The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1279: Game articles: Survival (25)

If the disguise is broken, it should be a very weak existence.

   But with the map and the cooperation of No. 4, Gu Zheng still has great confidence in finding them.

  All it takes... is just time.

   As for whether the opponent will be caught off guard by a surprise attack?

   Gu Zheng felt that after forming an alliance with a sleepless race like robots, he was afraid that there was no need to worry about being attacked for the time being.

   His first priority now is to get a good night's sleep.

   Then check to see if there is anything that can be used in an area completely different from the dense forest area.

   This feeling passed for a long time.

   The sky of Resource Star changed from darkness to day, as if many hours had passed.

   Gu Zheng, who was able to stand up, brought out the rough small bowl he made from the crack in the wall of the cave beside him.

   After so long of precipitation, there are several bowls of clear water on the rock wall.

   is enough for Gu Zheng to rinse his mouth, wash his face, and follow up cooking and drinking.

   And for this period of time from now on, people who have brought a group of colorful shrimp and fruits that can sustain them for three days will live carefully in this area.

   As for Gu Zheng, they will embark on their unknown journey with No.4.

   Don’t bring too much luggage, just take care of yourself.

   I don’t know if Gu Zheng’s life and longevity had a crucial effect.

In the face of the wind and frost, Gu Zheng chose a random position in the grassland that could not be seen at a glance...When he set out for a day and night, he was planning to find a place to stay, but found that his map flashed up. dots.

   finally found the enemy.

   It's just that this location is not far from the area where he is standing, it must be within his line of sight, but where is the enemy?

   Looking around, the wildness is vast, there are cows and sheep, all grass, how can there be other creatures?

   Of course, this is on the human beings who need the physical senses to receive things like Gu Zheng, and that is nothing.

   But if it is placed on the detection robot, the reception and feedback of the hostile race is no different from the flowers, plants, stones and soil on its screen.

   So, Gu Zheng can’t see it, doesn’t mean that No. 4 can’t be seen.

   It and Gu Zheng basically looked at the area of ​​the enemy race with their front and back feet, but they searched out the enemy in a very short time.

   Weak and small, it didn't dare to go up to pierce the enemy's disguise, so it had to touch Gu Zheng's trouser legs with its small wheels, and reflect the shape information of the last race he found to Gu Zheng to see.

   "Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng, look, this is our new enemy!"

   On this unclear display, what No. 4 can do is simply outline the enemy's shape with a thick one-point pen.

   But for Gu Zheng, it was enough.

  Because he followed the red dot and held the photo, Gu Zheng grabbed the last race that looked like a blade of grass as soon as he probed his hand.

   Yes, this race with extremely low combat effectiveness and extremely limited mimicry is the grass that is more than one meter high in Gu Zheng's hands.

   After Gu Zheng vigorously separated it from the soil, the other party went from the state of the most common stipple grass on the resource star... to the appearance of his own body.

   This is a green wormwood all over.

   When it screams, the blade will show the appearance of its mouth.

   This is probably a grass that has become a spirit.

   After seeing the last race, Gu Zheng understood why this race didn't take advantage of the chaos and sneak attack.

   Guo is really much weaker than the human race.

   itself is the most worthless grass.


   is no wonder it will be divided into the weakest group of this competition.

   But this group, who has been active on the grassland for so many days, how can the group of viewers watching the live broadcast not be bored like the solid people, and thus maintain the number of viewers on the live broadcast screen?

   Then, this is a special favor for the old players of the grass tribe.

  They are one of the lower races who know the rules of the superstar survival game best among these races.

   Because of the single species of their planet, their existence has become a necessity.

   Therefore, in the Cao people, species destruction does not exist.

   But how can the superstar, who will maximize the benefits of every race, let this group of little grassmen go?

   So, these hastily become the standard race configuration of this game.

   And if the grasses did not participate in a survival game, they could exchange for their evolving grassland essence.

   This is a product that has been eliminated from the upgrading of higher plants and galaxies, but it is the most suitable nutrient for the current grasses.

   New seeds germinate and grow, and the grasses that have drunk this essence have a significantly longer lifespan, and a few have some distinctive appearances.

   can exude a faint floral fragrance, or it can have a sweet and refreshing effect.

   Don't underestimate this change.

   After years of multiplication, their race will usher in earth-shaking changes.

   At that time, they, the elves of plants and trees, can be worthy of the ability to become the essence of flowers and plants in the myths and legends.

   No matter how good it is, it is not wishful thinking to say that it is impossible to call the wind or rain or something.

   So they gritted their teeth on this game show and got a guaranteed salary. It was trying to save their lives while also entertaining the public.

   is different from the human race turtle with black eyes.

  The grass tribe has long known what they came for.

   Every time they arrive at a resource star, it is a dry enthusiasm, making the audience laugh.

