The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1260: Game articles: Survival (6)

This is not the most terrible yet.

  Because at the moment when they were eagerly looking around and burying their heads on the road, the same reminder sounded in the minds of ten people at the same time.

   "No. 6 Wen people, all died, all died."

   "According to the rules of the survival game, the Wen people were eliminated from this game, waiting for the evaluation of the observation team..."

   After the prompt was over, the mechanical voice completely disappeared, and the rest was Gu Zheng's small eyes.

   "What...what's going on?"

   Where is this to follow, this group is gone?

   In this dark ore area, even a ghost has never been seen, how could it be dead?

   The fellow earthlings were terrified and kept silent all the way, but they were broken because of this reminder.

   A few people who didn't know anyone, but they started to chat.

   Seeing Gu Zheng here, there was a flash of light in his mind.

Just when he thought of a few possibilities, in order to stimulate the nervousness of the existing race and the fair and transparent process of the game, the people of Superstar used the form of a comprehensive screen to broadcast the whole process of the death of Wen people. come out.

  ‘Now, the scene of the Wen people’s last survival is being played. Please take warning from the various ethnic groups in the game. ’

  The sound fell, and at the center of the resource star's central axis, there was an animation scene like a mirage.

  Some scenes belonging to Wen people appeared in front of everyone.

   These Wen people look strange, as thin as stick figures drawn under the hands of children.

   There are no special shapes on the hands and feet, probably where the head is... and there are no prominent facial features.

   But Wen people are not without characteristics.

  Because their heads are completely different from their bodies.

   Their heads are the only red in the entire physical feature.

   is like the match head in the cheapest matchbox before. It's swollen and very interesting.

   Just when the earthlings saw their form and laughed unconsciously, the stickman jumping in the scene followed, and received a devastating blow.

   just because of the square shape soaring into the sky, the flames that entangled it ignited the unsuspecting stickman's head.

   These stickmen, because they have never encountered other races.

   After the tetragonal body was disintegrated, I made a pile and stood around the flat **** space to study the internal composition of the cube.

But who came up with it, those smaller squares were given instructions to return, and the sprayed flame ignited the red phosphorous ball on the head of one of them. When they reacted, they could not be extinguished. .

The stickman in the shot was particularly helpless holding his head in his hands and shivering, while the rest of them used their black sticks in an unruly manner to poke their companion’s burning and growing head. , But he could only watch helplessly as his own hands were also burning up, on the contrary, he was going to death earlier than those of the same clan who had been helped by them.


   The earthling who was still smiling, the smile on his face gradually fell silent.

  Because these ten stickmen have never felt afraid or even flinched because of the exuberant flames of this lustful tribe, but instead they sacrificed their lives for righteousness... They rushed to the body of this tribe who was about to be burned.

   tried to use their insignificant body to disperse the fireworks that they feared so much. Unfortunately, the moths dart into the fire, or add fuel to the fire, I am afraid it is to describe the Wen people at this time.

   The ten stickmen who hugged together finally formed a handful of firewood, which blazed ablaze.

   In the flames, their originally gray-black or pitch-black stick-shaped torso, at this time, slowly turned into a grayish-white color.

   With the breeze blowing in the resource star, it turned into a little dust, accompanied by patches of Mars, and dissipated on this unfamiliar planet.


  Without the combustion-supporting items, the vigorous flame finally burned out.

   took away the last brilliance of the Wen people.

   "It's miserable."

   "It's silly too."

   Not knowing who it was, broke the long silence in the small earth team.

   let these people know for the first time, what is death.

   Although this kind of death carries an inexplicable sense of comicality, it is extremely tragic.

   And the Wen people's unreserved behavior of self-sacrifice, also in this race of earth people, portrays an extremely deep impression.


   "But, I actually feel a little ashamed, to be honest, I really admire them."

   Yeah, how can the people who were drawn out immediately know each other?

   Only strange people can do this, even if Wen people die, they can still be remembered.

   No, when Superstar’s live broadcast screen automatically extinguished a piece, the audience of the entire star field fell into a short silence.

   Those viewers who paid attention to the Wen people at first seemed to click on the screen in disbelief, and muttered to themselves in disbelief: "This is the end?"

   "What a cute race? It doesn't need food energy supply, only the usual air kinetic energy can control its actions."

   "They are short-lived races that consume their own energy, and in the end they used self-immolation to end their otherwise short lives."

   "It's so pitiful."

   Wen people on the 6th, because their individual shapes are very funny, most of the superstar people who watch their performance are females of various races.

   And females are also the most sympathetic species in terms of species structure.

   That nearly three million watching groups, since the Wen group was destroyed, a wave of resentment has erupted.

