The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1227: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (17)

After the flushing is completed before and after, the prisoner's entrance inspection is all over.

"2080 got up and moved on..."

The veteran cadre on the side still gave out the next order without dying or alive.

This tearful man finally ended his unbearable examination, wiped his tears, slightly funny... and walked forward naked.

Passing through a short corridor, it was the window where the clothes were collected just after entering the door.

Officer Xu sewed the correspondingly numbered gown, used a plastic basket as a carrying object, and handed it to the 2080 criminal who was standing at the window with a blank face.

"Put on your uniform! Go to the door and wait for the number to be called. Okay, you will have passed the first pass of the city detention center."

The next step is for the corresponding prison guards to take the prisoners to the over-allocated cells.

It takes about two weeks to one month to adjust to the rhythm in the detention center, and then uniformly assign a relatively small number of ordinary cells.

I don't know what the cadres in the detention center think.

Probably because I am afraid that these new prisoners will be lonely.

In this temporary excessive cell, at least 20-22 prisoners can be arranged in a room.

This can be regarded as getting acquainted with inmates earlier and increasing revolutionary friendship?

Gu Zheng couldn't figure it out, and it wasn't something he should think about.

Because he is already nervous enough just to put on his clothes neatly within the prescribed time.

The cadres at the door do not have much patience. They prefer prisoners with less trouble.

This means that one's own work is not easy to go wrong, and in this detention center, the four words of obedience to management are really particularly important.

Gu Zheng understands this truth, he is not stupid.

When the big silly man in front was still crying, he had already put on a somewhat whitish gown, and by the way put on the blue vest in front of him, which symbolized the treatment of ordinary criminals.


The sound of the baton hitting the fence sounded again, and the prisoners with only numbers and no names walked out of the last room symbolizing freedom in accordance with the instructions.

After the old cadre looked at the silly pants hanging on his hips disgustingly, he pulled a bunch of people... and entered the heavily guarded high wall.

‘Swipe, Swipe’

A group of newcomers wearing rubber-soled shoes rubbed harsh noises in this empty corridor, but even so, there was no curious head in the bright cells... poking out.

‘Clang Clang...’

With the sound of the key touching the keyhole, the two large cells near the turn at the end of the corridor were opened.

The group of people following the veteran cadre showed the two cells unobstructed at a glance.

There are quite a few people in these two cells, and if they were stuffed in, they would be able to make up two twenty-twos.

The veteran cadres in charge of leading the way are also quite simple and rude when assigned.

The first six digits go to the first room, and the last six digits go to the second room.

Gu Zheng was 2086, which happened to be the tail of the first room. He followed the back of the team and stood quietly by the door. After hearing the lock of the door behind him, he did it again. Lifting his eyelids, he observed the dozen or so people who had entered the cell early.

Probably because it is a large temporarily adaptable cell, the oldest qualified person here only stayed for three months.

And because of the psychological endurance of newcomers, most people wear blue vests.

Oh, forgot to give a brief introduction.

In detention centers and even prisons, inmates dress very carefully.

At this time, readers who are good people are about to ask.

Aren’t they all distributed uniformly by the country? Why is there any difference?

This is of course a distinction, and the purpose is to remind people who have entered the detention center and the prison.

What reminder?

Don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke, and don't wake up with people you shouldn't be.

Because apart from the most common blue horse family, the prisoners of the other colors don't have a good match.

Yellow vest? A prisoner may be sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence, death sentence or life imprisonment.

The red vest? terrorist.

The green vest? It is the sick number.

What if you think the sick number is the most harmless in it?

That would be wrong.

You said that when you entered the prison, you still had to have all your tails. Why did you get sick after staying in the prison for a while?

Either he is cruel enough to himself, or others are not kind enough to him.

So, seeing the blue vest in this room, Gu Zheng was inexplicably relieved.

The expression on his face was still dull, but his heart was relaxed a bit.

Then the old cadre gave a chuckle outside the iron fence. He didn't order or explain anything. He only said one sentence: "Take a rest first, and explain the rules after dinner", and then left with his hands behind his back.

This is too reassuring.

So what are they doing during this time?

Just when the rookies of them were at a loss, the neatly arranged team that had been lined up under the watchful eyes of the veteran cadres suddenly changed positions.

At the very end of the room, by the wall, sat a man with a sturdy face and a half-inch-long scar on his forehead and cheek.

Surrounded by him, they were all sturdy in shape, and at first glance they were criminals who were grumpy and difficult to provoke.

This should be the first echelon of prisoners in this cell.

Immediately behind them were living on both sides of the middle section of the cell. Seven or eight people were standing on each side of the cell. They had different faces and postures. They couldn't see the way, but they were silent, just like ordinary people.

As for the one standing near the door?

There are only two or three people.

Looking at the leader inside, it looked a little wretched and shy, but looking at Gu Zheng and their newcomer, it looked badly.

For a while, the first cell became extremely quiet because of this change.