   No, their first foothold for the grass tribes to come to this resource star is actually the only hilly area in this area.

   Thanks to that the mountain pack is not high, it is only a corner of the main mountain range, which can shrink the grass tribe into a small group, and quickly roll down the slope, and then escaped.

   Because that piece of mountain bag is hot like burnt stone, a few people with relatively low moisture content almost turned into hay.

   Thanks to this mountain bag, it is next to the grassland beach.

   Passing through some sandy beaches, walking and stopping came to this territory that is extremely suitable for the survival of the tribe.

   After arriving at this place, this group of not-so-small grass tribes sang and danced, even drinking water to sleep, with a dramatic effect.

   I saw that the audience was also haha ​​great music. Naturally, unlike the Gus who can’t interact, they were eliminated a long time ago.

   Therefore, when Gu Zheng and the others approached, some friendly audience members immediately notified the Cao Clan.

   Because it is a permanent employee, the conversations on the live screen and the rewards of Star Coin can be seen clearly by these straw men.

   However, these grass tribes are not worried at all.

   As long as they don’t run into herbivorous groups, they won’t have much fear.

  Because even worry is of no use.

   You can't use thatch tip to tickle others. Decisively admit defeat and finish decently. This is their choice.

   As for once encountering a herbivorous ethnic group, it is very quick to activate the privileges of fixed employees, immediately disarm and pay certain points, and quickly escape the battlefield.

   Therefore, even if Gu Zheng is caught in his hands, these flowers and plants are very calm.

As for the root in Gu Zheng’s hand, he waved his hand towards Gu Zheng’s back very happily, using a very plain live broadcast... Thatch, I'm being pulled up by a very strange race now, and fly from the solid ground."

   "If you ask me how I feel at this time? Oh, it's really too bad."

   "The body temperature of this race is a bit high, and the skin is also a little soft and disgusting colloid."

   "There is also a very unrefreshing smell on the body. In short, it should be a dirty, unclean, fat race."

   Gu Zheng was taken aback when he said this. Because of the translator, he understood what the other party was saying, but he didn't know who the grass was talking to.

   So, in order to test the opponent, he took advantage of the fact that the opponent was unprepared, and asked me to answer.

   "Hey, who are you talking to?"



   "The live broadcast is on the big screen!"

   嘞, I understand it all.

   They are watching this game, but they still watch the scene.

  According to the information received by Jiaozheng, he thought it was a process of elimination of the superstar metamorphosis.

   There are a few perverted researchers watching from the sidelines.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a national entertainment game?

   This performance of the grass tribe makes sense.

   Gu Zheng, who had adjusted his state right now, ignored the performance of this grass.

   In order not to let the victory he got, he would fold it in his own hands. His first task was to pull out the other hidden Cao people and hold them in his hands.

  Others, I'll talk about it then.

   Gu Zheng, who was not disturbed by foreign objects, concentrated on his mind, but after a while, he found the remaining nine roots.

   As the so-called one kind of people raise all kinds of rice, when these ten completely different grasses were held in one place by Gu Zheng, the energy of chirping, let alone how annoying it was.

   This caused Gu Zheng to connect and want to say that was interrupted several times by the other party's self-talking overexpression, so that his violent temper was finally uncontrollable and poured out.

   "Enough! Shut up!"

After    violently, the grass tribe people finally had a short pause, but Gu Zheng's reaction instead gave them a chance to play extravagantly on their own.

   One or two facing the camera began to sell badly.

   "Uhhhhhhhhh, I am so scared, I don't know if anyone can comfort my young soul with rewards."

   "Wow, I'm dying, how can this race be so rude and terrifying?"

   For a while, it was noisier than before.

   This is the first time that Gu Zheng's domineering spirit has not had the effect he wanted.

   For this kind of race that doesn't work, it can only use real things to make them honest.

   So Gu Zheng did something he wanted to try a long time ago.

   First, he stuffed one of the long, narrow, dense, green grass roots into his mouth.

   Attention, this time it is not an attempt to bite, but a big mouthful of plug.

   After the grass man was stuffed into his mouth, Gu Zheng chewed it unscrupulously.

   "Crunch, crunch..."

  On the grassland where it quieted down in an instant, only the sound of the wind whizzing by, and the creepy sound of eating from Gu Zheng.


After Gu Zheng chewed for a full minute, he chewed up most of the leaves of the grass, and after grinding them, he spit out the sticky, green, grassy paste with the juice of the grass. .

   "It really is chicken feathers! Bah! Grandma is a leg, can chicken feathers be refined these years?"

   Don't blame Gu Zheng for this weird reaction.

   Because according to Chinese ancient books, it is even more difficult for the plant elves to cultivate some achievements.

   can be achieved, and all are cherished or long-lived vegetation.

   When did Fencao have such an achievement?

