The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1258: Game articles: Survival (4)

If in this one-of-ten game, they can go to the end, then the existing people of the dark star will have the hope of living.

  According to the information disclosed by the relevant personnel of the Super God Star Territory, the two races will be entrusted with a better job than the lower slave races under the coolies.

   When the time comes, the life of the ethnic group will not be as uncomfortable as it is now.

   The dependent ghost group is naturally willing to cooperate with the Moko clan's opinion and prepare to win the final victory in this survival game.

  Because these spiritual bodies are inherently more powerful than other races.

   After the tetragon that transported them landed, before the races next to them hadn’t reacted, the selected people of their race volunteered to take on the work of spying and investigating on the original planet.

   The race of these strange multi-color two-legged monsters is simply lucky for the ghost race.

   Because of the feedback from the perception of the soul, this group is weak like a slug on a dark star.

   Ten people, two of them can do it all in just a few breaths.

   invaded from the position where the opponent's race could send out brain waves, and dropped the spiritual hints unconsciously. Without accident, this race can go crazy and die by itself.

   But **** it, how could it be noticed by one person?

Just when the soul body that started attacking with mental power screamed and pounced towards Gu Zheng, the other soul body immediately behind it made a harsher cry. Like soap bubbles under the sun, the entire soul body exploded.

   "Gosh! Chichilululute!"

   "Don't scare me! Talk!!"

   "Ahhhhhh! You low-level primitive man, what did you do to Chichilululu!!!"

   After the ghost man who was about to attack turned his head and used its transparent two-finger tentacles to try to gather the scattered white light together and failed, the ghost man fell completely into madness.

   "I want to kill you! Spirit hammer!"

   Will it kill its people?

   Is Gu Zheng so good?

   Gu Zheng, who is watching the map, is not omnipotent. At least, he is unaware of the soul moves used by the other party.

   He can see the existence of ghost people, but he can't see clearly the spiritual power of the other person.

   The reason why the ghost man just now was instantly defeated by Gu Zheng.

   is still because the opponent underestimated the enemy too much.

   The seemingly invincible racial characteristics of ghost people have a fatal weakness.

   That is, their spiritual probing and their impact can only be effective when their spiritual power is higher than that of a hostile race.

If they are against a race with super spiritual power, let alone infiltrate the other’s divine consciousness, the burning light and oppression from the other’s soul can burn the ghost people to death. .

   They are also a race that bullies violently when they find good bullies.

  Because of their initial mental power, they are much stronger than ordinary races from the moment they are born.

  Naturally, after I felt the weakness of the people on earth roughly, I was very entrusted to invade Gu Zheng and his group at the same time with only one person.

   If Gu Zheng hadn't noticed it, the ghost man named Jijilululut might have succeeded.

   After he has expanded all the negative emotions in the earth human race, he can follow his companions to evacuate this doomed race to find the next unfamiliar race on this planet.

   It's a pity that Chichilululut met Gu Zheng during the invasion.

   The man who was left until they finally invaded because of the rescue of the weak and the courageous and strong, after connecting with the spiritual power of Jijilululu, he boldly counter-invaded.

   This earthling named Gu Zheng doesn't use mental power very often at first glance.

   When he chased through the jijilululut's mental hair that was too late to withdraw, he actually used a very simple and rude...spiritual infusion method.

   has integrated all his spiritual power into the ghost man's body, wanting to swallow and fuse its memories and huge mental body.

   For a race with weak mental power, it is simply hitting a rock with a pebble.

   At the very least, Jijilululute thought so at first.

   But when Gu Zheng rushed over his mental power regardless.

   Chichilululu Te found that the enemy it was fighting against seemed to be a sea of ​​stars!

   Waves of expansive and turbulent spiritual waves are rushing towards Chikulululute.

   The young ghost man, who made this spiritual power a leader among the same clan, didn't even have time to save himself, and was instantly shocked into spiritual dust, completely dissipating in this strange space.

   After arriving here, the Clan of Dark Star lost one of the most powerful clan members.

   also made the old man who thinks that every tribe is a very precious ghost man, completely crazy.

   No way, Chichilululute is one of the schizophrenia of this ghost old man.

