The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1247: Replay of the record of the downfall (end)

At this time when all things are flourishing and life is comfortable, it is the day when the children in the village love them and consider life-long events.

   And it is this kind of enthusiastic, unrestrained, emotional catharsis that makes those foreigners who have little insight become obsessed with watching, and suddenly forget that they are standing on the high ropeway that can't see the bottom of the canyon.

   is so beautiful.

   Those dazzling costumes, those shiny silver jewelry, those unrestrained ballads, those wild men and women.

   paints the most beautiful picture here, so that outsiders who have never seen this scene are really shocked.

   Even the young man in charge of the public relations department, who led the way, couldn't help but stop his steps and became very interested... with a passion, he sang his own love.

   "Sister, don’t miss your eyes, brother is at the suspension bridge, waiting for you to go home..."

   "My family has a house and a field, but I don't know if my sister looks down upon me..."

   The lyrics are very impromptu, and you can just write a paragraph when you think of it.

   bold and unrestrained lyrics, it is a blushing heartbeat that an old driver will be sung.

   But for foreigners who can barely understand the official language of the Yan country, the ballads of Gujiazhai are as mysterious and incomprehensible as the heavenly books.

   If it weren't for the really nice tone, they thought they had come to a strange country again.

   In such an environment, why not let this group of people admire the vast land and resources of Yan Country, and admire the beauty of the culture and mission here?

   The camera was pushed more and more widely, and the Gujiazhai that appeared again was very different from what Gu Zheng had seen before.

   The straight mountain road is as beautiful as a jade belt among the mountains. The end of the belt, the outermost edge of the stockade, has expanded a whole circle outside.

   Those brand-new suspended buildings that do not lose the national characteristics show the wealth of the people in the village.

Alongside   , a very different courtyard with brick and tile structure dazzlingly moved reading and educating people to the door of his house.

   This is an elementary school belonging to Shili Dashan.

   Formal, self-prepared and established school.

There are as many as six teachers in   , and the headmaster of a primary school who is in charge is sent here.

   is the first batch of college students who came out of the stockade, and they were hired back to their hometown to be the heads of the first teachers.

   But this is the position, or because these ten miles and eight villages broke their heads and applied for jobs.

   It is not the welfare benefits here that make people enviable and hateful, but the convenience of seeing Adi and Aniang in Zhaizhong within two steps.

   Gujiazhai is really rich.

   Gu Zheng completed his huge ambition to build roads, and at the same time, he also carried forward this wish and did even better.

   Bless you, a man who never gives up, hope that your world, your hometown, your group, everything about you... will be happy and safe.

   The camera slowly falls, but after two flashes, it slowly rises.

  The face with white sideburns is now wearing a homespun gown, sitting on the rocking chair, holding the old wine, holding the corner of his mouth, looking into the distance within sight.

   What he saw was the mountain for which he had struggled all his life. Sitting beside him was an old friend who had been with him for many years and had cooperated with him for many years.

   The two believed him, and got on the last train of the group.

   One has become the leader of the logistics and express industry, the chairman of Shunfeng Express, and the other has become a tycoon of the Northern Line Travel Group, and the president of Hongyang Travel Agency.

   And all this is caused by Gu Zheng's support and his forward-looking guidance.

   People are getting old and can't do it anymore, but this kind of friendship for many years can't be left behind. On the contrary, it is like this jar of old wine dug out by Gu Zheng, which is more and more mellow.

   They watched with Gu Zheng, sighing the ruthlessness of the years, but were delighted with the realization of their wishes.

   I don't know who mentioned it first.

   One sentence was asked.

   "Gu Zheng, I wanted to ask for a long time, my old brothers, who is the one who can help you the most?"

   "Yes, I ran into that old boy from Jiangnan a while ago. To be honest, he is really not as good as our old brother Gu Zheng."

   "According to the previous level of Jiangnan, now he should be the overlord, but he just took the safest path of buying a house and speculating in a house..."

   "Tsk tusk, you look at him mixing with a group of old ladies, is it the scene of collecting rent with the keys? Hahahaha..."

   Wang laughed wildly, but Boss Zhang on the side was very speechless.

  Because if Gu Zheng hadn't found the two of them, they would have rushed to buy a house in the original total.

   If it hadn't been for the sea of ​​stars already in their goal, they would be crazy about this person's urinary nature, for fear that it would be the best end not to turn in the gutter.

   It's just that people like them believed in Gu Zheng once, and then entered Gu Zheng's eyes again.

