The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1226: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (16)

With this alone, they can make a big fuss, and these things should have been taken over by more professional units.

Captain Ma, who was thinking about these things, walked quite neatly, but even so, he did not forget to explain the matter to the guard police officer inside the detention center.

In the detention center in the county seat, not many people are in custody, but there are enough mixed ones.

New prisoners are not allowed to be watched by police officers on guard, which is also the only criterion for whether he can live a leisurely life in this place.

Because Captain Ma specifically greeted him, he stuffed a pack of peony cigarettes before he left.

Gu Zheng was taken special care of by the little police officer who led him near the detention center.

He took Gu Zheng to a room with the best light and the brightest, and when he opened the door to let him in, he also asked a simple and honest man sitting on a narrow stool inside through the fence.

"Han Biao, this new point of care, can help you pick up some food when you turn around."

This is the privilege of prisoners who have been detained for a long time.

If you get acquainted with the police officer on guard, you can not only order food, but also deliver things from outsiders with one eye open and one eye closed.

Hearing the instructions of his immediate boss, this man named Han Biao should have done so quickly. This man who didn't seem to laugh very often also pulled out a particularly ugly smile at Gu Zheng.

" old rules, tell me what you have committed."

"Don't tell me that you are wronged. Every one of us here thinks that he is the most pure and innocent good person."

Listening to the other party’s jokes, Gu Zheng didn’t hide it. He gently dusted the long bench that was embedded on the wall. It could only be said to be a long bench. After he sat down calmly, he just said Two words: "Selling..."

Only these two words are needed to let everyone in this room understand.

"Oh...I'm a capable person..."

Han Biao, the thief and the roommates of the drunken hooligans who were fighting and fighting, inexplicably felt that Gu Zheng's whole body was glowing with a tall halo.

In the eyes of these people, economic criminals are equivalent to tall criminals.

This is a technical type of work that requires brains, and it is not something that ordinary people can't do.

So after hearing of Gu Zheng's charges, the atmosphere in their detention room was much better.

Because Gu Zheng had been specifically greeted, none of the tricks of those fierce prison tyrant roommates were actually used on Gu Zheng's body.

There was a sense of prosperity in the entire room.

This is basically a gathering place for old fried dough sticks in the county town, and it is not guilty to have any conflict with Gu Zheng over a few days of detention.

Gu Zheng's temporary detention in the county was particularly short-lived.

Because Gu Zheng, who was quick in his work, was arraigned again when he opened his eyes the next day and was taken to Captain Ma's office.

While passing through the corridor of the county police station, he also saw Gu Defa in shackles coming towards him from the other end.

The two fathers and sons were obstructed by the full view of the public, they only exchanged information with each other with their eyes, and then passed by.

Gu Zheng followed him into the house where his dad had just come out, and when he went in again, he saw the members of his second trial. Among them, there was only one member from the economic office of the city, and the others were from the police in the county. .

Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng knew that Captain Ma’s affairs were almost done.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng's heart became more determined.

In the process of being arraigned for the second time, there were no mistakes or omissions.

I don’t know if the people from the public security system in Anping County let the people from the economic office in Zicheng suffer. This is basically the same as the quietness of a background board.

When the interrogation was over, he breathed out as if he had finally completed a tricky task.

Gu Zheng didn't know what kind of trouble he did to the economic picket office in Zicheng.

Not only did the municipal leaders criticize their picket office for not carefully and not investigating the issues at the municipal party committee meeting by name, but even people who are not systematic have made them wear small shoes.

After the director of their office came back from the meeting, he was furious. Because of this incident, he directly sent Ye Qing, the main supervisor at the time, to the end and distributed it to the neighborhood committee to dry the sundries.

A good revolutionary young man cared about neighboring relations with a group of old men and women.

It's really hard for Comrade Ye Qing.

After this incident, Gu Zheng's case was officially transferred to the police in Anning County.

Today is the last process he attended as a former supervisor.

He just wanted a smooth transition without success, and quickly returned to his picket office, read the newspaper when it was all right, and went shopping when he was really bored.

Why do you find yourself uncomfortable when you know that what you do is annoying.


This man who was able to set his position clearly slid quickly.

And Gu Zheng's next process is not slow.

He stayed in the temporary detention center in the county for only two days, and then he obtained his own preliminary arrangement in accordance with the official document above.

According to Captain Ma's estimation, the entire sentence is about one year and three months, and the time is not long or short. If unfortunately, it is not far away, it will be the second prison in the province.

As for the detention center in the city?

