The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1278: Game articles: Survival (24)

The gorgeously ignored No. 1 could only give a wry smile. After seeing the little human race that had been slid into a string, he completely gave up resistance, and resigned himself to discussing conditions with Gu Zheng.

   "Actually, we are still quite useful."

   The human race who rushed over looked silently at the messy scene:...

   "Really, this is because of my misconduct. I think this big brother, brother? If you come to command, maybe you can win?"

   Gu Zheng, who was complimented, looked at No. 6, which had once again become a pancake, and shook his head very firmly.

   This is really wrong, he is really right for such a team.

   At best, like his current team members, try to reduce the sense of existence, and try not to hold back.

   As for No. 6 at this time, since the No. 1 boss already has the will to surrender, Gu Zheng is really lazy and embarrassed her.

   I'm afraid this is a robot with a bad brain, and it doesn't have a long memory if it hits it.

   Sure enough, when Anna was carefully collecting the side parts, she was lying on the ground with a rather unlovable number 6, and the light bulb on her forehead suddenly lit up.

   "Ah! I see! It turns out that there is a clear gender division between species!"

   "Human people do not like copulation between the same sex!"

   "They are separate males and females, and the mating of males and females gives birth to life!"

   "I understand, I understand, wow ha ha ha ha!"

   After a frantic laugh, No. 6 quickly regained his fighting spirit. Following Anna's state, he not only pinched his face, but also adjusted his body shape.

   The breast is two more models larger than the d facing Anna.

   It's just that when the lower limbs were transformed, it was very troublesome.


   After a while, white smoke came out of her not very bright head.

   "What's going on? Will it explode in a while?"

   Anna, who was the closest to No. 6 in fright, jumped to one side quickly, but when she was about to turn around and leave, she was grabbed by the robot behind her pants.


The waistband of    was torn apart in half!

   "Ah! What are you doing!!!"

   If it weren’t for knowing that the other party was a female robot, it’s estimated that Anna’s ‘playing a rogue’ would follow.

   "What are you doing?" No.6 turned his head blankly during the questioning: "I just want to see the human body structure clearly."

   "Do you have a fifth limb under you? Is the composition the same as your human leader?"

   "I copied his shape perfectly, but I don't know what a female human is like? From the outside, it seems that yours is smaller?"

   After being said so by No. 6, Anna, who was stunned, couldn't care about her embarrassment that her pants were about to be torn off.

   Hahahaha, he laughed very freely.

   Why is this number 6 so funny, can men and women be the same?

   But the male compatriots who heard the question of No. 6 flicked at the same time and were frightened.

  Because the **** conversion on the 6th was done right in front of their eyes, she is now a **** and indescribable stunner, provided that they don't let them know that she actually has the extra meat.

   This is the favorite of perverts when they left the earth, what's the matter with loli?

   As a straight man, he refuses both physically and mentally.

   Therefore, the conversation should end here. I heard that the other party used himself as the reference object, but Gu Zheng refused in his heart.

   When he wanted to stop the discussion between the two women, Anna, who had already found it very interesting, spread the knowledge of physiological hygiene in middle and high school for No. 6.

   Some bit wicked Anna, if it weren't for the shape of the clothes in size 6, she was afraid that she could lift the other's pants on the spot, and she also took a look at Gu Zheng's size.

   She is curious!

   During this period of getting along, Anna fully realized how dangerous her previous standards for mate selection were.

   has a good-looking face and can’t be eaten as a meal. This is one of them, and the other is that it is big, strong, and there is no use for eggs.

   A man wants a smart mind, a determined character, a firm sense of responsibility, and the supreme aura that will never change his appearance.

   This is the real man, okay.

   Thinking of here, Anna clutched her hot face, and looked at Gu Zheng, who was not thinking about her at all, but instead focused on Gu Zheng who had a lot of fun talking with a tattered and old robot.

   Her initial contempt and the privileges she wanted by her gender are so naive and ridiculous now.

   After experiencing this time, it is time to try to change myself.

   "So, you are responsible for persuading the sugar cubes, bringing the remaining sugar people together, accepting the conditions of failure, and becoming our affiliates. Is that right?"

   As the party who raised the conditions, No. 1 raised his head and added another supplement.

   "Yes, but only subject to the deployment of your team led by Gu Zheng. And this time the failure."

   "Everyone may meet again in the survival game in the future. At that time, if you are not the leader, our robots will not recognize the conditions you set earlier."

   "Because I think that other people may not have the qualities and abilities of a leader that you have."

  Who said that robots don’t know how to be afraid of flattering?

   This level is quite okay.

   I recalled the request of the host that Gu Zheng received after coming into this world.

   only stipulates the right to victory in this survival game and the subsequent survival of mankind.