  Many people actually bought a pile of excrement with Star Domain coins, and threw them toward the mascot representing the column group in the survival game.

   In just a short time, a swath of swiping poo floated on the public integrated screen.

   made the ethnic group who didn't feel much about the death of Wen people pay attention to the situation here.

   "I'm going, what is that? Is this also a race?"

   How cute are you stupid?

   It's no wonder that the first belching cold.

   But the ability of this race to pull hatred is one-of-a-kind. They shouldn't appear in survival games, but should appear in the windows of being brought home by people.

But just when these high-ranking races, who were standing on a high place, could point fingers and comment on the dead Wen people, Gu Zheng, who had been silent, turned his head, and said coldly to his people. : "Let's go!"

   "There is nothing beautiful."

   "This is the fate of their own choice, and it is not our turn to regret."

  Because of ourselves, it is also one of the most helpless groups.

As long as standing on the commanding heights, the superstars who can control the lives of others, hope that one day they will be able to meet another even more powerful race, and let them have a taste, being ignored and oppressed by others. The taste of playing.

   suppressed the hatred and discomfort in his heart, and Gu Zheng left a little more eagerly.

   Because for the human race, there are more important survival plans, waiting for them to complete.

   During the ten-kilometer journey, with the exception of a few relatively strong men, the rest of them felt exhausted to some extent.

  For those who have just supplemented the nutrient solution, the most urgent task is to find a source of drinking water.

   At the very least, you have to walk through this dark ore area and try your luck in an area that is more complex and changeable or is relatively rich in native species.

   "Go right!"

   That direction should be the direction where Stickman No. 6 landed.

   In the short shot just now, Gu Zheng seemed to see a touch of green.

   Regardless of what creature it is, in his eyes, green is always a symbol of vitality.

Based on the location of the ten quadrilaterals that rose at the same time, we can estimate that the convergence point of race 1 and race 9 is so close, and race 6 should be located in the center of this resource star. Location.

   As for the group of people behind him, now they don't have the energy to ask how Gu Zheng pointed the direction.

   Anyway, their eyes are blackened, and if they go wrong, they can still have a target to vent and accuse.


   Everyone's steps are getting heavier and heavier, and the first person who can't hold it is the blonde girl who looks very healthy.

   She found a slightly gentler stone surface, and sat down on it, rubbing her sour and scorched feet, and said she didn't move anymore.

   "I said Gu, did you go in the wrong direction?"

   "Is this vast black mine zone a manifestation of this planet?"

   If so, their early trek will be meaningless.

   Instead, he should learn from Grandpa Pei and play preparations for survival in the wilderness on the spot.

   said the Goldilocks here, her mouth dropped again, and continued with a tone that I understand you but disdainfully said: "If this is the case, why not ask the brother next to me."

   "They live in an environment similar to this resource star."

   "People have lived for hundreds of years, and they are still alive."

   After finishing talking, the blonde girl didn't care whether the person beside her was uncomfortable, but turned her face to stare at the red-skinned Indian, her eyes burning, like a light bulb.

As for the man named, he just turned his head in the direction of the big girl very calmly. After staring at the blond girl for a long time, he said: "What are your misunderstandings about our Indians? Bar?"

   Do you think we would like to live in that desolate and invisible land?

   Do you think we would like to live with brown rocks, dry yellow sand, and poisonous scorpions?

   Isn’t it a good thing that you genocidal people did?

   That rich and vast land, everyone knows exactly how they came from.

   After finishing this sentence, the man with three-color mineral color under his eyes and eagle feathers stuck in his head turned his head back to the original direction.

   It's like this American girl doesn't exist at all.

   This kind of silly, white and sweet woman, what others say is what, at the beginning of the movie, if there is no one to guard, I am afraid that it will not survive for three minutes.

   For the first time, the blonde girl who was ignored by a man of her charm has incredible expressions on her face.

   She opened her slightly funny mouth like this, and turned to Chekov and another Asian dwarf as if she was asking for help. It seemed that she wanted to find the identity and pity of the opposite **** who seemed more civilized.

   As for the black brother of African descent who was automatically ignored by her?

   Isn’t it impossible, isn’t it?

   That buddy's dress was as savage as the Indian brother, and when he looked over, he should be from the same country as the African sister next to her.

   made full use of her beautiful big girl, and successfully aroused the pity of Chekov and the little dog.

They consciously squeezed the ignorant Indian brothers aside, and surrounded Anna’s side from left to right, lowered their voices, and tried their best to tease the young and beautiful girl. Aroused her more favor.

  Look, this is the instinct of the earth man. Under the harsh environment, he will never forget to reproduce.

