The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1230: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (20)

He waved his hand vigorously at A-da who was about to disappear at the door of the interview room, stood up, nodded to the cadre who led him, and signaled that I had finished the interview, and then he returned again. That's not very nice room number one.

"Clang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang"

Gu Zheng's return attracted the attention of nearly half of the people in the room.

There is something about envy, something about jealousy, and more of it is looking eagerly at Gu Zheng's hand, the small baggage that is not too big.

Generally, those who can come to the family do not give up the relatives, and will more or less subsidize the children who stayed in this place.

Anyone who has inquired about it in advance understands what is most useful to send in this place.

It is nothing more than food and cigarettes.

People like them are naturally staring at the cigarettes that may exist in Gu Zheng's bag.

If it wasn't for Gu Zheng to be a newcomer, as the boss of a room, Brother Zhang would give him a reminder when Gu Zheng went out to see his family.

Let him pay attention to taking the cigarette, even the cigarette butts on the ground during the meeting can't let go.

In this age when filter cigarettes are extremely rare, old smokers will always have a poor little head left in the end.

And they picked these cigarette butts back, no matter what brand of shredded tobacco, mixed them with a penny piece of cigarette paper, and then it was a wonderful mixed cigarette with multiple varieties and flavors. NS.

But looking after Gu Zheng's posture, I am afraid that the problem of picking up cigarette butts could not be considered.

They can only take a look at whether the other party has the possibility of getting a pack of cigarettes.


When Gu Zheng opened the small cloth bag that is not too big, the people in the room lit up.

A familiar yellow color appeared in front of the big guy.

"Boss Zhang, smoke."

A pack of peony cigarettes with yellow bottom and red flowers, the first to be opened, was delivered to the boss of the whole number.

This man, who most of the time looked up and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, finally raised his eyelids and took a look at Gu Zheng's appearance.

"Very righteous!"

After saying this, Mr. Zhang took his eyes, and the two men who had been sitting beside him hurriedly took out the foreign fire and lit the brand new peony cigarette.

Although only a word, Boss Zhang continued to close his eyes.

But Gu Zheng knew that since the boss picked up his cigarette, he was completely safe during the month and a half when the boss was the boss in Room No. 1.

Gu Zheng didn't flatter, but instead distributed the pack of cigarettes one by one... to the roommates in the room.

Even the two most despised gangster rapists got one.

As for the man looking for his mother, he rejected Gu Zheng's kindness.

Because this amabao's mother said that smoking is harmful to health.

After coming and going, two packs of cigarettes left half of them.

Gu Zheng picked up one at will, confronted the people on the side with a fire, and took out the most important things in the bag.

A thick stack of letter paper was sent by the cadres when Gu Defa left.

A fountain pen with a hero brand that his father would seldom use on his chest.

A square glass bottle of ink.

A few not too small envelopes.

Really everything is ready.

It's really hard for Gu Defa to manage this for Gu Zheng in such a short period of time.

Now that the food and grass have been prepared, it is time for him to act.

Gu Zheng, who was quiet, squatted beside the Datong shop. When everyone else closed their eyes and took a nap, he was thinking like a fountain.

Gu Zheng carefully followed his outline and details in his heart, and then drew a tube of ink into the pen, and wrote his thoughts on the snow-white red lined letter paper.

The first article is "On Taking a Unique Road and Our Mission"

After expounding the general trend of national development in detail, it turned to express the idea that everyone is responsible for the country's prosperity and strength, and it is not hesitating to contribute.

At the same time, at the end of this article, I also included a tearful application for joining the party.

After doing this, Gu Zhengyou felt that it was not enough. Based on the various shortcomings of local governance, he wrote another article with a small pattern, but with nuances.

"Looking at the resistance of Anning County Party Committee's economic reform from the banning of Gujiazhai stores"

Among them, a number of positive effects of his underlying market are listed, and once he was arrested, those who had the intention to come out and do a business had the heart to withdraw.

This is indeed counterproductive to the future development of Anning County.

It was originally a town that was underdeveloped. Because of Gu Zheng's imprisonment, it might even turn into a groggy pool of stagnant water.

Finish writing these first drafts.

Gu Zheng, who looked up again, realized that he had already written that it was time for the lights in the room number to turn on.

Because of the weekend, the prisoners were relatively loose.

Many people who still had good things in their pockets took a leave of absence and didn't go to the third child's food.

