The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1234: Reality: Record of the Fallen Lord (24)

As for the silly big mom?

I've long been used to the days following Gu Zheng.

He didn't bother at all. He followed Gu Zheng and squatted down together.

At this time, the form in the field has been reversed in quantity.

The original six-on-seven format instantly became eight-on-seven, and Zhang Ge was even better.

I stabilized the Nangongmu who had been in Room 11 for three years and hadn't been sentenced for the reason.

The expression on Nangongmu, who was just a little proud, was instantly distorted.

He stared at Gu Zheng's particularly calm face, stared for a long time, and squeezed out a few big words in his throat.

"You, great! Gu Zheng, right? I remember you!"

After saying this, he reluctantly gave up the position under his body, took the person to the original position, and then missed the gap between two people.

And Nangongmu's performance also made Zhang Ge extremely satisfied.

He nodded towards Gu Zheng and directly made an amazing decision.

"Gu Zheng, go sit down."

The regulation of this position even more meant that the position of the second-in-command in this prison was fixed in this way.

Oh, thank you!

When the matter is over, Gu Zheng no longer refuses.

Whether it's for himself or others, he really sits down in this position.

After that, Nangongmu became quiet.

When he had been holding back for nearly two months, and finally came up with a bad trick, intending to show Boss Zhang and Gu Zheng a good look, an inspiring good news came in from outside the detention center.

"Gu Zheng, the above investigation has finally made a breakthrough!"

"Did you know? It's a decision-making change from top to bottom!"

"What you do can no longer be called speculation, but a formal and effective business behavior."

"The legalization of private enterprises, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and the entry of foreign assets will all gradually open up."

"Gu Zheng, you are about to be released!"

Oops? When Gu Zheng didn't express any hope for the letters he wrote, he turned around and waited for such good news.

When Miao Yijiu, the lawyer in charge of his case, informed Gu Zheng during the meeting that he was submitting the final procedure in accordance with the regulations.

He will be released after the submission of the information is complete.

A calm person like Gu Zheng stood up from his seat high.

Holding Miao Yijiu's hand, he didn't separate for a long time.

Gu Zheng is excited!

A free life, a career in the heart, is about to come.

How could he not be excited?

After all, the real people who have been here understand the sadness and bitterness of this.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who was successfully acquitted, is regarded as a non-staff in the detention center.

Even the most rigorous old cadres began to close one eye to Gu Zheng's work and rest time.

And Nangongmu's behavior of fighting for power instantly turned into a joke.

He is now a free man, a good citizen, and he won't play with you anymore.

And when Nangongmu suppressed his anger and planned to directly implement the plan of retaliation on Boss Zhang, he discovered that in the light of the genius the next day, this Zhang was better than him. The boss, who wrapped up his little baggage, was actually released on bail from the detention center a few days earlier than Gu Zheng.

All of a sudden, Nangongmu's spirit collapsed.

If this is nothing, then his subsequent reports of violations of law and discipline, as well as the result of the extension of the detention period, were the real fatal blow.

In order not to let Nangongmu, a cautious and successful superior who must report back.

Gu Zheng directly reported Nangongmu's unimplemented plan to the cadres in charge of this level.

And when several cadres worked hand in hand to find the odds and ends of prohibited items among Nangongmu's personal belongings.

This unlucky person who did not harm others and countered himself was thrown by the cadres into the strict control room where the habitual offenders and thorns were concentrated.

Since then, he has lived a dire and colorful career as a guard.

As for why Gu Zheng has to do this more?

Not for the hapless mommy.

After Gu Zheng left, this man who knew nothing, only knew that he was holding his thigh, was afraid that Nangongmu would be madly oppressed.

In order to avoid this phenomenon, Gu Zheng solved it from the root cause.

Although according to Mabao's character, I am afraid that changing to a boss will not bring much benefit.

But it's better than being the boss of someone who hates him.

Gu Zheng thought about it carefully, and felt that there was nothing he could worry about here.

He can finally hold his head high, leave this place where his hands and feet are bound, and the spring breeze is blowing, and he is walking forward!


What opened the huge iron gate was not only the expectation of the relatives, but also the heart that was unwilling to be lonely and restless.

