But... after all, it's the belongings of my boyfriend who was smashed by my family.

Thinking about Gu Zheng's helpless state, Doctor Leng told Gu Zheng the truth with pity.

"Gu Zheng, you seem to have been pitted by my grandfather. Even if your stone is a bare stone that has not been processed, it can be sold at a price of 40,000 to 60,000 yuan."

"It seems to be much more expensive than you spend money to buy such an accessory separately, right?"

And after Gu Zheng heard what Leng Shuang said, he replied in an extremely indifferent tone: "Hey, it's okay. This thing is called "I'm happy if I have money."

To be honest, Gu Zheng has no interest in jewelry.

His pocket of jewels and jade, how big is it, this tourmaline, or the scum he buckled out of the corner of the bag.

In order to buy a villa, didn't you just grab a handful and come out?

The cheapness of a piece of tourmaline was still taken by Mr. Leng, he Gu Zheng was pleased.

The most important thing is that when Gu Zheng took the scum to Grandpa Leng for a transaction, the rare, pleasant, triumphant smile on the other's face made Gu Zheng especially happy.

In addition, he was taken advantage of, and he was treated slightly mildly by Grandpa Leng. Gu Zheng felt that it would cost him money to honor and please the old man. This was a loss... he didn't suffer.

Seeing Gu Zheng smiling nonchalantly, Leng Shuang's heart was sour, sweet and warm.

Others always say, see if a man loves you or not, but if he is reluctant to spend money on you, you can get a rough idea.

Before meeting Gu Zheng, Doctor Leng had always been scornful of such remarks.

Probably because her thoughts and love patterns are more westernized, she believes that love should be pure, not mixed with any foreign objects, and one of the most impulsive emotions.

The beauty of love should not be considered with other factors.

But at this moment, Doctor Leng finally understood what the so-called Chinese-style view of love is.

A person who is rich and generous, no matter how much money he spends on you, it is not the same as love.

But if this man would really use the precious things he had to please a girl's family, and he would not feel wronged.

I'm afraid that others say that this is not true love, and it is also unspeakable.

Thinking of Leng Shuang here, he wrapped Gu Zheng's waist and said in a pleasant tone like never before, "Thank you, I really like it!"

"So, when you attend the awards ceremony, I will definitely clean up, and I will definitely not lose face to you!"

By the way, wouldn't the award ceremony be tomorrow?

No, she has to try it quickly. Does this dress fit?

After all, the general dress skirt of this model mall store has some improper flaws.

Taking away the cold frost of the skirt, he plunged into the innermost cloakroom of the bedroom suite.

Now because Leng Shuang's things have not been moved all over, this not-so-small cloakroom is a bit pitiful and empty.

But those quite Europeanized floor-to-ceiling dressing mirrors can support the shabbyness of this cloakroom.

Let Doctor Leng do not need to turn his head vigorously to be able to three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends... After seeing the effect picture of the upper body of a dress.

When she gently tied the ribbon on the waist side, Doctor Leng himself thought it was amazing.

In addition to the simple collection of the waist, whether it is fat or thin, it is a special fit.

My boyfriend really cares about myself.

Dr. Leng, who was standing in front of the mirror, could not help holding his slightly hot cheeks.

Just when she chuckled secretly, a faint floating voice rang not far from the door.

"Comrade Leng, how are your clothes changed? Anyway, let me, the gift-giver, look at the real thing, right?"

In the process of Gu Zheng's chatting, the cold frost in the cloakroom was like a light butterfly, jumping out of the door, and with a slight jump, it ran into Gu Zheng's arms.

It was followed by a bite of ‘Ma’, which gave me a very satisfying commendation.

"It's really pretty, Gu Zheng, I didn't expect your vision to be really good!"

"Look at it, how fit."

After finishing speaking, Leng Shuang jumped out of Gu Zheng’s arms again, and turned around in the spacious bedroom, so that the fluffy and soft corner of the skirt was flying up, dancing wave after wave. Don't mention how beautiful it is.

