The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1257: Game articles: Survival (3)

He just hugged the baby who gradually stopped crying and changed to groaning because of his gentle shaking, and watched very vigilantly... these people who came to the planet with him and were about to become temporary teammates. .

   Hehe, that’s great.

   A trembling old man with white hair, yellow skin, black eyes, and Asian race.

   Looking at him in a training suit for playing Tai Chi sword, I am afraid he is still a Chinese.

   A red man who is only about the height of his abdomen, his complexion is slightly red, and his hair is slightly curly, may be only eleven or twelve years old depending on his age, but he should be from Nagada, India depending on the country.

This time, they accounted for one-third of the total number. Among the remaining six people, two women, one black and the other white, are very different in age. The black women wear a grass skirt with two lumps on their chests. The meat was shriveled and drooped to the top of the belly button.

  The white one is a typical blond, blue-eyed, mass-produced American girl in a Hollywood romance movie.

   The bump is like a gourd.

These two women with such a big gap are standing together subconsciously at this time. There is no gap between their arms, which means that they are subconsciously and temporarily classified each other into a group, or Is relying on it.

   As for the remaining four men?

   is one person and one race.

   A tall, hairy Caucasian, young and strong, sturdy.

   A black man who is the same tall but slightly slender, with streamlined muscles, like the most vigorous cheetah in Africa, full of beauty of strength.

   A brown-red complexion with long black hair, his face painted with oil paint of unknown material, and a tattered feather hung on the temples, silent and gloomy, but it is impossible to ignore.

   As for the last one left, he is another Asian.

   I have to say that the number of people is really the key to increasing the draw ratio.

   There are only ten people, and four of them are all from Asian countries.

   Goddess of Luck, really cares about our area.

   Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he lowered his head and looked at the baby in his arms.

   After seeing the opponent's white skin and green pupils, he was relieved.

   If half of these people are Asians, what exactly has the world developed into?

   He sees the team of ten people clearly, but as the only one who is nosy among these people, I am afraid that the next day will be difficult.

Because some human minds are very interesting, when they feel that they have done something wrong, half of them will bravely admit that they have made a mistake, while the other half will not make a mistake about it. People have a kind of emotion called anger.

   The people who did the right thing because of the shame or awkwardness in their hearts turned out to be hostile to those who reflected their mistakes.

They will use words or force to gain a sense of recognition in this kind of person, and when the other party submits or loses in these methods, a distortion will emerge in the heart of the person who has made a mistake. The pleasure.

   Look, this person is nothing great, you see that he is so weak, or cowardly and stupid, then he has not made a mistake at the beginning, I am afraid it is just acting instinctively.

  When their minds are balanced, they will no longer be entangled in their own big mistakes, and found a particularly suitable reason for themselves in their hearts, and his mistakes will be turned over.

   It's a pity that the adults in this group who responded later would be really disappointed if they had this idea.

   Because they want to squeeze out or find someone who has a sense of existence, it is Gu Zheng nowadays, not an ordinary yellow race.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng calmly rescued the baby who was no longer crying from the floor in that direction, and turned to the two black and white women, he couldn’t wait to be on the sidelines right away. It was obvious that the strong and hairy white man he existed suddenly placed his body between Gu Zheng and the two women.

   "Yellow monkey! What do you want to do?"

   "Pretend to be a hero? After saving the lonely and helpless baby, do you plan to rescue the gender-vulnerable group in the crowd?"

   "Let me tell you! With the existence of my Chekov, stop dreaming!"

   "Among these ten people, it is not your turn to be the boss!"

   After finishing speaking, this strong man with a height of more than two meters and his muscles bulging like steel, squeezed his fan-sized palm in front of Gu Zheng like a demonstration and made a huge fist.

   Look, it really jumped out.

   The strongest person among them was ashamed of his poor performance just now. In order to consolidate his personality or status, he planned to treat him as a chicken for the rest of the monkeys.

   What a pity, hehe.

   Gu Zheng is too lazy to talk nonsense with such a idiot.

   In this unknown environment, he lazily spends his energy on such a fool.

   The best way to solve a person is to completely defeat the other person in the aspect he is most proud of.

   As soon as he sees your face, he will only be ashamed, unbelievable, and let him give birth to the first thought in the world, it is better to take it back obediently.

   So, the calm Gu Zheng immediately responded what he thought was correct.

   "You are in the way!"

After    finished speaking, he changed the swaddle in his arms to the crook of his left hand, and used a stronger right fist to hit the softest abdomen of the opponent.

