The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1266: Game articles: Survival (12)


   Half of his head was held in his mouth by the shaman of the troll tribe.


   The tragic little dog, unable to even scream, lost the ability to continue to order, and for a while, he did not know his life or death.


  Anna's nose was running a little bit more at this time, she was really scared!

   trembles like a rabbit in a tiger's den, and doesn't even have the courage to run.

   Anna, who had already abandoned herself, even closed her eyes, but after waiting for a long time, she hadn't waited for death to come.

   The surrounding environment is still that rustling.

   This is the sound of the wind blowing on the vegetation.

   But the whine of the little dog, the breath of the troll, after Anna waited so long, there was no sound.

   or, let me see?

   Anna, who couldn't wait for the knife to fall, opened another eye tremblingly.

   But what caught the eye was the troll with half of the dog's head in his mouth crashing to the ground.

'boom! ’

   In the refreshing jungle, no dust arose, but the person behind the troll made Anna's heart beat a little more inexplicably.

  He was Gu Zheng who fell down from a big tree, in order not to be killed by the indiscriminate falling thunder.

   He was standing behind the booster troll, originally intending to attack, by the way, to rescue the vital power of the human race, but unfortunately, he ignored the explosive power of the troll before his death.

   "Cough cough cough... woo..."

   The chin was broken by Gu Zheng, and the pupils of the little dog pulled out from the mouth of the blood basin had slowly dissipated, and the light belonging to life... disappeared at this time.

   can't save it.

   Gu Zheng sighed and turned around and just wanted to ask about Anna's situation, ‘click’, a bolt of lightning happened to strike between them.

   I almost forgot, this elemental shaman is dead, but the indiscriminate thunderstorm attack he released before his death... still exists.

  It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You must return as soon as possible, meet with the remaining people, listen to everyone's opinions, and see what you should do next.

   Gu Zheng, who wanted to understand, made a decisive decision.

   He didn't dare to probe his hand and grab Anna. He just squatted down to advance what he thought was the most important job... a body search.

   The green robe on the troll shaman is very tough and tough. It should be a good choice for ropes with high load-bearing capacity.

   Under the impact of the thunderstorm, the scepter held by the troll was not even damaged at all. This is a good thing.

   It’s really strange. Isn’t it true that when each species is drawn out, you can’t wear any weapons?

   So where did the troll's scepter come from?

   After Gu Zheng picked up the scepter, he found that the material of the scepter was very similar to some vegetation on this resource planet.

   These terrifying troll races, because of their racial characteristics, are actually extremely close to the species of the same plant family.

   After they landed, they quickly found out the substance that can guide the mysterious energy and quickly turned it into a weapon.

  While the people of the earth are still hurrying on their way and the spider people are still hunting around, they are making weapons and performing corresponding rituals before starting the real journey.

   This is the difference in emphasis caused by the difference in ethnic life habits.

   However, no matter how weak the earth race is, with the leadership of a lucky person like Gu Zheng, at least it will not be the first race to be exterminated, right?

The brain and the movements of the hands were the same, Gu Zheng kept spinning, and soon twisted the cloth armor on the troll body into the shape of a rope, like a tough soft whip by Gu Zheng. Came out.


   was wrapped around Anna's waist, and as Gu Zheng tried hard, the American girl flew with the whip.

   The direction of Gu Zheng's whip was very clear, which was the periphery of the thunderstorm area.

Because it is a leapfrog cast, the area of ​​this thundercloud storm is not too large. Under Gu Zheng's blessing, the quiet Anna, who has no extra moves, is like a brick and a sandbag. With a beautiful arc, he flew away from this world of crackling sparks.

   As for the remaining two people?

   can only wait for the effects of the lightning and fireworks to pass, and then return to be settled.

   After thinking about the follow-up Gu Zheng, he buckled the cloth armor fragments from the wealthy to his head, looking for a more open place and jumping out towards the periphery.

  ‘Click! ’

  ‘Click! ’

   The thunderstorm is going through the final madness, and the closer it is to the end, the denser the speed of the thunderstorm is.

   Gu Zheng, who was walking in the middle of the minefield, could only sullenly walk in an S-shaped pace, but the observer who could control the audience found this weird scene in the field while observing from the side.

   Of those irregular thunders, none of them struck Gu Zheng's body, and he had never even scratched the edges.

   I have a big grass, what the **** is this?

Among them was a silver thunder strip with the thickness of a finger. When it was about to fall on Gu Zheng's head, it was slightly twisted in the air, and it was directly smashed into a tree that was only two inches away from Gu Zheng. Among the bushes burned with a puff of blue smoke.

   is really weird, this kind of luck is simply abnormal.

  As an observer of the Earth race, he kept his mouth open while struggling to record.

  Earth race: Lucky value has the possibility of extra bonus.

   According to preliminary estimates, the tallest can break through the sky.

   And this kind of intangible air luck, if Gu Zheng who only cares about avoiding knows, he will definitely give the correct answer.

   I can't see the intangible Yinshou, and finally played its real role at this time.

   Qi luck value went from -1, which is slightly lower than others, to 99 indescribable in one breath.

   has directly become the existence that God's thunder cannot smash.

   These mysterious things have become unexplainable conditions in the eyes of the technological race.

   In their words, the lower the race, the more mysterious it is.

   Gu Zheng was able to escape to the outskirts of the thundercloud storm while he was screened by the explosion of air luck and fallacies on the interstellar live broadcast network.

He entangled everything in his hand, and put it on his shoulders, and passed by Anna who fell into a doggie style. When he was about to pass the hapless child, Gu Zheng paused a little. Take a step.

   "What are you doing? Are you leaving or staying? Do you want to let yourself go according to your heart?"

   "You know, the rest of the people are the people who drag you to enjoy your life."

   In Gu Zheng's question, Anna burst into tears inexplicably.

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