The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1276: Game articles: Survival (22)


   The robot who turned his head seemed to be smiling at the marshmallow, but the sound it made was mechanical hoarse, even with some intermittent signals that were not well connected.

   "It's cotton... candy? Hiss... la la... what's wrong with you?"

   The robot's voice is very choppy. This is not because of the ore radiation on the resource star, but because the racial prototype of this machine clan is in this form.

   Yes, the mechanical race, among the higher races of the Superstar Star Territory Alliance... is a very powerful branch race.

   Logically speaking, the mechanical race shouldn't be reduced to the existence of low-level slave star performers.

   However, as the so-called dragon gives birth to nine sons, each is different.

  In the huge universe, powerful mechanical warriors can be derived, and similarly, the old broken products after the great degradation of science and technology can appear.

   Yes, the machine race that appeared on this planet is such an existence.

   The number one who turned his head is also the most powerful and wise existence in this mechanical group.

   And its true image is like this.

   One's head is square, and the two round nut-shaped eyes are directly above Sifang's head.

   Because the connection between the eye and the brain circuit is used too frequently, there is an excessively large gap.

  This makes No.1... Once too excited, it will be like now...


   The right eyeball fell off!

   Oh, don’t worry, there are red, blue, and green wires connected to the top. Let me lift it up and press it back into the groove.

   Because of this action, Marshmallow almost fell into a dog.

   This kind of horrifying action, although it has been seen many times, it still can't adapt to it now.

   "Don't worry, speak slowly!"

   One may feel that his actions have scared the Tang Nian children again, so he tried his best to maintain the state of a kind grandfather, and comforted the other party slowly.

   Of course, the place where No. 1 is pronounced is not on the head of the square box, but on the abdomen of its rectangular body, where there is a flashing screen similar to the frequency modulation range displayed in the car audio.

   As its audio frequency is emitted, the blue strips on the belly tremble up and down in accordance with the audio frequency.

   is very retro at first glance.

   "Come, I will help you up."

   Kindly number one stretched out his hand,


   Its left hand flicked out.

   Because the hands and feet of No. 1 are used more frequently than the neck, its limbs, from time to time...will be so naughty a few times.

   "Hey, it's okay, I can help you with one hand, number 7, go get my hand back!"

   "Beep beep beep, yes, my master! Whoop!"

   A figure that was much shorter than that rushed out, and ran straight to the left hand and chased it.

   Why do dogs still bark?

   At this time, if there are children on earth by their side, they will definitely recognize it. This is a pet-like mechanical dog.

   can chase frisbees, play balls, and interact with children. He is not as dirty and biting as a real dog.

   is a good choice when preparing toys for children in urban families.

   It's just that this mechanical dog is one level higher than Aquastar's technology. This dog already has an IQ like a real dog, and can handle many more sophisticated commands.

When the marshmallow was lifted, No. 7 had already picked up No. 1’s arm. Under everyone’s gaze, this No. Guo was worthy of the name of the eldest brother, and the arm that popped out very calmly... He creaked and twisted it back.

   "Don't worry, follow carefully and not be afraid, don't you still have our allies?"

   I don't know why, the frivolous and simple cotton candy, at this moment, Gu Zheng's terrible face appeared in his mind.

   Looking at such a thorough machine clan, Marshmallow couldn't help but be at a loss.

   Can such a big brother be Gu Zheng's opponent?

   One also saw the other party's indecision at this time.

   has been alive for 37,483 years, and gave the marshmallow a boost.

   "Don't be afraid, you see, I have lived for such a long time, and eat more salt than you have traveled. Is there anything I can't deal with?"

   Because of this sentence, Marshmallow's heart was completely settled, and, crying, he recounted the process of his own defeat.

  Whoever thinks, after listening to the number one in the whole process, there is no worry at all. Instead, he smiled and pointed to his body, giving the other party a particularly practical answer.

   "I see, it's a cannibal. Then they also eat according to race type."

   "Maybe the sugar tribe is just one of the staple foods of his group. Don't be too alarmed."

   Marshmallow: ... After listening to what you said, I panicked even more.

   "If it's just this, in fact, you don't need to be so scared at all. Have you forgotten that in the historical records of our mechanical race, there has never been a race that eats alloy metals."

   "Don't worry, since they have you in their recipes, naturally there won't be our machine clan."

   The indestructible nature of our race and the inherent characteristics of mechanical weapons are the toughest and most powerful races on the planet.

   Your alliance with us is infallible.

   At that time, we will have the first point and the second point, and we will be able to obtain the corresponding materials for our own group.

   There are still a bunch of dolls at home, waiting to be fed, waiting to drink motor oil.

   If they don’t work hard, they will become the end of the neighboring mechanical planet. Because of the loss of energy supply, people on a planet will fall into a state of forced dormancy.

