The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1281: Playback of the game (1)

Those magical races seemed to be made up in his dreams, especially unrealistic.

   If it weren't for the game card on the screen, he had successfully lit up.

   Gu Zheng is afraid that he will think that he has only experienced a yellow beam.

   "Laugh and forget the book, please follow the rules."

   "Yes! But Master Gu, before that, Xiaojun's wife has something to tell you!"

   Gu Zheng, who fell silent, waited for the future of this system that was everywhere, but what the other party wanted to say, he had a foreboding when the last world was almost over...

   "Gu Zheng, thank you for taking care of you for such a long time. Although it seems to you to be only a few days, in fact, we have really got along for many years of friendship."

   "Because of your strong and selfless work, from this moment on, the levels of my four branches have reached the minimum standard for preliminary separation."

   "4a, thank you Gu Zheng. I may be leaving, and I can no longer accompany you to help you."

Said that the sister-in-law here was just a meal, and there was a deep reluctance in the words: "My main supplier knows that my energy is full, and will take me back. If we want to meet again in the future, It's difficult."

   "Really, you are really a good host, but your luck is not too good. You encountered a system that was so frustrated by Xiao Wangshu."

   "If it is..." The sister-in-law who said here is a little hopeful: "If you want, I actually have a way to change my identity with Xiao Wangshu."

   "I think it can exist independently without relying on Master Gu, and it can live strong on its own."

   Whoops, this is a warrior who dared to dig a wall in front of a smile and forget the book.

  Is the face that didn't look at Laughing Forgetting the book sluggish?

   And this comrade who was struck by lightning, after seeing Gu Zheng's weird silence for a long time, finally couldn't be shocked. Instead, he screamed and rushed towards Xiaojun's sister-in-law no matter what.

   "I said, why do you always say good things lately! It turns out that you called me the little fat brother to paralyze me! How can you pry my host! Ay! I'm fighting with you!"

   I thought you were a little bit interesting to me, and I still thought that even after you returned, I would defend myself like a jade for you.

   Feeling that I was deceived by the whole world, Liao Wangshu, while tumbling, left a little bit of tears belonging to the deceived system.

   Gu Zheng, who was watching a farce on the side, hahaha...he fell off the sofa, simply sat on the wooden floor of the study, slapped his hands and shouted cheering outside.

   After the three or four tricks of these two small balls, he used the insidious trick of digging his ears and crossing his eyes. Gu Zheng felt that it was time to end the farce.

   He swiped his palms a few times, and immediately interrupted the two people's tumbling. After asking a few more words, the two **** separated smoothly.

   "Can Xiaojunsao change her life?"

   All of a sudden, Xiao Wangshu straightened his spine proudly, as if he didn't care to loosen the hair of Xiaojun's wife that it had finally grasped.

   "Can't..." Xiaojun's wife, who was weakened by three points all at once, still wanted to hold on: "But Gu, now you can live seventy years old, don't you have some other needs?"

   "My mall exchange system has many useful things."

   Hearing this, Gu Zheng laughed instead: "Who thinks that his life is too long these years?"

   "Even the age division of the country's population has been pushed back so many years."

   "The first forty-year-old people are calling themselves older sisters instead of aunts, and 60-year-olds can only be called uncles. Do you think it is possible that I will still be a brother when I am 70 years old and 80 years old?"

   "Being a person requires a long-term view. I watched the movie called "The Four Hundred Years of Fright" is very good."

   There is only one sentence behind, comrade, you are still very young.

   said that Xiaojun's wife was ashamed, she covered her face, crying and ran away.

   "Woo woo woo, then we will be indefinitely."

   As the so-called division of labor is different, no matter how good she is, she doesn't have the powerful effect of renewing her life.

   No wonder Xiao Wangshu is as weak as an egg. After walking through so many worlds with such a powerful person, he still can't even beat a system.

   It is not envious anyway.

   The little army wife who had fully demonstrated the spirit of ah just left like a gust of wind.

   was out of breath but was very excited about laughing and forgetting the book, and immediately picked up his own job.

   It reminded Master Gu to quickly get up from the floor, and at the same time reported the results of the mission.

   "Master Gu, this time the client has really lost his blood. He doesn't live anymore, just to allow the people of a planet to survive."

