The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1248: Doctor Leng's Gift

Just as Leng Shuang laughed, Gu Zheng finally turned back from the bewilderment of the sudden intruder.

   He rubbed the still stiff expression on his face, then turned his hand on and turned on the light on one side.

   Fortunately, this replay of the real world has ended.

   If Leng Shuang saw it, I still don’t know how to explain it.

   That’s good, if you are misunderstood, you will misunderstand it.

   Gu Zheng, who was eager to change the subject, immediately caught the focus of Leng Shuang's words, and his face turned into a particularly aggrieved look.

   "Who said I didn't bring you a gift?"

   "I just came back and there were so many things that I forgot to take it out for a while."

   "I will justify myself today."

   "Come on, come with me."

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng stood up from the sofa in a particularly natural way, turned off the lamp beside him, walked to Leng Shuang's side, put his arms around the girl’s shoulders, and twisted straight downstairs. past.

   "There are so many bits and pieces in our yard that I haven't moved over yet, so I brought the presents here specially."

   "Come and see if you like it or not. I'll tell you, I'm afraid it won't last three days. My heavy gift will come in handy."

   Leng Shuang, who was said to be quite expectant, followed Gu Zheng downstairs, pushed open the bedroom door, looked at Gu Zheng and took his surprise out of the big suitcase.

   After that, Doctor Leng made an exclamation that was not particularly reserved.


   Comrade Leng Shuang, who has always been concerned about fashion, recognized at a glance the origin of the dress that Gu Zheng was holding.

   These are 17 Dior mini dresses.

   It is said that the new decoration conference was held in the art museum.

   has a special mysterious and romantic atmosphere.

   And this dress also highlights their series name, which is the secret garden, the sweetness of flowers and butterflies.

   Gu Zheng's choice is probably the most exaggerated one in that series...

   Beige gauze texture skirt, while strapless, the skirt is more than the knee, it is very necessary for the person who wears it.

   For European and American girls who are more suitable for them, the short legs of Asians will wear yellow rice cakes if they are not careful.

   Fortunately, Leng Shuang is quite confident about her thin shoulders and straight long legs.

   Just don’t know. Gu Zheng, who even asks for a slightly more expensive meal, said, why is this so generous today?

   After Dr. Leng started to touch it, and flipped through the trademark, she would understand.

   imitation 嘞.

   I'm afraid it's an alternative pirated version of a French factory shop.

   The fabric should be the same, and it must be different from the original in terms of tailoring and details.

   Those small design companies and clothing boutiques, after the big brands have seen some hot styles, their subsequent dress designs have more or less their own reference.

   The similar products they produce will certainly not be sold in bulk.

   But in some small-scale dress sales fairs, people who know the goods can buy back similar a goods with the eye and the bead.

It’s just that this is a version of the edge ball. When others find out, the person who bought the dress is the real brand that can show off the dress. It is a designer and registered brand that no one has heard of. That's it.

   And this dress will naturally not be described as Taobao goods by others. It satisfies the needs of those women who love beauty and also saves a lot of dressing costs for themselves.

   Those big and small stars from the second line to the eighteenth, who has never done this kind of money-saving business?

   It's just that they used domestic designs, and Gu Zheng really bought this one from a French dress shop.

  , who knew nothing about the brand, he just sketched the beauty of Doctor Leng wearing this dress in his mind, and then bit the back of his teeth and bought the dress.

   Just right, he just came back to learn that he was selected for the final selection of sports figures, and he could bring his female companion to participate in the feast.

   So what are you waiting for, this skirt is delivered during this time period, it is simply icing on the cake.

   Therefore, in Doctor Leng’s first surprise and then with such an expression on his face, Gu Zheng was not ashamed to quote a price he thought was very high.

   "It's more than two thousand euros, the designer said, the price of this fabric alone is almost the same price, and she didn't add any design costs."

   He rolled his eyes involuntarily when he heard this cold frost.

   Yes, she was too embarrassed to ask for it. It was obvious that they were all based on the style that was picked off. She was lucky if she was not caught.

   And the quality of this fabric is good, but Leng Shuang never believes that this is the same fabric of Dior in 17 years.

  Because other people's coutures can't be worn by anyone, the cheapest one has also been bought at a low price of 30,000 euros.

   Two thousand, hehe, in the eyes of many people, the price is really expensive, but in the eyes of Leng Shuang, it is really nothing.

