The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1271: Game articles: Survival (17)

There, there is a very densely woven net bag. It is not big. It was a practice work when Gu Zheng explained to his teammates, but it played a very important role at this time.

However, with two or two pulls, a plump lobster was lured by Gu Zheng to the back of the grass, head and face covered... and it got into the trap Gu Zheng set for it.

‘Puff! ’

The net bag ushered in the violent struggle of the colorful shrimp, but the vegetation cane here resisted the opponent's resistance very well, and completely fixed the colorful shrimp in it.

"It's done! The Wei people are really useful!"

Gu Zheng pulled Galen up with great satisfaction, hung him in a position equal to his line of sight, and showed a big smile toward the other party.

"Thanks for your hard work, little comrade, at the expense of you, you can make millions of families. Whether our teammates can have enough stomachs is up to you!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng threw the opponent in a circle in mid-air, and without hesitation, he threw it back to the place where the prawns were eating.

This time, one seduce is two.

Regardless of the size of the colorful shrimp, it is nothing in front of humans who have been hungry for a day.

As for Galen, apart from yelling in mid-air, "Demon, bastard, I want to fight you upright," there is no objection that there is nothing he can do with Gu Zheng.

This survival game gave Gu Zheng a thorough understanding of the abhorrence of the superstars, a huge group of high-level aliens.

Just like he was to the Wei Clan people, he was also helpless against the people who were on the Superstar... also.

This kind of race is really annoying, I really want them to die.

He hadn't thought of a solution yet, so he could only do well in front of him.

By the time Davali returned with two female teammates, Gu Zheng had already used his extraordinary fishing method to seduce nearly 20 colorful shrimp.

Because the other party did not rest all night, Gu Zheng signaled him and the chief to hurry up to rest. When they were asleep, their dream meal might be in front of each other.

Out of the new appointment of Gu Zheng, the chief and Dawali soon fell into a dream.

After Gu Zheng fished out this small piece of colorful shrimp race out of a concave vacuum zone, he stopped his actions and dragged back the embarrassed Galen who was rubbed by vegetation and soil. With a hint of pity, he put on the opponent's outer armor again.

"Boy, good health."

"Take a good rest these days, I will let someone else replace you."

Don't mention the kindness in his eyes, Galen, who looked at the micro-human race, couldn't help but shivered.

The incarnation of the devil is terrible. I don't want to talk to you!

When Gu Zheng finished the conversation with him, he didn’t take the other party’s hatred at all. Instead, he handed over all the prey harvested this time to Yang Mingyu. After he explained that the other party had dealt with it first, he wanted to explore the untapped. On the map, use the newly added instructions on the map to find an obvious source of water.

When Gu Zheng did all this, he didn't make random investigations aimlessly.

He was just trying to use the method of finding water on the this planet.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest. Gu Zheng just followed the path of more and more vigorous vegetation and more and more varieties. After walking for less than ten minutes, he heard a wind blowing different from the dense forest. sound.


The sound is not loud, but it is very crisp.

This is the water source?

Gu Zheng, who looked over, was very pleased to find that there was a palm-sized clear stream flowing in the middle of a gravel road. In the middle of the stream, a flat and empty space formed a stream. The shallow puddles, and then, as the **** became steeper, the stream narrowed again.

It's not a big water source, but these are enough.

While he was delighted, Gu Zheng was worried about how to carry the water away.

After coming to this planet, he was naked with only one set of clothes.

Even the tools for holding water would have to be made on-site, so I found a huge wooden pile, which was hollowed out and used.

Fortunately, the vegetation resources here are really rich.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to come with the ugly and pristine trees, so he picked up pretty bad things.

While digging out the inner core, he was amazed at the colorful glazed tile-like wooden scum.

If this is placed on the earth, if such a tree emerges, I am afraid it will immediately be deified.

But here, it's just one of the many plants that can't be more ordinary.

When Gu Zheng took out a large shallow basin and filled the shallow depression towards the stream with a basin of clear water, the satisfied Gu Zheng took the biggest gain of this time and joined his teammates on the return trip.

With the water, the cleaned food is also there, and the rest is the generation of fire and the cooking of the food.

As a member of a foodie country, before Gu Zheng had ever returned, Yang Mingyu, who drooled at the crayfish, had the idea of ​​clearing it up first.

But the uncle who planned to start the fire was horrified to discover that the wood on this planet could not be completed...the dry wood on the earth could be able to drill wood to make fire.

Yang Mingyu's palms were almost rubbing into two bear paws. When Gu Zheng returned with the water in his hand, he was surprised that a spark was not lit.

Seeing Uncle Yang's blank face, Gu Zheng laughed.

He pointed to the most humiliated one among the small human races **** aside, and gave a hint to Yang Mingyu.