   "I'm going! How dare you fight back?"

   The tall Chekov didn't expect Gu Zheng to have such a reaction, but this man who is not an embroidered pillow also counterattacked back the moment Gu Zheng started his hand.

   As the saying goes, the strongest defense is offense.

   Chekov's big fist, which had been squeezed a long time ago, slammed into Gu Zheng's fluttering punch.

'boom! ’


Gu Zheng made a fist without lifting his eyelids followed by a large right fist. Even if Chekov’s fist was exactly aligned with him, his weight was more than 200 close... It was fluttering like feathers and was thrown out.

   Chekov, whose feet were off the ground, rose into the air, if he watched it frame by frame in slow motion.

   can see the transformation of his facial expressions.

   proud, dazed, unbelievable, and horrified by the pain.

   Of course, this is a short moment, which can be captured by non-human eyes.

   But for the audience of Superstars who are very keen on seven senses, it is very interesting to see.

   "Hahaha, the people on earth are so funny, they also have very funny expressions."

   "How many expressions did you see in this frame?"

   "I just checked the facial expression map of this race and saw three kinds."

   "I can see four of them. According to my excellent results in the multi-species psychology analysis course, no one can see more than me."

   These people, who are receiving live broadcast of Superstars while working, studying, living and entertaining, use only brain waves to swipe the screen for the earth races during this part of the live broadcast.

   The viewing area of ​​the Earthlings divided into ten separate shots also increased from 3,321 at the bottom to 5,022 in an instant.

   has reached the minimum viewing standard for a race.

   In the Superstar’s survival game column, if anyone can't even get past this line, they might not even be given another chance.

   It's just that the outside disturbed Gu Zheng unconsciously. After there were no big guys in the way, Gu Zheng carefully passed the swaddling in his left arm toward the two women.

   "God! What are you doing? I'm only eighteen years old this year. I was a freshman at New York University. Do you think I'm like a kid?"

   Just when the blonde hot girl rejected Gu Zheng's request with the more exaggerated screaming sound when she landed just now, the shriveled, numb black woman on the side had an astonishing light in her eyes.

   "Sir, if you can trust me, I would take care of this child."

   Gu Zheng could understand what she said.

   He clearly watched a small African language come out of this woman's mouth, but didn't know why it arrived in his ears and transmitted it to the brain for feedback, but it was automatically translated.

   Has the technology on the earth been developed like this?

No, no, this is not earth technology. In order to reflect the fairness between races, after they were selected to participate in this game, all items related to the original planet, except basic clothing, were given by the superstar system. Automatically recycled.

   Then this language translator is a product of Superstar.

   Are they installed on the Earth Ten? Or something more advanced, they are actually hidden in this space that does not know what gas is made of, but the human eyes of the earth can't see it clearly.

Gu Zheng only needed a simple thought to arrive at a basic judgment, and when he took back his thoughts and set his sights on this inconspicuous or even terrible black woman again, he asked very solemnly. This woman has a problem.

   "Madam, is it fortunate to know your name?"

"My name is very long." The African woman tidied up her messy grass skirt a little crampedly, but solemnly said a string of names to Gu Zheng: "So, you just call me Na Tara."

   "My name is Natara, I will take good care of this baby."

   The other person's expression was very sincere, and Gu Zheng actually saw a little bit of kindness.

   For a caring lady, everyone will have a good impression of it.

   As the woman's love for a baby, Gu Zheng felt that he should also make the promise a man should have.

"Then Natara, this kid will be pleased to you. Because of your love, you have set a particularly good example for our team. Gu Zheng has no great skills and can only give you the simplest promise. "

   "As long as I live for one day, I will try my best to keep the two of you alive. As long as I find a bite to eat, I will give priority to you and the baby in your arms."

"We are the most unfortunate and lucky among the human race. If we still don’t want to be twisted into a rope in this situation, and we are selfish and live only for ourselves, I am afraid that the entire human race will be bad because of us. It’s annihilated by his performance."

   "So, I don't care what identity, status or race you once were on Earth, but during the game on this planet, I hope that no one will challenge my bottom line."

   "Otherwise, I will let him realize that I am strong and the result of hindering the team."

   "Of course," Gu Zheng, who said here, turned his head and smiled: "You guys will definitely not want to know what I would do..."

   "That kind of taste... it's better to die happily."

   The smile on Gu Zheng's face was predictable, with an inexplicable threat.

