The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1265: Game articles: Survival (11)

And this is the opportunity he has to wait for.

   "Do it!"

'brush! ’

   With this command, the spider people seemed to have cooperated thousands of times, splitting a hole from the top of their heads, and from it, a transparent spider silk with the thickness of three fingers spurted out.

   Two of them went straight to the bodies of the two clansmen who were taken away by the troll clan, while the spider silks of the others rushed to the huge floor that was still kicking on the ground.

   They have already died a tribe.

   Even if the remaining two are rescued, they won’t be able to move for a short time.

   There are only a few clansmen left, and none of them really can give up.

   As if knowing that he was dragging everyone down, this huge spider clansman gritted his teeth and turned up from the ground with the strength of the clansman's pulling, rushing toward the door with his hands and feet together.

   As long as his huge body can bring forward the power, the companions behind him... will have more chances to escape.


   The fearlessness of the giant spider-man suddenly plunged the troll who was still studying which part was delicious into a short period of sluggishness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the spider tribesmen who had already prepared'swish, swish' twice, hung the spider silk on the tribe's body, and in a flash, they rescued the two tribesmen from the enemy's hands. Came out.

   The transparent spider ribbon has great elasticity and toughness that is difficult to cut. Like a monkey rubber band, the two people who are not too heavy are thrown onto the back of the giant spider.



   And at the moment when the walk was said, Gu Zheng's hands also moved.

   All the preparations he had made before were reflected at this moment.

   The simplified and improved version of the Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle, ranked number one in the hidden weapon spectrum, was copied by Gu Zheng at this very moment.

   Rows of slender and sharp Stipa, with super high speed...sprinkled all over the sky, wave after wave, as if there is no end forever.

   "Ah! My eyes!"

   "Wow! Stabbing!"

   "Who is it! You cunning race, will also use hidden weapons!"

   "No! My king! Be careful!!"

   For a time, this indiscriminate attack caused both waves of people to mess around.

   The Spider Clan that could have run out was forced to stop, but the Troll Clan that was supposed to be chasing and blocking them by victory was chaotic and there was no time for him to take care of it.

   But because of their size, no matter how they dodge, these people are more or less stabbed on their bodies.

   And the tissues where the Stipa grass is in contact with the skin muscles turned black and black at an extremely fast speed.

   This is not a slow form of poisoning that is absorbed into the body after digestion and absorption through the stomach.

   This is a more direct way of transmission that enters the body fluid of the opponent and is directly accepted by the body.

   So, before everyone woke up from the panic situation, the second-smallest slender-legged spider clan among the spider tribes... just foamed and fell to the ground.

   As his twitching movements became slower and slower, his husk completely softened.

   It's as if the outer shell still exists, but the muscle fiber tissue inside has all turned into liquid, sloshing around in the empty shell.

   made the other people who were holding back the pain while pulling out the hidden weapon like Stipa, all tense.

   "Master Shaman! Help!!"

   "King! Run!"

"Oh no!!"

   A scream, accompanied by the last aspirations of the two ethnic groups before their deaths, made the scene of the accident... inexplicably tragic.

As for the two dark trolls who like to study drugs the most, after seeing the first death of the spider tribe, the two of them did not show any expressions of fear on their faces, on the contrary, they carried a kind of expression. Excited inexplicably, he quickly pulled out a piece of Stipa from the opponent's body.

   licked his tongue against the tip of the spur grass.

   immediately revealed the researcher's usual perverted contemplation.

   "It's so silly, your way?"

   "Mine is fast too, very poisonous..."

   In just one shot, the two of them were poisoned and could not straighten their tongues to speak.

   When these two shaman professional trolls realized that this was not an ordinary poison, they desperately stuffed the colorful fruits collected in their robes into their mouths. As for the trolls next to them who asked for help?

   Please, they are not of the dark race, they are not familiar with the others.

  The dark trolls, eager to save their lives, were in a hurry. The clansmen of the two races that no one could ask for help died one after another.

  'Shu Lala'

   A small voice sounded in Gu Zheng's ear when the last member of the Spider Clan fell.

   Hearing this voice, Gu Zheng knew that the silver king of the spider tribe had finally lost all support and planned to escape for his life alone.

   This is not Gu Zheng's soft-handed letting go, but the faulty tip of the stipe grass.

   If it ran away, let's run away.

   Compared with that, those two dark trolls can't just let it go.

   Because of the race and professional characteristics of these two trolls, they are much more resistant to drugs than the other four types of trolls.

   Now, the only two who can stand on the scene are these two dark trolls in pitch black and green robes.

   The detoxification fruits in their hands are not unlimited. Gu Zheng only needs one blow to completely solve the last trouble.


   took a deep breath and calmed down.

Now is not the time to do it. The two dark trolls who reacted slowly backed away while staring at all directions desperately. Once Gu Zheng showed up at this time, I was afraid that the rainstorm Pear Blossom hadn't used it. Was it hit by the other side?

