The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1255: Game articles: Survival (1)

As for the same space as the closed container where Gu Zheng is located?

   This is a manifestation of the alien’s high-tech cage.

  Because of this planet with an extremely strong desire to conquer, there is not only one planet with vital signs conquered, and the number and types of slaves they caught are naturally very diverse.

   After catching the experience, they will definitely not worry too much about the welfare of the lower class. This is the fundamental reason why Gu Zheng faced such a terrible environment.

   Then, since their group of people are so useless, why are they arrested for?

   Naturally it is waste recycling.

   Because in this vast and vast starry sky, the understanding between various species is equivalent to zero.

   Even the smartest scientific researcher in this huge and powerful superstar field cannot say that he has mastered all the characteristics of each race.

  Under certain conditions, the potential of certain races is endless.

   And in some extreme environments, other races will undergo very strange chemical changes.

   These, good or bad, are useful for powerful planets.

   Because in the process of their continuous conquest, there are too many developable and resourceful planets that they have gathered under their banner.

   And the physiques of some specific resource planets and the people of the superstars are mutually exclusive.

   For the superstar people who are very precious to everyone, that kind of harsh environment is not something they should come into contact with.

  The problem is that the operation of a huge planet requires a lot of resources.

  If the people on your own planet can't develop it in person, what should we do?

   Naturally, it was developed by the slaves who had conquered it.

   Of course, everything is about a scientific superstar, it is impossible to fill the resource planet with useless human lives.

   A superstar who prides himself on scientific employment and a suitable position, he thought of a small game.

  Use the process of watching the game to select the development race that best suits the resource planet they have marked for development.

   and Gu Zheng is the lucky one drawn from the earth.

   It's just that by the time of his batch, it was already the tenth batch.

   This batch is the last batch in the concept of the entire earthlings.

   What is going on?

   Speaking of this, I have to talk about the rule that Superstar's waste is useless and should be destroyed.

   In the eyes of the superstar race, all useless intelligent creatures are not beneficial to the development of the entire universe, but are rather harmful.

  Because a race full of waste, every day that it lives on the planet consumes the useful resources on the planet where they exist.

   In order to protect the useful planet from being destroyed prematurely because of the useless intelligent race.

   When the people in the superstar find that a certain race is indeed meaningless, they will carry out a cleanup plan for the planet.

  That is genocide.

   is not the kind of extinction recorded in our history.

   but from the root, ‘bang! ’Using super-technological methods, only humans can die in an instant.

   After the superstar people occupied the earth, they clearly demonstrated their superstar's thunder means to the leaders of the creatures on the earth by using various propaganda methods that depend on the earth.

An alien race with gray-green skin and dirty intelligence that has stagnated and grown. Because of their weak physical strength and low level of intelligence, their race stopped all the while with just a few breaths. Signs of life.

Other unconscious creatures on that planet that look like plankton are next to a corpse. No one else continues to live, as if those targeted deaths have no effect on their brainless things. .

   This shot is terrible.

   saw this live broadcast of the Earth Federal Government, and instantly fell into panic.

   And these people who have long been unable to control life and death, after being classified as low-level slaves, are not without the opportunity of self-salvation.

   Because as long as the superstar people find you useful.

   As long as you can be used in any resource star, you will prove to be not a completely useless race, and all human beings on the earth have the value of survival.

   In order to let these garbage people who are still at a loss have a process of adapting.

   They will give this race ten chances.

Ten people were selected from one race at once, and then put on a resource planet that has not yet been developed or is waiting to be developed along with other races of the same level. See how these two races adapt on this planet. The degree and the size of the role ultimately determine the fate of a certain race.

  Because of the different directions of potential of each race, a group of ethnic groups cannot be killed with one stick.

   Superstar also gave different races different opportunities scientifically.

   And the ultimate survival of a race cannot be tested forever, right?

   Therefore, the highest test limit given by Superstar is ten times.

   For the first time, two race groups were placed on the same star.

   The whole army of people on earth is annihilated.

   The second time, the three ethnic groups were scattered and the earthlings did not persist to the end.

   For the third time and the fourth time, more and more races were put together, and the degree of difficulty increased.

   Repeated failures have made the subsequent situation faced by the people on Earth even more severe and complicated.

  Because of the races that were repeatedly thrown like them, each additional type means that they are one step closer to the death god, and the panic of the group's destruction is approaching.

   So, after the fifth time, on an unfamiliar planet, it has become a Hell-like existence of Shura.