   Didn't look at the logistics office in their group. The person who kept the key to the material warehouse door for Gu Zheng was Qin Bayi who once gave Gu Zheng a dime?

   Even if Qin Bayi couldn't do it anymore, didn't his two sons of college students who were provided by the Gu Group's high salary successfully succeeded his class?

  In ancient times, people always muttered that one person gained the Tao, and the dog and the chicken ascended to heaven.

   Probably, he and Wang Crazy said that they are the biggest chicken and dog next to Gu Zheng.

   It's just that the most trusted person is in the order of near and far, because Boss Zhang is also very curious. This is equivalent to an old brother who has passed his life. Which one is more important to Gu Zheng?

   And the Gu Zheng, who was asked about this question, was silent for a while, his eyes were placed in the distance, but his pupils did not leave any scenery behind.

   He seems to miss a very ancient friend, the vital benefactor who only left a few years in his life but can affect his life.

   The figure of that person, after a few decades, is still portrayed in Gu Zheng's mind.

  The imprint is deep and unforgettable.

   "There is indeed a very important person. It can be said that without him, there would be no me."

   "He is my benefactor to me or even Gujiazhai. It's not an exaggeration. Our group of people, even if they are added together, I am afraid that he will not be that person's opponent."

   Gu Zheng smiled at the thought of this, sincerely, and admired the most.

   The two old men sitting next to him even forgot to taste the wine in their hands, but were curious about the identity of this mysterious person.

   Who is it? People like them are so closely connected with Gu Zheng. If such a person really exists, they might not be ignorant of this person.

   And it was under such curious gaze that Gu Zheng said the answer to this question.

   "This person, his name is Gu Zheng."

   "He should be a high-ranking, knowledgeable, and persevering person."

   Gu Zheng didn't say the words behind, because if it weren't, he would not have the ability to watch and the mentality of not being surprised.

  As a witness to the miracle, Gu Zheng certainly knew what his words meant.

   But when these words were heard in the ears of two completely normal ordinary people, it became the old Wang's boasting that he had obtained another form of expression.

   "Cut! Gu Zheng, how come you have become like this now! You are exaggerated! You just say that you are the best, and I can still admire you as an old man with a thick skin."

   "But what are you doing now."

   After being so stunned by Wang Maddao, Gu Zheng woke up from the nostalgia of talking to himself. Even if he was scolded by this old brother, he didn't feel angry, but he laughed hahaha.


   A sip of wine enters my throat, this may be life.

   No one knows, that's it.

   To my nameless benefactor, you will always be my hero and the hero of everyone in Gujiazhai.

   The melodious tune is an endless story of human interest.

   The falling curtain is the best tribute to the unsung hero.


   Bless you in another world, happiness and health.

   Gu Zheng, who was sitting in front of the theater, just finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and in the face of the spring breeze in the completely dark capital, he showed a smile that he had never noticed.

   Hey, Xiao Ye turned out to be this way in the eyes of others.

   So I am so stalwart and tall?

   At this moment, Gu Zheng is comfortable and comfortable. He has always believed that the life span between himself and the system and the lifespan exchanged by the contract is the equivalent exchange of your wishes.

   But who doesn’t like to be remembered and portrayed with symbols that really belong to them.

   And this kind of unexpected surprise and gratitude I'm afraid it is another kind of reward after Gu Zheng got the normal return.

   Don’t say it, it’s really good to be remembered and thanked.

   Not bad until now, Gu Zheng laughed three times.


   And it was at the moment when he laughed most wanton.


   The lights in the corridor outside the study were turned on.

   A black figure, standing outside the door that had never been closed, interrupted his cheerful performance alone with a little surprise.

   "Gu Zheng, what about you? What are you laughing at the dark room alone?"

   "Could it be that the thing you hit with evil a while ago has gone?"

   Speaking of Leng Shuang here, she was shocked. After a retreat, she pulled out the medical flashlight in her small satchel.


   A strong light shone toward the room.

   shook so that Gu Zheng not only let out a startled hiccup, but also involuntarily blocked the intrusive light with the back of his hand.

   This action is matched with this expression, and it looks like an unlucky child who has been caught for cheating.

   asked Leng Shuang to see exactly what the situation was in the study. After a brief shock, she couldn't help laughing.

   "Haha, Gu Zheng, what are you doing? Are you planning to create a sketch, self-directed and self-acted to surprise me?"

   "Oh, you don't need to do this."

   Although you didn't bring me any good things when you came back from France, I will never hate you. ...

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