   As if it was hard to believe his own judgment, Gu Zheng quickly pulled out a second plant that he would never admit wrong, but this time, the place where he put his mouth became the other side's rhizome.

  Because the leaves of this grass are long and narrow and beautiful, they are essentially useless.

   And its huge plump rhizome...


   is really sweet.

   This is a kind of herbal medicine that is more common in the arid areas of our country, licorice.

   It is so popular that most people can tell its effects, but it is a kind of civilian medicinal herb that is really effective.

   Gentle medicinal properties, it can reduce fire and relieve asthma, and it can also reconcile many irritating herbs to achieve the miraculous effect of balancing medicinal effects.

  In arid areas, its rhizome can save lives and quench thirst. It is really an essential medicine for home travel.

   This time, Gu Zheng just spit out the chewed dry medicine dregs.

   said with a little bit of amusement his second conclusion: "Sweet!"

  Who said that the grass tribe is the most useless race?

   If they are all this kind of herb, instead of the useless weed he found first, can the redevelopment of that planet be entrusted to them on earth?

   Gu Zheng was satisfied, and countless thoughts came to his mind.

   But all the aliens who watched the live broadcast on the integrated screen outside the venue were shocked.

   Of course, the calm herbivorous race is just thinking about whether this herbivore race really has the performance of this herbivorous human race... it's so delicious.

   The omnivorous creatures and carnivorous races were surprised by the diversity of human eating.

An orc with a pig head, while digging coal, pointed to the live screen and shared his thoughts with the bear tribe next to him: "If this race is reborn as a pig tribe, believe it or not, he said he can't win the most in my tribe. The title of brave warrior."

   "This year's orc contest, we must have a place in the pig race."

   The bear-man, who is also an omnivorous species, scratched its head, nodding admiringly.

   This can be called a model of a race that can eat everything, the first race that pioneered the world, it is not an exaggeration.

Just when it was fried into a pot of porridge outside the venue, the grass tribe in the venue was shivering, two grasses that had been poisoned by Gu Zheng...that was holding their heads and crying, while the others were as quiet as chickens. Or you can only disguise yourself as a grass.

   Gu Zheng who saw this scene was dumbfounded. He cleared his throat and said what he just wanted to say.

   "Come on with a leader who can be the master, and talk about the current situation."

   "This is a real-time broadcast? How many people watch it, and what privileges do you have for those of you who know the inside story?"

   Just after Gu Zheng asked this question, his eyes popped up with a screen that was not open to human races.

   The comments of various races on the integrated screen appeared very clearly in his line of sight.

   What was sent to Gu Zheng's eyes were comments related to his performance at this time.

   This intelligent game live broadcast delivery system can deliver some relevant comments to the corresponding performers.

   avoids the use of useless news to swipe the screen, and provides a clear and clear consultation and judgment for the live broadcaster.

   Also, the rewarding screen is at the top, bad reviews, and malicious swipes can be automatically blocked as needed.

   As for complimenting this kind of news that can be seen or not, it is also sorted and selected according to the intention of taking care of Zheng.

   In short, this is a super-powerful screen that can make changes at the first thought.

   After Gu Zheng discovered the live broadcast system of the survival game, the organizer will only open a certain authority to this individual as a reward.

   This not only allowed Gu Zheng to put an end to the current situation of the human race, but also let him clearly know the direction mankind is going to take in the future.

   The organizer of this news survival game does not restrict him from returning to Aquastar to spread and propagate it to relevant departments and the vast human community.

It seems that when the news cannot be kept, Superstar’s choice is to completely open and entertain the whole, when the people on earth obtain the qualifications to survive, they will have the poor ones. The people who have the right to live will become loyal viewers of this column after their hard work.

   At that time, being able to cheer for one's race, or feel the infinite charm between different races, is unimaginable for the current human race.

   Superstar, he has a good abacus.

   But in the same way, Gu Zheng can also make good use of all this.

   After thinking clearly, Gu Zheng asked the Cao Clan under his hand a serious question.

   "Are you going to surrender?"

   "If you can't follow it? I can only destroy the flowers and fill your mouth with the whole plant."

   "You know, it's not easy to become spiritual, let alone my cruel heart!"

   didn’t know if it was in line with Gu Zheng’s words. When he said that he was going to eat each other, the following words appeared all over the screen.

   "It's so terrible, so terrible!"

   "Humans who eat everything! It's terrible!"

  This group of people who eat each other does not feel terrible, but how come it becomes terrible when it comes to a group that eats a little more variety?

   Gu Zheng was too lazy to think about it, he just stared at the grass fiercely, waiting for the other party to give the answer he wanted.

   Probably his eyes were too terrifying, full of shining green light, after throwing out the tribe who had been bitten by him just now, some people stepped forward in the remaining grass.

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