The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1268: Game articles: Survival (14)

When their eyelids were widened, their pupils... turned out to be bright yellow like amber.

   And when they close their eyes, they become a gloomy whole body, hidden in the darkness, without flaws.

   This belongs to the dark planet, the Moko people.

   came out for activities on the night that suits them best.

   And their search goals are quite clear.

   That is to run away from the race that cleaned up the ghost people in the morning.

   This is a war of vengeance, for the glory of the race on Dark Star.

   People who don't know the racial characteristics of the Dark Star may not know that the death of the ghost man is not without a trace.

  The mysterious race and Moko are born with an indescribable telepathy.

   If anyone killed a tribe from one of the races, then people from the other race would have a very strong feeling of anxiety when passing by this enemy.

   They seem to be attracted by something. Within a certain range, they can easily find the direction of the enemy, and as the distance between the two is closer, the feeling becomes clearer.

When the ghost people died, the reason why the Moke tribe didn’t find the trouble with Gu Zheng and his party at the first time was because they were in the daytime when they were not good at dealing with them. Moreover, their race was the same as the earthlings. It also requires a lot of drinking water.

   At that time, the problem of survival became one of the first problems that the Moke tribe solved.

After careful consideration, the leader of    decided to wait until the night to act.

   It's a pity that the black Moko people who have no flaws didn't expect...the plants in the dense forest area of ​​this planet...half of them have their own fluorescence effect.

   At this moment, their disguise turned into a slightly comical self-comfort, which made the Moke tribes flinch in the process of walking.

  Because of trying to avoid the brightest areas, it was natural to make some small noises.

   "Gili Carola, be careful, I feel right, the enemy's location is nearby!"

   A tall Moko was standing under the tree branch where Gu Zheng was, like a dog... with his body's air outlet that kept changing positions as his limbs stretched out, sniffing around.

   "Yes, it must be here..."

   With this confirmation, the weapon that Gu Zheng picked up after his hand...has already been pinched in his fingers.

   This is a bonus after finishing the house. With the help of the African indigenous brothers, the two also discussed making some large-scale hunting tools tomorrow to search for edible species on this planet.

   Whoever thinks it will come in handy tonight.

   When the vocal Moke tribe slowly raised their heads following the smell and feeling, suddenly, the other five tribesmen who followed him were holding their feet and screaming and yelling.

   "Ah! It hurts! What is it!"

   "I caught my foot! It hurts!"

   Adapted to the darkness, they opened their eyes because of the sudden pain in the abdomen and soles of the feet, and when they caught the eye... under their feet was a gathering of foraging prawns.


   "Native creatures!! They are poisonous and poisonous!"

   After these few shouts, it was the Moke leader who issued an order: "Moke attack!! Attack!!"

   After finishing speaking, the fierce leader launched the most expert attack skill of the Moko tribe, crushing the boulder.

  What is boulder rolling?

   That is a way to instantly petrify one's own body, using the huge weight and impact of the Moko people... to attack the enemy.

   This kind of trick is particularly capable of resisting attacks and sinking vigorously. In the process of hand-to-hand combat with many races... as long as this trick is used, it will have the upper hand and rarely lose.

   is also one of the races that some fighting nations are least willing to encounter.

   And in the process of their battle...Because of the variability of petrochemicals and non-restrictive attacks on hands and feet, their moves have become invisible, making their hostile enemies...that is quite a headache.

   Isn't this?

   When the Moko people were planning to deal with these colorful shrimps, they transformed their bodies into flat giant rocks... They squashed many unsuspecting colorful shrimps.

  ‘Squeak! ’

   Gu Zheng, who was standing on the branch, felt distressed for a while, this is all meat!

   Thinking about it again, Gu Zheng couldn't laugh.

   This is really a one-sided battle. When the Moko clan recovers, I am afraid that they will have to deal with it again... Isn't it a group of earth people who have no power to bind chickens?

   Just when Gu Zheng was thinking about whether to attack or not, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

   Those shrimps who seem to be completely at a disadvantage are working hard.

After being attacked, they did not choose to retreat like other creatures. The death of the same kind of creatures aroused their ferocity. The group of shrimps waved their four claws and screamed... actually rushed to meet the Moko clan. Go up.

   If you observe carefully, you can find that when these crayfish were attacked and threatened their lives, their claws actually emitted a colorful light at this time.

   When the light was at its peak, thousands of colorful shrimp gathered their claws in one place, and they made such a fierce blow toward the back of a Moko who was about to press over again!


   Countless fragments of impact gathered into one wave, uninterrupted, and wave after wave hit one spot.

