea?"

"But the most important thing for a big family is to have rules and behave in its own way."

"The rules handed down from the past, everyone uses this as the yardstick to act, so naturally there won't be so many disputes."

"So, the more such rules, the more you have to abide by them."

"Now, I Gu Zheng, just the day before I am about to surrender myself, I ask the uncles present here, according to the rules between the villages, what should I do with the Shejiazhai?"

This sentence calmed the people in the entire square, but it was only a moment, and was interrupted by the furious She Family Master's roar.

"A young baby dare to run wild in this kind of conference! Old man Gu! You have such a big face, not only did you use the confederation order on your own terms, but also brought this dangerous and hidden criminal to our conference!

What do you mean! ! "

But the old village master who was questioned was calm and relaxed. He seemed to have known how the people in Shejiazhai would react, so he took a hard sip in his hand.

"It's boring, let's just talk about things... Today we will exercise the voting rights of the following villagers."

"I suggest that the range of Shejiazhai's mountain drive should be pushed towards the outskirts of Shili Dashan to a hill, and let them be farther away from the big guys. Do you think this is appropriate?"

The words of the old Zhaizhu were not loud, but they were more shocking than the roar of the Zhaizhu She. For a time, the place was quiet and only the crackling sound of the bonfire was left, even the few who had never participated in the work. The owner's breathing was short.

This is a disguised expulsion of a camp, a surname, a branch, and even the roots of a hundred or so in the village.

But none of the people who heard the words of the old village master wanted to ask the people of She's village to intercede.

This time, the people from Shejiazhai did it.

Their internal fighting among the Tu people is fierce, and there have been several precedents in history of hiring foreign aid.

But which one fell into the good?

The tribe that was destroyed is nothing, and the victors who led in did not get what benefits in the end.

Those outsiders, why can I help you?

It's not that you have found the benefits in your body.

It's a pity that now the people outside don't want to see him in the Shejiazhai anymore, but because of this affair, the people are panicked and everyone's hearts are distracted.

So, expel it.

Isn't it just a hill?

It's steep and difficult to go, and it's not a distance that you won't be able to see in a lifetime.

They didn't pick up their Shejiazhai, so let's do it.

Seeing that everyone was not talking, Lord She Zhai was about to start arguing with Old Man Gu. Who would have imagined that this old man suppressed his anger, and opened his mouth again.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's start!"

After speaking, he winked at Gu Zheng and brought out a bucket of wooden sticks that he had prepared.

The old rule is that a stick painted in red on one end means opposition, and a stick painted in white on the other means consent.

Two sticks in each stockade, walk to the empty bucket by the bonfire, quietly throw in the stick you want.

After everyone has finished casting, you can pull the stick out and show it.

It's really clear at a glance.

And this process is naturally going on very quickly, and the person who can be the master of each stockade is not an indecisive master.

When Gu Zheng walked down the circle and retreated quietly behind the old village master, many wooden sticks had already been thrown out in the empty big barrel. Only the mortal enemies of the She family and the Gu family were left.

"Lao Shetou, are you throwing it away? Isn't it obvious whether you are there anyway?"

This old man Gu slowly lifted up the two wooden sticks in his hand like a demonstration. Under the furious gaze of the other party, he brightly pulled out the red stick and threw it in. In the bucket.

The lord of the She family who was angry, his liver hurts, but he couldn't put his beak in half a word, he could only suppress his anger, and threw the trembling stick in his hand.

But the fire he had just suppressed was picked up by Old Gu as soon as he turned his head.

Because as soon as his stick fell, the old village master was not polite at all, and directly carried the bucket to Gu Zheng.

"It's done, please hurry up, I'll finish early and leave the group early, so that the old brothers can make do with me for the night."

"We are all old brothers who haven't seen each other for a long time, so we took this opportunity to have a night of wine."

"As for the person who was expelled? I'm embarrassed. You can climb the mountain and go home in the dark."

This is true, it is certain that She’s family will be driven away.

And when Gu Zheng took out all the sticks, the result that he saw was just as Gu Zheng had previously expected, it was an extremely ironic twelve to one.

The owner of the She family, who had voted for him, might have never thought of it at all.

The fish and water conditions in the brothers' camp, and the family of in-laws walking around, can't compare with everyone's most relevant and most tangible vested interests.

The people in his Shejiazhai have cut off the wealth and future of more than a dozen camps in Shili Dashan, and they are about to be ready to be abandoned by everyone.

The owner of the She family, who sighed for a long time, might not have thought that this rule, which has not been used for many years, was pulled out by a doll like Gu Zheng.

He may never realize that these people are so ruthless.

Many things have what kind of cause will cause what kind of result.

Putting the right and wrong of the ancestors aside for the time being, just saying that Gu Zheng suffered this loss will not make the other party feel better.

Gu Zheng, who was about to report his grievances immediately, finally put aside his last thoughts. After a simple pack, he simply packs up his bag and embarks on the road to surrender to Anning County.


Gu Zheng didn't want to give the credit for his surrender to the self-proclaimed economic picket.

Not only that, but he also wanted the group of people to fetch a basket of water and buckle the reputation of catching the wrong person by the way.

Thinking of achieving this effect, the Public Security Bureau of Pingan County will play a vital role.

Because the police and economic pickets belong to two parallel systems.