   This ghost body named Jijilululut, when it was a small soul ball, followed it.

   It is not only Jijilululute’s parents, but also his mentor, friend, and everything in his life.

   And now, its proudest child died in the hands of this nasty bug.

   Revenge! kill him!

   If the ghost race had eyes, this extremely angry father would already have red eyes and extremely angry.

   So, Gu Zheng, who could only look at the map and play the game of ‘Touching the Blind’, endured the discomfort of the sudden crowd in his brain, and stepped back in the direction of the red dot.

   Gu Zheng has no clue at all in the way of coping with the invisible race, and the attacking method of exuding mental power is only the random fabrication of Xianxia fantasy novels.

   Gu Zheng can only respond to the actions of another alien who has not disappeared and is a full circle larger than the previous one.

   What's more, his brain is still bulging, and some memory fragments belonging to ghost people are still stuffed in his spiritual consciousness space, slowly merging with his memory.

   It's a pity that Gu Zheng, who planned to avoid temporarily, did not slow down the attack of the frenzied ghost man opposite.

   If the mental power can also be displayed in a physical way, Gu Zheng should have another expression now.

   At this time, the powerful ghost man's spirit hammer was already hanging high above Gu Zheng's forehead.

   is only a dozen centimeters away from Gu Zheng's soul body.

   One knows nothing, the other is bound to win, and the outcome seems to be clear.

   made those bystanders who could see all of this tightly closed their breathing holes.

   Yes, at this time, the audience watching the first encounter between the earthlings and the dark stars successfully merged from their respective sub-screens.

  Because of the racial diversity and strength of the dark stars, their initial number of viewers is more than 97 million.

   When the two groups entered the 100-meter automatic fusion trigger area, the live screen No. 1 and the shots of the live screen No. 9 were automatically merged into one place.

  Multi-angle observation screens allow people who pay special attention to these two races to see the current situation of these two races more three-dimensionally.

  Because of the superstar's virtual constructor of the spiritual body, the audience who pays attention to the dark star can simply use dots and lines to outline when they see the ghost race.

   Including the release of their mental power.

   Therefore, after seeing the sledgehammer head of the two-dimensional abstractionist in the live broadcast room, they uttered all exclamations.

   "God, what kind of race is this, why didn't it react at all? Then how did he kill the ghost man just now?"

   "I don't know, maybe it's a coincidence, because emotional instability caused a mental storm, that hapless guy was involved in it, right?"

"Almost, have you looked at the incomplete information of the human race? Their mental power evaluation is super low, and their brain development is super low. This kind of race can already be ranked in the upper middle and upper pure spiritual class. Race, I'm afraid that only brain death can match them, right?"

   "But, that ghost man is really dead!"

   For a while, these discussion waves fell into a silent state.

  Unclear explanation It is worth asking the observer from the side to record.

   The superstar observer who was in charge of staring at humans, who was originally boring, was about to enter a dormant state, but because of Gu Zheng's supernormal performance one after another, his whole person was refreshed.

   This is the tenth time he has dealt with earthlings.

   I have never seen a...powerful person like Gu Zheng.

   However, this observer is just a little bit more energetic, because without any foreign object intervention, Gu Zheng is about to die on the spot without any second.

  Because at this time, even if the audience in the live broadcast room reminded Gu Zheng, the live broadcaster who did not open the audience barrage did not even know the danger he was about to face.


   Then how should Gu Zheng respond at this time?

   Gu Zheng, who didn't want to be passively beaten at all, resisted the discomfort and looked for a countermeasure.

   "How can I face-to-face confrontation with each other?"

   Laughing and forgetting the book: "Actually, it's not impossible. I wondered if it is a soul body, then can we smash the state of the soul to the soul?"

   "I'm afraid that we are not as strong as each other. After we become souls, we will die faster."

   It's a pity that this sentence was too slow, because Gu Zheng had already made up his mind. After the first sentence of Liao Wangshu was finished, he automatically changed to the state of the soul ball.


  Ps: Not a dad, a strong daughter and a weak dad push all the way to the sky, whoever refuses to accept it will beat anyone, and the daughter is very fierce and don't mess with it!

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