The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1245: Replay of the record of the downfall (3)

"Look, that's Gu's stockade"

   Gu Zheng was very excited, and pointed towards the upturned flying beam on the hillside and the newly painted red roof.

   Amidst a dense verdant vegetation, the ancient and brownish wooden houses, with red-painted white walls, are so beautiful.

  Rao is Wang Maddao who came from the most prosperous Nancheng and looked a little silly.

   "This, this is what you call a poor stockade? I'll go! If there is a house like yours in my house, I won't be so beautiful."

  How is it possible to work part-time?

   But Boss Zhang on the side shook his head helplessly.

   How could this be the original appearance of Gujiazhai?

   This Gu Zheng has taken over so many factories and has been working in full swing for two years. If this Gu Jiazhai is still the original virtue, then it is really unreasonable.

   Sure enough, when Gu Zheng smiled without saying a word and took two people who were about to get down on the ground and climbed to the place of Gujiazhai, they saw the truest side of this village.

   The houses in the stockade have obvious signs of refurbishment. They were built one by one following the order of the stockade and the order of importance.

   The white jade stone-like stone road in the village is the latest completed.

   The edge of the soil that has been turned up after inlaid on the side, has not been given a sense of mellowness by passers-by.

   I saw the beautiful white, red and brown colors from the outside, and asked about the smell in the air, maybe it hadn't been long since I painted it.

   I just don't know, Gu Zheng has invited the two of them to his hometown all the way for what it is.

   Seeing the question marks full of these two men, Gu Zheng didn't say much. He led the two brothers and stood on the top of the stockade, on the small square with the best sight, and looked down towards this large mountain.

"You said, if it is for you to come to appreciate the most primitive national culture here, to experience the different life with the most breath of the mountain people, to try out the different cuisines, and to enjoy the fun of having plenty of food and clothing by yourself, would you be willing to come here? ?"

   When Gu Zheng looked at Boss Zhang and Wang Maddao hopefully, the two of them shook their heads a bit faster than epilepsy.

   "I don't want to, huhuhu, oh my god, it's too hard to go!"

   "Just now, we walked on a particularly swaying chain bridge. I came here and almost scared my trousers out of my pants!"

   But Boss Zhang answered more appropriately: "I don't have time, it's too hard."

   There is no gas, no running water, and no electricity supply.

   I have just two days of comfortable and rich days, how can't I want to come here to find sin?

   Gu Zheng was not discouraged when he heard this, but instead changed the topic to something they didn't expect at all.

   "But what about those who are richer and have more leisure time than you?"

   "What about the people from Yanguo who are in the wave of returning home, and the foreign friends who are particularly interested in the mysterious Yanguo?"

   "What if our village had repaired all the roads?"

   "Did you know? This is the main road, which can connect the eighteen divided villages here."

   "They cover more than 60% of the ethnic minorities in Sichuan Province. Crossing a mountain is a culture, and crossing a river is a story."

   "Should we not protect and develop such a wonderful place so that more people can know its beauty and appreciate its magnificence?"

   "This is not only a fame, but also the best way to bring more income to these people."

"As long as this place is well-known, then the young people in the stockade will not leave their old ancestors because of their livelihoods, and leave behind their ignorant dolls. They can earn enough money to live in the stockade. They Why bother to leave their most beloved hometown?"

   "So, Boss Zhang, Mad Wang, you have to help me! Help us, a multi-ethnic brother with thousands of people like Shili Dashan!!!"

  Rao is that Wang Fengdao and Zhang Boss were both lost in the beautiful scenery outlined by Gu Zheng, but the two brothers who had more money than the sky, after a brief obsession, turned to a strenuous resistance.

   "Don’t ignore my brothers, you are much better than us, you can let us do anything, but we will never change our household registration."

   "Yes, yes, yes."

   Don’t you know if you’re not happily pulling people into the group these years?

Seeing Gu Zheng intending to speak again, Wang Maddao hurriedly followed up: "It's no good to spend money. We don't have money. Our money is saved for the dead. I have never seen so much money. I really can't. It's messy!"

   Yes, buying a car and buying a house is not called squandering, but it is reluctant to invest in it.

   It's no wonder that after the waves of their generation, there is nothing left to be impacted by the real people who go to the sea.