   "So, he has contributed a full 40 years of life, but the life reported from that world is only four short years."

   "As for the reason, the amount of information that emerges from me is too large, you should watch the replay?"

   When I said this, Xiao Wangshu was cautious, lest the uncle would think of Xiaojun's wife if he didn't agree with him.

   At this time, Gu Zheng didn't show much disappointment. He patted the dust on his pants, straightened his sitting posture, and waited for the playback given by Xiao Wangshu.

   The huge lens screen slowly lights up, and a starry sky pattern different from the past is shown in front of Gu Zheng.

   This very fast retractable lens, like a throwing object from a high altitude, rushes straight down amidst the unseeable sky, so that the originally vast universe with no end in sight finally has the clue of the ultimate goal.

   An aqua-blue planet grows bigger and bigger in the lens.

   From a small point at the beginning, it became a bright and beautiful planet like a gem.

   After the planet slowly rotated a circle in the lens, it fell down quickly, passed through the atmosphere and layers of clouds and fog, and dropped into the thousands of households on this planet.


   This is the habitat of the human race. They are now looking up at the sky, the door of their house, and the screen that suddenly appears in the area.

   This screen shows the same person's footage.

   This is the final shot of an Asian with yellow skin, dark eyes and a brilliant smile.

   He said his dying blessing in a very poignant gesture in front of the camera.

   At this time, under the display of this powerful technology, the human races of Aqua Star understood what they would face after their planet was defeated.

   And this right to know was exchanged for the life of the young man on the screen, a young man who fought to the death for the entire race.

   Humans worship heroes, but watching the hero die with their own eyes is also a pain they cannot bear.

   When they read all the information that Gu Zheng could obtain for them, the people were outraged.

  Because they were represented by a group of inexplicable human representatives...ten times without knowing it.

Had it not been for the tenth time that a young man from China had turned the tide and used his way beyond ordinary people and even burned his life... to achieve the ultimate victory, I am afraid that their entire race would disappear in silence. .

   Why don’t they give them the right of ordinary people to know?

   Just for the sake of social stability, to prevent the panic of the people from spreading?

   Or is it for the ultimate benefits and craziness of your vested interest groups?

   Are you underestimating the affordability of ordinary people?

  Because, the more ordinary people are, the more powerful they can resist stress.

   They can burst out unimaginable energy in order to survive in the harshest environment.

For the survival of human beings, they will work hard to exercise themselves, enrich their knowledge, and prepare for all possible survival in the wild, instead of being drawn out of ignorance and being blinded by outer space. Slaughtered by the race.

Thanks to Gu Zheng’s peaceful death, as the winner’s carnival reward, Survival Games generously gave selected shots of this competition to the people on earth and the ethnic groups who are eligible to know the inside story. All races are played.

   Everyone looked at this Chinese from the very beginning, as ignorant of the game as his teammates, and grew up to such a strong and qualified human leader, all of them are miscellaneous.

   Yeah, Huiji will hurt, and everything will be reversed.

   This outstanding person who does not look like a human is probably a god-given has to admit that putting them in Gu Zheng's position can't do better than him.

   But, the more so, the more heartbroken they felt for Gu Zheng's death.

   A race leader recognized by the superstar, just left.

  If the coalition government of this planet can give mankind an effective reminder from the beginning, would this young man rush to fight in such an unprepared situation?

   Or knowing his responsibilities, can his teammates cooperate more effectively?

   For example, the first two idiots and the islander who provoked the divorce?

  Will they put aside their prejudices and infighting for the sake of ethnic justice, and be quiet for a while?

   These, human beings can't tell them, because they are all hindsight.

   The only thing they can be sure of is that, when they really reached the point of Gu Zheng, giving up their lives is still too tangled for ordinary people like them.

   Therefore, they admire him, miss him, and remember him forever.

   is his greatness.

   "I suggest that today be the Gu Zheng Heroes Day. This is the anniversary of the heroes belonging to the entire race of mankind."



   "Salute to the hero!"

   When the hopes of hundreds of millions of people come together, no one can refuse, only wise consent.

   A message that was different from the Superstar network and broadcast on the only radio device available after the war made countless people burst into tears. ...

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