The facilities here are relatively complete, and the rooms have just been built. For those who enter, it is a good place to go.

At this time, the role of Captain Horse is still there, but the relationship is no longer useful.

But before being officially transferred to the prison, Gu Zheng is afraid that he will have to wait at least three months or even longer in the city detention center.

This is because his case involves a relatively wide range of areas, and there are some inter-provincial and municipal investigations and evidence collection. If all the steps are completed, I am afraid that three months will be considered less.

After all, when some people got the official verdict and transferred to the prison, they had been in the detention center for more than half a year.

But don't worry, although the judicial system in this world has its weirdness, it has done quite a good job in protecting certain rights and interests.

When he stayed in the detention center, when the sentence was officially issued, he was automatically included in the sentence.

For example, if Gu Zheng stayed in the detention center for half a year, then his remaining prison term would only be eight months.

Will not suffer.

So after Captain Ma, the real person, shared the reason with Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng happily got into the car dispatched by the prison detention center, and was first carried into the hospital for a comprehensive medical examination.

To say that the external conditions of this detention center are really unremarkable.

Not far from the detention center is a county-level hospital under the detention center.

The prisoners who were transported by their vehicles must be fully armed to the hospital that was specifically cleared for several major special inspections.

One is infectious diseases. In the collectively enclosed living environment of detention centers, infectious diseases are one of the most lethal diseases.

The second one is a severely incurable disease. This is to prevent the patient from dying in the detention process, let alone the family members of the prisoner, and even the public opinion will be enough for the detention center to drink a pot.

For this kind of necessary testing, Gu Zheng is quite cooperative.

It's just that the only thing he worries about is that the level of medical care during the years is too crude.

I am afraid that there are many hidden blood diseases and small-influence infectious diseases that cannot be detected.

The only thing left is that he is a little bit more minded.

Gu Zheng, who cooperated honestly, didn't encounter any dog ​​blood during the inspection. The so-called cruel doctors used perverted methods to humiliate their cruel prisoners, and it was not on him at all. happen.

Through Gu Zheng's observation, he actually felt that the doctors in charge of examinations in this hospital were full of caution and fear for them.

This is like a kind-hearted person treating a prisoner. As soon as I heard that it was someone who entered the detention center, regardless of what he was doing, he was already assigned a vicious title.

What's more, in the era of relatively innocence, identity represents too much.

Although the word ingredient has long been far away from people in this world, the deep-rooted influence it brings is still quite far-reaching.

Therefore, Gu Zheng enjoyed a handful of official and careful inspections throughout the process, holding a checklist that passed the physical examination classification, and was pulled into the gate of the city's detention center.

In order to reassure his son, when he knew the time when Gu Zheng went in from Ma Shengyue, Gu Defa also specially wore a brand-new short-breasted gown, stood outside the gate of the police station, and watched Gu Zheng go away.

The two tacit understanding of the father and son expressed their thoughts with mouth forms that only each other could understand.

Gu Zheng: Don't worry, Daddy, let's do it and see.

Gu Defa: Son, during the visit, I will see you. Let's talk about it in detail.

With this meeting, Gu Zheng's heart is more at ease.

Even sitting in this **** vehicle with strange and indifferent escorts on both sides, he didn't feel sad.


The black, blue and white vehicles came to a halt when they entered the premises. The caretaker in the vehicle took the lead to get out of the car and unfastened the shackles Gu Zheng had hung on the car. He put his arm on his side and moved in clankingly. This iron fence is thick enough with a thumb.

To enter from the office building of the detention center, the first to enter is an administrative registration office.

There is a background wall with a standard height measurement on the wall. Prisoners who come here will receive an identity card of their own at the door.

The size of the brand is about the size of a half-book, and the hardwood-like material is printed with two large black characters of "Gu Zheng".

When the information registration staff behind the desk called Gu Zheng's name, he stood directly in front of the black and white height measurement background wall under the action of a push of the guard.

"No. 2086, prisoner's name: Gu Zheng, please hold the card in both hands, hold it to your chest, face the camera in front of the table, and keep your facial features clear and serious."

"Okay, hold on..."


A picture of Gu Zheng that might leave the case behind... was taken.

As for what Gu Zheng looks like in this photo, whether he is handsome or not, it is not something he has to worry about now.

Because the recorder just behind the table nodded, indicating that the prisoner’s information had been registered, the police officer standing at the detention center on the side took Gu Zheng’s arm again and led him to the next room. within.

The defensive force of this room is much tighter than that of the previous administrative office.

