The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1267: Game articles: Survival (13)

She got up from the ground with a single bone. Wiping his tears with the back of his hand, Gu Zheng whispered, "I was wrong, I will go with you!"

   Although this mistake was exchanged for the lives of two strong men, although following Gu Zheng is the only way Anna can choose now.

   But it’s much cuter than the kind of person who never repents and never heads

   Gu Zheng couldn't make anyone's decision. He chose all the roads by himself.

   What he can do is try his best to avoid the death of his own people under abnormal circumstances.

   There is another premise, which is not to affect their own survival.

   So, Gu Zheng, who accepted Anna’s apology, pointed to the back of the forest with his chin, and issued his first command: "Let’s go, meet our people first."

   It's been a long time, I'm afraid I'm tired and hungry, so I'm worried again.

  Anna was very well-behaved, she didn't talk nonsense at all, she pulled away the bushes and walked in the direction that Gu Zheng pointed out.

   When they just left the battled area, the main brain of the game, which has rarely appeared, played the progress of the game again at this moment.

   "The 7th race troll clan, all of them are dead, and meet the criteria for the elimination of the game. After the system judges, the points are distributed as follows."

   "The 9th race that caused the direct death of the troll tribe gets 83 points, and the spider tribe that causes indirect damage to the troll tribe gets 7 points."

   This announcement made the rest of the hidden races happy and worried.

   But the invisible leader of race number 9 who was judged to be extremely powerful by everyone was on a difficult journey with an oil bottle girl.

   In less than ten or twenty minutes, he arrived at the waiting area where Gu Zheng left his mark.

   There were a few tribesmen leaning on the edge of the tree trunk slantingly. They were spreading many fruits that they had never seen before on a relatively flat stone surface.

   "Look at this fruit, does it look like a peach, hey, the taste, it turns out to be the sour taste of passion fruit."

   "Ah, I want to eat the elbow, or the whole braised elbow. I can eat a whole portion if it is too greasy."

   This is the fruit that everyone collected in advance. Wangmei quenches thirst on the one hand, and on the other hand is the hope that after Gu Zheng comes, there will be a correct way to distinguish. The edible items can be distinguished from this.

   Just as they were discussing in full swing, and when they were getting hungry by the smell of the surrounding fruits, a small noise came from behind them.


   The young Wakana from the African ethnicity immediately erected the branch that had just been picked up in his hand and hadn't been sharpened too sharply.

"it's me!"

   When this familiar voice rang, the whole team was pleasantly surprised, and everyone tried their best to stand up from where they were sitting.


   Gu Zheng, who is not embarrassed, pushed aside the last bush, and showed a big smile to the people who greeted him.

   also shook a bag of fruits he picked along the way.

   Among them, there are not only the multi-color fruits that are not too many, but also some double-color or tri-color fruits that are non-toxic but have no detox effect.

   Their characteristics are very clear, that is, one is counted as one, bright and scary.

   When Gu Zheng squatted down on the spot and used a thick and sharp piece of Stipa to cut the flesh of the fruit, none of the teammates onlookers dared to speak first.

   "Eat, it's non-toxic."


   In order to increase the credibility of what he said, Gu Zheng also took the lead and stuffed a petal of the reddest fruit into his mouth.

   Immediately, Gu Zheng yelled: "I fuck!"

   It was this hoarse roar that made the uncle Yang Mingyu, who hesitated to pick up the other half of the flesh, put the flesh in the same place in an instant.

When Gu Zheng opened his closed eyes again, a very intoxicated smile appeared on his face: "The meat is delicate, melts in the mouth, moderately sweet and sour, with the fragrance of a fruit that has never been eaten before. ."

   "If the score of delicious fruits on the earth is calculated as a percentage, then the red and white fruits on this resource star can be scored 0 points."

   "Really, it's like Baiguohuicui, indescribable."

   Gu Zheng finished these words, but Uncle Yang on the side rolled his eyes.

   If you think it's delicious, it's delicious, why use such an exaggerated expression to describe it, it scares me to death.

   As a member of the foodie country, then let's hurry up and join us.

   Just before the others reacted, Grandpa Yang Mingyu took a bite and bit another piece of fruit into his mouth.

   In the next second, tears of excitement slowly slid down Uncle Yang's cheeks.

   How does it feel when a hungry and thirsty traveler eats a delicious blend of banana, strawberry, lemon and white melon?


  Really, when human beings are satisfied with the big category of eating, other difficulties can be overcome.

   Gu Zheng, who was particularly curious, was stimulated by this first fruit, and cut the remaining ones very quickly.

   "Oh! This is like an apple pear. Hey, this is not bad. It's crispy and more fragrant than cucumber."