When Gu Zheng covered the dust coming from the pavement with his hands, he saw the figure who was not tall but thick enough.

Ah, it's Daddy.

I don't know why, there was probably sand in his eyes, and Gu Zheng's eyes became sour after that.

When he rushed to Gu Defa's face in a trot, the tears in his eyes were already in a state of inability to shed.


Thousands of words once again turned into a tight hug.

Gu Defa, who had already accepted the first hug, laughed in a well-adjusted manner.

"Okay, dog head, let's go home."

Well, go home!

Gu Zheng, who returned to Gujiazhai, was not like any other prisoners at all. He had to endure a lot of criticism and alienation when he returned to his hometown.

Gu Zheng, who arrived at the gate of Gujiazhai, greeted the whole village with singing and dancing.

They used enthusiastic singing, lit bonfires, and pomelo leaves brushing on Gu Zheng's back to express their longing.

This is their hero, a true warrior who dedicated his heart and body to the stockade.

After the celebratory banquet, it was a meeting of those who could be the masters of the village in the entire stockade.

As the leader of the next generation in the stockade and the candidate for the new master of Gujiazhai, Gu Zheng was naturally questioned by many elders.

"Doughead, what do you plan to do next?"

Gu Zheng, who was sitting by the campfire, smiled confidently.

He pointed his hand to the outside of the mountain, and stated his plan with great certainty.

"We still have to go out, but this time we have to do a little bit bigger business."

And his decision successfully elicited a voice of surprise.

"What do you think? The last time we did it in the county seat was arrested for half a year."

"If you want to develop into the city, wouldn't it be for a lifetime..."

In the following words, the clan elder did not dare to say, why is this person different from others?

People have suffered a lot and learned a lesson, but this one is the opposite of others?

Hearing the doubts of those around him, Gu Zheng didn't feel strange at all.

With a trace of bewilderment and a trace of guidance, he explained his thoughts and follow-up plans with these people who actually did not understand his thoughts.

"No, Grandpa, Auntie, don't you think it is weird?"

"The two people in the neighboring county who were arrested for reselling food two years ago are still in prison in the province.

Their sentence is a full three and a half years. "

"But now, I can be acquitted, isn't this a signal?"

Gu Zheng, who was talking about this, paused for a while, turned around and touched his hand in the bag slung to his side, and took out the basic economic classification magazine from it.

"Uncle, look, these are articles written by me. I tentatively added some advanced thoughts in it."

"If it were in the past, it was all rebellious remarks, but now, several magazines have followed it."

"What does this mean?"

"Newspapers and magazines are always the most sensitive group for political trends."

"They dare to publish my article, which means that the above policy is finally opening up."

"I'm going to see! Go out and watch this happen, and personally participate in this exciting moment."

"I also want to create a world in this rolling tide. I want to be the forefront surfer in the entire country."

"So, Uncle, you will never be able to do what I said by staying in the ten-mile mountain."

"And curling up is not the character of our Gu family who are known for their bravery."

"We want to rise, we want to be famous, we want to find a sustainable development path that truly suits ourselves for the ancestors in the mountains..."

When Gu Zheng got more and more excited, he was so excited that he was about to sing and dance when he stood up, but he found that the audience in this circle had a different reaction.

One by one, they raised their heads and their mouths grew.

It's like the whole class in the kindergarten class is at a loss after listening to the quantum physics analysis by a university physics professor.

Well, what a sustainable development concept, what practical economic reforms.

For the people of Dashan who have grown up here for generations, it is a bit advanced and profound.

However, this is just the current situation.

Gu Zheng is As the world changes, the people in Gu’s Village in Shili Dashan have the opportunity to be educated and the ability to contact the outside world, one day after all, Most of them will understand his words at this time.

So at this time, Gu Zheng laughed.

He just asked everyone in the room a word with the most sincere attitude and tone.

"Uncles, do you believe me Gu Zheng!"


The answer to this sentence is the same, without any hesitation and ups and downs.

"Just believe it! Let the donkey eggs follow me! If something happens, I will carry it alone!"



The matter was discussed in this way.

In fact, it is more about pushing the boat along the river.

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