The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1243: Replay of the record of the downfall (1)

It is Xiaojun's wife who is the smartest. In order to show that she is a very different and useful system from Xiaowang, she immediately showed her work silently in the new world.

   "Guye, I'm really not lazy, look at my four indicators!"

   Gu Zheng followed Xiaojun's instructions and took a look, hey, good fellow, it was a surprise.

   clothing, food, housing and transportation.

  行 has reached the highest level of s-level, which is probably related to the fact that Daoye has been running around on the train line in those years.

   This category rises very quickly.

   and the clothing classification has also been upgraded to a b-level.

   Because in the process of long-distance travel, the way Gu Zheng spends time is related to it.

   Gu Zheng knits sweaters and makes handmade fabric flowers when he is fine. Those things become smoother and smoother. After all, the tailor's foundation in front is still there.

   did it in the end, other passengers in the car also opened up to him to buy the finished product he had just completed in the car.

   So now I still don’t move, and I'm left with the category of food.

   "Master Gu, it's not that I don't want to help you, but after arriving in the new world, I tried every means to communicate with you."

   "We can see your progress, but we can't give out-of-scope help."

   "After all, Gu Zheng himself is strong enough to complete the task perfectly with his own ability!"

   "Gu Ye, cow!"

   Come on, this flattering is good, I take it.

  Since you shouldn’t be the one to carry this pot, let’s find the righteous master?

   When Gu Zheng's gaze shifted to Xiao Wang's body, this master who was usually scared by Gu Zheng, couldn't help but wince.

   If this is really its own mistake, laugh forgotten and gritted his teeth when he was beaten.

   But, this is really the powerful irreversible ability of the law of time and space. If their systems have such capabilities, why do they still rely on Gu Zheng as a host?

   They have already fisted and smashed the power of immortality and kicked the fantasy overlord.

   Those who can make things like them will definitely not appear in this infinite space to scare the creatures.

   So, at the critical moment when Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows and was about to burst, Xiao Wang finally rose.

   "Master Gu! Forgive me!!"

   "I will work hard to upgrade. It is true that the world's Master Gu has completed a special perfection. Don't you want to see the harvest this time?"

   "Also, the speed of my upgrade will be faster and faster because of the more powerful cpu!"

   "Master Gu, when you do the task, you don't have to wait so long."

   "Grandpa, you believe me, but there is nothing wrong with it. Give me a chance!"

   After saying this, Xiao Wang wanted to learn from the ancients to give a five-body gift.

   But it has forgotten the fact that it is a ball.

   When he lay down like this, he grumbled to the bottom of Gu Zheng's feet, and met the corner of his eyes with Master Gu.

   "Hey hey"

   With this look, Lai's Gu Zheng is lazy to do it.

   He had to sigh helplessly, and turned over this article.

   "Come on, don't sell it miserably, come according to the old rules, and I will remind you again?"

   If he doesn't even have such a price for eyesight, he is afraid that he has to think about uninstalling Xiaoforget.

   Anyway, he is now an old man who can live to more than sixty.

   Doesn’t he also have a small army sister system?

   Maybe when he completes the mission of Xiaojunsao, the other party can give him an unimaginable gift package, allowing his successful wife to break through the shackles of longevity and draw a complete life.

   Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he smiled unkindly.

   made me laugh and forget after a long time, and the shaking became more intense.

   It knows too well what kind of virtuous person Gu Zheng is.

not good! It has to use other things quickly to divert Master Gu's attention!

   So, Xiao Wang yelled in an extremely exaggerated tone: "Wow!!"

   "Master Gu, the harvest this time is amazing!!"

   made Gu Zheng startled.

How powerful is   ?

   Gu Zheng hasn't asked yet, Xiao Wang has directed and acted here.

   "Wow, this time it's a two-pronged approach!"

   Another soft and tender voice followed this sentence and continued.

   "Brother Laugh, what is a two-pronged approach? My baby doesn't understand?"

   Then Xiao Wang returned to his normal voice again: "That is the double supplement of lifespan and lifespan. Do you know how much the maximum lifespan and lifespan of Master Gu has reached this time?"

In order to match the milky milky voice, Xiaowang twisted its non-existent fat waist very greasy, and said milky milky voice again: "How much is it? How much is it? Tell the baby quickly. Bar?"

   "Hahahaha! Since you want to know so sincerely? Then I will tell you kindly!"

   "With my help, Gu's maximum lifespan reached the 80 mark, and his lifespan supplement has finally rushed to the 70 mark."

