The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1250: 3 Unexpected events on the loop

The best athlete award for non-Olympic events.

   When Gu Zheng's avatar appeared on the screen for the third time, the athletes sitting in rows underneath had numb expressions on their faces.

   They do not admit that this is a performance of being swollen by a free man.

   Even in Liu Xiang's most glorious era, when he won the best sportsman for five years, the faces of these athletes...have never been so swollen.

   This master who doesn't follow common sense, the span is so large that Jane is unimaginable.

   They can only wait for the result stubbornly. They especially hope that Ding Jun, who plays billiards, and Haoran, who plays chess pieces, will be able to defeat Gu Zheng, who is an alien.

   But who came to think, when the familiar name rang again, all of their hopes fell through.

   "The winner of the 2017 Best Non-Olympic Sports Athlete Award is: Gu Zheng!"

   As for Gu Zheng, after expressing his surprise with an extremely exaggerated expression, the first sentence on stage was: "Do I still need to repeat the award testimony?"

As a sports broadcaster of CCTV for many years and the present host of the celebration, he unceremoniously replied: “No, you can go down with the trophy. The details of the awards are forgotten, and you will never forget Gu Zheng."

   "That's done, I really go down, thank you, I have another trophy!"


   A hilarious laugh.

   This evening was supposed to be a passionate motivational meeting, but in the end it became a place for amusement and relaxation.

   gave the athletes who were already living in a tight environment a rare excitement.

   And this celebration is because of Gu Zheng's two completely different statuettes, which became the most special awards in history.

   Just after many years, many old athletes who retired from this era have spontaneously organized a nostalgic evening party.

   The most talked about at the party was still Gu Zheng, who suddenly emerged at that time and has maintained his brilliance for nearly a decade.

   It’s just that Gu Zheng, who has created such a huge influence, doesn’t even know what everything today means. On the contrary, he put his arm around Lengshuang’s shoulders very practically, and once he hugs him, he hugs him to the end of the award ceremony.

Following Gu Zheng when everyone left the field, they successfully merged with his agent. They did not forget to put the director Tie, who was uncompetitive in the best coach award, to his side. And in front of the signature background board of the famous athletes, they faced the camera together, leaving the first precious group photo between the three.

   "Director Tie, don't be discouraged! There will be dumplings and there will be trophies!"

   "As long as you and I cooperate well, one day you can beat those famous teachers and stand on the podium of the highest honor."

   As for how to cooperate?

   Open one eye, close one eye for stocking.

   Director Tie, who knows his mind, nodded firmly to Gu Zheng.

   solemnly signed the declaration of the tacit understanding between him and Gu Zheng in the blank background board.

And after the chic and elegant Gu Zheng was inscribed on the signature board by himself, this smart man, who had no idea where he was flying, was chased by the media and drove them. The off-road car rushed out with twists and turns.

   "Haha, that's amazing Gu Zheng!"

  While looking back, I didn't forget the cold frost of the compliment, and felt that my boyfriend, oh no, the fiance is too great.

  Why did he think of causing trouble to the east, so that the Zou Shi couple, who likes to engage in news shows, get in front of them?

   Sure enough, Gu Zheng is still the nasty guy she knows.

   Otherwise, why would you remember that the relationship between the two people has been pushed a step further at this time?

   Leng Shuang, who was the co-pilot, pulled his fingers and figured out how the two people knew each other now.

   All the time from walking the kidneys to walking the heart and even making love is only half a year's work.

   Is her life-long event set?

   I thought I would be single and become an older youth, so why did I sell my own?

   At this moment in a daze, Gu Zheng had already drove the car above the fourth ring road with relatively good road conditions.

   In the capital city at this point, it has already passed the evening rush hour traffic jam period, and it is easy to feel comfortable with Gu Zheng, who is driving the car, and has the time to tell Leng Shuang some other things.

   "Hey, Leng Shuang, do me a favor. You help me open the small lattice in front of you."

   "Yes! There is a big square box."

   "You know me, I don't have the help of an elder in the family, so many things need to be done by myself."

   "As for me, I am 21 years old this year, and I will have my 22nd birthday in two days."

   "As for you, I'm full of calculations. I am three years older than my false year, but I am actually more than two years old."

   "As the so-called female junior holds BRICs, we must be a perfect match."

   "So, if we have to follow the old rites of the past, you have to give me your birth date, and go to Baiyun Temple and let the Taoist master give us a horoscope."

   "Now we are all people who are going to be engaged. We can't do such an important thing with our upper lip banging our lower lip."

   "Waiting for our days to come together, I will take a trip to your house with the engagement ceremony."

   "What to do then, all depends on your family's decision."

   Hey, Grandpa Leng’s monetary offensive was not in vain.

   Just when Gu Zheng was triumphantly talking, Leng Shuang who was sitting aside calmly opened the big box.

   To be honest, before seeing the volume of the box, Leng Shuang thought that this was a ring that Gu Zheng had specially prepared to propose.

   Although she was a little bit old-fashioned in her heart at the time, it was actually pretty good.