   This kind of carapace is extremely hard and can crush coconuts and even ore's huge claws. A single blow is a four-shot combo. What if the group of colorful shrimps continue to attack like this?

   There was only one end.


   The Moko who was the first to be attacked didn't feel anything at first, but looked at the colorful shrimp crushed by it and smiled fiercely.

   But in the next minute, its face twisted.

   A severe pain was manifested in his body, and along with this sting... and there was a concave hole in the skin that it had just petrified.

The pit became bigger and bigger. In the end, it was recessed to a depth of half a finger. As the surface of the pit gradually appeared densely cracked roads like spider webs, accompanied by a scream from the Moke people... …


   Its petrified shell shattered all at once.

   The epidermis of this part of the Moko tribe was instantly exposed. Before it had time to petrify again, the next attack by the colorful shrimps... came again.


   The scream of this tribe is a signal, puff!


   The rest of the people fell together.

   Forgive these Moko people who are not very top IQs. No one thought they would encounter biological predators on this planet!

   is still the kind of complete gram.

   Seeing the live broadcast here, the audience became excited and yelled at the screen.

   "Yes, yes, do you see how amazing this kind of colorful shrimp is?"

   "The Super God Star Domain has been delayed until now because there is no way to deal with this kind of creature, and it can only turn the resource star into an abandoned star for performance."

"This kind of colorful shrimp has a hard shell, extremely powerful attack, and no world. It is simply the strangest existence on this planet. If it weren't for the extremely short growth cycle of plants here, the huge dense forest area might be covered by the colorful shrimp. I'm so poor."

   Just as the audience was talking about it, Gu Zheng, who was standing on top of the head of the Moke tribe, was beaming with joy.

   It’s good if they have weaknesses. How can you take the opportunity to kill them when you are sick and kill you?

   Then some insidious way is needed.

   For example, where the Moko people are planning to temporarily lose out, bury a handful of thatch?

   This matter is to rely on the African brother Comrade Wali who is hanging between two trees.

  His arrow blowing is not white practice. As a brave warrior, the **** of the steppe will bless him.

   so that the arrows between his blowpipes can hit wherever they are.

   ‘swish swish’

   Arrows were shot out, silently, but they successfully landed on the back road where the Moko was about to retreat.

   When the flustered Moko retreated, those arrows also pierced in.

However, compared with the pliers of the fierce colorful shrimp, these Stipa grasses are like tickling without feeling. The Moko people don’t even know that they have been pierced by something, just like this with a bunch of colorful. Shrimp... exited this dense forest in a hurry.

   also made another group of people who wanted to take advantage of the cover of night to enter the dense forest, followed by a shocking spirit, and naturally hidden their figure in the huge stone gap on the side.

   "God, Silver King, is this the extremely powerful and evil race you mentioned before?"

   "It's really scary!"

   If Gu Zheng were here at this time, he would be very surprised. He would still be able to see this creature called the Silver King.

   Yes, the Silver King is the only remaining king of the Spider Clan, the silver Spider Clan who is extremely small and can't survive without the Clan.

   At this time, it is in good condition, and what is even more surprising is that it actually mixed with people of another race.

   The reason why these races reluctantly accept the Silver King is because the Silver King is the most similar creature among the races they encounter.

   Yes, this new race, the people of Superstars call it the micro race.

   And this race is very similar to its name, each one of them is pocket-sized... it's as cute as the little country in a fairy tale.

   When their planet was not discovered by the superstars, this race has always lived in a peaceful and confident atmosphere.

  Because of the magical nature of their race, the confidence of every tribe is super strong.

   But one day, a huge ship covering the sky and sun was pressed down toward their planet.

   The Wei people discovered that the ship was separated by only one person...a cabin of a small exploration boat...When it was about the size of their planet, their worldview completely collapsed.

   It turns out that Superstar, who is searching for the mysteries of the universe everywhere and searching for available resources... People in the Star Territory, their fixed height of about two meters is the standard figure of all ethnic groups in the universe.

   Compared with them, the people of these micro races are just a little bit pitiful.

Under the pressure of their huge bodies, they are proud of their magic and vindictiveness. They can only tickle these grown-ups. At most, the sparks collapsed and blinded the opponent's eyes or the vindictiveness exploded a finger. The sharp injury is nothing.

   And this kind of damage is still an effect that can only be achieved by the great magician or sword saint among their race.

But when the taboo magic of the great magic was released, representing the people who came to investigate by the superstar... With a playful expression and a very perfunctory shield blocked everything, the Wei people knew that they only had to surrender. The way can go.