   "How is it, isn't it amazing? Isn't it amazing?"

   and just when Xiaowang intends to make another flattering conversion


   A big dustpan-like slap slapped it on the back of its head!

   "Don't talk nonsense? Can you finish talking in one go? Do I still have business affairs?"

   ended the self-acting of the dramatist in just one sentence.

   "Yes, Yeah, Gu, now you know what you have learned this time, so let's just follow the same way and play the scene once?"

   "Do you think this is possible? Didn't you also add a home theater to fill the blank barriers in the room?"

   "I will put it on there, so that you can also feel a blockbuster Su Shuang?"


   It's okay, I didn't expect this function to be there?

   Then he was so aggrieved on the phone before?

As Gu Zheng stared again, Xiaowang shrank his neck and completely concealed his figure behind the computer screen. At the same time, opposite the rattan chair, the one hanging on the huge white wall The TV screen then lit up.

   didn't know what Xiao Wang had learned from the online world when he was away.

   After the screen was lit up, a green bottom curtain, followed by the shape of a golden dragon appeared.

   This is the most common title of Chinese movies. It is really suitable to accompany it before the release of this world.

  The slowly advancing lens, a little nostalgic yellow, let the sparse sunlight and the rustling leaves all carry the literary energy of an old movie.

   "Deep toot"

   "Hey, hello, this is the fast electronic service desk. What is the call sign you want to call?"

   Sitting in a brightly windowed office is the client who hasn't seen for a long time.

   It takes only a few seconds, but it looks like a change in the past.

   Although time didn't seem to have passed for long, but inexplicably, Gu Zheng felt that even if he left, the one Gu Zheng brought to that world was more cautious and calm.

   He is wearing a white shirt with a double collar, and the fabric is still Tujia coarse cloth, but his appearance is elegant and free and easy of modern national costumes.

   This brat must have secretly recorded everything when he recalled the relevant information of this era.

   And the clothes on his body, I am afraid that it has also been improved on the basis of traditional clothing according to the style in his mind?

   Don't tell me, it's so much better.

   Long time no see.

   Gu Zheng there, the skin color has also turned white a lot.

   It seems that after the hard life of rising without the wind and rain, his appearance has also been upgraded to a higher level.

   Has he become a handsome boy with great grace?

   Just when Gu Zheng touched his chin in satisfaction, sitting at the desk, Gu Zheng, who was still holding the phone, reported a series of pager numbers into the microphone.

   "Hello, please call No. 668899, just say, Mr. Gu from the city, if you have something to find, please call us quickly."

   "The number of calls is tentatively set to three! The interval between calls is once every two minutes."

The answerer on the other side of the phone has a good attitude. In recent years, bp machines have just been promoted to the land of Yan Country. This kind of machine can be used, and the number is still such an expensive number. I am afraid that it is not common. The character of money.

   Therefore, the lady at the service desk, the voice that came down to ask, was a little bit sweet: "Okay sir, do you need anything else?"

   As for Gu Zheng on the phone, he simply said: "No you!"

   Then he hung up the milky white square phone on the desk with a snap.

   This telephone is his private line, as for the black round telephone next to it, it is used exclusively for official business.

   And shortly after he just took the phone off, the phone on his hand gave the response he wanted.

   "Dingling! Jingling!"

   accompanied by Gu Zheng on the phone, the authentic Nancheng language passed through the microphone.

   "Mom, Gu Zheng, you called me, it surprised me so much!"

"Director Gu, Gu Zheng, young young entrepreneurs, pioneers who support and support Yan Guo's system reform, the first person who dared to eat crabs, the most economically savvy businessman who is good at seizing opportunities, and the fallen master who trades canned food for planes. The leader among them, brother Gu, no! Grandpa Gu, what are you looking for with me?"

   No need to listen, this guy must be Wang's crazy way, and only he can bring his slick accent to the extreme, making everyone who heard it want to climb over from this end of the phone line, giving him a fatal blow.

But on the other end of the call, Gu Zheng smiled happily. He seemed to be very sure and said to Wang Mad: "Is Boss Zhang still on your side? Let's take a plane to Sichuan Province. Come to me from the city!"

   "I have a big deal for you to do."


Hearing Wang Crazy Dao here did not agree with excitement. When the camera turned to this direction of Nancheng, I saw a more exaggerated Wang Crazy Dao dressed up, with a quite self-knowing tone, planning to reject it. Gu Zheng's kindness.

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