The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1228: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (18)

Because of the comparison of this special person, the self-introductions of the following few people are too common.

It's either a petty theft or a quarrel. In this chant, even the middle character can't be ranked.

When it was Gu Zheng's turn to introduce himself, he even uttered the words "speculative", the 1999 smile became even more cheerful.

"Hahaha, is the detention center in our city going to fall?"

"Nowadays, the world is really peaceful, even the fellow who sold a handful of green onions was arrested?"

"Oh hello, brother, what do you want me to say about you?"

"What? Is this detention for a month or 20 days?"

This is the group of people who regard Gu Zheng as the kind of powerless and powerless, and will be judged after being arrested, and after paying the fine, they will be released within a few days.

But who came to think, this dark young man pursed his mouth honestly: "It's not that short, I have to stay for more than a year..."

"When my verdict is over, the place to go is decided. It is said that it is the second prison."

Just a word, let the people in this room quiet for a moment.

Speculation was sentenced to this kind of sentence, for fear that it would not be contaminated with a small amount of money.

Thinking of 1999 here, I asked the entire prison cell's questions.

"What did you do? Just sentenced to such a long time? What did you resell?"

The innocent Gu Zheng moved his sore legs and pointed at the bedside of the Datong bunk he had been staring at for a long time. Instead, he asked one more sentence: "Then brother, I'm reselling too much, can I let him? I sit down and talk about it."

Economic crimes have little physical strength, virtual, and real.

As for 1999, after subconsciously turning his head and taking a look at the location of Boss Zhang, after seeing the fierce man nodding slightly, he nodded the end of their team with the tip of his chin, which is the closest door to the chase shop. , Agreed to Gu Zheng's request.

"Then sit here, face us and say it well..."

"Well, middle!"

Gu Zheng was really welcome, and he sat down firmly on the side of his hips when he stood up.

In the envious and jealous eyes of the other five rookies who were still squatting, he gave everyone a detailed explanation of the business scope he involved.

"Oh my god!"

After listening to Gu Zheng's several short-selling products, 1999 made a voice of envy.

Those who said that they were bald had missed their previous career.

"Just the wealthiest people I patronize, they don't have the things you said at home."

"It's over, it's over, it's been out of touch with the society for two months."

"Hey, brother, if you are free, you have to tell me the price of these things. When I go out, I won't miss it because of the old hat, right?"

At first glance, this is the incomplete transformation.

Do you want to go back to your old line?

Just in 1999, when the words were getting worse and worse, suddenly, a unified broadcast from the detention center came from the square loudspeaker hanging in the upper right corner of the roof of Room No. 1.

"It's lunch time... Please line up to prepare!"

This sentence was like a signal, so that Boss Zhang, who was sitting calmly at the end of room No., stood up immediately, took the brothers beside him, stood in the order of front and back, and waited in room No. By the iron gate.

With the sound of familiar footsteps, the old cadre took a few young guards, dangling the keys, and opened the door from beginning to end.

While tapping the fence with a truncheon, he walked towards the cafeteria of the detention center as a guide.

As for the prisoners in the temporary room, they were naturally led by the elderly, with a little ignorance and worries about the future, silently following behind the team.

The pedestrian walked very quietly, and after meeting with the people in the formal room, it became a little quieter.

As a new detainee, Gu Zheng was fortunate enough to be assigned a ceramic round-bellied shallow basin with a single-ear ring on the side to prevent the food from being too hot to carry.

There is also a shallow lid on the small basin, the same color as the basin, light green, which has the effect of increasing appetite.

As a foodie, even if Gu Zheng has fallen to where he is now, he still has some expectations for eating.

Didn't you see that in the modern news, if you don't understand, you will report that those habitual thieves are proactively making some small mistakes because they can't adapt to the life outside the bars, trying to get themselves back to the detention center.

Does that mean that the food here is actually quite thoughtful?

With great hope, Gu Zheng, when he stepped into the canteen, he knew that he was afraid he was wrong.

Because there were only two shelf carts alone in this place.

Two cadres, holding standard long-handled iron spoons, served the prisoners with their meals.

When a prisoner walked in front of the dining car, the two spoons would buckle lunch one after the other into the small green bowl in the prisoner's hand.

'Snapped! Snapped! ’

The lunch menu is brown rice with carrot soup.

That's real radish soup. The radish slices floating above were cleverly avoided by the person who served the rice. When it hit Gu Zheng's rice bowl, there would be two in the spoonful. Slices of radish.

As for the composition of rice noodles?

Don't expect that when everyone eats Wowotou, the prisoners will be able to eat polished rice and white noodles.

Chen Mi, I was afraid that he had been damp or moldy. After being cleaned, he was sent here, and he was treated as waste.


Is this for people to eat?

