The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1244: Replay of the record of the downfall (2)

"Brother Gu, I know what you want me to do with Boss Zhang. Let me tell you that Boss Zhang and I are not in business."

   "As for us, we can only make quick money back and forth. The fundamental reason, after all, is still illiterate."

   "You always say that you want to go into industry and create real benefits and commercial value for this country."

   "But the premise is that we must have this ability."

   "Who are we? How many catties are there? I know in my heart."

   "So, we still don't waste the money we just earned. We are now also rich people with a net worth of hundreds of thousands."

   "It was made by girls and bought cars, hey, let me tell you, brother, I just went to pick up a Santana, so it's a majesty to run."

   "There are basically few private cars on the street like me, hey, stop under my building..."

   Gu Zheng on this end immediately followed, and immediately cut off Wang Maddao’s endless bragging words: "The next day is all the handprints of children."

   "You'd better bring Boss Zhang over, and I will show you a good thing. When the time comes, you can say yes or no."

   "I have the right to come here for my younger brother on vacation. Do you also feel the comfort of a mountain man?"

   Since Gu Zheng has said so, what else can Wang Maddao say?

   Now he is standing on the street in a public phone booth that costs 30 cents a minute to call his brother Gu back.

   There was a brand-new Santana parked by the side, and on the co-pilot was a leading sister in a particularly famous entertainment city in South City.

It’s hot, hula hula, the collar of the big girl’s dress is a little open, white and greasy, with a good-eyed Wang Crazy, staring at the drop of crystal sweat, rolling down the undulating Baifengtou Mountain Arrived at the secluded part of the canyon between the two mountains.

   Seeing Wang madly grunted and swallowed, and then unconsciously said: "Okay, okay..."

   On the other end of the phone, Gu Zheng had heard this sentence clearly.

   Lest the brother return afterwards, he used extremely fast speech on the phone to confirm the follow-up.

   "Okay, but you agreed, let's make that decision. I will be waiting for you in Zicheng tomorrow weekend!"

   "When you arrive, call me, Boss Zhang knows where my office is. Let me pick up the dust for the two brothers!"

After    finished speaking, ‘Patter’, Gu Zheng took the phone off.

   Without him, his public phone has rang several times, and he is now the general manager of the four factories and the chairman of the group.

   He is very busy, alright.

As for Wang Maddao, who was unilaterally hung up, he stared blankly at the fan spinning in the small shop, and muttered to himself somewhat blankly: "I, I just want to say something. :so big!!"

   "I didn't mean to say yes!!"

   Everyone says that beauty has missed the country! The ancients do not deceive me!

  He will go to Marilyn to settle the account, even if she changes a foreign name for herself, he can't let her go.

Who would have thought, just when Wang Maddao showed a long-lost ferocious expression, Marilyn, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was hot and unbuttoned a button on her chest, while holding her little white hand. In the ditch, it almost merged into the stream, fanning the wind vigorously, opening and closing, shaking the vest that could not hide anything:

   "Brother Wang, it's so hot, can you buy some ice cream for Nong? I want to eat ice cubes under Mingguang brand, which is not expensive for a dollar."

   "Hey! Little baby, I'll buy it for you, Ma Xiaoniu, what are you eating? You should eat it, green tongue, lick it and it will be soft! Hehehe..."

   Wang madly said that his mouth was very flowery, but when he turned around, he settled the phone money with the uncle in the commissary first.

   When he held the ice cube and handed it to Marilyn's chest with the wealthy green tongue, that wretched expression made the charming lady roll her eyes directly.

   "I hate it..."

   "Is this annoying?"

Crazy Wang, who started the car, drove straight in the direction of his newly-purchased small building. A burst of triumphant laughter floated in the air: "Brother, there are more annoying things that will let you see. Look...hehehe..."

   The camera went dark right here, and Gu Zheng, who was sitting in front of the TV, sighed insignificantly.

   Regret, since the Net Net activity started, the broadcast of Laughing Forgetting Book is also very reasonable.

   It carefully omitted nearly half an hour of viewing experience for him. He really wants to thank it.

   Just as Gu Zheng sighed, the camera jumped again and turned to the foot of Shili Dashan.

   There is a straight path here, leading directly to the depths of the mountain. The front and back of the road are huge machines that have never been seen in this quiet mountain.

  There are forklifts for dozers and rollers like rollers. All of them are the smallest models that can be used when building roads.

No way, some modern tools were used on this section of the When the road was really deep in the mountains, the workers who built the route had to resist with their shoulders, carry them with their hands, and go with their lives. Fight.

   It is this steep road, which was designed and planned by a professional construction team invited from the capital city of Beicheng under the special approval of labor saving.

   And the construction of this road has aroused many concerns.

   This can be said to be a combination of difficult road conditions and complex and varied terrain.

   If this road of the few camps in Shili Dashan can be repaired, then they will be able to repair the road in any bad environment in Yan Country.

   Therefore, although this path of confinement and trans-epochal significance has been slow to repair, it is actually undergoing changes.

  ‘Boom, boom, boom’

   After crossing this smoky road, when walking to the depths of the mountain, only the comfort of the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the tranquility of the deep mountains are left.

   "It's so beautiful."

   This is the only word of admiration that the reticent Zhang Boss can say. He is seeking life in Zicheng and growing up here, but he doesn't know that there are such beautiful mountains in the city where he belongs.

   "Yes, because it's so remote and there is no one to lead the way, where can you get in?"

   It was Gu Zheng who led the way in front of him who said this. At this time, he took off his ordinary attire as an entrepreneur, and once again returned to his most comfortable state of indigo.

  He who is in the mountains is like a child of this mountain. He can tell the origin of a tree or a flower even if it is a tree or a flower.

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