The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1277: Game articles: Survival (23)

"Huh, No. 8, don't mess up, please follow the plan."

   "No. 5, there is no plan, please leave my path! As an electric welding robot, please give me the road to the handling robot, okay?"

   The two people continue to talk in this state, and I'm afraid that they will have a debate first.

   As for the No. 7 mechanical dog, it is indeed unclear why it is wagging its tail vigorously towards the two companions who have fallen in love and entangled in each other.

  What new game is this?

   At this time, the boss of No. 1 can still take care of the back, and he hurriedly inserted his eyes from the side.

   "Didi, don't mess up, No. 3 goes out, No. 6 backs away, No. 8 and No. 9 flanks attack! Target, yellow human, one!"

   After talking about No. 1, the eldest brother rushed to the position behind No. 2, and by the way, he picked up the wheel that the opponent flew out.

   But who came to mind, Gu Zheng, who was standing on the tree, didn't beat Luoshuigou No.5 and No.8 according to his ideas. Instead, he turned a direction directly from mid-air through the swaying posture of the branches of the tree, ‘Bang! One’s one fell in front of the No. 1 boss.

   Gu Zheng’s behavior caused the main control space of the entire robot group to tremble a few times, and there were three mechanical clan that almost short-circuited because of this.

   They all know that what their boss No. 1 possesses is that wise mind. When it comes to combat effectiveness, they are afraid that even the dog robot is not an opponent.

Of course, No. 1 is very clear about his own weight. After Gu Zheng fell on the ground very honestly, the leader of the mechanical clan, equivalent to the existence of the brain in the crowd, took a step back subconsciously. .

   The human race opposite is terrible!

   At this time, Gu Zheng had already raised the huge hammerhead like a fan.

   Could it be that he is going to hammer a small machine?

   How could he be so cruel, I have no grievances against him!

   No. 1 is naturally cute and cute, but Gu Zheng's big fist with incomparable momentum did not stop because of No. 1's cuteness.

   No. 1 has already raised the U-shaped palm to block his head. When trying to make himself less injured, Gu Zheng suddenly gathered the tendency of the giant fist to press down.

   A shout came out from his mouth.


   "Haha, you lost! I got a fist!"

   "I wanted to play like this a long time ago. There is no crabman, and a robot is not bad!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng thrust his waist triumphantly, and turned his head towards the other robot who had been sluggish and squeaked on the spot because the data was not analyzed, and pointed: "According to the rules of the game! "

   "After the boss of a party is defeated, his teammates are automatically classified as the loser!"

   "You, you, you, and you! From this moment on, you members of the machine race will be the captives of my human race!"

   This behavior immediately caused Davali, who was about to jump down from the tree behind Gu Zheng, successfully got rid of the cane on the branch and fell to the ground.

very good, very powerful! It's shameless.

   Their Terran is set to win.

   Then, after Gu Zheng declared a unilateral victory.

   The robot on the opposite side, except for No. 1, actually believed.

   One or two bowed their heads one after another, just to see if there was a notice of their own race failure in their messages.

As time went by for a minute, the puzzled-faced Number 9 just raised her head, as if asking strangely: "Why is there no notice?" When a huge net went from him Buckle up with the top of No. 7.

   Both of them were buckled by the dense and tough vegetation at once. Because of the blunt mechanical arm, they couldn't break free for a while, and they completely became prisoners.

   All of a sudden, only the No. 6 girl and the No. 3 industrial robot who can still fight hard are left on the side of the mechanical race.

   Doing my part, the only male mechanical race rushed towards Gu Zheng's side.

   "Are you cheating? Zhizhi, let go of my companion!"

   With the roar of No. 3, at least in the eyes of Gu Zheng, the highest combat power of the mechanical race finally truly appeared.

   Because of this red robot, from the center of the body, one after another slender and cold arms protruded.

  The front end of these arms turned out to be a probe about half a meter long, showing the posture of Avalokitesvara, and under the background of the surrounding fluorescent plants, it embodies the unique charm of a master.

   After the other party started to do something at a disagreement, Gu Zheng realized that No. 3 was the least ostentatious among them.

   This dumb-mouthed but handy industrial robot turned a group of arms into the highest-grade rotation speed of an electric fan.

   Not only that, but after turning to a certain level, all the mechanical arms can even make up and down high-speed piercing movements like using a needle to pierce the embroidery shed.

   This is amazing.

   Didn't take care of Gu Zheng. After a quick evasion, a huge original pit appeared in the ground where the opponent accidentally plunged into it. Is the pit still densely packed with chilling holes?

   This is probably the ultimate profound meaning of Rong Rong, the highest state of acupuncture.

   If he was pierced by No. 3, I am afraid that Gu Zheng would not be able to escape the end of a Witch Gu Muppet.

How can    be so ruthless and so powerful?

This unscientific!