   Regarding this, Gu Zheng is noncommittal.

   He just turned his body to the direction of the old, weak, sick and disabled who were following him all the time.

   "What do you think? Survive here, or follow me?"

   Gu Zheng just opened his mouth, and it was not the woman who entrusted her with the baby to respond to him first, but the old and the young, two people who are both dragging their feet in the same Asian sector.

   "We are willing to follow Boss Gu."

   I don't know when, this old and young combination actually gave Gu Zheng a very famous name.

   And why do these two trust Gu Zheng so much?

   This matter still has to be attributed to feudal superstition.

  Is it an old man of Chinese? Of course, it goes without saying, and a big country like India is built with various gods and miracles.

   In the eyes of a young man who has not fully developed his mind but has constructed a basic theological outlook, Gu Zheng is a god.

How godly is   ?

   I am afraid it is a **** as useful as the Indian oil.

   So, these two dragged down...Instead, Gu Zheng was firmly surrounded by them.

   In addition, the self-fighting child entrusted her to her, and looking at Gu Zheng's kindness and willingness to follow her eldest sister, Gu Zheng's group is really...unexhausted in a word of unity.

   "Is there no one? Then are we going to dismantle the team here?"

   "In fact, this is good, at least it is not easy to be served in one pot."

   As for which pot was served, it’s really hard to say.

   But just as Gu Zheng nodded and planned to lead everyone on to set off, two more figures stood at the end of the team, one on the left and the other on the right.

   The big Indian brother and the African cheetah comrades actually followed up at the same time with a clear heart.

   Although he didn't say a word, he showed his choice with actual actions.

   And it was this choice that made the trio who were still sitting on the big rock greasy and crooked, their eyes widened in surprise.

   In their subconscious mind, they thought that these two people would choose to go with them.

  Because it is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, isn’t it?

   No matter how strong Gu Zheng is, with the help of the dragging group, he can't go far, right?

   It's a pity that now the three of them are left.

And when Gu Zheng and the others walked rather simply, wispy... and turned into small dots in the distance, the three dumbfounded people looked at each other, and subconsciously asked each other: "How to do?"

   "Are we really going to stay?"

   And that Comrade Dog, wiped the cold sweat that came out on his head instantly, and made a rather shameless suggestion.

   "Miss Anna, Mr. Chekov, actually you haven't noticed that this place is not very conducive to survival in the wilderness?"

   "We need to find a calmer and more open area to set up camp."

   "So, let's go in that direction."

   After speaking, the dog pointed his finger in the direction where Gu Zheng left.

   What else do you not understand?

   Hang behind and pick up the bargain.

  As the saying goes, people gather by kind, and things are divided by groups.

   Hearing this suggestion, these few people really praised them one after another. They consciously concealed themselves and fell behind the team, watching what Gu Zheng and the others were doing, while finding a place to stay for themselves.

   For their behavior, the team in front of them naturally knows nothing, except for one person, that is, Gu Zheng.

   As their forward map became more and more perfect, he naturally saw three small green dots falling behind him.

   As long as these three people don't mess with him, he doesn't care about helping each other.

   The process is spent in this kind of unsalty and not indifferent rush.

   As Gu Zheng walked forward while observing the surrounding conditions, he really found a hint of this dark place.

An object that was hard to detect with the naked eye dangled in Gu Zheng's line of sight, making him look intently when he was energetic, and discovered that there are creatures in this This is a kind of A creature equivalent to a transparent body.

   is like crystal jelly, or the size of glutinous rice dumplings.

  Because they are in a colorless posture, they can camouflage themselves by refracting the surrounding environment.

   They rarely move in normal times, and this behavior strengthens their ability to not be noticed.

   If it hadn't been for the transparent body in front of me that a little dew had gathered in the cracks in the rock in front of me, I was afraid it would have stayed in place forever.

   Moisture is very important for this organism.

  The reason why their crystal-clear bodies have such magical effects is the help of water in the body.

   It's a pity that because of a drop of water, it was completely exposed to Gu Zheng's eyes.

   "There is discovery."

   Gu Zheng used gestures to stop everyone from moving forward. Instead, he picked up a long and sharp stone from his side, tentatively stabbed in the direction where the small water drop appeared just now.

"what is this?"

   The very caring off-site audience gave the correct answer that Gu Zheng could not see at all.

   "Wow, isn't this a water-soluble ball? Is there a water-soluble ball in this resource star?"

   "Let me see, I just compared the photos with an analytical instrument, and the system confirmed that 98% of them are water-soluble globules."

   "It's so cute. This kind of ball is kept in a small bionic environment with plenty of water. It is very cute for babies to observe."

"Yeah yeah!"

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