Those unfamiliar races that have never had any conflicts, and they will never encounter them in a lifetime, on a planet that is equally strange, harsh or narrow, not only have to worry about their own existence, but also think about it every day. The level of hardship can be seen by surviving the race of black hands.

   As for Gu Zheng's current host?

   Ha ha, I have never seen such a cheating client.

   He actually used all his life in exchange for a victory that Gu Zheng gave him.

  What victory?

  In the tenth round of the survival game, the last chance of the earthlings, the final tribe victory was achieved among the nine alien tribes.

   Fight for the chance of survival for the people on earth, as well as the hope of possible race upgrade.

Because, as long as it can survive, this race will perform well in the follow-up, or have made significant contributions, or after the race has evolved for the second time, will it be possible to upgrade from a slave race to a subsidiary race. If humans are a potential race, As for a big race, maybe it can become a subordinate race of Superstar.

   This is the client’s ambition and his desperate desire.

   Anyway, it's a death. To find a stronger foreign aid for the earth, then his death is truly a death.

   He was brave and righteous, but Gu Zheng was miserable.

   Now he really has a black eye, and he can't receive anything useful.

  Because of the situation of the tenth resource planet, the original host has never touched it at all.

   All of them have become unknown without any hints. Gu Zheng has to explore it alone.

   Plus his current situation.

   Gu Zheng tried to move his hands and feet, but found that his hands and legs seemed to be entangled with steel crowbars, like a fleshy insect that had not broken free from its cocoon, and could not lie down.

   And the smell of his surroundings is several times worse than the sheds of the migrant workers in his last world.

   does not only refer to the taste, but the dead silence and decadence that pervades this small space, and the pressure of Gu Zheng's chest becomes suffocated.

   "Woo woo woo..."

   The fine whimper sound kept echoing in his ears. If Gu Zheng hadn't known that this was definitely not a world of immortals and spirits, he was afraid that he would have to be frightened out of something good or bad.

   This is the cry of the only two female players among the lucky ones they were drawn.

  In such a long way to go, women are always a bit weaker than men.

   If it were to be normal, there should have been men who Lianxiangxiyu had come forward to comfort these women of different genders.

   But now, in this confined dark space, fear and confusion have already suppressed other human emotions, and people can no longer worry about others.

   "Shut up tm!"

   This is a curse in English.

   Listening to this tone and tone, I am afraid it is the sound made by a strong male.

   This irritable roar of his successfully stopped the cry of the two women who didn't know their appearance, but it started another even more terrifying sound.

   "Wow wow wow..."

   "I fuck! There are babies in tm!!!"

   It was this sound that made the entire space commotion.

   The random selection of ten people in the mouth of the superstar is really aimless.

   Its choice setting takes into account all aspects and has the greatest fairness, but in the same way, human beings’ juvenile period, childhood period, and even infant period are also counted.

   The rationing of the team is carried out through comprehensive consideration.

   And these ten people are as close as possible to the composition state of a human group, so that when this group is developing the resource planet, it will not be dragged down by this inherent weakness.

   is like some planets, the problem of the fault between the mature body and the juvenile body.

   Maybe the team combination they extracted may be a mature body with nine immature bodies of various forms.

  There are even more miserable planets. Because of the sparse population, the people who come to the selection may be children within the definition of a group of adults.

   After all, the composition of the population is also a crucial link when the superstar chooses slaves.

   Gu Zheng probably analyzed it, but closed his eyes again.

   He doesn't have the time to participate in the scolding of the grumpy person, nor does he want to spend too much energy on chatting with people in this environment.

   He just wants to preserve the existing physical strength, and strive to have the best state to face the next extremely dangerous situation.

   I tried my best to live, even if my skills are not as good as others, at least I won’t regret it.


   The noise in his ears was gradually eliminated by Gu Zheng while he was meditating on the meditation mantra in his heart.

When    adjusts to the surrounding environment, the smell seems not unbearable.

In the dark, Gu Zheng didn’t know the difference between day and night. He could only use the method of silent timing in extreme environments specially trained in army scout training... to estimate how long he stayed in this space. time.

   According to the client, after he learned that he was lucky enough to be drawn, his eyes went dark, and then he didn't know how much time had passed.

   But the client is a particularly good habit he has cultivated since he was a child, to judge how much time has passed since his voyage this time.

   Because of his body, he has a habit of squatting once a day.

   As soon as this person arrives before going to bed, he has to go to the toilet to excrete his large size once.

