The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1251: transfer! Must change car!

Oh, I understood it all this time, and the newcomer nodded again and again, and even clenched the rubber stick in his hand.

   This is a weapon specially approved by Captain Gu.

   Because of this, he also specially sent a report to the entire Fengtai district.

   In the report, the profession of urban management was positioned as one of the high-risk professions.

   Because the division of the right to use weapons in the law enforcement process is too strict, the personal injury accidents caused by it have shown a steadily increasing state.

   To be honest, since the establishment of the Urban Management Bureau, few people are really afraid of urban management.

   As the so-called barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes, in the eyes of the law-blind who do not follow the law, they will not care about the painless or itchy rules of the city management regulations.

   Therefore, when confronting certain people, their group is the passive side.

   Now that they have these rubber sticks in their hands, all the people on duty have gained a bit of confidence in their hearts.

   This time, all three detachments are dispatched, and the villain who violates the law and discipline must be caught.

   The young newcomers are excited, and the law enforcement vehicles are not slow.

   Two or three minutes of work, each was hidden in the shadows on the roadside, one after another, screening the passing vehicles.

   The road blocker in front is ready, what about chasing after?

   is grumpy.

Why is this?

   Gu Zheng can’t catch up

   In Gu Zheng's script, he designed it like this.

He used his superhuman skills and keen senses to catch up with the vehicle in front of the accident, then used a curve to move around, forcing the q7 to stop and continue to escape, and when the car got stuck on the side of the road, he followed The people in the car chatted well.

   But the actual version looks like this.

   Gu Zheng, it was two feet slammed on the car. The distance between the two cars was not approaching, but it was getting bigger and bigger.

   Without him, the car won't work.

Let Leng Shuang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, screamed and screamed at the same time, wishing to chase and chase her own little beetle now. This free light looks not small, but who would have thought it was a pewter spear head is just a superficial light? .

Just when Gu Zheng’s anger arrived, he unconsciously rolled down the window with one hand, intending to use the lighter in the cabin as a hidden weapon against the rear glass of the q7 in front of him, suddenly, A whole piece of blue light flashed on the road ahead.

   The second call he made, the army gathered up is now on stage!

   "Jing jxxxxx ahead, please pull over and stop for inspection!"

   "Repeat it again! Kyungj I fuck!"

  The person who was sitting in the inspection car shouting followed up with a foul language, because even if the Audi car on the opposite side saw such a large-scale containment, it even wanted to cross the blockade regardless of it!

   This is simply an act of disregard for human life.

   Seeing Gu Zheng here, he didn't hesitate anymore. He lifted his left hand slightly, and then he threw what was in his hand.

   Of course, after a short period of thought, what Gu Zheng threw out was not a lighter that could leave evidence, but a pebble that was left in the car without knowing when.

   The particles are not big, but the texture is sharp enough, so that the rear windshield of the q7 will crack like a spider's web in one click.

   And the car in front stopped in the squeaking loud and unpleasant braking sound, and after a short taxi, it finally stopped before getting into close contact with a law enforcement vehicle.

   The brake marks were about to grind out sparks, and a drop of cold sweat ran down my forehead as I saw the city management who was sitting in the cab shouting.

   Almost there was a shocking collision.

   If it is hit by this speed, the Audi on the opposite side may be able to drive without much trouble. His Changan small card will be immediately scrapped.

  Is this a small life?

   And this urban management team member who escaped from the dead, after he reacted, he was out of anger.

   "Mom got an X, this grandson is going to kill me, don't stop me, I will kill him first today"

   The caller unfastened his seat belt, and when he got out of the car, he had to take out a steel pipe that he had just gathered from the back bucket. Unfortunately, there were too many calm colleagues behind him, which prevented him from committing suicide.

   "Don't be impulsive, it's not worth it for being a scum!"

   "This grandson is considered an attempted murder. We will all testify to you and use the law to kill him!"