"I still use drill wood to make fire here? Isn't there a ready-made Juggernaut who can set fire?"

Although I don't understand what the principle is, what is the flame grudge, and the flame is not too big, but this thing is as convenient and practical as the simple version of the lighter.

Hearing Uncle Yang here slapped his forehead, how could he forget the abilities of the little human race that Gu Zheng had told them?

This is also what Uncle Yang has not seen with his own eyes, has experienced the materialism of the new country, and adheres to the scientific outlook on development. Uncle Yang is still skeptical of such special energy remarks.

But now, he couldn't help but not believe it anymore.

Because Gu Zheng had already picked up Galen, he hit the opponent's **** with a light flick, and immediately let Galen, who had released his hands and planned to fight with Gu Zheng, released his ultimate ultimate...flame vindictiveness.

'puff! ’

A small flame went straight to Gu Zheng's eyes, but before it drifted to the tip of Gu Zheng's nose, it was blocked by a dead branch that Gu Zheng randomly picked up from the ground.


The flames jumped up on the branches, and this kind of vindictive fire easily ignited the vegetation here.

"Look, Uncle Yang, does it work in particular? Come on, set the fire on first."

After saying this, Gu Zheng handed the small torch to Uncle Yang, but he was free to tie up Galen... and tied it back.

Galen, who was hung alone on the side, happened to have the big eyes of the other people in small eyes, which made the silver spider king suddenly feel very lucky.

It just contributed its own cobwebs very unscrupulously.

And the poor micro-human race has spine, but now, what is welcoming them?

Look at the human race, these people are extraordinary races.

Can the spider tribe be able to study several groups of eating methods, can it be a good thing?

The first thing they have to do for the captured races is to save their lives.

The human race is far more terrifying than the average carnivorous race.

Those carnivorous races are nothing more than gulping.

But human races are not. They will carefully study the most delicious parts of each race, and use their weird methods to make all kinds of weird foods.

They even eat spiders!

The spider is so cute!

At the moment when the Silver King was thinking about it, Gu Zheng had already started to use the bonfire lit by Yang Mingyu to deal with this bunch of crayfish.

He first picked up a bunch of them and hung them over the campfire to make the simplest fire-bearing lobster.

Then he took out a thick wooden stake and dug a huge shallow hole with a stone against the central part.

After the pit in the middle was grilled into a smooth structure of coke, I started to throw some round rocks in the middle of the flame.

As the stones were burned by the sacred flame, the stones were clamped out with wood, and they were thrown into the pit filled with clear water, but after a while, the grooves were filled with water. The clear water gurgled bubbles because of the high heat from the stone.

Not enough, Gu Zheng looked at a stone showing signs of cooling, and hurriedly filled in a new hot stone, fished out the original cold one. After repeating this process seven or eight times, the groove in the groove The water gurgled and boiled.

This is done with a pot of boiling water.

After the water boiled, Gu Zheng did not stop and continued to burn the stones. He threw down a few thinner shrimps in the boiling water, and made a dish of lobsters that reflected the original flavor of lobsters with hot stones. Boil the lobster.

At this time, the lobster has eaten both.

He can only do this for the time being.

When he and the team members fill up their stomachs and drink enough water, they will have time to find some corresponding seasonings. If they can find a substitute for salt, this little life can be considered as a real life.

Just when Gu Zheng's thoughts were full, a strange scent drifted from the top of the bonfire. This scent caused the two snoring team members to twitch their noses twice, all of a sudden. He woke up from his sleep and looked towards the campfire with his eyes open.

"It smells so good! Gu Zheng, can you eat it?"

Gu Zheng, holding two branches as chopsticks, picked a crayfish from the shelf and twisted the head of the colorful shrimp while blowing the heat. A piece of white tofu-like prawn meat was revealed from the hideous shell, and the trembling and tenderness made people feel unbearable.


After blowing twice, Gu Zheng took a sip of the shrimp.

The entrance is the gravy that comes out of the shrimp after being grilled.

A delicious sap flowed down the shrimp shell into Gu Zheng's mouth, and the delicious food made the old man squint his eyes.

"Yeah! Come and taste it, it's even more delicious than our earth's lobster!"

"Really, this taste is a mixture of the tenacity of the sea lobster and the soft taste of the land lobster. Although there is no salt, it is a little bit fresh and salty. The prawn meat is so rich that it is delicious in the mouth. This is what I have eaten. The best shrimp variety."

"Come here, the fired shrimp is ready to eat!"

The current shrimp has cooled down quickly since the flame was taken down, so that Gu Zheng could bear the scalding and peel off the shell of the entire shrimp.

The lobster's tail meat is extremely elastic, and under Gu Zheng's gentle kneading... it bounced out of the fan-shaped tail with a ‘bang’.