The people in the room called Gu Zheng twice and found that he was already immersed in his own world, and he couldn't hear anything next to him.

They will no longer remind them, each worrying about their own affairs.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he pursed his lips for joy.

Save the first draft carefully.

I plan to continue polishing and replenishing when I'm free in these two days.

He knew that the more detailed and beautiful he wrote these two articles, the more useful they would be.

What's more, there is still a full week before his father comes here next time.

Not in a hurry.

Gu Zheng, who was at ease, spent a week that was not very happy.

Among them, his life was unsurprising, and even some boring.

At this time, he was particularly fortunate that he was not assigned to Room No. 2 on the side.

Because just on Friday's Unification Broadcasting, the two or three prisoners who were routinely reported by the cadres for poor performance and to be punished were all from the number prison next door.

According to the description of Zhang Hongyang, the little talker.

The new prisoner in Room No. 2 blatantly disagrees with the boss there.

The criticism of these people's briefings fell on them because of the fights in the room number.

It is said that the newcomer was ruthless, but he didn't get any benefits. It doesn't count that several people were handcuffed to crayfish, and they were fined three months in prison.

It's really wrong.

As for what is called crayfish?

1999, who likes to popularize the encyclopedia knowledge of the number room, gave Gu Zheng a demonstration.

For ordinary prisoners like them, they are not shackled when locked in the room.

But if you make a mistake, it is not.

The cadres would handcuff them two strings of very special shackles.

The left handcuffs the left foot, and the right hand rests on the right foot.

When I don't do anything, I can only hunch together like a big shrimp.

As for going to the toilet, taking a bath, and brushing your teeth?

Haha, try my best.

Who made you make the most serious mistake in room numbering?

You think it's all a disagreement in the Huaqiqiguo Prisons article, the policeman kneels on the ground.

In the world of Gu Zheng, where is this country?

Hehe, this is the end of feeling that he is the boss and dare to do things.

You know, in the detention center, the most annoying cadres are those who do not follow the rules.

Their purpose is only one, for a more stringent prison, to adjust the edges and corners of the prisoners in advance.

Hearing Gu Zheng here, he just smiled.

Time was promoted by this little gossip, and the next weekend turned around.

Gu Zheng, with a slight expectation, waited for the notice from the cadres in the prison.

"2086! Family visits!"

"Hurry up!"

And when Gu Zheng stood up, Zhang Hongyang, who was gradually closer to each other because of a pack of cigarettes behind him, said something unprecedented.

"Cigarette! If you don't have one, keep your eyes sharp."

Pick up more cigarette butts if they are not delivered at home.

Gu Zheng was in a good mood, and he responded naturally and neatly. He followed the cadres in front of him, almost as if jogging all the way to the interview room.

In the process of a punch, I saw the old father who was carrying a big package and his stature was a little rickety.

For some reason, Gu Zheng's eyes were a little sour.

This is Zicheng, far, far away from his ten-mile mountain.

How could there be convenient public transportation for his father to arrive early in the morning?

It must have been from the afternoon of the day before yesterday that his father had already embarked on this long journey.

It can be seen that the outer layer of the package has been carefully taken care of.

I'm afraid I don't want him to know that this line is difficult.

When the cadre on the side reminded his father, Gu Defa, who turned around, straightened his waist in an instant.

The smile on his face was extremely brilliant, and what he said was like: Yo, the weather is good today...just so relaxed.

"Guotou, I'm coming to see you again."

"It's really careless to say that I'm a dad."

"I didn't inquire about the rush last time."

"I knew when I bought you letter We don't send out large items in this detention center, but daily necessities, thick clothes and socks also need to be prepared by ourselves."

"You said, you kid, why don't you tell Dad? It's so early at home?"

"Doghead, don't be afraid," said Gu Defa, who gently placed the package on the table between the two, lowering the volume a bit and saying: "Our family is rich," The money you returned from that trip before you left, plus the money earned over the past six months, I didn't even pay up in our stockade."

"Captain Horse said, your money is not spent by yourself, but for public construction."

"I didn't have to pay a huge penalty fee."

After all, speculation does not require an exact standard for the sentencing of crimes, which is very difficult to deal with.

Hearing Gu Zheng here, he put his hand on this huge package.

Inside there is a semi-new but very thick bedding, a set of warm and breathable old cotton jackets, a dozen black cotton socks, and a few pieces of pants that can be changed and washed next to the body.

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