   But when she saw the mediocre paper box, she knew she was thinking too much.

  Whose engagement ring is the size of a schoolbag?

   But just after Lengshuang rushed to open the paper-shell-like outer packaging, he was almost blinded by the contents.

   It is a hollow filigree simulation wild goose made of pure gold.

  Because it is a sculptural gold ornament, it is naturally not our silly all-gold casting appearance.

   But the more because of this, the exquisite and luxurious appearance is blown away.

   In response to the busy traffic on the Fourth Ring Road, the reflection of the headlights of the cars passing by, in the night sky that is not too dark, exudes a breathtaking golden light. The head of the wild goose is not as graceful as a swan, but it is in the state of looking up to the sky, and it shows the indomitable spirit of fighting the sky.

   Anyone who looks at it thinks this big goose has a lot of charm, and it is as real as it came to life.

   This is a gift of thought and effort.

  Lengshuang, who is used to seeing jewelry and crafts, can't help but become obsessed with it.

   "Hehe, how is it?"

   "An ancient ritual once said: "If you give a faint ritual, you will adopt a wild goose.""

   "I want to shoot a wild goose by myself these years, and take it to your house, I am afraid it is a little unrealistic."

   "But this golden goose can still be borne according to my income."

   "Since we are planning to continue on."

   "According to the rules of my life, I always have to give my sincerity and the necessary gifts before getting engaged."

   "Don't worry, the bride price will wait until our horoscopes are closed, I will naturally send it to our house without fail, but I want you to be the first to see this wild goose."

   "In the future, it will still be placed on the Bogu shelf in my study as a lifetime memorial."

"So, Comrade Lengshuang, I am Gu Zheng. I am 22 years old and have a difference of three days. The field team leader of the Fengtai Urban Management Bureau. The treatment is at the deputy department level. Many, super abilities, in addition to love to eat and no bad habits, may I ask, would you like to be engaged to such a young and promising guy?"

   Looking at the driver's unusually serious profile, Leng Shuang fumbled for the wild goose in his hand but was a little more careful.

After a short pause, he bent the corner of his mouth into the most beautiful crescent, and showed Gu Zheng's white teeth as white as a shell, and gave the other party the most desired response: "I'm Lengshuang, two years old. At the age of fourteen, over 318 days, attending physician of cardiovascular surgery in Fuwai Hospital, PhD graduate of Capital Medical University, monthly salary income of 2,700 yuan, bonus of 1,500 yuan, income commission fee for each expert outpatient clinic is five yuan, I can see 150 outpatients a month."

   "Surgery costs don’t make money but you lose money. Naturally, the hospital loses money and it is impossible to give me bonuses. Recently, the red envelope system for patients has been banned, and I can receive it once or twice a month and have to hand it in."

   "So, I am so poor, would you still marry me?"

   Hearing here, Gu Zheng was like a Gazhizhi turn and got off the bridge of the Fourth Ring Road, and got on the side road straight into the direction of the Third Ring Road.

   After the speed of the car slowed down, he replied in an extremely exaggerated tone: "I'm going! You are the chief cardiovascular physician!"

   "Why is that so little money?"

   "Your department is the top five percent of all medical and nursing categories, which is equivalent to the category of people who dominate the crowd."

   "What kind of income?"

   This is completely an occupation with a very unequal income-output ratio.

   He narrowed her mouth when she heard Leng Shuang here.

"Do you also think that my income is particularly high? The more transparent the big city, the worse the doctor's life, but if you want to learn something real and want to live a lifetime in this business, choose to live in a big city. Good hospital employment is a must."

   "You have to know that my situation is already considered good. Just a few years ago, the salary of the deputy chief physician was deducted in a mess, only to get 1,700 yuan."

   "The average doctor who visits the clinic under me, the commission for an ordinary account is only two yuan."

   "Do you know the machine that clamps the wound and sutures the thoracic department? It costs 3,000 yuan to clamp it."

   "It's better for those with medical insurance, so we'll get medical insurance, but what about those without medical insurance?"

   "It's all on my hands to sew, huh, do you know? My artificial suturing is free without spending a penny."

   "But it gave me an operation that lasted at least 20-60 minutes."

   "Where can I make sense of this matter?"

   In this way, I still have to risk medical troubles, the cynicism of various keyboard men in the society, and the envy, jealousy and hatred of the onlookers of unknown circumstances.

   To be honest, none of her earning has obtained a lawyer's qualification certificate. There are also more lawyers who have been in the business for two years.

   How can they be classified as high-income people?

   If it weren't for her part-time medical school lectures, and the training courses for doctors in the counties, cities, and districts, after a year, even an annual salary of 100,000 would have been won.

   Speaking of Leng Shuang's grievance here, I was so stingy that I couldn't help but feel distressed.

   "That's so pitiful, you said that both of us are like this, I can't return the goods, right?"

   "People always say they want to be the right one, and I won't dislike you anymore. Isn't my urban management salary card still with you?"