   Then, the living environment of mankind and how to live in the future are not things he should worry about.

   At the final moment of victory, it is the most important thing to draw enough vigorous force and achieve the expected goal.

   As for posterity?

   Naturally there are things they should worry about.

   Gu Zheng felt that this condition was not excessive, and nodded in agreement.

   "Then, you are responsible for talking about the sugar reducers and let them surrender as the defeated party sincerely. Even if our agreement is officially reached!"

   "Okay! We robots, this game, declared a failure, and the failure is in the hands of Terran No. 9."

   And when the 1st announced the declaration of his failure, the off-site prompt of the survival game also sounded very cooperatively to continue the announcement.

   "The game progress notification, the robot race of No. 3 Mechanical Star, surrendered to the No. 9 Terran, and the surrender points are automatically assigned to the account of the winning side."

   "Now the ranking is as follows: 1. Human race... 2, Unknown race... 3, Sugar loaf race..."

  The titles of other races in the entire ranking list have become withdrawn, becoming a gray with no light. As for the sugar lump people who saw the mechanical clan also turned gray, at this time, they became panic, and followed their respective scents to gather all their companions.

   "What should I do, what should I do?"

   "Our most powerful Sugar Warriors have all been captured, and the mechanical allies that are many times stronger than us have also been collectively destroyed?"

   "It's terrible!"

   Speaking of the sugar melons here, I was trembling with icing.

   The watermelon candy is still a little harder, and he stabs his neck: "It's a big deal, fight with them, isn't it just a death!"

   The most stable of them, Sesame Candy, shook his head in disapproval, and rejected the proposal of Watermelon Candy to fight to the death: "No, I don't intend to be eaten to death by people."

   "I think we should hide, follow this group of enemies, take advantage of the slack guard of the other side, and release our people secretly. This is the safe way."

   What is this method? Do you have any basis?

Seeing everyone's blank face, Sesame Sugar hated iron and steel and said to his companions: "When we confronted each other for the first time, didn't you find out? They captured the hostile race instead of killing it. Lost."

   After this sesame candy helps everyone's memories, you candies only then remember that bunch of particularly funny little humans.

   "So, this is the powerful and terrifying side of Human Race. They arrested other races and didn't kill because they used it as food reserves."

   "Do you think that food is easy to preserve after death, or is it to keep creatures alive and slaughtered to make them fresher when they are eaten?"

   Oh, I understand it all.

   Seeing that the sugar tribes suddenly realized, Sesame Sugar continued to say: "So, before the tiny human race is not dead, our sugar tribe people will be fine."

   "With the addition of such a huge race as the mechanical race, there are only 8 people left on the human side. Where do they have so much energy to guard so many people."

   "Always let us find opportunities."

   Hearing this, the watermelon candy still raised the question: "No, didn't the robot say it? There is no race in this world that eats metal?"

Seeing that his proposal was questioned, Sesame Sugar was very unhappy: "Nonsense, can human beings be like other races? Before you meet their race, which planet group do you see eats sugar cubes? of?"

   "Have you forgotten that when we found their tracks, did you see something?"

   "The colorful shrimp that was disassembled in one place!"

   "That kind of weird creatures can be eaten by humans with relish. You look at this race with the eyes of ordinary sugar. Are you looking down on the human race?"

   "They even dare to try to eat the prawns. Isn't the robot more common than the prawns?"


   When I was said by Sesame Candy, everyone felt very right.

   With so many food reserves, their tribe can be considered safe for the time being.

   The sugar cubes who wanted to understand no longer refuted Sesame Candy’s proposal. Instead, they started preparations for the tribe’s rescue plan.

   But when they had the courage to sneak up on the main battlefield where they first met with the human race, they found that there was no half of a human figure in this messy empty field.

   "Ah, what should I do?"

   "Where shall we find them?"

   Sugar people are not dogs, their keenness is only for other tastes they have never heard before.

   The current human race has just eaten enough, and they have lost their lives.

   At the moment when the seven pieces of candy were at a loss, the sound of a fine string rang from under a small bag of soil in front of them.

   "Ah! No! The Terran is hiding under the ground! Run!"

   The most daring marshmallow among them, with this voice, let the candy pieces scatter and escape.

   But when they ran out only a meter or two away, behind them came a mechanical sound that made them very familiar.

   "Ahem, ahem, what's wrong with me?"

   A small gray-headed investigative robot crawled out of the mound.

   With this sound, the candy cubes turned around again, and ran back again, squatting down and a little anxiously surrounding the little robot in the middle.

   "Number four? Why are you here? What about the others?"

   "How did your machine clan lose? Are they still alive?"

   "How about our magic candy boss? Did the Human race embarrass them?"

   Following the inquiries, No. 4 cried out with a wow.