"Does it look good?"

And Gu Zheng stared at the cold frost like a butterfly, carefully looking up and down for a while.


She held Lengshuang in her arms like a flying eagle leaping on a rabbit.

"It looks good, my girlfriend looks good in everything. Of course, if it looks best, it's best when you don't wear clothes!"

"Come here! Let me see if the material of this dress is as light and breathable as the seller said, it feels very good..."

This rascal...

Let Leng Shuang chuckle after a short stun.

Two unscrupulous men and women showing affection, for them, this night is still very long.

But for Jiang Yue, the broker who came to him early the next morning to confirm the process and the arrangement process, the time was so short.

When they raised their heads again amidst the chaos and hustle and bustle, they had already walked to their specific seats and sat down under the guidance of the relevant assistants in the sports event column.

When he arrived at his seat, Gu Zheng realized that he had been separated from the group of Director Tie, who he knew best, and were assigned separate seats.

The coaches have their own positions, and the athletes are also divided into particularly obvious areas according to the different circles they belong to.

Only Gu Zheng, a free agent athlete, was embarrassedly excluded from the big team, and because of the awards involved and too many categories, the assistant responsible for arranging the seats could only have a clever idea and arranged him in a well-known country. The ranks of retired athletes.

This time, but happy.

Gu Zheng is now sitting in this position, with Ding Jun on the left and Zou Shi on the right. Strictly speaking, the two of them are all active non-Olympic athletes. They are still household names in China.

The significance of arranging Gu Zheng between these two is self-evident.

No, when Gu Zheng is wearing a black suit and appears in front of the seat with a black bow tie pretending to be, the two who entered the venue first look like monkeys... staring at Gu Zheng. Take a quick look.

I don't know if it's because these two are self-sufficient tempers. After they had seen enough, the calm Ding Jun and Zou Shi just smiled at Gu Zheng and stopped talking.

But Gu Zheng is not a stage fright person. When he just stuck his **** on the bench, he handed his hands one after the other in the direction of Zou Shi and Ding Jun.

After the opponent shook hands with a dazed face, Gu Zheng addressed Ding Jun with a soothing word: "Don't worry, I don't know how to play billiards. I definitely won't be involved in the billiards field."

After speaking, he turned his head in the direction of Zou Shi, smiling with a conspiracy look.

"Hey, Comrade Zou City, I admire you very much. Really, those who dare to develop into professional boxing are real warriors."

If you don’t really like boxing, a well-known athlete like Zou Shi who has won the Olympic champion, he can live his life happily just by eating his laurels and waiting for the stable work arranged by the state after he retires.

He also does not need to train hard, spend money to hire a coach, and live a life of self-control of a very demanding athlete.

This is the person who really sacrificed a lot for boxing.

But while admiring Gu Zheng, he did not forget the gossip.

"What's the bonus for professional boxing qualification matches?"

Zou Shi, who was sitting next to him, hadn't reacted yet, Ding Jun, who was incredibly curious about Gu Zheng...On the contrary, he squirted out a mouthful of water.

He has never regretted so much, why should he drink water next to Gu Zheng.

Not to mention that his calm and elegant prince's character suddenly collapsed, and the former national diving team sitting in front of him couldn't spare him.

Even if someone is a diving person, it doesn't mean that he likes the temptation to get wet, right?

So while Ding Jun was coughing frequently and did not forget to apologize to the person in front of him, Zou Shi, who was sitting on the other side of Gu Zheng, reacted instead. After a long laugh, he gave a An answer that made Gu Zheng particularly satisfied.

"It depends on how far you can hit."

"If I am like this, the bonus income is probably not as high as the income from advertising and commercial performance."

"The prize money of pure competition is about the same as the fighting match you played."

Whoops, this one also pays attention to his indiscriminate fighting match?

Just when Gu Zheng was surprised, Zou Shi took the words again.