   "You can spend your energy. Don't underestimate me. I'm the captain. The monthly bonus and salary add up to five thousand dollars."

   Are you inexplicably proud?

   What a good man I am, I have turned in my salary card.

   I knew exactly what Gu Zheng’s income was, and Leng Shuang couldn’t help but laughed.

   She was holding the big golden goose, smiling a little silly, tilted her head and asked more: "So, is this done for the two of us?"

Gu Zheng, who responded to him, was also rare and serious. He stared at the road ahead and responded with a serious expression: "It's more than done? We two have already overshadowed a man and a man. When will we put it on? After the stamp on the marriage certificate, then the dust will finally settle."

   "Don't worry, as long as you don't be a demon, I won't get mad. It's a lifetime thing to be afraid of."

   Just as Gu Zheng seriously pondered whether the world in the future will not be able to walk the heart and the kidneys, or even what is meant by loyalty to marriage, there was a piercing noise in his trunk suddenly.

   "Bang! Stabbed..."

   Hey, unfortunately, was slapped by a grandson who doesn’t have long eyes?

   Gu Zheng, who didn't even think about it at all, wanted to park the car on the side of the road after a round.

  According to the rules, the two parties involved in the accident should give way to the main road and stop at a temporary test stop that does not affect pedestrians and motor vehicles. The problems of both parties should be checked clearly, and then the traffic police should come over for simple handling.

   Whether it’s the insurance company’s damage determination, or whether it’s too lazy to settle claims privately, it’s not a big deal anyway.

   But who came to think, Gu Zheng slowed down and gave way to the lane, but the side of the driver who caused the accident was on the accelerator...

  ‘Boom! ’

   got away.

   "Hey! This grandson! It's a good chase!"

   Gu Zheng at this time was out of anger.

   For so many years, no one dared to play with him like this.

   He got up a rare hand, and ran after the black Audi driving in the direction of the fire.

  During the pursuit, Gu Zheng did not forget to find some foreign aid for himself.

   "Leng Shuang, call the traffic police and connect me to the Fengtai branch after the call."

   "Uncle Fu Sheng will give me a part-time patrol tonight, so they can help me stop this grandson on the edge of the South Third Ring Road!"


   Leng Shuang replied very simply, and dialed out a bunch of numbers with his fingers flying around.

   first made a brief and concise call to the police, and then dialed the phone number of Uncle Fu that Gu Zheng had left for her.

Fu Sheng, who received the call, was not surprised at all. He knew that Gu Zheng had gone to the awards ceremony. After seeing Lengshuang’s caller ID, he thought that after understanding the little couple’s affairs, he planned to invite him, the old man who replaced him, to eat. A private celebration banquet, and by the way, I also showed him what the trophy of that man in the wind looked like.

   But when Leng Shuang told me about the matter on the phone, this uncle who was particularly short-handed stopped doing it.

   Don’t think Fu Sheng is a good old man with a smile on his face.

   But when it comes to his family and the equivalent of Gu Zheng who grew up, this old guy protects the calf more than ordinary people.

   After he had confirmed the license plate and model of the Audi with Leng Shuang with a dark face, he turned around and lifted the phone that he had just hung up in his hand.

   "All members of the eighth, ninth, and tenth teams, including the subordinate temporary coordinators, pay attention!!"

   "There is a black Audi in the east to west direction of the Caoqiao Auxiliary Road of the South Third Ring Road, which needs our containment!"

   "All personnel get into the law enforcement vehicle, turn on the law enforcement lights, and without honking the whistle, immediately rush to the third ring road side road, and force that vehicle to a stop!"

   "Does everyone understand?"

   At this time, standing behind him, just assembling and preparing to report tonight’s work progress, the 30 or so people who were disbanded by the way, shouted, "Understood!"

   Then they got on their respective attendance cars very numbly.

   More than a dozen blue and white urban management vehicles ~ ~ hula la la rushed in one direction.

   Actually no one has too much speech.

   I don't know what the goal is, but everyone is full of enthusiasm. I feel a little puzzled with the new Xiaochengguan.

  On the hundreds of meters from their assembly place to the target location, he didn't hold back and asked the old city manager who took him.

   "Brother, who is the captain asking us to catch? Why is there no beginning and no end?"

   And the old player who had been with Fu Sheng in the team for a while, but he leaned back in the back seat very seriously and said his own judgment.

   "Captain Fu had this reaction after receiving a call from Captain Gu."

   "Captain Gu went to an important awards ceremony tonight."

   "That is to say, Captain Gu discovered a particularly serious case on the way back to the team."

   "I think this is really serious."

   "It's not the large-scale production of a black heart workshop, or the irregular dumping of toxic garbage."

   "The kind of big case that can make the headlines of social news."

   I was even more puzzled when I heard the newcomer here: "But what we are chasing is an Audi q7, do you still need to do this for such a luxury car?"

   "Haha," the old team member looked back at you with an expression that you were still too young, and continued: "So, where did those people's money come from, and how did they have so much money?"

   "Isn't it that the black-hearted walked down the third road and made unclear money?"


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