   I tried the same thing, with a detailed explanation in the middle, so that the races who were watching the live broadcast at this time couldn't help taking a sip of the tasteless nutrient solution.


  Who wants to drink this stuff, those fruits are really so delicious? Can it be eaten directly without being made into safe food?

  Does the Federation Star Territory allow this kind of fruit to be directly circulated?

   If it works, please give me a dozen.

   Many daring people of races are already thinking about the issue of the travel and expedition on this resource star.

   At that time, according to the data map, when people inadvertently come and taste it, no one will say anything.

   If it's delicious, hey, then go smoothly.

   I'm afraid that the observer next to me will report this article to me in his spare time. In the end, it was also detected that there is bio-energy in the plant. These fruits become fee-based materials, and they can't eat it if they want it.

   You must know that an energy plant found in the last resource star that can be directly consumed is now being fired into a sky-high price.

   While the crowd of onlookers who were eating melons were crying and dissatisfied with their lives, Gu Zheng and the group of people were greasy and full.

   As the saying goes, it’s time to find a safer base for myself.

   "This base can't be made too obvious, because there are still some unknown races that haven't appeared."

   "If someone is trapped in a nest like a spider tribe, our human race does not have the ability to fight back and the ability to fight back."

   At that time, it was probably because of Tuan Mie.

   Therefore, they have to use the cover of the natural environment to find a relatively safe place for themselves.

  In this kind of colorful dense forest, the trees are safer than the ground.

   Re-use the cover color of the plants, and directly use their own materials to tie up a few simple wooden houses or sheds. It should be possible to pass tonight.

   Now, thirty hours have passed since they landed. On the timer of laugh and forget, the planet is still in the daytime stage.

   Then everyone can take this opportunity to move.

   Observe whether there are dangerous creatures on the tree. While selecting the materials for building the shed, look for obvious water sources by the way.

The team’s division of labor is very clear. Several males, including Indian teenagers, were assigned to different positions. Their task was to find some plants that were similar to the branches of trees, canes, vines, and hay on the earth to build the plants that belonged to them. Own hut.

   "Brother Gu, can you take a look at this?"

   When the Indian young man dragged a long mar-flower-colored rattan with no end in sight, Gu Zheng took it and pulled it twice.

   is not broken, tough enough.

   Such a long length, even if it is not used as a rope, it is enough to make a hammock independently.

   "Good job! Boy!"

   Gu Zheng patted the other party's shoulder, and pulled all the long invisible cane, fingers like the most dexterous machine, flying up and down in front of everyone.

   A very beautiful prototype hammock appeared in front of everyone.

   The rattans have a small diamond-shaped structure, which are densely connected, and the meshes are as fine as if they don’t exist. They are smooth when touched with one hand.

   "Brother Gu is amazing! Can you teach me?"

   This young man from the poorest village in India is full of longing for Gu Zheng's unique skill.

   If he can learn this superb weaving technology, then when he returns to his hometown again, he can rely on this skill to do business in rattan baskets.

   The premise is that the human race can survive this survival game, and as the performance in the game improves, in exchange for a certain proportion of the race, the right to continue to live on the original planet.

   For a child of this age, the possible conditions are too heavy, and getting rid of the original poverty is the first problem he has to solve.

Gu Zheng was unwilling to break the boy’s dream. After following the boy and picking all the small piles of canes he found hanging on a huge tree trunk, he started to teach him step by step. , About rattan weaving skills.

   These skills are extremely simple for Gu Zheng, a master carpenter.

   Two people, one large and one small, while waiting for others to return, they reasonably made up a rattan bed that was slightly rough but enough to sleep.

  ‘Drops! ’

   Xiaojun's wife, who had been silent for a long time, finally gave Gu Zheng a belated feedback after all this was over.

   It is uncharacteristically not appearing at the beginning and the reason is very simple.

   Because Xiaojun's wife wants to confirm Gu Zheng's true identity in this world.

   If he is a soldier, he has a professional bonus.

   So much time before, it was spent by Xiaojunsao carefully avoiding the system of the Superstar tribe, and calling up Gu Zheng's information in this world.

   Now, the sound of this sound, means that Xiaojun's wife has confirmed Gu Zheng's identity.

   This is not an active soldier, but has an inseparable relationship with the army.

   Gu Zheng is an honorable veteran. For this reason, after he was discharged from the army, he became an honorable traffic policeman.

   As a soldier, the experience points gained are naturally much more than ordinary people.

   So when Gu Zheng was busy with rattan weaving, Xiaojun's wife automatically classified this behavior into the classification of housing and clothing.


  As a Gu Zheng who had already turned off a part of the prompt sound, he couldn't hear his prompt escalation, but this did not affect Gu Zheng's enthusiasm for continuing to be busy.