After all, these people who commit crimes against the wind, there are not a few good people, bold, but they don't have much forward-looking ability. Later, when they watched others take off, they became the most unsatisfied group of people. Those who have become rich are the ones who are most prone to psychological gaps.

   It's just that this time they met Gu Zheng, and naturally there is a way to participate in it without taking money.

   No, after the two people calmed down a bit, Gu Zheng gave them a method that was particularly suitable for them.

   "I didn't let you throw money away!? This is my hometown, I throw it too!"

   "I just want to ask the two brothers, don't you think the current state is a bit too leisurely?"

   "Don't you want to live the days of dealing with people?"

   heard these two people's heartbeat, but after thinking about it, shook his head again.

   Don’t they want to continue to buy and sell?

  No way, the launch of physical enterprises, the establishment of logistics channels, and the rise of a vibrant small business and hawkers have left them no place for the sophomore traffickers.

   Even if the network of contacts is still healthy, the profit is probably compressed to the same level as nothing.

   They can't make any money, and they have to spend money to get in contact with people, so it's not worth the gain.

   "So, you can be the promotion ambassador of my Gu Group!"

   "Use your contacts abroad, use the list of the wealthy people in your major cities, and use the trust of the compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan that you defrauded to bring our Gu's name to the north and south, so that our Gu's products can be sold all over the world."

   "These, you guys are afraid to be more proficient than me."

   Blow and pretend, you are the boss!

   The boss of Zhang on the north line, Wang Chuangdao on the south line, and Gu Zheng on the middle road.

   just ask this company, which has the name of material and cultural heritage, why there is no reason to take off!

   "If you two can help each other, with the title of a regional marketing director, plus the relative proportion of my Gu Group's total shares, what do you think?"

   Don't underestimate this sounds extremely small share of shares, let alone underestimate the bonus ratio that may not be able to tell any profit.

   If Boss Zhang and Wang Maddao have the ability to fast-forward time, take a look at Gu Jiazhai ten years later, no, even only five years later, I am afraid that they will not have the hesitation they are now.

   However, no matter how hesitant the two of them, the person who has dealt with Gu Zheng will inexplicably have a kind of confidence in this person.

   Don’t be afraid of temporary failure, because this is a man who will sum up experience, will endure hardships, and will persist until the last moment without letting go.

   What's more, his proposal is poking the itch in the hearts of these two people.

   The reason why they came out to be a bad guy in the first place is because of their unwillingness to be lonely.

   And after the decline of this line of business, Gu Zhengneng gave them a life and work of turmoil.

   is really wonderful.

   They seemed to see the bohemian freedom and the free and easy selves.

   And all this is the essence of life they are pursuing. Compared with that, not spending money and shares is the next thing.

   So, when Gu Zheng stretched out his palms high, waiting for the response of the two of them, they lined up the two huge palms one after the other in Brother Gu's palms.

   "Good brother, the heart is more unified, Yang Gu, create brilliant!"

   "Okay! Such a good day will be worth three pounds!"

Just as Gu Zheng laughed, a group of leaping girls came out of the white jade stone road in the stockade ~ They were barefoot and beautiful silver ornaments on their ankles, which are the most precious inherited from generations to generations. Of wealth.

   And the melodious sound from this sweet and crisp silver bell can't compare to their equally delicate and distinctive faces.

   Such a youthful color, accompanied by such an ancient stockade, only makes people feel that such a scenery, even if it is more remote, is worthwhile.

   And after seeing such a beautiful scenery, Mr. Zhang and Wang Maddao were truly intoxicated, and they couldn't bear to leave.

   Mountain stream, hundred kinds of fruits, wild honey, blended into monkey wine, sour jam, and a sweet taste of happiness.

   pulled their legs and seduced their stomachs, making them scratch their minds and read.

   It was this empathy that made them really take Gu Zheng's proposal to their hearts when they returned to their respective sites.

   "Hey, Comrade Nevsky, yes, I will come to you soon."

   "Hey, Citigroup, the visiting group, please quote me, let's do a big vote!"

   The camera slowly fell, and Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the sofa, lighted another cigarette in comfort.

   When the camera came up again, rows of white factories stood in the embrace of the green roads and green forests.

   "Boom Rumble"

The high-speed machine spreads a whole jar of snacks on the crawler tracks. With the squeaky movement of the silver gleaming belt, this snack was originally like a hill, just like lined up. The soldiers moved forward in general.

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