The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

: One Thousand One Hundred and One Hundred and One Reality: A Record of the Fallen Lord (21)

These things are really very practical. Even if it is a shortcoming or a piecemeal, the cost of daily necessities of 15 yuan a month is not just handed over.

Just apply for purchase at the store in the detention center.

Gu Zheng was unwilling to send a meeting with Gu De. You have suffered, and you have also suffered a miserable meeting.

He felt like his father, who was used to sheltering his family from wind and rain, didn't need his senseless pity.

As long as he behaves well and exhausts all means to get out of here, he is worthy of his dad's hard work from time to time.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he took a deep breath, turned around, and handed the two thick envelopes that he had prepared on his side to Daddy.

"Daddy, these are two letters with exactly the same content."

"It is the first material I wrote in the detention center. It is very useful for our current situation."

"It can even be said to be an epoch-making and forward-looking idea."

"I hope someone can see them, understand their content, and feel their value."

"Able to think fully and apply it in future development."

"That way, I can be regarded as doing my best."

"If luck is better, I'm afraid it's our mountain road, the government will help us fix it together."

"Daddy, Shili Dashan is too desolate. The situation in our place must be paid attention to by the leaders to make it possible to build a road normally!"

Gu Zheng, who has traveled to many cities, knows that this world is completely different from modern times.

In the world of pay-as-you-go shopping, if there is no official approval, let alone building a road, it would be boring to build a red brick house.

The previous way to make money has been blocked strictly. Even if Gu Zheng is the richest man in the county, he still has money and nowhere to spend.

"So dad, please do everything!"

Seeing his son's solemn expression, Gu Defa nodded heavily.

He carefully stuffed the envelope into his arms, and wanted to take advantage of the last few minutes to take a good look at his eldest son who had suffered.

But who came to think, his son, who is particularly practical on weekdays, is now looking straight to the ground...

"I said, dog head, what are you looking for?"

"It's nothing dad, oh dad, have you brought cigarettes?"

Can't tell his father, he is picking up cigarette butts, right?

How uncomfortable his father was on the way back.

Hearing Gu Zheng's casual mention, Gu Defa's attention was really diverted. He pointed to the two squares protruding from the bottom of the big package, and smiled triumphantly.

"How can I forget this?"

"These things are rare."

In order for his son to live more comfortably, this dad really worked hard.

When Gu Zheng followed the cadre's urging to get up, he couldn't help but put his arms around Daddy's shoulders that were not tall or young.

He gathered his strength and gave Gu De a hug that was full of reluctance.

Dad, who was very restrained in expressing emotions, hugged him off guard.

This simple and honest man was stunned on the spot.

"Fuck, what are you doing, you, you kid..."

Gu Zheng's hug was so soft and dependent that Gu Defa suddenly thought of the appearance of this baby just born.

When he was carried out of the production shed, he was only a little bit in size.

The hands are soft and the feet are soft, and even the small head is soft and cute.

Let him, a rough man, know the taste of fear for the first time.

He was afraid that his strength would hurt their first child.

This child has the blood of his old Gu's family, and the child who has everlasting affection with him.

This is his hope, but also the spirit of his struggle.

But now, this child has grown up, he is taller than him, and the tendons on his body are stronger than when Gu Defa was young.

However, he was still a child, his attachment, his reluctance, and his guilt for him as a father, Gu Defa was in this embrace, and he felt real.

This simple and honest man's eyes blushed all of a sudden, and in his slightly lacking language, he couldn't pick out any words that could comfort the baby.

He could only pat Gu Zheng's back hard, learning the appearance of his baby, and gave Gu Zheng a solid hug.

"Guotou, don't be afraid! Daddy is here!"

"You are good, Dad will definitely deliver the letter for you."

After saying this, Gu Defa and Gu Zheng actually let go of their hands together.

Two men with red eyes, one to the left and the other to the right, took different paths.

Gu Defa, who was out of the detention center, got on the bus bound for the city center.

After a long pause in front of the green sign, he finally found the address and zip code he wanted in the national postal code list.

According to Gu Defa's idea, for someone as capable as his son, the place where his letter was sent should be as big as possible.

He thought it all out.

Send one copy to the capital, and then to the State Office.

And the other one was sent to the provincial capital of their province. As for the address, leave the address of their provincial party committee office.

However, when Gu De finished weighing the letters, he posted a dime and a dime on the two letters, and the comrades at the post office responsible for sending registered letters were in the process of reviewing them. Gu De, who was about to leave, was sent back.

"Uncle, your recipient's name has not been filled in yet. This is a registered letter. You cannot write a general person in charge to receive it."

"If it is an ordinary letter, it will not be so strict."

Gu Defa, who was specially told, fell into a state of confusion.

Who will take it?

His baby didn't tell him either.

Gu De, who thought of this, had an idea.

He filled in the names of several people he knew.

Needless to say, the one sent to the capital was the name of the big boss.

As for the provincial capital?

Gu Defa asked the young man at the registration window of the post office like a small A while ago, did the leaders above come to us to check? "

"There is a leader who is in charge of the economy, and it seems that he is different from our mud-legged man."

"I remember what the secretary next to him called him? What Director Qian?"

Sitting behind the window, there was originally a somewhat impatient young man, but because of Gu De's familiar gossip tone, his ears were pierced.

He also knew about the inspection from the top.

When inspecting their post office, he was only a few steps away from the leaders.

You know, young people always like to show off.

In his opinion, he was a member of the scene, so he naturally wanted to share it with others.

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