The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1270: Game articles: Survival (16)

As for the free hand?

Of course, it was toward the group that saw that the momentum was not good, and immediately planned to flee...and still thinking about the other Wei people who were slowly pressing over.

'Snapped! ’

Because there was no support under the leaves of the tree, Gu Zheng's slap only pressed down four of them, and four of them were shaken by the momentum of his palm and fell into the grass. .

"Dawali! Your eyes are so good, come here to catch people!"

Hearing this, not only Dawali, even Yang Mingyu, who was moving slightly slowly, also searched the spot where the small clansmen were scattered.

The way they deal with it is also very simple and rude, raising their big feet, towards the opponent's landing point for a burst of...

Let those small people rolling in the depths of the grass complain endlessly.

I thought it was an escape from birth, but whoever dreamed of it would become a more thrilling one to survive.

Are they inferior to the happiness of those tribesmen who were just caught by Gu Zheng?

Because now Gu Zheng has pinched the six small clansmen in his hand in a fist.

Use the free hand to dig through the pockets on your body, and find a string to string these few tribes who can disappear without paying attention, and hang them in front of your eyes.

‘Swipe, Swipe’

There is no suitable thing.

Huh? Wait, why is there a red dot on his map mark that is motionless?

Gu Zheng turned his head to look at the direction of Davali and Yang Mingyu...At this time, they were sweating profusely, but they were extremely excited.

And the four red dots on the map shook violently with the kicks of the two men jumping out.

Not these four.

There is also a smart little alien who is lying in a hidden place waiting for them to leave before escaping? ?

If he didn't have this map, he might have missed this cunning kid this time.

Let an unsuspecting foreigner know their temporary dwelling place, and if they are not prepared to lead another race to rush over, then they will be in danger.

"Laugh and forget the book, this matter will give you a credit!"

After Gu Zheng silently said this sentence, he swiped and put his hand behind the large leaf of leaves behind him.

Following the directions of the map, Gu Zheng grasped the silver king firmly and ruthlessly, so that the silver king, who thought he was hiding very quietly, was immediately gripped by Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng raised his right hand to his eyes and smiled.

"This is the spider royal family? Ha ha, looks really cute up close?!"

While Gu Zheng sighed, the two teammates who finally stopped dancing also began their harvest season.

The two squatted on the edge of the grass, and pulled the Wei people who had been fainted out of the grass, and carefully pinched them into their hands.

"Gu Zheng, how to deal with this?"

"Oh? Isn't this a race person yet?"

"Are these different intelligent races evolved on the same planet?"

When Wali and Yang Mingyu approached, Gu Zheng shook his head a little funny.

"No, this is a spider tribe, and their race is more inclined to spiders, and if the one in your hands, if it is not such a small size, it would be no different if it is a human."

After being reminded by Gu Zheng, Uncle Yang Mingyu put the little clansman in front of him, and after careful measurement, he was surprised.

"The Creator is really amazing, how vast is the starry sky where we are, and what else can we not think of?"

"But now there is one more problem. Although Gu Zheng is a little younger, but facing a race that looks so similar to ours...I really can't do it."

"You asked me to kill the kind of race just now, I won't frown as much as I come, but these..."

"It won't be the descendants of our ancestors who gradually reproduced after they gained the Dao ascended."

Gu Zheng: Do you have any misunderstandings about becoming a celestial being?

But he couldn't say much to Yang Mingyu, because the Wei people hesitated to let him start.

This is equivalent to the difference between murderers and slaughterhouse employees.

Apart from wearing a little tasteless, the Wei people are really a reduced version of human beings.

When Gu Zheng turned his head, his eyelids drooped, and he saw the Spider Prince who was barely maintaining his composure.

Gu Zheng suddenly remembered a unique nature of this race.

Let the corners of his mouth **** up.

"I remember your powerful spider silks are sprayed from here, right?"

"Give me a piece of your spider silk, and I will spare you not to die."

"Really?" The Silver King, who was slowly approached by Gu Zheng, felt an inexplicable oppression. It seemed to have caught the float of survival and talked to Gu Zheng about the conditions: "My powerful spider silk can only be produced once a day."

"It not only has extremely strong tensile force but also has a certain degree of ductility."

"The people of the Superstar said that if the number of our silver royal family is too small and the size of the ethnic group is too small, they can become their vassal race only by relying on the spider silk produced by our race."

"The spider silk voluntarily provided by our royal family is not sold."

"Although it's just making some gloves and kerchiefs for the ladies in the house, they are extremely popular."

"So, you have taken a big advantage."

"It doesn't seem to be enough just to bypass my life?"

Gu Zheng laughed when he heard here.

The demo, at first glance, it is the royal family who was just born. If you want to negotiate terms with me, you are still tender.

