The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1254: The opening of a new world

How pure is this, this is simply clever.

   However, if this does not affect his work, smart people naturally have the benefits of smart people.

No, when the photo was finished, and when I came back in the afternoon to make up the last remaining group, the girl who was full of style and sentiment was squeezed to the outermost position among the eight people, don’t It was said that it was the root of Gu Zheng's thigh, even Gu Zheng's fur might not touch a bit.

   After Gu Zheng got up from the sofa and shook hands with the stylish and healthy editor, he saw a beautiful figure in the parking lot next to his new car.

   is the very smart girl in the filming process.

   She was standing next to the shiny black car, smiling enthusiastically and brilliantly at the oncoming Gu Zheng and Jiang Yue.

   "Hello, Teacher Gu, my name is Ye Pei. We filmed it together just now."

   Hearing this self-introduction, Jiang Yue on the side showed an expression that a man understands, and gently shook Gu Zheng's waist with his elbow.

   Young man, it's terrible, you hooked up with a girl without doing anything?

   This is different when you change to a new car. Aventures have doubled?

   But Gu Zheng is very sure, this one, it is definitely not a self-recommendation for him to come to him.

   As expected, when the girl's bent waist straightened up again, she handed a card with the smell of perfume in the direction of Jiang Yue.

   "Teacher Gu, I am a senior at the University of Physical Education. I usually work-study and will take on some sports-related jobs."

   "For the elites in the sports industry, I have long admired Mr. Gu."

   "I just hope that if Mr. Gu has any job that suits me, please remember to let me know."

   "As long as it is a regular job, no matter how hard or tired I can take it, I don't pick a job."

   Look, this is the girl who is really courageous and intelligent.

   What's the matter of relying on others, you have to do everything yourself before it works.

   Gu Zheng is not disgusted with this girl's approach, because he used to seize a little opportunity to go up.

   There is little difference between him and her, at least when he is looking for opportunities for himself, he will not arouse the disgust of others.

   Therefore, Gu Zheng glanced at Jiang Yue lightly. After the two men looked at each other, his agent tacitly accepted the business card handed over by the other party.

  It’s a senior year, and I’m still doing this kind of scattered work. I’m afraid it’s because the graduates majoring in sports are not easy to find a job.

  Everyone is a sportsman, so please help if you can.

Seeing Jiang Yue answering her phone number without hesitation, Ye Pei showed a big smile after being taken aback, and after bowing hard to where the two of Gu Zheng were, it was beautiful. Bubblingly ran towards the exit of the parking lot.

   Her ponytail tied behind her head, flicked and flicked, just like Ye Pei's mood at this time, not to mention how wonderful.

   Jiang Yue, who took the seat of Gu Zheng's co-pilot, was surprised at how old and new the car was, but he gave out a preliminary idea.

   "Hey, I think it's time for you to find an assistant for yourself."

   "It's pure work, because now you have more and more days to deal with advertising companies and major brands."

   "I'm just a sports agent after all. It's impossible to be a part-time assistant by your side every time, right?"

   "I think Ye Pei is a pretty good girl."

   "Wait for me to contact her first, assign her some daily tasks, and then ask her what the university major is. If she is willing, I will help you decide it."

   After all, there is a smart assistant, better than a stupid one.

   The most important thing is that the girl's eyes on Gu Zheng are clean, and there is no messy emotions such as Pan Gaozhier or love.

   This is very important for a male athlete with a master.

   The two people briefly explained the follow-up work in the car.

   It will take some time for Jiang Yue to get the contract for Pepsi and car advertising.

   This shameless man actually put this time on his own head, saying that he, who has just had a fiancée, can enjoy the two-person world.

   Gu Zheng accepted this after complaining about it.

   After all, he also needs some time to smooth out his own job.

   You can’t put the cart before the horse, isn’t it?

   After dropping Jiang Yue from the Caoqiao subway station not far in front of his home, Gu Zheng was finally able to lie down on the big bed he had just bought without incident.

   I don't know how long it took, but Gu Zheng, in a daze, felt the sound of calling in his ears.

   "Gu Zheng? Gu Zheng?"

   Gu Zheng, who is not so vigilant, sat up from the bed and shot the environment in the bedroom like lightning.

