The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1252: How many people can fit a van?

As a franchise store affiliated to the Chang'an Club, how could it not have a few classic models in stock, ready to be sold at any time?

   Therefore, when Gu Zheng stated his request, the sales manager opposite knew that this order was the most profitable today.

   So he kept the most standard smile, and asked Gu Zheng who was sitting on the sofa: "Do you choose white or black?"

   asked Gu Zheng in his heart: "Is this an existing car? Of course it's black!"

   The free light at home is white, and it will be recolored if you buy it again.

   Gu Zheng has another ambition. When he makes a little more money and can buy a better car, he chooses a paint color he has never had before.

   In short, it can be counted as several kinds, and it can be regarded as a collection in disguise.

   As for the Porsche manager, after confirming Gu Zheng's request, the procedures were particularly straightforward.

   The contract process can take time, but the car is in the hands of the guests!

   He handed the car key of the current car to Gu Zheng's hand, indicating that the other party could have a free and unrestrained test drive while waiting.

   After Gu Zheng enjoyed a big traffic jam in Dongcheng District, he went to the franchise store and got the purchase contract for his second SUV.

   "We will follow up with follow-up services. Please pay attention to our car club. Yes, we will organize some interesting activities on a regular basis to strengthen the interaction between customers and brands."

   "Thank you for your support and recognition of the Porsche brand, and look forward to your next patronage!"

   After speaking, the manager shook hands with Gu Zheng enthusiastically.

   Gu Zheng, who was in the mist by the high efficiency here, waited until he drove out this super large and brand-new 18 Cayenne, he realized, Yo, Xiaoye, this is a new car!

   Is it as convenient as going to Wumart to buy a roll of toilet paper?

   What Gu Zheng didn't know was that this was a good example of meeting people.

   There are too few customers who do not add parts at all, which is equivalent to buying the stock car.

   special rare.

   Gu Zheng, who drove in a new car, felt that everything went smoothly.

   Even the road conditions within the second ring road are much better, but within a dozen minutes, I arrived under the building of the magazine where Health and Fashion is located.



   The tall and dark Cayenne, parked in the middle of a circle of family cars, was quite eye-catching.

   Even the driver with him was paid more attention by the idlers on the side.

   This group of people drove into the parking lot with Gu Zheng’s new car back and forth, and their movements were unsatisfactory.

   After all Gu Zheng's people had entered the building, the people on the top of the van began to drop off one after another.

   If he can wait a little longer, he might be able to see scenes that he is particularly familiar with and miss.

It's like the years when he killed Matt in the technical school, in order to show the brotherhood of the young man, for a girl who has nothing to do with him, he lay on the iron pipe and carried the bricks to dry the frame. .

   The van at that time was not a tall model like Changan Suzuki, but a tangible obsolete product of the small noodle taxi that ran and rented in the 1990s.

   Thanks to the hard work of all the trainees in their technical school maintenance team, they finally put together a small van that can start off even though there is still black smoke on the buttocks.

   And this black car, which doesn't even have a license plate, has become a tool for them to pull people out.

   In the wasteland of Hongmen Village, on the haystacks, as well as the black soil behind the village health center, the figure of this hero vehicle was left behind.

At that time, Gu Zheng, like a passenger in this car, had his face on the piece of glass that was not clean, like a piece of cake sticking to a pan, huddled with seven or eight young men. .

   is for the people in this car to pull more.

   But where is this car guy now?

  The one who came down was the little girl of Qing Yishui.

   Seven or eight people with big long legs, thin bones, bent over, crossed legs, and cuddling, didn't make the back of the car so awkward.

   Thanks to the film on the rear window glass, when I look inside, I can’t see clearly.

   I’m afraid that the driver of this car will be forced to stop by the dedicated uncle of the traffic police if he hasn’t left the main road.

   However, their studio is nearby, interspersed with small alleys which are completely inconspicuous.

But after these young girls stretched out in the parking lot for a few times, there was a girl with the tallest stature, jumping to the front of Gu Zheng's car with small steps, and poking her fingers. After poking the front paint cover that was a little hot from the sun, I shared with the friend next to me with a little envious: "Porsche."

On the side, the girl with the strongest makeup and the most dusty air on her face spoke to the girl with a particularly disdainful tone: "Cut, what about Porsche? It's not a naked car that sells for less than a million. Model?"

   "It's not comparable to my boyfriend, right?"

   After that, the girl with heavy makeup put her eyes on the black Cayenne's listing, and when she saw that the top was still brand new and there was no brand on it, she smiled again.

   "It's still an unlisted new I won't go to a franchise store for a test drive and drive it out to pretend to be."

   This joke is not funny at all, but this girl is so happy that she laughs on her own.

   Let the tall and thin girl who got out of the car first and saw the outline of the owner of the car clearly had a look of dissatisfaction.

   "Nonsense, I can see who the owner is!"

   "He is Gu Zheng, and the protagonist in the magazine we are going to shoot today."

   "No matter how good your boyfriend is, he can't control the editor-in-chief of the magazine, right? Gu Zheng shot the cover, but we shot the inside page."

   "Don't think that the distribution of fashion and health is right for the mass consumer group, and you look down on people."

   "People are one of Mr. Fashion's offline classifications anyway. No matter how pristine this name is, you can't erase the fact that it ranks third in sales among similar male magazines and publications, right?"

   "Lily, if it wasn't for the fact that we are all in a brokerage company, I am afraid that you will bring this emotion to your face during the filming process, and you will be complained by the main client this time."

   "I'm too lazy to say a word."

   is neither a father nor a baby. If it were not for fear of losing a particularly important magazine shot by such a fool, this thin girl would not waste so much tongue.

No, after she sprayed the unobtrusive girl for a long time, she clapped her hands vigorously at the six remaining models behind her, pointed at the door of the health magazine, and just stunned. Up.

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