The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1232: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (22)

As a result, the young man working in the post office was particularly kind to take the message from Gu De.

"You're talking about Qian Yuan Yuan, Director Qian, right?"

"He also visited our post office."

"He seems to be the director in charge of economics and information transportation."

"It's said that it's still a college student. That attitude is really different from others."

So famous?

Yes, it's you.

Gu Defa, who was holding a pen, crookedly on the envelope of the envelope that he pushed back... it was written in three large characters, Qianyuanyuan.

When he pushed the two letters back to the window, he looked at the guy from the post office where Gu Defa had written his name, and his whole body was not good.

What can he do, he is also desperate!

He didn't dare not send the letter!

Because this is his duty!

However, for the sake of his future job, he still had to ask one more question.

"Comrade, you really want to send it to these two places, to these two..."

The young man at the post office couldn't talk about the latter, the name alone was enough to make him fear for a long time.

And Gu Defa is really not a vague person.

He nodded heavily, and instead pushed the envelope a little further in.

"Yes, do you see the address and name of my sender?"

"I didn't want to hide it at all."

"Look, this is my identity certificate, this is a letter of introduction from my village!"

"If I don't change my name or sit down, I won't be afraid of being investigated."

"Young man, please feel free to send it boldly. If someone asks it, it won't affect you."

Come on, you have said so, what else can I do?

Stop the opponent and not die?

Isn't he someone from this uncle?

After the lad at the post office confirmed again, he threw these two extremely unusual large envelopes... into the basket for inspection.

On the other hand, Gu Defa completed the first week of mailing tasks that he had agreed with his son.

As for Gu Zheng, he returned to his No. 1 room and steadily wrote his second economic analysis report.

This time, it is a vision for a bright future.

Gu Zheng described a different world in the tone of imagining the future of the science fiction world.

If the world can pay attention to economic development and reform, what will the future look like?

For Gu Zheng, who has experienced the reality, it is easy to come by.

He portrayed a beautiful new life just like what he had experienced personally, fascinating.

As for the delivery office of this article, he also thought about it.

Contributed to Science Fiction and Discovery Magazine.

It was sent from the detention center in his city.

Because of his status, people who read this article will be even more amazed by his talent.

Gu Zheng, who has thoughts, writes like a divine help.

This article of him combines his basic details in this world, and depicts the beauty of a magnificent mountain village in plain language with a rustic flavor.

The words and sentences are not gorgeous, but they have unusual sincerity and down-to-earth.

Ordinary readers who are accustomed to the writing style of traditional critical writers who are accustomed to sharp language will surely shine, which is quite strange.

Gu Zheng, who was somewhat confident in himself, sent out the follow-up envelopes one after another.

The content in the envelope is also changeable because of his experience and knowledge.

There is a documentary literature "Sunflowers under the Barred Window" based on his personal experience.

There is a narrative prose praising all the cadres in the detention center "Me and the old cadres"

And Gu Zheng wrote professional articles whenever he remembered.

For example, "The Construction Plan of Shili Dashan".

"The Beautiful Gujiazhai" is the same as the tourist guide.

That was a copy of all aspects.

It has fully achieved the violation of regulations.

This is a typical act of relying on a learning tyrant to not have back pain.

Don't tell me, Gu Zheng's behavior really had an unimaginable effect.

The first feedback to Gu Zheng turned out to be an emotional narrative magazine, which has a very wide audience, including the "Zhisheng" magazine, which is a female 18-60 year old magazine.

It was sent along with the letter that the article was adopted, and there was also a manuscript fee bill printed with Gu De's name.

Because the editor of "Zhisheng" knew where Gu Zheng was in a self-confession, and he also marked the payee's name as what Gu Zheng specifically mentioned and left... Dad's name.

Because the editor responsible for contacting his letters also knows that his identity is inconvenient to go out and collect manuscript fees at any time.

And the arrival of this letter from Gu Zheng caused a great response throughout the detention center.

From the chief leader of the detention center to the prisoner in the next room.

If you know or not, you should come to pay respects. The demeanor of this intellectual...and fully feel proud and recognized for his identity.

Gu Zheng is simply a capable person among the suspects!