   After confirming that it was not Leng Shuang who went home and had never seen any figures, Gu Zheng said to the air in an angry tone: "Laughing and forgetting the book? You're gutted!"

   Amidst Gu Zheng’s stern questioning, Xiao Wangshu smiled timidly: "Master Gu, isn’t this just finished upgrading? Isn’t it a bit proud of yourself?"

   "Master Gu, let me tell you, I finally got rid of the shackles of the Pentium IV series, and I made a leap in quality all at once."

   "Oh?" Gu Zheng was very curious when he heard here, he asked one more sentence: "Then what level are you now?"

   "amd Athlon 64!"

   When I said this, Xiao Wangshu's voice was not loud, but Gu Zheng, who was inexplicable, could hear a little pride in it.

   Does it think that it has gotten rid of the shackles of Pentium?

   But in fact, it's just falling into the vortex of intel and amd fighting for hegemony.

   But Gu Zheng will not remind him of this innocent child.

   It’s always the improvement this time, which made Laughing Forget the age...successfully jumping from 2004 to 2006.

   The speed has been improved, not young and old, and it will also be a lot of help for his follow-up tasks.

  Since the real world matters have been handled by him, he has done so much.

   It's time to take another trip on the unknown road before going to work.

   "So, is another new card activated?"

"Yeah yeah!"

   Xiao Wangshu hasn't been relieved from the excitement of upgrading, and he went around the inside of the phone, only to find that the screen was upside down on the phone shelf.

   It can't see Gu Zheng's face.

   Just when it was anxiously spinning around in the study, intending to let Gu Zheng take a look at its latest beautiful red case.

   Gu Zheng, who was fully awake, rubbed his messy short hair and started to walk into the study on the second floor.

   "If that's the case, don't waste time."

   "Let's go to the study to do the task, I will set an automatic lock, so that after the task is completed, something will happen again."

   "Hey, okay!"

   There was a burst of joy in Liao Wangshu's heart after hearing this.

   Now its big screen works well.

   Now it is no longer the belly of a convex screen.

   It's the big screen of a tablet!

   Laughing and forgetting the book proudly, after waiting for a long time, still did not get the treatment of the conspicuous place on the desk, but Gu Zheng still opened the only yellow folder in its movement as usual.

   A lit up card is just behind the all lit up cards in front, quietly shining with unknown light.

   Gu Zheng, who was accustomed to surprises, did not hesitate to put the mouse on it.

   "click, click"

   With the sound of these two soft clicks, everything in Gu Zheng's world is very different.

   The dim light didn't have time to completely retreat, and it solidified in the window where it last stopped.

   The breath of living met the silence of death at this moment.

   As the passage of a black hole slowly opened, Gu Zheng once again transformed into the state of a soul body, hung two golden eggs floatingly, and plunged into one of them.

   The sky is spinning around.

   Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, but he couldn't wait to return to the state of vertigo just now.

   Because at this time, he is in a closed space full of foul smell, dark and unable to see his fingers.

   Except for the multi-mixed smell in his nose reminding him that his surroundings should be crowded with the same kind, other than that, he can't even observe the surrounding environment.


   I don’t know if it’s safe, but there is only one way to go for this Gu Zheng closed his eyes and picked up the memory of this body with his ears.

   When Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, he didn't even have the idea of ​​sighing.

   That's great, this is really the first involuntary world in history.

   The pitch-black space he was in, it was fine to say that it was a cage, or it was a big airtight box.

   In short, it was used to imprison them, this group of earthlings.

   Yes, here should use the earth people as a general term.

  Because as a defeated country, the people on earth have lost the right to divide the country independently.

   Regardless of their race, religion, or culture, they have only one symbol in the eyes of the victorious side.


   As a remote and do nothing planet, their group of people is just a by-product of the planet's resources.

   The planet that defeated the earth is one of the planets at the top of the pyramid in the entire universe.

   As the privilege of higher planets, in their definition of planet, there is no agreement for peaceful coexistence.

  Some are just conquering by force.

  Only planets with comparable overall strength have the right to sit down and negotiate peacefully. As for those weak and useless garbage stars, they are only worthy of their attachments or slaves.

   And because the development level of the people on earth is too low.

   After a very ordinary fleet casually conquered this planet, all the people on Earth were classified as the lowest slave group.

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