Not only was there a cadre stationed at the door, but after entering inside, there were two police officers behind an iron fence similar to a ticket window.

"2086, take off your clothes...all, throw into this box after taking off..."

This is to keep all the belongings and clothes that Gu Zheng carried when he entered the detention center.

After he was officially released from prison, he was returned to his hands by the police.

From this moment on, the ownership of the things he brought from outside...none of Gu Zheng himself.

The stitches and threads he has in the detention center will be inspected by the detention center before they can be transported in.

Gu Zheng obediently obeyed the instructions, and turned himself into a white chicken.

He was completely different from the skinny man behind him who was about to cry ashamed.

Being frank and frank is like going to a public bathhouse and calming down.

The police officers standing behind the fence couldn't help but look at him more.

Whoops, is it a character?

Recently, what major crimes have they received in the detention center?

He has to quickly take a look.

But when Cadre Xu picked up Gu Zheng's fresh crime report, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Is an economic criminal?

I didn't see it at all! He thought he was the underworld elder brother who had been entrenched for many years with that calm, calm and sturdy aura.

It's really gone.

Just because Gu Zheng showed this difference, it made Cadre Xu's heart.

When packing Gu Zheng's clothes, he really discovered some details.

In the pocket of Gu Zheng's jacket were two packs of Double Happiness, which were not opened at all.

This kind of high-priced cigarettes that will sell for three dollars and fifty-one boxes in this year and month, knowing people know who they are preparing for.

Oh, it turned out to be a well-connected person.

Someone in their system must have reminded the prisoner of some comfortable details in advance before he came in.

No, after receiving Gu Zheng's indirect benefits, he will naturally take good care of the other party's finances.

Although Cadre Xu could not see the difference in Gu Zheng's national costume, this did not prevent him from temporarily accepting Gu Zheng's good intentions.

If it is confirmed that this is not a troublesome master, he doesn't mind giving some care to Gu Zheng during the period when Gu Zheng is detained in the detention center.

Let’s not talk about the affairs of Cadre Xu here. Naked Gu Zheng has already passed through this not-long corridor and came to a relatively spacious room.

The setting in this room is very interesting, with a row of shiny water jets hanging half-high. Spreading out from behind the doctor's desk in a white coat, one by one was hung on a row of iron shelves.

Behind the examining doctor, there was a lonely chair.

Sitting above is an assisting policeman.

Just like the cadre Xu at the entrance, all police officers in the station, regardless of their rank, are collectively called cadres.

This young cadre sat on a chair, and did not respond at all to the line up of dozens of naked people in front of him. He started calling numbers without raising his eyelids. .

"2080... step forward... bend down, then bend down... pout, pout hard, you are not shit, will you rush forward?"

The words are rough, but the instructions are straightforward.

The one-meter-eight big man was blushing with a few words from the old cadre, and with his flushed face buried between his legs, he pointed the chrysanthemum at the examining doctor's location.

By the way, this doctor was also a prison doctor in the detention center. He put a pair of very thick rubber gloves on his hands with a pair of "snapps", very calmly following the veins of the chrysanthemum, moving to the left and right. After that, the final routine inspection began.

After visually checking that there was no foreign body inserted in the mouth, ‘pop’... the doctor loosened the man’s sphincter.

The man who closed his eyes and had a sharper sense of touch on his body could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Phew, this is the end, right?

But he didn't dare to get up rashly, because the cadre sitting not far behind him had never issued an order to get him to get up and leave.

But just when he was surprised, he felt a piece of foreign body inserted in his ** intestinal muscle.

The doctor standing behind him was using his gloved fingers and his outer thumbs to penetrate into his **** cavity and probe deeply.

It was this one that made the man with his face tremble unconsciously.

A sense of shit, accompanied by an inexplicable tingling, a slightly refreshing sensation, was transmitted to his brainstem center.

He got goose bumps all over his body, because of the doctor's behavior...all of a sudden all over his body.


A very fierce-looking man actually started crying on the spot.

Gu Zheng, who was just a few positions behind to enjoy this treatment, was also very speechless.

Forgive him for his ignorance and ignorance. Who would have thought that a city detention center would conduct such a strict inspection?

At this point, he can only grit his teeth.

If you think about this experience in terms of Spiritual Victory Dafa, you should treat it as an all-round disinfection of a private place.

Because the doctor confirmed that the prisoner had not carried any prohibited items on his body, he picked up a shiny silver tube from the iron frame behind the table.

The water pressure was adjusted to a suitable position, and the prisoner was washed before and after.


What is released from the pipe is clean cold water.

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