  As the people sent out returned one after another, the materials they were looking for became more colorful.

   At the very least, in the choice of living at night, there is an additional option of shack.

   This is a good choice for elderly people with very weak sense of security and temporary mothers with babies.

When Gu Zheng simply built the house of the last teammate who did not have the ability to do so alone, the sky of the resource star suddenly became dark, so that the earth has adapted to the gradual and gradual welcoming of the night. People, it was quite frightening.

   Because there is no such planet as the moon on this planet.

   The entire planet today is as dark as if the lights are suddenly turned off.

   It's like they don't know how the planet has light, and the darkness in contrast is so dark and silent.

   "No matter what, we must take care to conceal ourselves. I don't know if there is a potential danger, everyone must be careful."

   Just as Gu Zheng reminded the surrounding teammates in a low voice, a circle of pure white halo appeared next to him.

   These very faint rays of light, like the light on the buttocks of a firefly, are actually emitted from some plants on this planet.

  The plant that emits these rays of light is actually a poisonous and pristine plant classification that Gu Zheng saw in the day.

   These very inconspicuous plants exude a soft light from the leaves to the rhizomes. A gentle breeze blows and gently sways in the wind, which is a bit of a dance.

   is as good-looking as the sacred flower and sacred grass in the fairyland, and it seems that these earthy hillbillies are silly for a while.


   Just when Gu Zheng and a few people indulged in such a beautiful scenery, they couldn't see enough of their simple shacks. A numbing creeping sound actually sounded from all directions.

Under the faint light of this plant, a splendid species that could not see whether it was a living thing or an insect crawled out from under the surface of the soil, as if attracted by the light of the plants at night. Climbing over the rhizomes of these fluorescent plants.

   When Gu Zheng sighed whether there were too many animals on this planet eating poisonous plants, those inexplicable creatures just used the light of this poisonous plant to eat non-toxic and beautiful plants.

   This is because of phototaxis, is this creature really smart?

   Just when Gu Zheng and a few people watched this unique alien form, the second wave of viewers who watched the live broadcast followed.

   This group of energetic night owls, after seeing the densely packed vegetation-eating creatures the size of a human palm, they made a very surprised behavior.

   "My God, it's no wonder that this resource star has been unable to develop it. It turns out that there is such a thing?"

   "This kind of reproduction speed is extremely fast, is there any world of colorful shrimp, but the world of our micro-resource probes!"

   "So except for the abandoned mines in the bare mine area, other areas of the planet's mineral resources have been shelved because of this?"

   "That's really a shame, but this species really doesn't have any effective control methods, and even biological viruses don't have much effect on this!"

Just when everyone was full of helplessness and fear for this creature, Gu Zheng, who had the sharpest eyes, finally saw through his keen observation that the fierce one in front of him pinched off the invincibility of the plant with four big claws. The full picture of the munching creature.


Do not! Not at all!

   Crayfish is a shrimp with normal physical features, but the densely packed creatures that appear on this planet are the combined version of colorful lobsters with four front claws and two tails.

   is like a monster body that has been polluted and genetically mutated.

   If something can transform the crayfish, I am afraid it is only made up of such weird plants on this planet.

What's more, there are really no rivers and streams nearby. These creatures all grow underground, and exist like which makes Gu Zheng unable to know what these creatures are. Ingredients.

   Just as Gu Zheng was wondering whether he should grab one to decompose and study its composition, suddenly, there was a sound of slender strings on the periphery of the habitat they chose.

   is a large creature. Looking at the shaking of the trees, it is not as large as a crayfish, but it is actually a species that almost means something.

   is the enemy's predatory natural enemy? Or is it based on the competing races from other planets they came from?

   Out of caution, Gu Zheng immediately yanked towards the vine hanging on the side of the shack.

   The eight existing members of this vine pathway are temporarily resting points. Because they are connected in one place, as long as one person pulls the alarm, the others will get effective reminders because of this continuous shaking.

At this time, most people have stood up and watched because of the glow of the plants at night and the strange sight of the countless creatures eating in front of them. Naturally, as soon as Gu Zheng warned, the leaves in front of them were responsible for sheltering. The branches were buckled on the place where they were living, and along the small gap in the middle, looked towards the direction that made a violent noise.

who is it?

   When Gu Zheng and the others became vigilant, the branch was separated from the middle.

   The appearance of the new species also appeared in front of everyone.

   This is a pitch-black race that is only one head shorter than the spider tribes and trolls.

   Only one of their erect eyes is different from the current dark environment.

  Ps: Friendship Tweet: The good deeds of the system, the broken thoughts

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