"Their Hong Kong handicap is all about making a powerful bet. You can bet that Gu Zheng can manage my Olympic boxer without the use of legs and wrestling skills."

What is the answer?

Gu Zheng didn't feel embarrassed to say.

If he says don't let him hit someone, once he hits, even if it is Zou Shi, it is probably just a punch.

Isn't this a bit bad?

Probably because of his special understanding of her boyfriend, when Gu Zheng’s lips were about to open, Leng Shuang suddenly pulled Gu Zheng on his side, and gently pointed his finger at the layout of the water cube. The huge stage.

"Don't talk for now, the screen lights up."

This is the prelude to the official start of the awards ceremony.

When the host who was the only leader stepped onto the stage, the lights in the entire venue dimmed.

Gu Zheng finally finished what he was going to do next... shockingly self-praising, and set his sights on the next awards to be announced on the stage.

The first award to be awarded by a sports figure is the 2017 Best Newcomer Award.

Compared with the newcomers in popular categorized competitions such as volleyball, table tennis, and swimming.

He Gu Zheng is too competitive.

Gu Zheng, who has been popularized by Jiang Yue, feels that this is a popular award he can compete for.

Naturally, he needs to cheer up and stare at the awards host on the stage.

What if the camera in which orientation gave him a close-up? If he was a little careless by the time, wouldn't he be ashamed of the people of the whole country.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng thought a little bit. The awards presenter on the stage and the confirmation list in his hand did not perform according to his script.

After reading the shortlist as usual, apart from giving Gu Zheng a flash shot, the rest has nothing to do with him.

Because the winner of the Best Newcomer Award is an unknown women's volleyball player, I forgive Gu Zheng for not paying attention to the behavior of the sports world. If the other party hadn't won this award, he might not have realized the existence of the other party in his entire life.

"Shady, there must be shady."

Gu Zheng didn't dare to say this aloud, so he murmured beside Leng Shuang's ear.

Because he has no idea what is the basis for the selection of this award.

As for Leng Shuang, who is sitting next to Gu Zheng, what she is responsible for now is to be a well-mannered and polite trash can.

I don't know if the cameraman on the side noticed Gu Zheng's change.

As the most topical and most frequent sports star in 2017-2018, people who are engaged in the sports industry...their perception of this person is still very complicated ~www.readwn.com~ No one, no business.

A good all-around sports seedling, Gu Zheng, who is afraid that he will soon be able to become the image of the first person in Chinese sports, even upholds the strange thinking of never changing his career. After participating in the competition, he immediately returned to the urban management army. Among the ranks.

Let them, those who hate it and perfuse it, can't wait to take him to play with him.

But by the way, this free sportsman who plays by ticket has become a legend among foreign athletes. Whenever he goes out to participate in some weird game, he can always get results that are beyond everyone's expectations.

This allowed the original nominee, the relevant judges, and the head of the column to decide the award he won in the midst of love and hate and fierce quarrels.

Hmph, see? Everyone sees Gu Zheng's face now that his father and mother are dead, right?

This is a great gift from the organizing committee to Gu Zheng, and it is also a free man's prestige from the Chinese sports world.

Let Gu Zheng also know that you dislike the end of us not taking us to play together.

The comfortable photographer gave the lens to Gu Zheng and stopped for half a minute before pushing away.

The filming Gu Zheng's face looked up, and he had to keep smiling.

Just kidding, he is not only a sportsman. As a representative of the top ten youths in the capital, he will feel resentful if he doesn't win the prize. After the ceremony is broadcast, he is afraid that he will be immediately taken by his superiors. Are you criticized?

This is not okay, he wants to collapse, even if he is regenerating, he can't beat Jiang Yue and Director Tie.

These two are both uneasy and kind-hearted goods, and they have to fall into the confusion of the awards ceremony.

Knowing this was the result, why did he come with Lengshuang?

Tens of thousands of dollars in dress money...

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