Hearing Gu Zheng here, he turned his head to the direction where Wali was with a wicked smile, and asked the other person unconsciously: "Dawali, I remember you eat roasted spiders, right?"

"Have you seen this? The royal family among the spider tribes, the handle among the spiders."

"It's the soft gold of spiders, but it's a bit poisonous. Do you dare to eat it?"

Just after Gu Zheng's voice fell, the most frightening thing happened to the Silver King.

Because the dark buddy who was standing across from him was shining bright saliva at him.

"Spiders? These are our favorites. They are rich in nutrients. When grilled on charcoal fire, they are crispy and fragrant. They are sweet in the mouth!"

"As for toxins? Our prairie people will be the best at dealing with them. Take their poison sacs and you can eat them right away."

"As for you want to get its spider silk? Where to use it to discuss with it, you wait for my stick, find out its silk capsule, and get you a usable spider silk."

While talking, Davali handed the two microhumans in his hand to Yang Mingyu's hands. With his arms and sleeves exposed, he planned to attack the Silver King.

The little spider was so scared that he shivered and threw up.

Of course, it is not vomiting ordinary people's vomit, but its precious natal spider silk.

Not only did the Silver King actively spit out a beautiful silvery-white spider silk, he also cut it off and sandwiched it with its two exposed feet... carefully handed it to Gu Zheng's eyes.

Under the threat of this terrible black human, it has to hug the thigh of the leader of the human race who doesn't look very cruel in front of him.

Reflect your well-being and worth, so as not to enter the stomach of that terrible human race for a while.

It can die in battle, but after being stared at by Davali's eyes for a while, the Silver King feels that being able to live is actually a gift.

Gu Zheng was very satisfied with the knowledge and interest of the Silver King.

He pinched this hair-thin spider silk, turned his head, and tied the eight legs and feet of the Silver King together, and then tied the other end that was long enough, one by one, one by one... He tied the hands and feet of the six tribesmen he had just caught.

The method of stringing is also just learned in the last world, the lobster cuffs in Yanguo Prison.

No matter how capable these people are, they can only be obediently hung up in a form where they cannot cast spells.

Yes, this string of small and no smaller micro-clan spider tribe people, just like this, was compiled into a string by the ingenious Gu Zheng.

For a while, he didn't find a suitable place for placement. In order to prevent the opponent from running away, Gu Zheng casually hung it on his simple sword hilt made of iron branches, temporarily serving as a sword spike.

When a few of them returned with a full load and returned to the habitat of the earthlings, none of the teammates who came up to notice the existence of this bunch of people.

They thought that Gu Zheng was just a few small grasshoppers that he grabbed on the road, and he grabbed them back as a toy for babies when they were bored.

"Ah? These are the micro people? They blocked the dark races of Moko?"

"How did they do it? Do they rely on being cute?"

Just as a few people gathered together and muttered, as the youngest woman among the team members, Anna was already holding Gu Zheng's sword and jumping and screaming.

"So cute? There are such cute creatures?"

"Is this the Thumbelina from a fairy tale? No, no, it's smaller than Thumbelina."

"Ah, Captain, can I keep one as a pet?"

"This one, his blond hair matches mine very well!"

Gu Zheng followed Anna and pointed it out.

He looks the same virtue as Galen, no wonder Anna has a soft spot for this Juggernaut.

"No, don't look at their small people, but their racial abilities are extremely cruel. Then you will know."

"There is only one thing we have to do now, and that is to rest as soon as possible. There is still a tough battle waiting to be fought tomorrow."

Now there are only two ethnic groups in their hands, which also means that there are only the last three ethnic groups left.

They are able to avoid the most chaotic first stage, which shows their own ability.

The human race itself doesn't have many characteristics, all it needs is to be cautious and then cautious.

According to Gu Zheng's analysis, the teammates who had no intention of thinking about the victory over the small clans and the spider clans quickly entered their dreams.

Except for the two night watchers specially arranged by Gu Zheng, the others fell into a deep sleep after a whole day of excitement and exhaustion.

Until the person in charge of the night watch gave an approximate timing method according to the care of Zheng... he watched for 6 hours, but he still didn't see the dawn.

The two people who felt that something was wrong yelled Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng, who had heightened his vigilance during sleep, woke up as soon as Davali and Montelimar came to wake up, listened to each other's report, and fell into thinking.

"The time period of this planet is wrong. If it is symmetrical with the day, it means that the night here is also thirty hours long."

"It would be even more unpredictable if it were similar to the situation on the two poles of the earth."

"In short, we cannot live according to each other's time difference, we must live according to the habits of human beings."

"Are you feeling hungry now, and normal Lazard feelings have also emerged?"

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't say anything, no one had any extra feelings. After being mentioned by him, he blew a whistle in the meantime, and everyone's urination emerged.