   But, no matter how small they are, the people of the micro race have a strong heart.

   They rejected the Superstar's proposal to let their race sign the pet affiliate planet, and refused to cultivate their descendants and future... into a race for people to watch... living in a crystal box.

   They joined without hesitation on the road to upgrade the entire ethnic group with dignity.

   They are also such a lovely ethnic group, they can choose the path they want to take.

   Participate in survival elimination and upgrade step by step, which is their only choice not to become a pet accessory but an independent race.

   Actually, the Wei people have a good idea. They are a race that can easily hide their body shape.

   And because their consumption is minimal compared to other races, this allows the micro race people to survive even on a planet with extremely scarce resources...

   So, up to now, the Weizu people have achieved very good rankings in the previous survival games.

  If they can complete the competition on this planet, the points accumulated in the early stage are enough to allow them to obtain the right to develop the resource planet and also to upgrade the slave race.

   This is their first step, and it is also the most direct result of proving that their little humans are no worse than those huge races.

   But, now that they have discovered the existence of the Silver King, they understand the vastness and mystery of this universe even more of their excitement.

Little people who are extremely curious about knowledge want to take advantage of their stature to witness the big race on this planet that is most likely to win the final victory, but they didn’t expect that they would see the mountains and rivers when they reached the edge of the dense forest. The flee of the Ke people.

   "It really is such a powerful race!"

   This is a small human master magician wearing a jet black magic robe.

   Thanks to the small planet with ample aura and rich elemental blessings, this ethnic group’s feelings for elements and energy are innate.

As soon as the Moko people appeared, the villain Dark Mage realized the group’s closeness to the dark powers, and the Micro Clan Grand Mage, who had already practiced dark magic, couldn’t help but... took a deep breath. The breath overflowing from the Moke people.

   "It's not surprising that your people were defeated by this race. They have a physique as strong as a giant stone fighter!"

  The person who said this has a stalwart body like a lion, a head of golden hair with stiff muscles, very strong.

   It's a pity that no matter how strong he is, even if he has cultivated to the level of a saint, he still can't resist the power of a foot of the Moko tribe.

   Just as the Wei Clan sighed, the Silver King quickly corrected the opponent's judgment.

   "No, they are not the race that killed our people? The place where our race lives is to pass through this dense forest, in a deeper place."

   I don’t know this ethnic group either.

   "So, this is another extremely powerful race?"


   "They seem to have been driven out of this forest by someone. It seems that they are in a weak state."

   "Isn't this a chance God gave me?"

   "We Wei people can't get the upper hand when facing the enemy at all. That's because we didn't give full play to the characteristics of our race, so we faced failure again and again."

   "But this time, God has given us a chance."

   "We can completely take advantage of the opponent's exhaustion of escape, attack them, simply and neatly win the final victory, and easily get the points after the race against the victory."

   "What do you think?"

   The dark magician's proposal made the group of people behind him breathe a bit heavy. After the Wei people looked at each other for a few times, they were very excited to give their answers.


   "It's time for them to see how vindictive and magic are!"

   "Fuck it!"


   That's how it was decided.


   and aside...

  The king of spiders, the silver king...

  , with his big funny mouth open, looking at this group of lunatics who are half his size, they are preparing for battle dancing and dancing.

   Could this race have a bad head, right?

   Just their size, can cause a lot of harm to the Moke people!


Not only Silver King thinks this way, there are thousands of spectators far in the Super God Star Territory...they think so The audience who observes the micro race, most of them All diehard fans.

  The reason is also very simple. What they like most to watch... is the death and inexplicable self-confidence of the Wei people.

   In addition to these, there is another very magical thing about this little tribe, that is, in the process of death, the luck of their tribe...that is quite overwhelming.

  The Wei people who died all the way can always miraculously turn the dangers into danger...Sometimes...They can also win inexplicably.

   This makes the audience who pay attention to their ethnic group like playing a roller coaster, always letting the heart lift and then fall, not to mention how exciting and interesting.

   just aimed at this, and the old audience of them knew that the old problem of the Wei people who believed to be powerful had committed again.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   "Here again, the inexplicable self-confidence of the Wei people is really to laugh once after seeing it!"

   "Hahaha, don't say that, people originally did not know what their body looks like without comparison."

   "You must know that when the term technology was first introduced to their country, they never thought that there would be more ethnic groups."

   "The creation gods they worship are not as big as ours, right? Hahaha!"

"not to mention……"

   Speaking of a superstar race here, he forcibly suppressed his laugh, and gave everyone a brief explanation of the accidental incident that the small clans had encountered before, and it ushered in even greater laughter.

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