When Gu Zheng was surprised, suddenly, Zhang Ge, who was in front of him for dinner, was diverted from the group, stopped in front of a much smaller dining car in the cafeteria, and stood in that hidden place. The meal sharing cadre actually handed Zhang Ge a wotou of cornmeal!

That's it!

Huang Cancan, hard porcelain!

Gu Zheng, who had been hungry for a day, had red eyes.

Why can Brother Zhang have a wotou to eat?

This is not fair!

Just when Gu Zheng was wondering, one, two, and a few people gradually walked out of their team, all the directions they went were where the dining car was.


Gu Zheng, who was scratching his heart and lungs, did not dare to move, he could only hold his own rice bowl, and leave the cafeteria with the other silent people, only hoping to know from Brother Zhang when he returned to his room for dinner. What the **** is going on here.

‘Clang Clang...’

The icy fence closed again.

In Room No. 1, the original order is still the same, but this time, everyone huddled together on the edge of the sleeping chase, put the rice bowl on the edge, took the chopsticks and began to pull into their mouths.

Everyone is not slow in eating.

Because in this room without any entertainment and interaction, eating is the best way to pass the time.

And because of this, on the contrary, the new prisoner is unique.

Except for Gu Zheng, no one has the appetite to eat.

I can see the small old man next to him. It was an anxious one in 1999. I can't wait to pull it into my mouth for them.

"I said you guys, don't eat anymore, do you know that food waste is not allowed here."

"If you find it hard to swallow, just give it to me. You can eat white rice, isn't it better than outside?"

Isn't it the same hungry when you can't open a card outside?

Hearing the opening in 1999, Gu Zheng quickly took the topic over.

The sad expression on his face was about to emerge. He ordered some food in the rice bowl and said, "This big brother, it's not that we don't want to eat well."

"It's really boring to eat with rice in soup. Just now I saw in the cafeteria that Mrs. Zhang can go to get a wotou, but I don't know, do you have any requirements for the wotou?"

If the boss of a room is qualified to take the buns... He will be the boss this evening.

But the next words in 1999 let Gu Zheng know that he was afraid that he wanted to go wrong.

"Ah, you ask this, when you wake up from a nap and the cadres tell you the rules, you will know."

Is this still selling off?

Is there any problem?

Confused Gu Zheng, not knowing the taste of food, in his heart, after repeatedly scolding the people of Shejiazhai, he briefly rinsed the rice bowl in the pool, and in accordance with the management's request, he held the bedding. Go to this crowded Chase shop.

For a while, there was a sudden snoring around him, and Gu Zheng also squinted in a daze in this state of group sleep.


"The new prisoner stands up! Give you five minutes, when you are ready, go to the small auditorium to listen to the rules!"

The cadre on duty today yelled at the people Gu Zheng with only one sentence.

With their not very clear and blank expressions, they took a big class with the new prisoners this time.

Then, they knew what they should do after they came in.

Because the newcomers are compassionate, the few months in the temporary room are called the adaptation period. Of course, habitual offenders are not treated like this.

During the adaptation period, the incoming prisoners do not have to work.

But after Gu Zheng heard what the cadres said about the labor content, he found that it was better to do some work.

Because the job assigned to the detention center in the city turned out to be folding glasses cloth.

This kind of simple and easy work is better than staring at the ceiling.

You must know that when Gu Zheng saw this timetable, he wanted to reverse the time immediately, and simply absconded in fear of crime.

Because the recent schedule is like this.

6:45 in the morning, washing time.

Breakfast at seven, and then chatting in a daze.

It's nine o'clock, don't get me wrong, it's not about taking the prisoners out for a picnic, playing ball, and seeing the scenery.

It means that everyone walks around in a circle in a space of ten square meters... Haha.

After half an hour, I went back and continued to chat in a daze.

You can finish your meal and go to bed by ten to forty.

In the afternoon, there will be another release at three o'clock, and dinner will start at four o'clock.

At this time, everyone will take turns to take a bath, and six o'clock is the time for public entertainment activities.

A while ago, the detention center had just received an 18-inch black-and-white television set from the relevant department. The cadres in the detention center added a particularly attractive entertainment program to the prisoners.

That is watching TV.

Of course, the content of the TV is what the cadres watch and what the prisoners watch.

Want to turn the stage?

Okay, let's be a cadre first.

This TV time allowed everyone to relax for a while, until ten o'clock, the lights in the detention center were on.

And the unified light-off time is naturally set after ten o'clock.

At that time, except for the cadres who patrolled the room, and there must be two prisoners awake on duty every two hours in the chant, the rest of the people had quiet sleep time.

Seeing this, some people are strange again.

Why do you have to take turns?

Change of guard in two hours?

Wouldn't it be that people would wake up after sleeping for a while?

At this time, the cadres standing outside the door will explain to you why there are such regulations.

Because these are all exchanged for **** lessons.

It is a necessary condition to let someone in the room always stay awake, and definitely not alone.