   At the end, because the dust was too long, the clansmen who went out did not return successfully, and a planet has now become a dead zone.

Why does    One know so much?

  Because No.1 once carried out a mission out of outer space on behalf of its planet, that mission was to let No.1 go to the planet that temporarily landed on it to find two replaceable parts.

   It's a pity that after landing on the 1st, as soon as it entered the eye, most of the mechanical races on that planet... all were completely scrapped and died because they had not been maintained and taken care of for a long time.

   One does not want his planet to become like this.

  Because the mechanical star on which it exists has also begun to face the problem of energy shortage, which is exactly the same as the crisis faced by the Death Star...

   They tried their best to contact a super-high mechanical race that had discovered him before and found it very interesting, expressed their wishes, and was finally sent to this planet.

   As for the entertainment of others, No.1 knows well.

   It is not disgusted with what it has done, it just wants to find a path with abundant resources for its descendants who may continue to evolve.

   It will never forget the glowing suit it has seen... Under the silver mecha, there are extremely high-tech races hidden.

   One hopes that the descendants of its motherland mechanical star will also have the opportunity to become those advanced machinery.

   Therefore, it is incumbent on them, those old things that have long gone without the possibility of evolution... they have to fight for these little things.

   Even if the resources are exhausted and the ending is blown to pieces, it will move forward bravely without any regrets.

   "Take us over, it's time to compete!"

   No.1's words were very firm, with inexplicable confidence, it immediately calmed the anxiety and panic of Marshmallow, and once again ignited its incomparable confidence.

   "It's best to be fast! The other party knows of our existence, and will definitely make some arrangements."

   "But don't be afraid, because you haven't told us our race type, and the other party must have never thought that their enemy will be made of metal like us."

After speaking, Number One helped her eyeballs, showing a state of being in the chest, turned to follow behind him silently, and glanced at Number Two without saying a word, seeing the other's eyes twinkling. After a green light came out, he confidently issued his command to attack quickly.

   "Everyone, follow my instructions!"

   "Marshmallows, quickly gather the sugar lump people, and support us from side to side, all the other robot people pay attention to it! Run!"

   After finishing speaking, Number One waved his right hand like a U-shaped magnet, greeted the whole team and marched toward the dense forest area described by Cotton Candy.

   "Squeaky, Galala..."

  ‘Crack, creak...’

After    is broken, flat sweeping robots are responsible for cleaning the traces of their advancement.

  During this process, the operating machinery with the robotic arm of the Likacha, the hazardous explosive removal machine, and the robot working in harsh environments have shown good adaptability during the entire process of travel.

   There are only good friends of women in the middle, and the simulated girlfriends used to dump them show relative discomfort.

   There is no way, before it derives technological wisdom, its human settings are positioned delicately, not very pleasing.

  Its gluey skin has been scratched with many gaps, making this robot talk like it had been facing its owner more than a thousand years ago.

   "Ah, it's over, my fake skin! Oh my god, this is a work injury, can the boss be reimbursed, right?"

   "I fell in love with the ultra-thin and breathable one newly produced by San Guo, this time I won, can you give me another one?"

   "Look, no matter how thick my one is, it's not strong!"

   Big brother No. 1 followed No. 6's finger and looked like this, and his face blushed.

No way, the gluey skin on No. 6's thighs and **** has long been pulled out by the sharpest vegetation in the dense forest area. In the process of marching, that is looming.

   mother, there is no shame in this number 6?

  The tens of thousands of years old fairies who have engaged in it are all rippling!

   If it weren't for a battle to come, it would have to talk about No. 6's improper behavior.

   Just when Big Brother No. 1 was thinking about it, the most well-behaved detection robot No. 4 turned back and gave the most important data reminder.

   "Big Brother! Big Brother! There is a special response to the terrain detection ahead!"

   "The traces that have been excavated by man have been inspected by infrared rays, and there are infrared organisms of various sizes."

  "The positions are respectively y3746m, x4782g......"

   Following the feedback from the inquisitive little robot, a team of people successfully received the infrared thermal display of the group of people waiting for ambush by Gu Zheng and his party.

   "Oh, we have the advantage in physical form, and we have the advantage in the first-hand information. This battle can be won dignifiedly!"

   "Yes! Listen to my command, 234, rush, 456 support, 798 after the break."

   As for Big Brother No. 1, he ordered the remote control and sneaked into the back of the place by the way, ready to block the main route for the enemy to escape at any time.

   Then Gu Zheng's side really can only face failure?

   Of course it’s impossible, because when the reconnaissance robot was sneaking past, Mogao's Xiao Wangshu had already noticed the trace of the other party.

   was notified to Gu Zheng as soon as possible.

