The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1261: Game articles: Survival (7)

There was a sound of response below, and when the audience's attention turned to these water-soluble balls, this column was very intimate...The live analysis data was posted on the No. 9 classification screen.

   Let the audience who pay attention to the earth race follow with a happy screen.

   "It's amazing, after the game is over, our people can go to collect specimens, right?"

   "Are people on Earth still very keen in observation?"

   Because of the discovery of the water-soluble ball, the original audience of 20,000 people suddenly expanded to 50,000 people.

   The abundance and discovery of species on a planet always brings the observation of curious people.

   After all, some planets don’t even have such interesting creatures as water-soluble balls.

   And the observer who has been following Gu Zheng in his own way adds to the advantages of the people on earth.

  ‘The observation level is recommended to be raised from R level to K level, which has some merits. ’

   This one is also considered a bit of extra points.

   As for Gu Zheng, who was not affected at all, he was already in a lovely barrage, poking the sharpest end of the stone towards the transparent sphere.

   In a cautious mentality that the unknown creatures must be treated with all their strength, Gu Zheng's poking... took a lot of effort.

   Not surprisingly, the water-soluble ball that didn't escape was under everyone's attention... It burst with a ‘bang’ and turned into a puddle of clear water.

   "Ahhhhh! This barbarian! This executioner!"

   "God, how can you treat the ball like this!!"

   Just as these bluffing females were screaming passionately, a more terrifying scene appeared.

The weird man who burst the ball of the egg ball, actually slowly nudged it, slowly squatted down, and stuck a finger into the body of the water-soluble ball that just burst. In the water stains of the beach.

  ‘Hey, hey. ’

   Gu Zheng stuffed his fingers full of water stains into his mouth again. He hadn't drunk water for a long time, and he was still hungry... He made a noise.

   There is no way, and I don’t know how the water-soluble ball converts and stores the water in my body. The water quality is like honey water, sweet.

   But Gu Zheng didn't know how terrifying his appearance was when he was seen by other races of Superstars.

   I used to swipe the screen quite frequently on the 9th screen. When Gu Zheng's finger was put in his mouth, it seemed like a crash...none of the messages appeared.

   How horrible, this is equivalent to eating water-soluble dead body fluids!

   ah ah ah! !


   Humans are so terrible! !

   The ball is so cute, why do you guys eat the ball! !


   "I'm going to faint!"

   "Help! Help!"

   Just after this brief stagnation, the screen on the 9th exploded.

   Accompanied by Gu Zheng's non-stop slow-motion playback of this performance, nearly a million melon-eating races flooded into this sub-screen instantly.

   The topic of this live broadcast room has changed from the survival record of the earth people to the terrifying topic of the earth people eating the corpses of water-soluble **** and drinking body fluids.

   is focused on this topic, it is enough to attract a large number of abnormal onlookers.

   If Gu Zheng tasted the water-soluble ball and it was not horrible, then what happened next would be an epic horror film.

Because of the five people behind Gu Zheng, the little babies are not counted, one of them all ran to Gu Zheng's side, staring at the little poor water stain with extremely terrifying eyes, and said Out of the most terrifying language in this star field.

   "Can you eat it? Can you quench your thirst?"


   So behind the screen it becomes a dense patch...

  ‘Ahhhhhhhhhh! ’

   "God! What a scary race!"

   "Help! Help!!"

   The entire screen on the 9th went crazy.

Superstar's No. 9 observer, behind the racial characteristics, tremblingly marked:'Suspected of having a super eating instinct, so powerful that it can't even let go of a water-soluble ball. It is recommended to mark the hazard level and make a preliminary assessment of the desire to eat. It is S level. ’

   hasn't a certain classification characteristic of a lower slave race rated A.

   Even with the powerful mental power of the ghosts, in the face of some more powerful races, they can only barely be evaluated as D+.

   But now, thanks to Gu Zheng's performance, the people on Earth are also exaggerated.

   Do you think Gu Zheng is a fool?

   When he touched the body of the water-soluble ball with his finger, Xiaojunsao's article analysis column automatically reflected the approximate composition of the substance.

   The above label is very simple: water-soluble ball: biological.

   If it is non-toxic, can it be eaten... Only the people on earth have the final say after they have tasted it.

   So... this kind of behavior that is normal in the eyes of Gu Zheng has become abnormal in the eyes of aliens.

   But their talents don't care about it.

   At the very least, the discovery of the water-soluble ball allowed them to find a temporary source of water.

Because of his water-tightness instinct, Gu Zheng led everyone to dig through the cracks in the rocks carefully. After finding a few water-soluble **** around them, they were unified. In the gown that Gu Zheng just took off.

  As a reserve water Half of this is taken out to moisturize everyone's mouth, and the rest will be used in the most critical moment.

   Gu Zheng, who was very calm, led a group of people who had tasted nothing since he had tasted it, and consciously followed the humans who were eating and drinking, and continued to move forward with perseverance.

   only left a barren land where the water-soluble ball had been lost to a young and strong trio who fell far behind Gu Zheng and tried to pick up something cheap.

   It's a pity that when the three of them came along, the originally dark ore land, because it lost the nourishment of the water contained in the water-soluble ball, was dehydrated and weathered in the shortest possible time.

   That little ball with the magical effect of changing the external environment is an important link in maintaining the composition and combination of this piece of mineral rock.

When the three people watched the rapid changes in the color in front of them and ran toward this side with all their strength, Chekov, who wanted to grab a handful of ore for research, but grabbed a loose handful. Ore crushed **** with sandy soil structure.


   The observer who saw this scene wrote it smoothly. This is a column for the exploration and development of the planet of the race.

  In such low-level games, it is difficult to have such unexpected discoveries that contain technical content.

   But now, because of the ‘eatability’ of the people on earth, the superstar people have discovered a new way for the minerals attached to the surface of the rock to peel off.

   As long as the water source ball is separated from these ore, can the ore that has not been refined in the elementary level be obtained?

   That method is too energy-efficient.

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