  Because this team of mechanical races all feel sick and tattered, just like old appliances that have been eliminated in the home, there are various problems.

If there is such a powerful existence in this mechanical race, according to the virtues of the superstar people, they will definitely develop the people of this mechanical race into their most loyal workers. How can they waste this kind of labor to participate in this kind of work? What about sensational columns?

   Therefore, No. 3 must have a very fatal weakness!

'boom! ’

   Just as Gu Zheng was thinking about the stunned moment, the second wave of offensive on the 3rd came after him.

  The airtight needles are densely packed and overwhelming. If you can't avoid it, I am afraid that something will happen.

But just when Gu Zheng squatted down and planned to come to a lazy donkey to roll around to avoid this attack that was too fast to maintain a chic form, the sound of metal rubbing against each other came from the third machine. The direction of the arm's rotation connecting groove rang.

"not good!"

   Big Brother No. 1 sent out a short reminder, but he closed the abdomen sound as if he was worried about something, and stopped talking to his death.

   But its worries will not stop just because of this sentence. When Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows and stared at the vocal area, he found a crucial clue.

   There are electric sparks and white fog rising in that place.

   Does this mean that the powerful offensive of No. 3 is actually overloaded?

   It is because it has not attacked the real entity twice, so it can barely keep the big move to continue to operate.

   Then, what if you put a piece of hard ore or iron tree at the position where it spins the needle?

   What interesting things will happen?

   Gu Zheng, who just did what he said, got out three meters in a very embarrassed situation, his whole body clinging to the grass, as if he was dying, but when he turned his back to the people, he showed a successful smile.

  Because of the area where he was rolling and stagnating, there was a huge, 2 meter long and wide rocky boulder.

  The mottled material of minerals and metals flashes with speckled stars in the night, which is not to mention so beautiful.

   "It's you! Get up!"

   Gu Zheng, squatting on the ground, is an overlord holding a tripod, "Wow! It was actually pulling out the boulder half of the soil from the soil of the resource star.

As soon as    turned around, he raised his head high, and smashed it towards No. 3 without hesitation.

   "No. 3, run!"

   "Run? Where do you go?"

   "It's too late! Hahaha!"

   Amidst Gu Zheng’s proud laugh, No. 3 could only block all the mechanical arms in front of its control center at the moment when the boulder was on top.

  ‘Dangdang! Squeaky squeaky’

   The metal bends, shatters, and the sound of flying around, one after another.

   A puff of black smoke came out from behind the boulder.

   ‘Ding Dang Cang Cang Cang’

   After a brief confrontation, a slender metal arm fell from No. 3's back.



This arm is like a signal, so that those intact or broken mechanical arms, like sugar residues that have been bitten apart, fall to the ground one after another, which is inexplicable. It's pitiful.

   "Cough cough cough"

After confirming that No. 3 really had no extra moves, Gu Zheng, who was wicked, stood on the big boulder he threw out very unpleasantly, and wanted to see No. 3 from the top down. The tragic situation.

   "Huh? It's very pathetic."

   is like a stamen with petals stripped off, bald, a little bit horrible.

   and fell under the boulder, successfully blocking the boulder's No. 3, but looking at the mess all over the floor, he fell into a sluggish short-circuit state.

   It knows that if it uses this trick too often, the body's load will be too heavy.

   But it didn't expect that it would have such a file in the process of head-to-head.

   No wonder when the high-level mechanical races discovered their planet, they shook their heads.

   After the mechanical census and qualification check, he came in a huge spaceship and left in an empty spaceship.

   He was not convinced at the time.

  I think there is no one available in the mechanical planet with a population of nearly 100 million people?

   The mechanical races on their planet have been very chic.

  Although there are a lot of small jokes because of all kinds of small problems, don't everyone grow up like this?

   How can I be despised because of this problem?

   Now, it finally understands how much disaster this little bug has brought to their race.

   is fatal.

   But what should I do?

   Their mechanical stars have evolved in this way for many years. Perhaps they deviated by a distance of only 0000001 when they went out on the initial evolutionary path, but after thousands of years have passed, they have become what they are today.

  Everything, I am afraid it is too late.


   Gu Zheng, standing on the stone, sighed slightly. If the machine can also shed tears, at this time, the number 3 should be bursting into tears, right?

   But Gu Zheng will be like this in the next second

   There is no way, because the other party really squeezed two drops of motor oil from its small head.

   Very good, clear emotions, good communication.

   Turning his head, Gu Zheng waved his hand in the direction of No. 1, and pointed to the current appearance of No. 3, and asked loudly, "Are there any other tricks?"

   "If it doesn't, will I win it?"

   No. 1 was mentioned suddenly, but he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and answered Gu Zheng viciously: "Yes! We still have big tricks!"

   "No. 6! Go on!"


and also?

   By the way, there is the last one left.