   Let the dramatist Gu Zheng pretend to be ignorant, and while setting up traps that may not have any effect, he gradually moved in the direction of the reconnaissance robot.

   After Xiao No. 4's investigation was completed, he went back and went back to life. Gu Zheng, who climbed high and looked far away, saw a flash of silver light among a few leaves, and finally found the trace of the other party.

   is a robot?

   Didn't it mean that it is forbidden to bring any super-conventional weapons?

  What kind of race is this? Is it the surviving bloodline of which Superstar leader?

   But when Gu Zheng saw that the red idea moved along with the little robot, he realized that it was the turtle that restricted his thoughts. It turned out to be a living Terminator of the same kind.

   This is a little troublesome.

   How powerful is the opponent's robot? Are there any weird functions?

   To what extent has the level of technology reached? Is there no power to fight back at all?

   Anyway, he has already reached this point, he must go on gritted teeth, because the agreement between him and the host is only a small distance away, how can he fall short at this time?

   Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he tightened the tough stick in his hand.

   Don't care about the hard and the soft.

   Gu Zheng, who had plucked up his courage, climbed the tree with a stick.

   When the robot army came over, Gu Zheng, who was hiding on the branch like a monkey, felt that his state was a bit silly.

   Make a hairy, scaring yourself is actually scared to death.

   He almost laughed at himself when he saw such a robot.

   is also the robot with the largest head. It is painted with green paint. The head is quite bluff, but is it just a metal bucket?

  The very witty Xiao Wangshu immediately gave a statement that was close to the correct answer: "Gu Ye, this is a 2035 explosion-proof robot!"

"The surveillance shell is its biggest technical feature. It contains the volume of an adult man, allowing the operator to smoothly dismantle bombs, mine thunder and other high-risk tasks. It is a practical military robot that has been tested. It has been obtained after the production line is down. Many good reviews."

  The function and model are basically clear.

   What makes Gu Zheng strange is how Liao Wangshu knew.

   was finally asked about the key point, Xiao Wangshu smiled triumphantly: "Gu Ye, I still have some effect. I cooperated with Xiaojunsao and checked some information that everyone knows on the periphery of Superstar's database."

   "These materials are history and common sense for the superstar people, and they are old news that has been out of date for many years."

   "So there are no confidential procedures at all."

   In a word: everyone on earth knows it.

   But these materials are especially important to Gu Zheng nowadays.

   When Gu Zheng, who turned his head, looked at the tube again, he saw that the other party's momentum was too strong.

   A thick and amazing alloy tube, just hitting it at such a high speed, this is a completely different concept of fighting with the flesh.

   At this time, Gu Zheng's scalp was numb, but he did not expect a countermeasure for a short time, so he could only remind Davali loudly: "Get up to the tree! The situation is wrong! Move immediately!"

It's a pity that just after his words fell, the robot #2 had already bumped into it with a rumble, and a piece of vegetation with a bowl-thickness across the two groups of horses and horses was instantly broken into two pieces. cut.

   "I fuck!"

   When Gu Zheng turned his head and planned to wander into the distance like an ape Taishan, suddenly, when the wheel of Robot No. 2 passed by the broken tree stump, it was tripped by the tip of the vegetation.

   Then, the thing that made Gu Zheng laugh to death... just happened.

With the invincible momentum of the No. 2 robot's track wheels, it rolled out gruntly, and went three or four meters away along the turf. Under the action of gravity, it made a few spins on the last stop. , Clanging... lying flat in the far place.

   Robot #2: ...I can try again.

The honest and honest 2 who refused to accept defeat, grunted out with a wheel on one side, intending to pick up his own Unfortunately, the robot No. 2 has not yet reached the agility of human limbs, and one side tilts weightlessly. Gu Zheng watched it turn sideways while moving.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Forgive Gu Zheng for his unreservedness and expose his hiding place.

It was the fallen No. 2 who insisted on wanting to turn over on his own, causing it to run on the other side. The wheel rubbed the mud and sand rubbed by the ground, and directly followed the No. 4 reconnaissance robot behind him... Buried in the soil.

   This is really no effort at all, and the enemy has done a lot of help.

   It's a good start.

   If the robots are all such defective products, then Gu Zheng will basically win.

   The rest is basically the same as Gu Zheng imagined.

   Because of No. 2’s rollover, Big Brother No. 1’s plan was completely broken, so that Robot No. 356789, who only worked according to instructions, acted like a headless fly, following his own ideas.

   Two industrial robots, 58, are relatively large-sized ones among them, and both feel that they can independently lift No.2, and there is a fight between you and me.

'boom! ’

   In the next second, the No. 5 robotic arm collided with the No. 8 fuselage.

   Fortunately, the control system of the two did not cause serious damage due to this violent collision.

   Otherwise, they will follow in the footsteps of No. 4 and lose their combat effectiveness completely.

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