Because of the complexity of the detainees in the detention center, it is impossible to take care of the police force division on the first floor with only a few cadres.

Once, it happened because of a little friction... the thing that a person slaughtered a house.

Or after entering, the prisoner's mental state is extremely unstable, and he may not know what he will do to harm the collective.

For the stability and unity of the entire detention center, and for the safety of all members of a room, such a duty system is simply a torture for the new prisoners.

But this is indeed the most effective way to ensure the safety of one's life.

Of course, for people like Gu Zheng, the people in this room may not be able to join forces.

But he didn't want to sleep and remind him of the fear.

So, just be on duty.

He doesn't care.

There was only one thing that he couldn't bear, and that was the food in this prison.

Through the afternoon meeting, Gu Zheng figured out why Boss Zhang could add a meal.

Because the country has certain regulations on the food standards of prisoners and the amount of daily consumption.

Within the scope of this amount of funding, it is enough to ensure that everyone does not starve to death.

If you feel that the food is not good, you can pay the corresponding catering management fees to the cadres in charge of logistics through your family members outside the detention center.

The prisoners who paid extra money will naturally be able to eat meals worth the same amount.

But in order to achieve the purpose of education in the detention center, it is naturally impossible for the detention center to serve the whole table, isn't it?

Therefore, it also set the highest standard quota.

That is the cost of food for a month, up to ten yuan.

The maximum amount of small daily necessities is 15 yuan.

After paying the relevant fees, the responsible cadre will notify you that you are eligible for a small stove.

And you can also buy the corresponding food from the list of materials and food provided by the detention center.

For example, peanuts, mustard, pickles and so on for catering.

Greatly made up for, the detention center's lunch and dinner are the third.

Radish, cabbage, bean sprouts.

It is enough for people who are not very rich in material life to enjoy themselves.

But these meals, which are already very good in the eyes of the prisoners, are really not enough in Gu Zheng's eyes.

On the first day when he arrived at the detention center, Gu Zheng had already fallen into deep annoyance and began to wonder how he could successfully pick himself out of this quagmire.

Gu Zheng can eat the suffering.

The person in the room is difficult to deal with, and he is not afraid.

But only one thing, not eating well, is equivalent to killing him.

This is absolutely unbearable.

But the most speculative suspect, how can he acquit himself in the shortest time?

Then make another plan.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, and after a quick calculation, it will be the weekend tomorrow.

As a new prisoner, it is time to see your family.

Gu Zheng, who had a strategy in mind, slept very securely.

It was so practical that he had gotten up half an hour early, emptied his stomach in advance, and was waiting for today's meeting.


At about nine o'clock in the morning, the wind time.

Because of the weekend, everyone was a little looser than usual.

The prisoners who knew their family members were still thinking about them were even more restless. They got up for a while and sat down for a while, waiting to hear the sound of the keys crashing outside.

Because when this sound rang, it meant that the cadres of this level were walking towards their room.

Coming at this time, I am afraid that only the family will come to see or meet with the lawyer.

Therefore, when this voice remembered outside the door of temporary room No. 1, everyone pricked their ears and looked at the expressionless cadre sadly.

"2086, Gu Zheng, get out! Someone is watching you."


Gu Zheng, who was moved in his heart, answered swiftly and swiftly. He immediately followed the cadre and followed him to the family interview room.

The layout of this interview room is quite human, because the detainees in the detention center are still suspects who have not been convicted of real crimes. Naturally, the process of treating them is slightly more relaxed than the real prisoners.

When meeting with family members, lawyers and other related personnel, it is equivalent to being in an open space.

If it were not for the suspect still in shackles, cadres were on duty to supervise one side of the interview table.

There is really no big difference in this ordinary meeting room.

It was in this room that Gu Zheng met Gu Defa and the well-known lawyer Miao Yijiu, who he obeyed Gu Zheng's instructions and specially sought out from the city.

In this emerging industry, there are currently very few private hires, and it is because of this lawyer Miao that he intends to come and have a look.

The three of them sat down and did not greet each other, but went straight to the subject.

When Gu De's eyes were, when he was about to ask if Gu Zheng was suffering, his especially opinionated son said: "Father, my original idea is still not mature enough..."

"We need to change."

"Huh?" Gu Defa was shocked when he heard this, but after only a few days, Gu Zheng's original plan to be handed out by someone was overturned?

Dad, who was quite worried, was the first to worry about whether his son was wronged in the detention center.

"Wazi, what's the matter with you? Did the people inside bully you?"

"No, I'll go to Captain Horse, let's retract the confession!"

Hearing that Gu Zheng couldn't laugh or cry here, this was his fault, so there is no reason to let his father fight crime when he is a son.

He still knows how to do things one by one.

It's just that his original plan of slowly dragging the limelight is afraid that it will be changed.

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