   "I was buried at the beginning of the battle. I didn't know what was going on behind me. I heard the terrible leader of the human race saying that I would go to the grassland area to find the whereabouts of the last race."

   "At that time, I just woke up from a state of dizziness. I was afraid that the other party would find it, so I lay motionless under the soil. I didn't dare to crawl out until they evacuated."

   I only dared to take my head when I heard your voices. Otherwise, I would give me eight courage, and I would not dare to come out to investigate when there is noise.

   Speaking of bitterness, the people of the two ethnic groups cried and cried, but the sesame candy can't lose the sesame seeds. At this time, he looked at the robot No. 4 with his eyes shining.

   "Wait, number 4, I remember that we were able to meet together, did you think of a way to find our race?"

   "You are called a probe robot, are you the best way to find it?"

   Looking at the engine oil on No. 4, he nodded ignorantly. The sesame candy popped out two sesame seeds happily: "That's not the end, the rest of us should be in a group."

   "As long as you have the help of No. 4, are you afraid that you can't find the Human Race group?"

   "When we were saving people, we secretly rescued the robot, and escaped immediately. This human race has two legs. Who can run past?"

   "At that time, grab one or two back at the top of the sky. At that time, let's use this trick again and fall to him desperately. I don't believe it. He didn't make any mistakes?"

   "Sooner or later, everyone will be rescued!"

   This is the importance of protracted warfare.

   Both of these races are strange races that don't need too many resources to supplement. It seems that other races eat and drink Lhasa, it seems inevitable now.

   Sesame Candy felt that they must consume more energy than Humans.

   For a while, this beautiful scene was accepted by everyone.

   4th also cheered up and started his map search and exploration mode.

   A few people followed the human race's route of exiting the dense forest area, walking and stopping along the way into the vast grassland area with no end in sight.

   To their delight, they found obvious human and mechanical footprints in a shallow mudflat in the grassland area, which shows that they are currently heading in the right direction.

   The behavior of robot 4 before and after running is very effective.

   Just when they squatted down and carefully looked at the depth of their footprints, No. 4, who ran ahead to investigate, gave a very clear reminder from the front.

   "Come and see! Do you see the human race ahead?"

   Have you discovered the habitat?

No 4! sure!


  The enthusiastic sugar people are scrambling to pull away the unfathomable haystack and gather towards the 4th place.


  ‘Puff! ’

  ‘Puff! ’

  ‘Puff! ’


  Who would have thought, just walking through the grass, it was not the news of the people who greeted the sugar people, but the panic of falling into the big pit one after another.

   On their defenseless road ahead, an artificial ditch 5 meters deep, wide and narrow, suddenly appeared, completely pitting their seven defenseless sugar people into the hole.


   "No. 4, No. 4, what's wrong with this?"

   "Why do you treat your allies like this!"

   After the sugar man came back sober from the dizziness of the fall, he opened his throat and cursed underneath.

   The dazzling little robot who was scolded, looked at the bottom of the pit aggrievedly, then turned his head and looked at the leader behind him.

   A big hand just touched the top of the little robot's head, and after two soothing fumbles, he expressed his praise very gently.

   "Good job, you have worked hard, hurry up and find number 1."

   This is Gu Zheng's voice.

   Yes, Gu Zheng, who didn't have enough advantage, how could he be careless enough to hit the road without counting the number of people?

   Even if the robots are completely wiped, they have to be dead to the point of seeing the corpse.

   After Gu Zheng accepted No. 1’s surrender, he sent someone to dig No. 4 out of the soil and rock, and by the way, he thought of a trick to pit the sugar tribe.

   His plan for No. 4 was to lie down on the scene of the incident for three days. If no one came to find them, he would go to the grassland area to find them according to the original agreement.

   But if someone comes, he will lead the sugar man to the spot that Gu Zheng specifically marked.

   Yes, there is a saltwater beach on the edge of the grassland.

  The terrain is complex and uneven.

   With the situation here, Gu Zheng dug a simple but effective trap, and waited for the remaining sugar people who were fooled by No. 4's acting to snare.

   Yes, Gu Zheng discovered that Robot 4 is the acting school among all the robots.

   is different from the exaggerated No. 10 who can only look at the face, this is definitely a born actor.

   Thanks to his flawless performance, Gu Zheng can be so relaxed and beautiful.

   As for the treatment of the remaining pieces of candy, they were tied together just like their companions.

   In terms of sesame sugar, it is really intended to be used as a reserve grain.

   No way, the last piece of the map in this survival game is also a relatively bad grassland area.

   Before finding the last race, Gu Zheng had to make some necessary plans for the survival of the human race.

  Looking at the current signs, this last race is afraid that it is an extremely camouflaged race.

The reason why    is ranked behind the human race, I am afraid that this race is only disguised.

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