‘Suck! ’

A whole bite of shrimp was stuffed in by Gu Zheng, and it was so delicious that he didn't have the time to greet others and explain the delicacy of this food.


When the team members listened to Gu Zheng's Zhang Luo and immersed their heads in eating shrimp, in the boiling water on the side, another scent wafted out.

The red shell indicated that the shrimp in the water could also be eaten.

In order to prevent it from getting old, Gu Zheng hurriedly used the empty wooden basins to fish them out one by one.

'boom! ’

The wooden basin full of shrimps was placed next to the sword that Gu Zheng had inserted obliquely, facing the string of Wei people hanging on the sword.

This group of Wei people, who were also hungry, was perfectly enveloped in the heat rising from the crayfish.

This is like throwing a beggar into the middle of a bun shop, or throwing a bridle-on wolf into a flock of sheep.

Don't mention the uncomfortable feeling.

The very self-respecting and self-loving Wei people were flushed with anger.

There was only one unique spider tribe who surrendered in the face of deliciousness.

As the king of the spider tribe, naturally it is impossible to be a vegetarian.

Facing a basin, he took out a lobster with ten large lobsters on top. The Silver King completely forgot the reservedness that a royal family should have.

This slobber pulled the spider clan king who was three centimeters long, and after a violent shaking caught Gu Zheng's attention, he said its very flattering request.

"Gu, Captain Gu, this king, this king is hungry!"

"Can you give me something to eat?"

Gu Zheng, who stared at it for more than ten seconds, suddenly showed a big smile.

He said directly to the silver king of the spider clan: "Yes, use points for chanting."

It's like a big bad wolf tempting a little white rabbit, or a scumbag who deceives an ignorant girl, with just two big characters written on his face: Excessive.

But the silver king on the opposite side is really considering this feasibility. Just in the time when the spider thought, the little army sister who hadn't broadcast for a long time suddenly reported that Gu Zheng is now after a precise calculation. Task progress bar.

Needless to say, she has already reached the "OK" of the Double S level.

What it wants to notify now is the ‘food’ that has not shown any signs of escalation.

In the real world, because of the limitations of the ingredients, it can only be upgraded to a B-level food category at best. In this weird resource star, there are finally signs of loosening.

Due to the rare nature of the ingredient, Gu Zheng's food classification went directly from B level to B+, leaving only a slight distance from the hopeless A level.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, there was a burst of joy in his heart.

This means that he only needs to find another kind of food that can be cooked and make perfect food that can be eaten. The day when he and Xiaojun's wife are separated will come.

For this kind of system that is useless for birds and still drags its legs, he would give one out and count as one.

After all, Laughing Forgetting Books is already very powerful now.

Gu Zheng had a hunch that if he let this little military sister-in-law stay with Xiao Forget about it for a long time, something he didn't want to see would happen.

Taking advantage of this kind of signs hasn't jumped up yet, it's a couple who broke up and counted as a couple.

If you don't notice it for a while, let the opponent land here to take root, and then make a few small **** of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, then that would be the real sad reminder.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he didn't have much patience when he turned his head and faced the Silver King again, so he gave the other party one last chance.

"Have you thought about it? Don't wait for it to expire!"

After that, he should bring the crayfish that had just been grilled in front of him to his teammates, and no longer care about the life and death of this small-sized race.

"I change! I change!"

One point is one to visually observe the volume of this lobster, and after he splits and wraps it with spider silk, it is enough for him to eat for two months.

That means he doesn't need to look for food specially in this resource planet.


The silver king who said that he could change it, clicked his ear with his left hind limb. There was a point data query trading system there, and it was a one-stop operation on the screen.

"Transfer race Aquamarine planet human race, the tenth group of race group 9, transfer amount: 1, OK, you can check it."

When the silver king's voice fell, Gu Zheng's ear heard a reminder.

A nice female voice informed Gu Zheng that his account had an extra income.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes to the silver king's acquaintance. In order to prevent the wealthy alien from feeling a loss, Gu Zheng also used the tip of his tongue to introduce the benefits of this colorful shrimp to the other party.

"Don't feel like you are losing money by trading your precious points for such a crayfish."

"In fact, you don't even know what kind of race our human race is, let alone what kind of ingredients this colorful shrimp is."

"I'm talking, you listen, you will know the benefits after listening."

"First of all, let's talk about the human race of the water blue star first."

"In the eyes of your race, do you think our race is particularly ordinary, particularly low-end turtles, and special without characteristics?"

Following Gu Zheng's words, the eleven people nodded in unison.

From the eyes of a group of magic vindictive and racial characteristics, the human race is just such a low-level useless.

Seeing that everyone felt the same, Gu Zheng shook his head in disapproval, and slapped his thigh with a bit of distress, and he began to justify all human beings.

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