Just when everyone was clamoring, Gu Zheng, who caused the current situation, rubbed his forehead, got out of the weak car, and went straight to the car after he was forced to stop. There was no reaction at all. The Audi car went in the direction of the car.

   It’s really strange. Gu Zheng was very accurate when he started.

   Why is this meeting, but the people inside are not moving anymore?

   After Gu Zheng walked to the window of the driver's cab and looked inside, he could see the clue from the seam half of the palm of the car that the opponent was driving.

   A scent of wine came straight to the nose.

At this time, the driver who was lying on the steering wheel was shocked. The mental head he barely lifted in the car chase was completely broken, and he was a little groggy and lay on it. It was motionless like a dead pig.

   Understood, drunk driving.

   It's no wonder that he had to escape desperately in the face of a small accident like scratching the rear of Gu Zheng's car.

   If this is the result of waiting for the traffic police to deal with it, I am afraid it will be the end of the game immediately.

   If there is another live broadcast of the traffic light column, the old face of this person will undoubtedly be exposed in front of the people in the capital.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he shook his head. I knew why it was at the beginning today, but then again, this one just met him Gu Zheng. If it is an ordinary person, it is not only for car exhaust. NS?

   At the end, even if the traffic police rushed over to deal with it, I was afraid that I would not have been found to be so serious about drunk driving.

   At that time, it was said that I didn't feel it, or someone else replaced the driver. I can't say that this person would get away with it.

   It's just that the internet is restored this day, and it's not leaking.

   Just when there was a mess here, a burst of police sirens sounded from behind everyone.

   received the alarm, saw the car that caused the accident from the entire monitoring network, and then the traffic police brigade that went out of the police, chased it at this time.

   The young man riding on the white motorcycle, because of the heat of the day, the lining of the white uniform was soaked.

   But that's the case, he also came to investigate and collect evidence first.

   Just right, Gu Zheng also has a lot to talk to this traffic police comrade.

   Thanks to Gu Zheng, a good-faced young man, he rescued this trembling traffic police comrade from a group of vicious urban management teams.

   This little traffic policeman who keeps wiping his sweat, thought he might not be able to have a full-fledged home today.

   It is said that the traffic police is a high-risk group, but there is no such a way to die.

   But after Gu Zheng told him the cause and effect, the traffic police comrade became rare and serious.

   Through the walkie-talkie, he immediately contacted the nearest drunk driving investigation vehicle, and asked people with professional testing equipment to measure alcohol.

   No way, people are still drunk in the car, the oral alcohol tester does not work.

  ‘Wow, woow’

  I came with the traffic police car, as well as the ambulance and the surrounding police.

  Because of the reluctance of the city management who was almost killed, he said that the other party was deliberately murdered.

   Amidst the unbelievable expression of the, he did not change his face and made up a big drama after his own brain patching, and he was almost sentenced to a prison sentence for the driver.

   Gu Zheng, who was standing by, was dumbfounded, and there was no use for him.

No need for him to hold back bad tricks. When this hapless drunk driving driver wakes up from the hospital, he will not only face various punishments such as detention, fines, and revocation of his license by the traffic police team, but may also face the kindness of public security law enforcement agencies. greeting.

   I am afraid that when the time comes, he will regret his temporary greed, which will cause the following consequences.

   After thinking about the follow-up life of this hapless child, Gu Zheng looked at his somewhat dented trunk again, and his anger was not so much in his heart.

   It's just that, on such a good day, I was stunned by a troublemaker.

   This makes Gu Zheng feel very bad.

   This person is particularly prone to anger when he is in a bad mood.

  No, when things are over here, after Gu Zhengpocai invited everyone to eat crayfish, it was midnight when they got home.

   But in the middle of the night, not only did the convulsive master not sleep, but instead stood in the courtyard of his small villa, and circled around his two free lights.

   "Why is it so useless?"

   "Where is the chic hero who said good?"

   "How come you can't even catch up with a person whose surname is q?"

   If this car can be anthropomorphized, I am afraid he has this expression now, (

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