The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1229: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (19)

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he laughed instead.

"Daddy, there is no way, I just think that a person is so lonely, it's very bored and boring in it."

"I want to get out early."

"Lawyer Miao, please follow along. This is what I want now."

"Originally, our plan was to settle this economic crime, which is the most difficult to judge, simply and neatly."

"Try to strive for the shortest sentence. After the detention center has given enough time, we will release it."

"According to Lawyer Miao's ability and the uncertainty in the process of investigating and collecting evidence, we estimate that the sentence will be shorter when the actual verdict comes down."

"But for me, I really feel uncomfortable being inside. I have an idea. I want to tell you something, so you just do what I said."

"Maybe there will be unexpected surprises."


Attorney Miao was very interested and helped his glasses.

But after he saw the order of the conversation, he also understood some hidden details, fearing that he would not tell him as an outsider.

When Gu Zheng expressed his thoughts and requirements, Lawyer Miao just stunned and agreed with a smile.

After all, it was Gu Zheng who spent money to hire people, and this one was still a rare and generous master.

The relationship with the county's grassroots police is good again, and the cases involved are even more chaotic economic cases.

Wanting him to postpone the time for the formal verdict, it couldn't be easier.

This is the usual method used by prisoners who escaped into jail.

It is also a particularly important link for their lawyers to make money to file a lawsuit and show their abilities.

Originally, he felt very strange about Gu Zheng's quick conviction. Now, the prisoner can figure it out. That's right.

Attorney Miao, who was smiling, signed the relevant documents and procedures with the detention center, so he didn't stay much. Instead, he left time for the father and son who had a good relationship at first glance.

When everyone was clean, Gu Zheng lowered his voice by three points and spoke to Gu De about his plan.

"Daddy, I plan to write a letter."

"Write to the top."

"The person I want to send is the person at the top, because only in this way can I make my letter send people thoughtful and achieve the effect I want."

"I also want to strive for progress and make full use of the idea of ​​demanding development for the country, the people, and the family for the benefit of my original intention."

"This is not called speculation. I am promoting the country's economic development process, allowing state-owned supply and marketing cooperatives to receive corresponding promotion effects, providing people with more convenient services, and making the motherland's future more beautiful and prosperous."

"These, no matter which one they are, have nothing to do with speculation."

"Because of the bad guy by the side, making money is for your own consumption, it is a manifestation of corruption."

"And I Gu Zheng, making money is to support the country's infrastructure, to live and work in peace and contentment for the people, and to help the country and the nation to make great strides in a more advanced direction."

"So, Dad, I should not be a criminal, but a person who has contributed to the development of the country."

What this said...

Gu Defa really believed it.

He felt that his son was caught inexplicably, and that the economic picket office was in anger with the people in She's family village, and specifically came to get his son.

Now that his son explained it this way, he understood everything.

His son was really wronged! !

As a result, Gu Defa, who was very angry, asked Gu Zheng with red eyes: "Doghead, it's hard for you. Just say what you want to do, and Dad will do it for you."

By now, Gu Zheng didn't keep it secret, he only said one thing to his dad: "Daddy, please run away more."

"I want to write, no, not just that, write articles, write professional economic analysis reports."

"I need Dad to come to my place once a week, to deliver the letter I wrote to the post office in person, using obvious envelopes, using obvious stamps, and doing everything possible to let the big leaders see what I said from the bottom of my heart. And my determination to serve the country."

"As long as Dad does this, he will help me."

"I also know that the situation in our place made Daddy go in the wind and rain like this, I really..."

Having said that, Gu Zheng couldn't say anything...

But when Gu Defa heard that Gu Zheng only needs to let him do this trivial thing, he said ‘Hi’.

"I think it's a big deal."

"It's that simple?"

"My fool, Awa, even if you don't tell me, can your father and mother let you suffer here alone?"

"Do you think you have committed the crime for Dad, so your Dad feels better?"

"If it weren't for Daddy, I would stop, everyone in our family would have to come over and take a look every week to be relieved."

"The old village owner of Gujiazhai even thought of the petitioning step above."

"So, what are you, as long as it can help you, it's Daddy's life that can be paid for."

After hearing that, Gu Zheng was both moved and scared, and hurriedly pinched A-da's dangerous thoughts into a budding state.

"Don't, don't make any extravagances."

"We must believe in the leadership, in the country, in gradually improving laws and regulations, in the rapid development and strong promotion of this era, and we must believe in your capable son to be able to use formal means to achieve the ultimate victory."

"So, Dad, you must be sure to regulate the people in the stockade. Don't try to find a way to get yourself out. You are here again."

"We are the Tu people who support our country the most. Remember, we must always believe in our motherland!"

Gu Defa, who was holding his hands tightly by Gu Zheng, his intuitive son's eyes were full of solemnity, and he nodded involuntarily following his gaze.

"I know, I'll talk to the people in the stockade about your thoughts when I go back,, time is running out, I will pay you the bill now?"

Hearing Gu Zheng here, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed happily.

It seems that his dad must have come here a long time earlier to wait for the meeting, and in the meantime, he has already cleared the rules here.

Speaking of the father and son here, they know that the difference between the two is imminent.

After they released each other's hands, Gu Zheng found that there were two more bulging things in his palms.

It's a cigarette, subconsciously, Gu Zheng took a look at the cadre who stood by and played the role of surveillance.

Seeing the appearance of the other party silently turning a blind eye, Gu Zheng knew that this must be something that had been greeted in advance and had been checked.

It is a daily necessities that can be brought into the cell.

Gu Zheng smiled even more when he thought of this.

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