   Because, Gu Zheng, who had been observing each other's movements with his peripheral light, found that the two shamans had already appeared on the bodies of Gu Zheng incomprehensible light.

   A person inserted a stick made of elements into his side, one in each of the left and right directions, and as the stick entered the ground, lights of different colors flashed from the top.

   And the other shaman didn't know what he took out of his robe. It was probably a scepter in the main hand and a weapon in his off-hand, with the arc of thunderstorm lightning on it.

   Gu Zheng felt that whenever he showed up, something bad would happen.

   If any other ethnic groups appear at this time, it would be nice to be able to contain these two troll shamans that are difficult to deal with.

  Because Gu Zheng believes that the toxins entering from the blood are not so simple, they will be purified by a few fruits.

   Even if these two are not poisoned to death, they can still grind each other to death while they are in a weak state.

   It's not that he can't afford to wait. What Gu Zheng is afraid of is... he spent too much time with these two, so that other people who were waiting in the same place encountered other unpredictable dangers, but lost their lives.

   If you want to say that this bad thing can't stand the rumors, when Gu Zheng was thinking about his team members, he followed the direction where the spider tribe came forward, and there was a burst of trivial noise.

   "Little Inu-kun, you are really clumsy. How far are we? How can you not keep up?"

   "That is, the people of the island nations are more than success and failure! You see, where are the three of us now?"

   As soon as he heard the voice of this man and woman, Gu Zheng's heart shook.

   Could it be said that these three unpredictable people who have been following Gu Zheng's team are actually the rest of the team with the rest of the team...perfectly missed?

   The original purpose of these three people following them is not to take advantage of them properly, how can they be lost?

   Just as Gu Zheng was puzzled, another line of words and sentences with a slightly humble voice rang.

   "Anna, please rest assured, even if we are separated from the weak team, there is no need to worry too much."

This is the voice of a little dog. Gu Zheng who climbed high and looked into the distance can still see the little dog under the tall tree, still in the bushes, because this sentence also raised his chest deliberately, making him as tall as possible. Some.

   "I'm a wild survivor, a good player in extreme rock climbing!"

   "I'm still a red karate player, so I can withstand the attacks of ordinary people."

   "Anna, don't look at the performance of Gu Zheng just now, who seems to be very brutal and strong, but under the sneak attack of our island country's elite martial arts karate, he can only catch with his hands."

   When he said this, the little dog was righteous.

   He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with stepping on top of the loser Chekov.

   Of course, the dog who was in charge of stalking the trailing dog would not tell the two foreigners who are not good at first sight. He deliberately deviated a little bit from the road.

   In the case of unobstructed views of the ore area, it doesn’t matter if it shifts a bit.

   But if you are in a dense forest without a sense of direction, this can be a thousand miles away.

   This time he can finally get rid of the oppressive man who is almost out of breath.

   I don’t know why, the little dog had a deep fear when Gu Zheng appeared.

   In the eyes of little dogs who believe in monsters, mechas, shikigami, and the mixed island culture of big monsters, Gu Zheng is a Godzilla-like existence.

  Following him is not yet safe to act on his own.

   As for the two companions beside him, they are also very in harmony with his heart.

   A strong shield, a seductive hot girl.

   In this closed and unfamiliar planet in need of warmth, the little dog believes that one day Anna will discover his stalwart and loftyness, and finally fall into his embrace.

   The more happier he thought about, the happier dog turned around and made gestures, but his imaginary expression of shyness and admiration was different. Following Anna, who was facing him, his face was white...just like the one who painted the wall.

   Her lips trembled very badly, and her raised fingers pointed towards the front with all her strength: "Little dog, can you beat this one?"

   "What? What? Don't be afraid of Anna! I can!"

   Girls are so cute, everything will be shocked.

   didn't encounter any dangerous little dog along the way, with a smile on his face, he turned his head to the front.

   Pulled open a cluster of purple branches and leaves, facing directly...there are two pairs of dark eyes.

   "Ah! Baga! What is this!"

But at the moment when the dog retreated in fright, the two trolls who had not met opposite each other grabbed the dog’s shoulders, and squeezed them in without hesitation. In his own mouth.

   can't repeat the lesson learned from the spider tribe.

   The food that reached the mouth turned into a highly toxic substance that could not be eaten in the end.

   Now, I finally saw a gasping race.

   doesn’t look like a rare race with its own poison, right?

  ‘Bah! ’

   A pillar of blood spurted out as the troll fangs closed.

   It's like a peeing cow pill by hand... the usual juice is full.

   And the two trolls who had tasted the taste of the human race, at this time actually raised quite satisfied expressions at the same time.

   It tastes good!

   This is the feeling of food in the mouth.

   As a race with a very fast metabolism and a large appetite, meat is one of the most critical foods they need to supplement.