It was the self-salvation of the group of people around him subconsciously.

It turns out that we are also people who are useful to society.

It turns out that even if we made mistakes, this country and society did not abandon us mercilessly.

This letter injected a wave of hope and strength into the detention center in a pool of stagnant water.

The cadres who appeared in the detention center the next day felt a very different atmosphere.

This is a kind of vitality, so that the boring guardian career is not so difficult.

Gu Zheng's deeds were seen in the eyes and even remembered in their hearts.

With the gradual feedback from magazines, there is bad news, and naturally there is good news.

However, the two letters that Gu Zheng cared most about were the first to send out, but there was no feedback for a long time.


It is impossible for Gu Zheng in this world to possess clairvoyant golden fingers.

If it is true, he will definitely feel extremely gratified.

Because his first letter, which was also the envelope of the letter from the province nearest to the address, had already been opened at this time.

The clean red grid letter paper is now spreading out on a large-scale desk, and a burning cigarette adds a bit of haziness to the letter paper.

Don't mention how handsome this kind of scene is, but it's a pity that it was suddenly destroyed by the handwriting of a junior high school student specially imitated by Gu Zheng on the manuscript.

But the more so, the careful consideration of each sentence and the transcript of each stroke clearly showed the intention of the person who wrote this letter.

Director Qian, who received this letter and used his free time to read it, fell into deep thought.

As the first batch of overseas students who were recruited by the country to return to the country.

Director Qian felt that he might have found a year-long confidant.

Although the other party is just a young man who graduated from junior high school, many of the details and ideas in this letter are still not mature enough to be realistic.

But the person who wrote this letter has a keen grasp of the general direction.

Yes, the country of Yan is now facing an opportunity to take off.

I believe that in the near future, a vigorous force that promotes the spirit of everyone will reach every town in the country.

At that time, the country of Yan will usher in a completely different country, and each of them will feel the changes brought about by the new policy in every aspect of life.

It's just that, now the superiors are arguing fiercely, constantly trying, and in the process of finalizing the rules.

How could such a forward-looking figure appear in the poorest county in the already remote Sichuan Province?

He must check and take a look.

You can't ruin or miss a business genius just because of something that isn't really too big a fault.

Thinking of Director Qian here, he once again lit a cigarette and took out the pen in his chest pocket. On Gu Zheng’s paper, underneath the few sentences he admired most, he marked out with the pen sentence by sentence. I intend to make a short excerpt to reflect this situation towards higher authorities who pay more attention to this area.

The aspirations of the people at the grassroots level have already seen so thoroughly.

Presumably, some people in the country will have more confidence in future development and reforms.

What Director Qian didn’t know was that there was an envelope that was exactly the same as the letter on his desk, and it was sent to the leader he wanted to submit to. After layers of inspection, it was finally placed in a randomly selected envelope. In the box from the people.

When the leader finishes his job and the people are still in the middle of the night, he will always randomly take out one or two letters from the selected letter box, as a bedtime reading, read it carefully.


"Okay, the writing is really good!"

The old leader who was already a little tired and slanted on the sofa suddenly came to his senses when he read the big data on the economy and people's livelihood in Anning County mentioned in the first page of Gu Zheng's article before and after five years.

This is a letter with words.

One by one, they all contain the love for the homeland of Anning County.

If it’s not true love, you won’t understand it so clearly,

If it weren't for it, I wouldn't be so bold as to write a letter directly to him.

"Maverick, where did the letter come from?"

The assistant Mavericks, who had known the source of the letter long ago, was a little bit emotional to say the name of the place that surprised the old leader.

"Zicheng Detention Center."

"Detention center? Zicheng? Is that the detention center I know?"

After seeing the calf nodded, the old leader asked in amazement, "What did the person who wrote this letter make?"

"It would be a pity if it is really a big rapist."

It is a pity that this talent is not used in the right way.

As the last prosecutor to start with the letter, Mavericks naturally also read this letter from Gu Zheng.

At the end of the letter, he used very concise language to describe the sin he had committed.

This young man named Gu Zheng insisted that his behavior cannot be defined as speculation in the traditional sense.

Because the ultimate goal of speculation is personal profit as the ultimate result.

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