   But looking at Gu Zheng's cheerful appearance, and thinking about what he is now hanging on his body, he only spent forty-five pieces of vests and pants totaling 90 yuan. Leng Shuang has no temper at all.

   Seeing that this dress is really beautiful, she will forgive this man who doesn't understand anything.

   He smiled at the thought of Doctor Leng here, sincerely, following his open heart, Leng Shuang put his lips on Gu Zheng's cheek.


   gave Gu Zheng a passionate touch kiss, and by the way also expressed his joy at this time.

   "Thank you my little boyfriend, I like this gift very much, it's very beautiful."

   Gu Zheng, who was given a reward, brightened up in front of his eyes, touching his cheeks and he was amused.

   He didn't expect that this dress could be exchanged for frosty good words, and mixed with a kiss of gratitude, he wanted to show off more, he turned around and started rummaging.

   "Hey, wait, wait, I still have good things, don't you busy ending the gift, wait, haha, found it."

   "What do you think this is? I haven't seen it before, the designer said, it is an accessory of the same dress."

   "Let me tell you, brother, I saved a lot of money."

   "The necklace accessories of the same style that the designer brought out, not to mention the shape of leaves and flowers poured in rose gold, are very valuable, they are said to be the finishing touch of this dress."

   "The raw materials alone cost me the same price as the dress."

   "No matter how big the leaves are, there are only two pieces, they are still hanging around the neck."

   "So I wondered, you said I don't lack the owner of jewelry, so why do I have to buy two leaves in that ruined place?"

   "So, at that time, I made a decisive decision and called our grandfather right away. I used tourmaline the size of a fingernail and replaced it with rose gold of the same material."

   "Not only that, I also secretly photographed the appearance of the leaf necklace, I am afraid that the finished product will be made tomorrow."

   "Our grandfather is a cow. If you don't say anything else, let us rush to work."

   "You said, am I making a lot of money?"

   I didn't spend a penny!

   After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Leng Shuang didn't take it to heart at first.

  Because there is only a tourmaline the size of a fingernail, presumably the carat number is not too big, so it should not be too expensive in value.

   If you exchange such a large tourmaline for the accessory picture that Gu Zheng is now showing, it is probably equivalent to a one-to-one replacement.

   But after Leng Shuang thought about it carefully, she had a huge question.

  According to her understanding of Grandpa Leng, how could this master, who would never suffer a loss, be willing to spend energy and time on rushing to work for Gu Zheng?

   You must know that although Gu Zheng bought this dress abroad, it is only ten and a half months after he returned to China.

   This customized thing is still a very delicate work, why is her grandfather willing to ask the relationship to do it for Gu Zheng?

   The more I thought about it, the more I felt wrong, Lengshuang asked more.

   "Hey, what does your tourmaline look like? Is there anything left? I'll take a look."

   Gu Zheng, who was asked by Leng Shuang, was also unambiguous.

   He collected a large bag of rough stones that he brought back in the great famine, and there were so many of them that he hadn't figured out what species it was.

   If he hadn't picked out the small stones to exchange, he still didn't know that this kind of red with pink in the powder, the red in the pink stone is called tourmaline.

  As a discerning The bag left in the bag is all big people.

   He also has the heart to show off in front of his very knowledgeable girlfriend.

   So Gu Zheng pointed upstairs: "Okay, wait, I'll take it for you."

   After saying this, he thumped up to the study, and after finding out the small bag that had been sorted and processed, he thumped down into the bedroom.

   "Look, this is the tourmaline I picked out. If you look at it, you will give your grandfather the smallest one."

   When Gu Zheng uttered the word tourmaline earlier, Leng Shuang had an ominous premonition in her heart.

   But after considering that Gu Zheng had followed her, she was also tempted by her knowledge of antiques and jewellery.

   Just when Gu Zheng didn't take out the samples, Doctor Leng was still comforting himself in his heart that those tourmalines were just the most common commodity.

   But who came up with it, after Gu Zheng took out a royal blue tourmaline at will, Doctor Leng's face changed to the same Smurf look.

   No way, the color is too clear, the color is too pure, not big, but it is enough to make a ring face or a pendant.

   The most rare thing is that the tourmaline that Gu Zheng twisted at will, with cat-eye hair on it, made the value of the whole stone rolled several times, reaching a value of at least 6000-10000 per carat.

   Then, according to Gu Zhenglian's groping, he made a measurement of the size of the stone. Leng Shuang knew that her grandfather was indeed her grandfather, and the old man didn't have any leftovers of Gu Zhengkeng's rompers. ...

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