   After tasting the taste of blood, the small sip can no longer satisfy the dark troll's desperate need for food.

   Because as long as they have enough food supplements, they can also strengthen their weak bodies at this time, so that they can successfully resist the toxins still remaining in their bodies.

   As long as they survive the most dangerous period, they will survive.

   The two trolls who knew what was at stake, one of them tore off half of the dog's shoulder.


   Accompanied by the red belt. Giant. Can beat. After the wailing of the little dog, there is only the helpless twitching and wailing lying on the ground.

   "Help! Help me!!"

   Ming knew it was death, and the little dog also hoped that his kind could rescue him from the miserable situation of food.

   He didn't want to be swallowed alive by these two weird races. This was a tragic way of death that he had never thought of in his entire life.

It is a pity that under the pressure of the image of the trolls, the American girl Anna was already so frightened that her legs and feet were weak, she fell on the ground with a plop, and then landed with her hands on the ground because she was too close to the dog. After touching the blood, he frightened his hands and feet and retreated backwards, until...

   Until Chekov was smashed by the sudden lightning, and he was smashed into a coke-ring thunderbolt. Her hands and feet seemed to be rigid, and she didn't dare to move.

   No way, Chekov, who was a little bit more courageous, really listened to the dog's call for help, stretched out his big furry hand, and wanted to grab it at the dog's ankle.

  Whoever thinks, his action immediately caused the attention of the dark troll who was licking his tongue and wiping the blood on his face.

   This is like a pig trough grabbing chaff, this is like picking a peach with monkey's paw, it is simply unforgivable behavior.

   So, the shaman who has already inserted the stick, who do you call if you don’t?

   So a lightning bolt was chanted from the mouth of the elemental shaman.

   The hapless Chekov did not die under Gu Zheng's big iron fist, but was thunderbolt by the clear sky... took away his 33-year-old and not old youth.

   Turned Anna into a frozen frog, and made the roaring dog quiet as a chicken.

   also let two dark trolls who had released their energy and achieved a terrifying effect, which was quite satisfactory.

   But at this time, it was the moment that Gu Zheng needed to solve all the problems.

At the moment when the opponent’s lightning bolt was released, Gu Zheng, who was hiding behind the tree, followed a vertical leap, jumping from a colorful tree branch to another sixteen-color watercolor brush. Above the multicolor tree trunks together.

   In the course of this leap that lasted for a few seconds, he never forgot to throw out the few stipes that were left in his hand.

   This time, Gu Zheng chose the more deadly eyeball for the throwing target.

   The throwing method is not the indiscriminate rainstorm pear blossom, but the deadly Xiao Li Fei Dao.

   And this time, the dark shaman who was taken care of, never had the same luck as the previous one.

  Because of their slackness, they have already sent them to the other side of the Naihe Bridge.

   "Ah! Lu Da Da Ma Da Da!"

   This is the last struggle of the elemental shaman with the hidden weapon in the left eye. He read out the forbidden techniques that the old shaman who is not suitable for his rank can release.

   This is a thunderstorm covered by dark clouds. As the spell fell, it was activated throughout the dense forest area.

  ‘Click! ’

  ‘Boom! ’

  ‘Click! ’

   First, a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air, and then using this as an opportunity, one after another became one piece after another.

   A weird thundernet was suspended between the sky and the earth, to chop all the unlucky species into dregs.


Sitting in the middle of the thunderstorm, Anna has no strength to call for help. She only hopes that she will not be smashed into coke. She has no beauty like but she has a deep sense of trolls. The little dog of hatred discovered the abnormality of the race manipulating the spells.

  Because of this evil race that suffered a sudden eye injury, and then became angry and violent. At this time, it was bleeding from the mouth and nose, and its eyes were dull. It was actually possible to fall at any time.

   This discovery made the little dog feel inexplicably wonderful. In the idea of ​​taking advantage of your illness to kill you, he shouted loudly towards Anna's place.

   "Smash him! You have a stone at hand!"

   At this time, Anna is holding her head and bending over her body. According to her tall figure, she only needs to pick up the stone at hand and throw it down. It is enough to smash the troll that is out of shape and can't take care of herself.

   But who came to think? The cheerful women clamoring in the human race group, at this moment, are crying with snot and tears.

   "I dare not...I will not go, I have never killed anyone, I am the elite of New York University acting, I am the youngest girl in the family..."

   Thanks to this girl...

   Just when the little dog was daring, the melee augmentation shaman who fell to the ground first... but he listened to the conversation between the two with his ears upright.

   Damn, dare to do something against the great dark troll shaman.

   This nasty race that shoots needles, it's time to taste the revenge of the troll clan.

   Even if the toxin has eroded my blood, it can't stop my troll man's final blow!

   The troll gritted his teeth, and at the same time the little dog’s last phrase of ‘smash down’ fell, he jumped up and hugged the opponent’s head in his arms.

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