   After leaving Natara’s line of sight, Gu Zheng planned to laugh those team members who hadn’t dealt with yet...

   lest these people make trouble with him in the future.

   But when he turned his head so abruptly, he found that there was something wrong with the scene he was in!

   All the companions who landed with him in front of his eyes disappeared from the spot at this moment.

  On the huge planet, he was left alone.

   Not far from the quad that carried them, it was quietly tiled in its original position, as if nothing had happened, the silence was a little scary.

what's the situation?

   Is this a box?

   Are they belching cold?

   No, it's wrong!

   After a while of surprise, Gu Zheng calmed down. He didn't do any unnecessary movements, but instead communicated with Xiao Wangshu in a sea of ​​divine knowledge.

   "Laugh and forget the book, have you activated it?"

   "It's activated! It's activated, Master Gu, I didn't dare to turn off the engine at all!"

   "Very good, can you open the surrounding three-dimensional map now? When your system is used, will the superstar people find clues?"

The worried Laughing Forgot Book patted his chest with confidence, and by the way, he pulled Xiaojunsao’s hand up: "Don’t worry, Lord Gu, the shielding function of the two of me and Xiaojunsao is added. Together, keeping them unconscious."

   "I will open the map for you!"

   After all, there was a sizzling sound in Gu Zheng's mind, as if the FM of the radio was trying to aim at it. After this, a completely different scene appeared in front of Gu Zheng's eyes.

   This is a map supplemented by collecting the surrounding environment.

   combines the advantages of ordinary game maps and military maps, and immediately marked the situation of the enemy and ourselves on the map.

Because the original data is equal to zero, Gu Zheng can still see that the map in front of him starts with Gu Zheng’s feet as the starting point and Gu Zheng’s gaze as the data collection channel, following Gu Zheng slowly turning around. After that, the area that his line of sight can reach, gradually formed in the map of Xiao Wangshu.

   After the map stabilized, Gu Zheng saw ten dense green spots in his area.

   This is where they are on Earth.

   The real reality shows that they still exist, but in Gu Zheng's eyes, why are they disappearing images?

   I am afraid that this matter will come down to the two red dots that are close to their group of green dots and connected to form a line.

  As soon as they landed, they encountered one of the other nine races on this resource star.

   It's not easy to handle, because everything has returned to its true state, Gu Zheng has no knowledge of the other nine types of ethnic groups.

   He can only draw a conclusion from the feedback on the map.

   This first race may be a particularly difficult race.

  Because they can shield the visual senses that humans rely on for survival, they have not been noticed by humans.

   "Laugh and forget the book, composed of three-dimensional scanning."

   After Gu Zheng reacted, he quickly gave Xiao Wangshu an order to analyze the other party.


After   's response fell, a scanning light that only Gu Zheng could see shone from top to bottom toward the direction where the two small red dots were.

  Who would have thought that when the light touched the body of the species that had squeezed into the red, the opponent made a sharp attack sound immediately.


   This kind of voice is not a human voice in the traditional sense, it is more like a mental attack, directed at a specific target... Gu Zheng... shocks.

   "Gu Ye! They are creatures that resemble soul bodies!!"

   "Soul ball! No! If you have to give it to any state, it should be a ghost, a soul-like existence!"

   "They have no substance! They are the condensation of spiritual matter!"

   "It's did this species survive on a planet?"

   Just when he laughed and forgot the book and was amazed, Gu Zheng's state was not very good.

   Because of his keenness and spying behavior, the species temporarily named "ghost" felt Gu Zheng's hostility.

   The ‘ghost’ family, who had never thought that they would be discovered in a sneak attack, were shocked.

   In their view, no race whose soul exists in the flesh and is bound by acuity can escape their black hands.

   But this man reacted in the shortest time, and he also probed it in a way that made them very uncomfortable.

   This kind of feeling is as if the superstar people have invaded their dark stars. When fighting against the most powerful Moko tribe on the planet, they can still find their existence and spying on the same uncomfortable.

   That terrible race used a weird air diaphragm to **** their people one after another into a space that would never break.

   But on the tenth day of the invasion, their entire race was found out by the scanning light that spread across the entire sphere of the dark star.

   As one of the unique intelligent races in the dark star, the ghost race was lucky enough to be drawn together with the Moko race and thrown into this strange planet.

   This is also the first time people from their planet have been thrown over.

   Because of their high regard for their race and the biracial coordination of the Moko race, they actually got a very powerful evaluation data.

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