   He has been in this space for three full days, and after he summoned Gu Zheng over, he just solved the fourth tuba.

   The rest is what Gu Zheng needs to worry about.

   Well, you can go to death in peace.

   The host who was throwing his hands away as a shopkeeper left, leaving Gu Zheng alone for accurate readings.

   No way, this timekeeping is really a way to pass the time.

   The long cosmic journey is not his whoosh soul wear.

   I am afraid that the time will not be short.


Just when Gu Zheng was counting and falling asleep, and then when he woke up, he continued to count, suddenly a cold tubular substance appeared on his mouth,'Puff Puff'... it was inserted accurately. In his mouth.

   As a straight man with extremely high vigilance, Gu Zheng's first subconscious action is a bite of life.


   It's a bit tough to lose this tooth, otherwise I'm afraid this tooth will be broken.

   No way, this tube turned out to be pure metal texture.

   Just as Gu Zheng was struggling to look through the huge memories of this worthless client, an indescribable smell filled Gu Zheng's entire mouth.

   A slimy substance like a big snot after getting angry and catching a cold flowed out of this metal pipe.

   ran down Gu Zheng's throat and esophagus, which he couldn't resist, and flowed towards his stomach.

  , I found the memory.

   This turned out to be an irregular supply of nutrient solution.

   didn't know what kind of food these superstars usually eat.

   This sticky object has already numb Gu Zheng's sharp tongue without feeling.

   After pouring a small bowl of liquid into the stomach, the tube stopped its supply, and the ‘hullah’... retracted back to the top of the space.

   As if they never appeared before, there is no trace.

   It's hard to do, the technology is so advanced, and it's impossible to win by simply relying on force. I am afraid that there is no hope at all.

   Then let's honestly fight with other lower slave races for the right to survive.

   Gu Zheng recognized the form, and when he decided not to hit the stone with the pebbles, there were waves of warmth coming from his stomach.

   Those solutions that are not too big, do not know what they are.

   In a very short period of time, Gu Zheng felt full.

Not only that, after the stomach gave a corresponding response, this kind of warm current actually began to spread all over the body gradually, making the sore hands and feet almost useless. Gu Zheng felt that if the shackles were released at this time, he I'm afraid I can stand up immediately.

   This is amazing too.

   After Gu Zheng was surprised, he fell into a greater sense of powerlessness.

  The gap is so big, what do you ask him to do with Gu Zheng.

   If among the ten planets he is going to face this time, if there is a black technology that is a little bit higher, the people on earth are afraid that it will be a tragedy.

   Just when Gu Zheng's thoughts were restless, all kinds of thoughts were pouring out, and he was vetoed one by one, the space he was in, abruptly, produced a huge roar. After the violent shaking, everything returned to tranquility.

   They seemed to land after eating.



   A dazzling light suddenly penetrated into the space where Gu Zheng and the group of people were located, and suddenly lit up the so-called hope of life.

   As the area of ​​light gets bigger and bigger, the people who are swearing and crying in the space all make the same action at this time.

   All the people looked up at the place where the light appeared, but in the next second, the entire space they were in disintegrated.

   "Crack, wow!"

In a loud roar, Gu Zheng was surrounded by light, and the dust in the sky flew around him, making his eyes that hadn't gotten used to it, and he still couldn't see clearly~www. ~ Zi Zi Zi...'

   A small, numbing electric current passed through Gu Zheng's wrists and ankles.

   followed, there was a light on his hands and feet.

   The high-tech shackles that had restrained him fell off.

Gu Zheng, who squinted his eyes, looked at the metal strip hooped on his wrist. After falling off, it was folded into a fist-sized square like alive. They were sitting there and didn’t know what alloy. As soon as it rolled on the floor of the created space, it happened to roll into a square groove.


   got stuck tightly.

   After this process of mechanical transformation and integration in less than a minute is completed, their original role is no longer visible.

   At this time, most of the dust that was rushed up by the landing of Gu Zheng next to him has slowly fallen.

   After adapting to the intensity of the light, he finally saw what the product of the space of the race that escorted them was.

   This is a square quadrilateral.

   is like the magnetic blocks used by children nowadays, presenting a regular square structure during the flight.

   After the successful landing, all the squares of the square structure disintegrated in an instant, like a blooming flower, flattened on this strange land.

   "Stab Lala"

   A very small electric current emerged from the floor of the square where Gu Zheng was sitting.

   made Gu Zheng and the people around him stand up subconsciously.


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