   Gu Zheng turned his face and looked into the dense forest on the other side.

   The robot that has wisely hid since No. 3 went crazy, is now emerging from the bushes.

   Yes, this only female, as well as a female machine with artificial skin, has a powerful ability that others don't have.

   That is to change the racial characteristics.

  Don't underestimate the layer of silica gel wrapped around her body. This is her deadliest weapon.

   When Gu Zheng and No. 3 confronted each other, she carefully observed the appearance and appearance of human beings from the side of the female robot.

   When she walked out of the grass again, she had transformed into a human appearance.

   This is a creature that is countless times thinner and weaker than a male on earth.

   Its waist is wicker, its legs are white magnolia, its body is soft noodles, everything in it is so in line with human fantasy about women.

   But the premise is that her chest is not flat, her face should not be so long and the virtual structure of her crotch should not be a perfect copy of the half catty under Gu Zheng's crotch.

   Then, when a delicate voice rang, Gu Zheng and Davali, who had already landed on the ground, were messed up in the wind.

   "Oh, little brother, people are so scared!"

   Please let it go! We are straight men!

   It would be nothing more than trying to seduce in body language.

   What made Gu Zheng the most unbearable was that this boy ran from the original position in the direction of his position at an extremely fast speed, and while running, he opened his arms enthusiastically towards Gu Zheng.

   This is a bit too much.

   Gu Zheng decisively pushed toward the bottom of his feet, and turned out a stone with two palm lengths, and smashed it against the face of No. 6.


   A sharp metal sound rang on the robot's front door.

   Robot No. 6 was beaten upright during the run, and made a very obvious leaning back posture because of the impact force.

   And its proudly transfigurable face changed significantly in this impact.

   Its face sank in.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Gu Zheng's confidence was greatly increased. He clattered, and pulled a flat stone resembling a brick from the ground, picked it up, and jumped up. The reacted No. 6 recoiled and knocked No. 6 to the ground at once.

   "Small, it makes you nauseous! It makes you nauseous!"

  ‘Boom boom boom! ! ’

   This painful beating sound made Xiao forget all of a sudden when he first met Gu Zheng.

  , it’s the same brick chain hit again, it hurts so much.

   As expected, a scream resembling a human being yelled from No.6's mouth.

   Gu Zheng, who dared not stop, was a burst of doubt.

   It turns out that robots are also painful?

   When he looked at No. 1 suspiciously, he got a wry smile from the other party.

  Who makes No. 6 unlucky?

Among the huge robot team, she is the only one who is blessed with a bionic skin.

   Because of the original evolutionary direction, it has the ability to mimic other creatures.

   But in the same way, in the process of mimicking other creatures, it can perfectly copy the touch, pain and related feelings of the other creature.

   This time, the robot's numbness to pain is completely abandoned, and it is really a success.

   At this time, the whine of No. 6 is not a perfect disguise, but because it really hurts.

  Because the bionic disguise is not like a real person, it has a certain degree of recovery and flexibility.

   Now that Gu Zheng is pressing on the side and hitting No. 6, its face is already horrible to a certain extent.

   Because of the fall of Gu Zheng's slabs, the face of No. 6 that was originally called a little girl has become a round cake, and the top of the cake is still buckled with the marks of square slabs of various shades.

   If you have to use something to describe its appearance at this time, then the mahjong that confuses the circle and the square is probably more suitable.

   There are four bricks and four tubes on the round cake, and there is nothing wrong with it.

   So, Gu Zheng hasn't enjoyed playing After seeing this image, his laughter's hands are softened.

   It's nothing, it's so pathetic.

   is so pitiful that Gu Zheng doesn't bother to fight it.

   But the 6th, who is not too smart, doesn’t know how to take it when it’s good.

   When it just couldn't feel the pain, it just got over it, thinking that it still had a task to complete.

   So as soon as Gu Zheng stopped, No. 6 used a very mysterious technique to put his hands on the sides of the pancake, and pinched its already unsightly face again.

   Yes, pinched his face, and pinched a face completely different from the one just now.

   "I see, brother, you definitely don't like the one just now, what do you think of this one?"

   After finishing speaking, a masculine face appeared in front of Gu Zheng, shocking people like a fierce Zhang Fei.

   It’s a pity that the voice that No. 6 uses with this face is still the same

   "Oh, big brother, do you like me like this?"

After    finished speaking, it blinked very cooperatively.

   Gu Zheng: vomit

   I can't be kind, I'll continue to beat it.

   The matter has come to an end, and Gu Zheng has no more scruples on the side. While calling, he set up Davali for follow-up tasks.

  The players hiding in the back also responded to Davali's notice and returned to clean up the battlefield.

   As for the lonely number 1 with a U-shaped hand?

   Except for the suspected French baby among the players, even the Indian teenagers are estimated to be able to fight two at once, not to be afraid.

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