The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1233: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (23)

However, his purpose for Gu Zheng to make money in business is to benefit the Shili Dashan where he is located and to serve the brothers of the ethnic minorities on that side.

The last piece of the letter is the blueprint of construction and development after making money that he enumerated.

Every money he earns today is reflected in the entire blueprint.

Not a single cent was spent on Gu Zheng, and even his family members did not make more profits because of his surplus.

It is precisely because of Gu Zheng's behavior that moved the leader's assistant, Mavericks.

And because the Mavericks admired Gu Zhengxin's wonderful idea very much, he fell in love with his daring experience.

So when screening letters, by the way... he placed Gu Zheng's large envelope, which was originally many times larger than others, directly on the top of the letter from the masses.

According to the old leader's habit of taking letters, I am afraid that as long as he wants to read the letter, the first letter he sees in his eyes must be Gu Zheng's.

Now, Gu Zheng's letter has really attracted the attention of the leaders.

But after the old leader clearly understood the whole story, and carefully read the blueprint of the Shili Dashan Development Plan that Gu Zheng wrote last three times, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed some satisfaction. Smile.

"So this is ah……"

"We are afraid that this young man has been wronged."

"Although his methods of doing things are a little rash, but you look at his steps, the steps are closely linked, but the process is tight but smooth."

"This kid, he is so rigorous to engage in speculation. I think he is capable of not engaging in intelligence transmission. It is really a pity."

"However, judging from his original intentions and his original intention for the sake of the construction and development of his hometown, he has been condemned a little too much."

"I think the person from the economic picket office in Zicheng made a mistake in the process of approving the arrest from the beginning."

"Mavericks, if you have the opportunity to ventilate with people in Sichuan Province, you should pay more attention to the case of this young man, Gu Zheng, and investigate and collect evidence in detail."

"But it's not because of the unjust, false and wrong cases being made for the sake of solving rate and political achievements!"


This is what Gu Zheng wants to hear most.

Acknowledging his deeds and understanding his thoughts is really a difficult sentence for people at the bottom.

And the arrival of this sentence is not too late.

This is just that Gu Zheng changed his mind and stayed in the detention center at the end of the third month.

Far away in Zicheng, he was successfully transferred from the temporary room to the formal prison.

From now on, he is also a prisoner who can work day and night.

Finally, I can get rid of the boring temporary life and embark on the full and pragmatic formal work schedule.

In fact, as early as a month ago, Gu Zheng wanted to apply to the old cadres for the transfer of the number room in advance.

Because with the passage of time, the old people in Room No. 1 had already been released on bail and released.

The most unhelpful was also transferred to a formal prison. In such a round, the original six-person team became the most senior person in this temporary room.

And Gu Zheng, by virtue of his good popularity, was successfully elected as the leading boss of Room One.

It officially became the first special case of becoming the boss of a temporary house as an economic crime.

Of course, such a special case also caused Gu Zheng to encounter various problems in the next month.

For example, the ruthless newcomers, the habitual offenders who have entered the palace many times, and the people on the dark roads with high self-esteem.

It all depends on his honest and honest economic guilty.

When Gu Zheng was disturbed by those rough men who didn't look at their IQ and only looked at the force, they were not so high.

He did just one thing, and put an end to any troublesome things from the root.

He conquered the second wave of new members, the most ruthless and best brother, and became his own horse.

Of course, this process of subjugation, according to the description of the silly mom who always followed Gu Zheng...

That is simply a tragedy on earth.

The person who was subdued from the beginning has become a small dog nowadays.

When I saw Gu Zheng, he nodded and bowed, wagging his tail and begging for mercy.

I was afraid that the No. 1 boss would be in a bad mood, and then I would show him the 18-like martial arts of the Gu clan.

Boss Gu is really a model of not being ruthless.

Seeing quietly and honestly, only after he really started, the one who was cleaned up knew how good Gu Zheng was.

That kind of terrifying aura, like the weird atmosphere crawling out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, coupled with a little cold sense of meaninglessness and indifference.

It was so torturous.

Don’t you just want to accept him as a little brother?

You said it earlier! Who would be so stupid not to follow such a boss?

As a result, Xu Balong became Gu Zheng's complete follower.

He even deliberately wrote a letter back to his original boss.

He said that he saw his heart in the detention center.

Forgive him for not being able to follow the original boss and do a career.

I only hope that the boss can forget his existence, and wish the original boss a prosperous business and all wishes come true.

Don't tell me, probably the luck of those who have a relationship with Gu Zheng is not too bad.

The slightly cautious original boss, when he saw the letter from his subordinates, thought that the brother had believed in the detention center.

While lamenting the cunningness of the cadres in the detention center, he also gave up on his subordinates who needed a short period of time.

Therefore, the most correct thing he did for the little brother, who was innocent and light, was to look for Gu Zheng, and always look forward to him. This maintenance... lasted his whole life.

When he was very old and others saw him wanting to call him boss Xu, he felt that he was extremely lucky in his life.

It's just that these are all things to do. Now Xu Balong is completely standing in front of Gu Zheng, resisting waves of newcomers' attacks for him.

Until Gu Zheng was transferred to the official room No. 11 ~ ~ and temporarily separated from Xu Balong.

This situation has completely improved.

Because Xu Balong directly took over the position of Gu Zheng and became the boss of the No. 1 interim number.

The brain circuits of these strange prisoners are so different.

When Xu Balong succeeded in assuming the position, no half of them had any objections to this.

As for Gu Zheng.

I don't know if it is the blessing of his longevity.

When he had just been led into No. 11, he saw the leader occupying the left end of the cell at a glance.

It is the former boss of his temporary account, Brother Zhang.

As a businessman who is familiar but not raw, Gu Zheng walked directly to the left side of the room with a soft bag, found an inconspicuous position, and squatted down.

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