It stands to reason that the picket team is a team without law enforcement power.

But in the whole weird world, the other party's rights are beyond their scope of powers, seriously infringing on the law enforcement rights of the public security system.

Therefore, what Gu Zheng took advantage of was this unequal gray area.

Turn his surrender to the formal law enforcement agency of public security.

He thought, relying on his contacts in the county and the results sent to the public security system, he was afraid that the other party would never reject his proposal, but instead would take his case on a large scale.

As long as the matter is filed for review, I am afraid that it will not take long for Old Gu to be contacted by the public security system.

After investigating and collecting evidence, it was discovered that they had nothing to do with Gu Zheng's business, and they would be released by all-rounders.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he looked at the front desk of the County Public Security Bureau with a smile, and across the glass window, he turned towards Xiao Wang Zhangluo who was registering inside, and said, "Is Captain Horse here? Are you busy now? There is something urgent for him."

And the little king who was hiding behind the counter with a piece of fruit in his head, after seeing that the person was Gu Zheng, he showed a very enthusiastic smile.

"Are you looking for Captain Horse? All right, he's in the office. Today, he also said that he had an appointment with you."

"You go directly to the second floor, let's talk later."

It seemed that he had discussed good things with Ma Shengyue, but the captain of the horse did not yell everywhere.

This is really a man who has a good heart and is practical.

For Ma Shengyue's performance, Gu Zheng was even more satisfied with a three-pointer. When he went up to the only three-story building in the county, he briskly took a three-pointer under his feet.

When he looked at the door of the Criminal Investigation Division, the captain of the horse waiting at the door opened the door for him in a three-step two-step approach.

"Come in! Let's stroke it again carefully..."

Because he was thinking of Gu Zheng in his heart, Captain Ma turned over all the similar cases in recent years.

From this, Gu Zheng came up with the lightest charge.

"Let's pick this offense for speculation, and I will try to reduce your amount involved in the case."

"It stands to reason that a policy cannot override the law, but nowadays, there is no way to understand it. Naturally, there are people who want to take advantage of this opportunity to stir up the wind and the rain."

"I can only choose the lightest crime among them, in case you are more affected by the sudden changes in the future."

"So Brother Gu Zheng, don't dislike this reputation. It falls into the category of economic crime. You won't know the benefits until after the verdict is truly convicted."

For those who have never been in the game, it is natural that the professional advice is more pertinent.

Gu Zheng didn't know how to pretend to understand, he naturally nodded following Captain Ma's words.

Following the agreement between the two people, they sat down at the table, and one by one followed Ma Shengyue to smooth his past and the ‘motive’ for committing the crime.

During the chat, it is equivalent to making a preliminary transcript.

When Captain Ma learned the reason for Gu Zheng's sore money, the brush nib followed him, raising his head and staring directly at Gu Zheng's face.

"Are you just building roads and bridges for Shili Dashan?"

"Just toss in a young man with a promising future?"

"Gu Zheng, although the two of us are shallow, we have a close relationship. I don't know how smart you are?"

"If you run solo alone, you can do this one-line reselling business. I'm sure that the person who can catch you this year hasn't appeared yet."

"But you just want to lead the villagers to get rich, and you have tied yourself up, don't you feel that you are at a loss?"

Ma Shengyue, who eats public food in a small county, may not understand this kind of love in Dajiang.

But this can't stop him from admiring such a person.

And the reason why Gu Zheng made the urgent money, he also seriously marked it out on the case file.

In order to let those who read this dossier be able to notice Gu Zheng's difficulties, Ma Shengyue also deliberately used the tip of a pen to point a small point before and after this paragraph.

Let this passage seem to have been specially marked, especially obvious on a whole piece of grid paper.

This is a crucial passage for those who see this case and can affect the final judgment.

For him, Ma Shengyue is just a matter of effort, but for the young man in front of him, it may be a year or even a few years of free time.

Ma Shengyue, who wrote here, slowly buckled the earth-yellow cover, and after showing a particularly steadfast smile at Gu Zheng, he gave his choice.

"Brother Gu Zheng, do you think there is anything else at home that hasn't been handled properly. There is still some time for me to get the process up. You take advantage of this time to handle it properly?"

And Gu Zheng shook his head at Captain Ma, patted the few foreign objects on his body, and prepared himself for the next step.

"No, it shouldn't be too late. Every time we delay, it will make my dad suffer a bit more. I also count on Captain Horse to rescue my poor dad from the city vigorously and vigorously. "

"I don't know if those rascals do things without if I know that my dad has lost a hair...huh..."

My little master, I have a way to cure you.

Hearing that the captain of the horse no longer discouraged him, he stood up from behind the table, the large bunch of keys hanging on his body clanging because of his dismantling action.

"That's OK, then let's not disturb others, just follow me first."

Because he has not been sentenced, the police in their county did not approve the arrest procedures based on Gu Zheng's case. Gu Zheng is still in temporary detention.

By passing the man over by the captain of the horse, this matter has come to an end for the time being.

When he submits the documents, the relevant personnel can be picked up from the county to indoors.

If he was right, in the afternoon, people in their county could go to the economic office of the city to mention people.

Those people are so happy that they have been arrested for two days, and they have never even sent an individual to collect evidence a second time.

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