The two groups of people, old and new, just stared at each other ignorantly.

It wasn't until the little man who had the least status among the elderly and was eager to behave spoken, that the embarrassing situation was completely broken.

"It's done, don't be silly, what are you waiting for? Waiting for grandpa to serve you tea and water?"

"Come, come, start from 2080, do you see the fence near the windbreak playground?"

"The place is quite spacious there, and the lines are well lined up. Go squatting over there one by one, starting from the first one and introducing yourself one by one."

"Of course, we are not doing hukou surveys. We just need to explain to everyone their names and what happened to them. Our imprisonment ceremony is officially started."

After the little guy finished talking about this, he realized that no one had a corresponding reaction. Hey, don't mention it any more annoyed.

He couldn't hold back his energy and pulled his shoes and walked towards the end of the six rookies. He lifted his foot and planned to give Gu Zheng, who was standing at the end of the line, a kick.

It's not that he is hardworking and likes to take two more steps.

It was the stupid big guy standing at the forefront of the team, he looked too aggressive.

Has a similar appearance to the boss in Room 1.

For him such a vagrant, he is a person who dare not provoke such fights and fights.

But Gu Zheng at the end of the team is quite different.

Black and thin, with the earthy flavor unique to villagers.

The expression on his face was sackcloth, which seemed to be a bully at first glance.

But who would have thought that when this little man's sour feet just pushed towards Gu Zheng's butt, they suddenly...was flashed.

This kid!

He actually hid in the past.

‘Ouch! ’

Standing in the front of Gu Zheng, No. 2805 suffered the crime for Gu Zheng.


This man, who was not too tall, just let out a protest, and was stared at by this stern little man, and choked back.

And after Gu Zheng finished this faint move, he scratched his head in a daze, as if he was very surprised why the kid would kick the 2805 half.


The little man who consciously lost face was about to go violently, but a casual voice came from the end of the cell.

"Okay, 1999, hurry up, go and explain to them, don't delay Lao Tzu's sleep!"

With just this sentence, 1999 immediately turned his anger into joy. He nodded and said yes to the big man inside with a flattering face. When he turned his head again, he pulled his face back to the original one again. length.

"Okay, Brother Zhang is in a good mood today, don't embarrass you, otherwise Wang Ziqiang will not be able to spare you."

"What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you see a place like this? All squatted down for me, yes, next to the cabinet!"

Now the situation is better than people. Since we have to listen to the rules, let's squat down first.

After the six newcomers looked at each other, they squatted next to the cabinet one by one, raised their heads all together, looked at the place of 1999, and waited for his next explanation.

"Okay, pretty sensible!"

"Then let's talk about the rules of room number one, you first look at the door."

"Let's talk about the placement of items first."

"Next to the faucet on the left side of the door of room No. is where we hang towels."

"I see the hooks above, the bottom row of vacant ones is where the six of you are."

"The tooth cylinder is placed on the last layer of the rack, from left to right, give me a number in order."

"The location must not be confused. Our toiletries are all exactly the same. Pay attention to personal hygiene! If it is used by someone I know who took things from us... Humph... Don’t blame my brother, I don’t. Be merciful."

"After talking about towels and toothbrushes, let's talk about the storage of personal belongings."

"Look at you, do you have a family? When you wait on the visit day, you can accept things from your family."

"As long as it has been checked by the cadres, some things can be brought into the room for use."

"If you think it's valuable? Put it in your own cabinet."

"Don't look at the number of Liangshang gentlemen in our name, but the rule of this room is that since you come in here, they are all brothers. As the saying goes, rabbits don’t eat grass on the edge of their nests. What about us people? , And he won’t attack his brother."

"But if your heart is big, don't you put it in the hole of the cabinet where you are squatting?"

"Then I'm embarrassed, I lost what it deserved."

"This is the basic rule of our No. 1 room. It's so simple, you should understand it."

"As for what do you want to know most about doing here?"

Speaking of this in 1999, he smiled, and looked out of the cell with a bit of sourness and gloat: "Then wait for the old cadres to give you a big class after lunch."

After speaking, 1999 stopped talking, walked back to the original position, squatted against the position of Datongpu, and waited for the boss here to add something.

And this host who has been silent, really didn't say much.

He just stared at Gu Zheng and the six of them. After watching, he left out four words: "Introduce yourself."

"You! Big guy, come first!"

In 1999, I knew that the boss was reluctant to speak. Then I pointed my toes in the direction of 2080.

"Ah, ah? Me? I..."

"Uuuuuuu, I was wronged... I, I was robbed of money... They beat me, I was so scared, I wanted to push people away and run away, who would have thought... he just knocked on the ground... ...Wow, Mom, I want to go home..."

Yes, this one is crying again

This 2080 hasn't changed much yet. First, the veterans in Room 1 were scared.

I'm going, this is a typical foreigner and middleman.

The guilty thing is really not trivial.

Even when he looked at this stupid big man in 1999, he had a little sympathy in his eyes.

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