The teammates who were awakened because of the conversation couldn't bear it anymore.

As babies and old men, they have relatively thick skins and can urinate on their own.

But as the two women here, they need to travel relatively far away for convenience.

Since the night here is not over yet, Gu Zheng did not advise them to go to too remote areas. He just pointed them to a place and asked Davali to follow along to defend him, so he didn't care about such trivial matters.

Gu Zheng now has to worry about the most important thing, that is, food and water.

It stands to reason that fetching water in the dense forest is quite simple, but Gu Zheng also wants to fetch water unscrupulously instead of licking the poor dew with his tongue, or twisting his socks and clothes to fetch water.

As for the food?

He thought about it.

The delicacies bestowed by the heavens are right in front of one's own eyes.

Yes, Gu Zheng's first goal is the colorful shrimp.

There is no hot and spicy braised condition, but charcoal grilling and boiled cooking have the same special flavor.

Gu Zheng, who had made the decision, acted immediately.

Of course, after seeing the fighting power of the colorful crayfish here, he would not be stupid enough to confront this huge race head-on.

However, human beings have infinite wisdom in this aspect of eating.

Don't look at the colorful shrimp here, it is vegetarian.

Think about it in another way, maybe it's because the crayfish here can't eat meat at all?

The crayfish on the earth is an unscrupulous master. Once on this planet, it is impossible to change suddenly.

I'm afraid this group of colorful shrimp can't eat meat on this planet, so I don't know how delicious the meat is.

So what if meat is used as bait?

When it comes to meat, Gu Zheng can't really cut a piece from himself and try it.

But doesn’t he have a ready-made bait at hand?

The lively Wei people looked much more delicious than the silver spider royal family.

With a grinning smile on his face, Gu Zheng stretched out his big sinful hand in front of the strongest man among the Wei people, and without hesitation, he tied the opponent alone into a gourd.

Then, as Yang Mingyu watched with enthusiasm and the Indian chief's unidentified investigation, the clouds and flowing water... tied a slender cane to the tiny version of Galen, wandering around, and found a group that had just come out to search. The eating crayfish race towards the fringe of this race...they threw the small race bait out.

"Ahhhhh! You devil! God will punish you!"

"Asshole! Our great Wei people will not spare you."

With Gu Zheng's projectile action, the entire survival game live broadcast network exploded.

"Oh! God, hahaha, it's really interesting, come and see, it turns out that the races can still be used like this!"

"Oh, the human race is really a cruel race, we must remember to stay away from them."

"The people upstairs are so lazy to talk. You said that you have a sense of substituting things like the Wei clan? Are you afraid that you will be used as bait? There are not many things like taking foreigners as hostage bait? Take your own clan people. Races that perform sacrifices are also everywhere. This is war, this is a game of survival or death, you said so great, I am waiting for your race to appear."

Regarding Gu Zheng's behavior, most of the comments made by Superstar audiences are sensible and objective.

Except for very few brain-dead remarks, most people focus on being interesting.

They praised the captain of the earthlings this time, and were sincerely delighted for his entertaining and wit.

How many years is this?

When everyone was too lazy to pay attention to this Suddenly there was such a unique person as Gu Zheng.

Calm, composed, and not much scrupulous.

Those who dare to fight and fight are not as conservative as the human race, and they have truly managed to die and survive.

If the human race behaves in this way, then it is not impossible to add their race in future performances.

While everyone was talking about Gu Zheng's lobster fishing performance, the bait thrown by Gu Zheng had different reactions.

Just as Gu Zheng had previously expected, when the Wei people were just thrown out, they did not attract the attention of the crayfish who were eating.

Gu Zheng, who wondered why, pulled the person back calmly, as if he was changing clothes for a Lego boy... He just brushed off Galen’s outer armor. The other party's tendon meat was exposed, and then it was thrown into the group of colorful shrimp, and it happened to fall into the mouth of a big and fat crayfish that was eating alone on the edge.

This is regarded as the food delivered to the mouth. If you don't eat it, then you are sorry for the audience and sorry for yourself.

So the four-clawed colorful shrimp, who had never eaten meat before, used its dripping black eyes... to stare at the small version of Galen's rich pectoral muscles.

At that moment, Gu Zheng seemed to see the light of desire in the eyes of the big lobster.

As expected by Gu Zheng, the colorful shrimp that had never eaten meat was also attracted by Galen's taste.

It was like a dog had seen Baba, smelling... and then probed towards Galen's place.


Gu Zheng, who had been keeping an eye on the scene, was very cooperative and pulled the rope that was tied to Galen towards his concealed direction for a few minutes. The colorful shrimp that seduce couldn't even care about the food in front of him, and followed Gu Zheng. The temptation to crawl towards the established direction.

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